24 research outputs found

    Musical folklore as a tool for social-ecological change in the Colombian Caribbean

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    Large herbivorous fishes, such as parrotfishes, play a critical role in coral reef ecosystems by limiting the coverage of macroalgae. Yet, in the Colombian Caribbean, parrotfishes are being increasingly targeted for human consumption as the demand for fish increases with tourist numbers. The Colombian Caribbean is dominated by Afro-descendant communities, and music is a deeply rooted form of expression and communication. ‘Champeta’, the local music folklore, is heard at all times of day and danced continuously in the islands off the coast of Cartagena. We conducted a survey of local tourist and fisheries stakeholders to characterise the parrotfish fishery, and designed a contextualised awareness-raising campaign of the ecological role of parrotfish and the need for management in the Islands of the Corales del Rosario and San Bernardo National Park. In doing so, we test if Champeta could be used as a mechanism for social-ecological change in Caribbean coastal communities in the context of coral reef conservation. Locals were engaged in every aspect of the campaign, especially with the song, as the campaign was a process rooted in their culture, interests and idiosyncrasies. Surveys of restaurants illustrated the size of the fishery and the extent of misinformation surrounding the consumption of parrotfish by tourists. We found that both locals and tourists held misconceptions about the ecological role of parrotfish and were supportive of efforts to protect them

    Propuesta de integración curricular de la aplicación educativa AppLugu como recurso de apoyo en la asignatura ciencias sociales de 9no grado de educación media, en la unidad X: la sociedad en el mundo contemporáneo

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    El trabajo investigativo presentado se ha desarrollado en base a una necesidad educativa la cual ha sido detectada y estudiada, con el fin de crear un recurso que sirva de apoyo para dar una solución que fomente una mejora en cuanto a los resultados Consta de una base teórica y una serie de pasos secuenciales que permitieron el desarrollo de un producto final como lo es la aplicación “AppLugu”, destinado a apoyar al estudiante y maestro en el proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje en la asignatura de ciencias sociales, promoviendo una mejor dinámica de aprendizaje y precediendo lo que se espera en un futuro, sean más propuestas en esta rama del conocimient

    Vibrations Analysis of the Fruit-Pedicel System of Coffea arabica var. Castillo Using Time-Frequency and Wavelets Techniques

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    Colombian coffee production is well-known, and selective manual harvesting plays a vital task in guaranteeing high ripe coffee fruit rates in this process, leading to its known worldwide aroma and flavor. To maintain this quality approach, selective harvesting methods based on mechanical vibrations are a promising alternative for developing technologies that could accomplish the challenging Colombian coffee production context. In this study, a vibrations analysis in coffee fruits at three ripening stages was carried out to evaluate the dynamic behavior at two frequency windows: 10 to 100 Hz and 100 to 1000 Hz. Two groups of fruits previously classified in the CIELab color space were chosen for the vibration test study samples. Time and frequency signals were characterized via FFT (fast Fourier transform), and bump wavelets were determined to obtain the frequency-time magnitude scalograms. The measurements were obtained in three degrees of freedom over the fruits: one for measuring the input force (computed in voltage way) and the other two measured by the velocity. The results revealed frequency ranges with specific resonant peaks between 24 and 45 Hz, and close to 700 Hz, where the ripe fruits presented higher magnitudes in the calculated parameters. FFT of the velocity and scaled mechanical impedance were used to estimate these frequency ranges. This work is an important step to identify a "vibrational fingerprint " of each Coffea arabica var. Castillo fruit-ripening stage. However, we consider that more experiments should be performed to reconstruct the modal shape in each resonance. In future studies, fatigue analysis could show which are the most effective frequency ranges to detach the ripe fruits from the perspective of a real selective coffee-harvesting scenario.</p

    La renovación de una sede regional del Museo del Oro: el Museo del Oro Nariño

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    Las personas que trabajan en las diferentes secciones del Museo del Oro del Banco de la República de Colombia presentan y comparten sus buenas prácticas, procedimientos y metodologías para la renovación de la exposición permanente de un museo. El proceso, que integra colecciones patrimoniales, investigación arqueológica y participación de los públicos, se ilustra con la renovación de la exposición regional del Museo del Oro Nariño, en Pasto, reinaugurado en diciembre de 2016. Abstract Professionals from the different offices of the Banco de la República Gold Museum of Colombia present and share their best practices, procedures, and methodologies for the renovation of a museum's permanent exhibition. The process, which integrates heritage collections, archaeological research, and community participation, is illustrated with the renewal of the regional exhibition of the Nariño Gold Museum, in Pasto, reopened in December 2016

    Experiencias de aprendizaje

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    Libro de experiencias de aprendizaje del grupo de investigación Giteca y de los semilleros de investigación en la que se visualizan las diferentes experiencias lideradas por instructores y aprendices en las diferentes áreas y líneas de formación.Book of learning experiences of the Giteca research group and the research hotbeds in which the different experiences led by instructors and apprentices in the different areas and lines of training are visualized.Propagación in vitro como un camino de aprendizaje para la formación profesional integral -- Experiencias significativas de aprendizaje, laboratorio de hematología y parasitología animal del Complejo Tecnológico para la Gestión Agroempresarial CTPGA-SENA -- Experiencias significativas adquiridas por aprendices en el área de SENNOVA, Complejo Tecnológico para la Gestión Agroempresarial. Regional – Antioquia -- El papel de la prensa escrita en el desarrollo de la competencia textual -- Aprendiendo a Emprender con un emprendedor -- Ven y te cuento sobre ADSI -- Observaciones fenológicas del cultivo de cacao (Theobroma cacao) en los municipios de Tarazá, El Bagre y Caucasia dentro de la formación del programa SENA emprende rural -- Tejiendo sueños desde la formación -- Forraje verde hidropónico como alternativa para disminuir la expansión de la frontera agrícola en el Putumayo -- La importancia del saber hacer para ser competente en el sector agrícola -- Experiencia significativa de aprendizaje semilleros de investigación -- La investigación como ente transformador de pensamientos -- Piscícola Paraguay; Mi Sueño, Mi Proyecto de Vida! -- Estrategia de aprendizaje a través de la investigación y la empresa aplicando un programa de Responsabilidad Social Empresarial –RSE -- Matemática aplicada para procesos agroindustriales de panificaciónna85 página

    Línea de investigación en Helicobacter pylori para la formación de recurso humano en ciencia, tecnología e innovación en el programa de microbiología

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    Este libro nace de la unión de un maestro altamente calificado y alumnos dedicados con unas creatividades activas y dispuestas a trabajar por resolver los problemas que trae una bacteria a la humanidad. Las investigaciones aquí consignadas son producto de los trabajos de grado de los estudiantes del programa de Microbiología, quienes además fueron miembros del semillero de investigación, MICROORGANISMOS DE IMPORTANCIA EN SALUD HUMANA Y ANIMAL “OBVIO-MICROBIO”. Apoyados y dirigidos por la doctora Adalucy Alvarez-Aldana, quien gracias a su amplio conocimiento en el microorganismo supo sembrar curiosidad sobre el mismo durante las sesiones del semillero, incentivando a muchos de sus alumnos a dedicar su trabajo de grado a resolver alguna pregunta que les surgiera en torno a este microorganismo. Aunque diferentes son las investigaciones, todas fueron trazadas con un fin común, entregarle a la humanidad un poco más de conocimiento sobre Helicobacter pylori, por esto la unión de estas investigaciones en una sola consigna, son importantes para entender más sobre todo lo que rodea esta bacteria y pretenden resolver muchos misterios que aún aquejan la epidemiología detrás de la misma. Estos trabajos son fruto de muchos esfuerzos, materiales y académicos, de personas grandiosas, de la unión de universidades, doctores y docentes de diferentes disciplinas, razón que demuestra una vez más que la unión hace la fuerza, porque solo llegarás más rápido, pero en compañía llegarás más lejos. Además, contamos con la fortuna de tener un capitulo invitado, cuyo tema no es sobre Helicobacter pylori, pero si un sobre un tópico de gran interes en la actualidad como es la resistencia bacteriana. Capitulo titulado: “Caracterización epidemiológica y microbiológica de las bacteriemias y su perfil de resistencia durante el periodo junio 2011 a junio 2015”

    Evolving trends in the management of acute appendicitis during COVID-19 waves. The ACIE appy II study

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    Background: In 2020, ACIE Appy study showed that COVID-19 pandemic heavily affected the management of patients with acute appendicitis (AA) worldwide, with an increased rate of non-operative management (NOM) strategies and a trend toward open surgery due to concern of virus transmission by laparoscopy and controversial recommendations on this issue. The aim of this study was to survey again the same group of surgeons to assess if any difference in management attitudes of AA had occurred in the later stages of the outbreak. Methods: From August 15 to September 30, 2021, an online questionnaire was sent to all 709 participants of the ACIE Appy study. The questionnaire included questions on personal protective equipment (PPE), local policies and screening for SARS-CoV-2 infection, NOM, surgical approach and disease presentations in 2021. The results were compared with the results from the previous study. Results: A total of 476 answers were collected (response rate 67.1%). Screening policies were significatively improved with most patients screened regardless of symptoms (89.5% vs. 37.4%) with PCR and antigenic test as the preferred test (74.1% vs. 26.3%). More patients tested positive before surgery and commercial systems were the preferred ones to filter smoke plumes during laparoscopy. Laparoscopic appendicectomy was the first option in the treatment of AA, with a declined use of NOM. Conclusion: Management of AA has improved in the last waves of pandemic. Increased evidence regarding SARS-COV-2 infection along with a timely healthcare systems response has been translated into tailored attitudes and a better care for patients with AA worldwide

    Deep Kernel for Genomic and Near Infrared Predictions in Multi-environment Breeding Trials

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    Kernel methods are flexible and easy to interpret and have been successfully used in genomic-enabled prediction of various plant species. Kernel methods used in genomic prediction comprise the linear genomic best linear unbiased predictor (GBLUP or GB) kernel, and the Gaussian kernel (GK). In general, these kernels have been used with two statistical models: single-environment and genomic × environment (GE) models. Recently near infrared spectroscopy (NIR) has been used as an inexpensive and non-destructive high-throughput phenotyping method for predicting unobserved line performance in plant breeding trials. In this study, we used a non-linear arc-cosine kernel (AK) that emulates deep learning artificial neural networks. We compared AK prediction accuracy with the prediction accuracy of GB and GK kernel methods in four genomic data sets, one of which also includes pedigree and NIR information. Results show that for all four data sets, AK and GK kernels achieved higher prediction accuracy than the linear GB kernel for the single-environment and GE multi-environment models. In addition, AK achieved similar or slightly higher prediction accuracy than the GK kernel. For all data sets, the GE model achieved higher prediction accuracy than the single-environment model. For the data set that includes pedigree, markers and NIR, results show that the NIR wavelength alone achieved lower prediction accuracy than the genomic information alone; however, the pedigree plus NIR information achieved only slightly lower prediction accuracy than the marker plus the NIR high-throughput data