85 research outputs found

    Jornalismo de prevenção: uma abordagem teórica para antecipar os riscos no ambiente local

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    La prevención en los medios de comunicación es un aspecto habitualmente ligado a la gestión del riesgo ante desastres de grandes magnitudes. Sin menoscabar su importancia, frente a este amplio enfoque, el Periodismo de Prevención que aquí se describe llama la atención sobre la necesidad de implementar esta actitud preventiva ante los riesgos del entorno local y de la cotidianeidad del lector. Para comprenderlo, en este trabajo se aportan las bases teóricas que sustentan esta modalidad periodística, que busca aproximarse al día a día del usuario a través de la publicación de información de carácter útil que le capacite para una adecuada gestión de riesgos en su entorno próximo

    Double protonation of a cis-Bipyridoallenophane detected via Chiral-Sensing Switch: the role of Ion Pairs

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    We prove that the confinement of the conformational space of pyridoallenophanes leads to intense chiroptical responses. Unlike the cyclic dimer [142], single-conformation [141]pyridoallenophanes isomerize under thermal and photochemical conditions. Yet, less-strained [141]-bipyridoallenophanes are stable and are prepared successfully. They, unexpectedly, undergo double protonation as a result of cooperative ion-pairing and hydrogen bonding. The complex formation forces a single configuration of the axis connecting both pyridyl rings recognized by a diagnostic circular dichroism (CD) signal at 330 nm.Agencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. CTQ2017-84354-PAgencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. CTQ2017-85919-RXunta de Galicia | Ref. IN607C 2016/03Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED431C 2017/70Xunta de Galicia | Ref. Ref. ED431G/0

    El camí a Europa: els serveis d'aprenentatge i recerca a les biblioteques de la UPC

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    Monitorització, via Internet, d'una estació de fabricació flexible electropneumàtica

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    El objetivo persigue la implementación de una arquitectura de telemonitorización de una célula de fabricación electroneumática del laboratorio de Mecánica de Fluidos y Termotecnia de la EUETIB. Se presentan las diferentes soluciones adoptadas en función de las disponibilidades y funcionalidad deseada. Desde la propia programación del autómata que se ha utilizado hasta la configuración de una red privada virtual para conexiones con el equipo más allá del entorno propio de la Escuela

    Disease-associated GRIN protein truncating variants trigger NMDA receptor loss-of-function

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    De novo GRIN variants, encoding for the ionotropic glutamate NMDA receptor subunits, have been recently associated with GRIN-related disorders, a group of rare paediatric encephalopathies. Current investigational and clinical efforts are focused to functionally stratify GRIN variants, towards precision therapies of this primary disturbance of glutamatergic transmission that affects neuronal function and brain. In the present study, we aimed to comprehensively delineate the functional outcomes and clinical phenotypes of GRIN protein truncating variants (PTVs)—accounting for ~20% of disease-associated GRIN variants—hypothetically provoking NMDAR hypofunctionality. To tackle this question, we created a comprehensive GRIN PTVs variants database compiling a cohort of nine individuals harbouring GRIN PTVs, together with previously identified variants, to build-up an extensive GRIN PTVs repertoire composed of 293 unique variants. Genotype–phenotype correlation studies were conducted, followed by cell-based assays of selected paradigmatic GRIN PTVs and their functional annotation. Genetic and clinical phenotypes meta-analysis revealed that heterozygous GRIN1, GRIN2C, GRIN2D, GRIN3A and GRIN3B PTVs are non-pathogenic. In contrast, heterozygous GRIN2A and GRIN2B PTVs are associated with specific neurological clinical phenotypes in a subunit- and domain-dependent manner. Mechanistically, cell-based assays showed that paradigmatic pathogenic GRIN2A and GRIN2B PTVs result on a decrease of NMDAR surface expression and NMDAR-mediated currents, ultimately leading to NMDAR functional haploinsufficiency. Overall, these findings contribute to delineate GRIN PTVs genotype–phenotype association and GRIN variants stratification. Functional studies showed that GRIN2A and GRIN2B pathogenic PTVs trigger NMDAR hypofunctionality, and thus accelerate therapeutic decisions for this neurodevelopmental condition.ISCIII, cofunded by European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), a way to build Europe (grants PI19/00348 and PI16/00851); Miguel Servet Program (CPII16/00021, ISCIII) and Serra Húnter Fellow to X.A.; SAF2016-77830-R to M.O.; European Regional development Fund (ERDF)-Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (grant BFU2017-83317-P) and Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación-María de Maeztu (MDM-2017-0729) to D.S. and PI18/00111 [ISCIII, cofunded by European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), a way to build Europe] to À.G.-C. and N.J.-P.; Fundación Tatiana Pérez de Guzmán el Bueno PhD fellowship to A.S.-G.; crowdfunding initiative Precipita (FECYT) to F.M

    Guía de acompañamiento al duelo perinatal

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    Mort perinatal; Dol; ConsellsMuerte perinatal; Duelo; ConsejosPerinatal death; Grief; AdvicesLa pèrdua d’un fill durant la gestació, o poc temps després de néixer, no és un fet habitual, però sí que és un fet prevalent a la nostra societat. Tant la intensitat com la complexitat d’aquest fet traumàtic fan que el sistema sanitari consideri aquesta situació d’interès especial. Aquesta guia d’acompanyament s’integra en una de les línies estratègiques que defineix l’atenció sanitària accessible, resolutiva i integral per donar resposta a aquesta necessitat d’atenció per a les mares i pares que es troben en la situació de viure la mort d’un fill.La pérdida de un hijo durante la gestación, o poco tiempo después de nacer, no es un hecho habitual, pero sí es un hecho prevalente en nuestra sociedad. Tanto la intensidad como la complejidad de este hecho traumático hacen que el sistema sanitario considere esta situación de interés especial. Esta guía de acompañamiento se integra en una de las líneas estratégicas que define la atención sanitaria accesible, resolutiva e integral para dar respuesta a esta necesidad de atención para las madres y padres que se encuentran en la situación de vivir la muerte de un hijo.The loss of a child during pregnancy, or shortly after birth, is not a common occurrence, but it is a prevalent fact in our society. Both the intensity and the complexity of this traumatic event make the health system consider this situation of special interest. This accompanying guide is integrated into one of the strategic lines that defines affordable, comprehensive and comprehensive health care to respond to this need for care for mothers and parents who are in the situation of living the death of a son

    Cuidados paliativos perinatales: cuando la vida de vuestro hijo, aún no nacido, será breve [folleto]

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    Cures pal·liatives; Mort perinatal; ConsellsCuidados paliativos; Muerte perinatal; ConsejosPalliative care; Perinatal death; AdvicesAquesta guia pretén ser una eina de suport a les persones que estan passant o preveuen que passaran per la vivència de la mort del seu fill durant l’embaràs, el part o al poc temps de néixer.Esta guía pretende ser una herramienta de apoyo a las personas que están pasando o prevén que pasarán por la vivencia de la muerte de su hijo durante el embarazo, el parto o al poco tiempo de nacer.This guide aims to be a support tool for people who are going through or anticipate that they will pass through the experience of their son's death during pregnancy, childbirth or shortly after birth

    Guia d’acompanyament en el dol perinatal

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    Mort perinatal; Dol; ConsellsMuerte perinatal; Duelo; ConsejosPerinatal death; Grief; AdvicesLa pèrdua d’un fill durant la gestació, o poc temps després de néixer, no és un fet habitual, però sí que és un fet prevalent a la nostra societat. Tant la intensitat com la complexitat d’aquest fet traumàtic fan que el sistema sanitari consideri aquesta situació d’interès especial. Aquesta guia d’acompanyament s’integra en una de les línies estratègiques que defineix l’atenció sanitària accessible, resolutiva i integral per donar resposta a aquesta necessitat d’atenció per a les mares i pares que es troben en la situació de viure la mort d’un fill

    Environmental differences are correlated with the distribution pattern of cytotypes in Veronica subsection Pentasepalae at a broad scale

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    [EN] Background and Aims: The distribution of cytotypes and its potential correlation with environmental variables represent a cornerstone to understanding the origin and maintenance of polyploid lineages. Although many studies have addressed this question in single species at a regional scale, only a few have attempted to decipher this enigma in groups of closely related species at a broad intercontinental geographical scale. Here, we consider approx. 20 species of a diploid–polyploid complex (Veronica subsect. Pentasepalae) of recent and rapid diversification represented in Europe and North Africa to study the frequency and distribution of cytotypes and their relationship to environmental variables. Methods: A total of 680 individuals (207 populations) were sampled. Ploidy levels were determined using flow cytometry. Ecological differentiation among cytotypes was tested using climatic and environmental variables related to temperature, precipitation, vegetation and biogeographical region, among others, and by performing univariate and multivariate (constrained principal coordinates analysis) analyses. Key Results: Four ploidy levels (2x, 4x, 6x and 8x) were found and genome downsizing was observed to occur within the group. Plants of different ploidy level are ecologically differentiated, with hexaploids and octoploids occurring in wetter and colder habitats with a higher seasonality than diploids. A south to north distribution pattern was found, with diploids occupying southern refugial areas and octoploids being more frequent in northern regions of Europe above the permafrost boundary. Conclusions: The distribution of cytotypes can be explained by ecological differentiation, the geographical position of refuge areas during the Quaternary climatic oscillations as well as by ice and permafrost retreat patterns. The Balkan Peninsula constitutes the most important contact zone between cytotypes. This work provides the first comprehensive ploidy screening within V. subsect. Pentasepalae at a broad scale and indicates that polyploidy and genome downsizing might have contributed to the colonization of new habitats in a recently diverged polyploid complex.Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad [projects CGL2009-07555 and CGL2012-32574]; the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación [PhD grants AP2008-03434 to B.R.A. and AP2010-2968 to N.L.G.]; and the University of Salamanca [PhD grant to N.P.G. co-financed by Banco Santander]