344 research outputs found

    Alimentación responsable en la escuela pública. Una experiencia de eco-comedor autogestionado. (CEIP "Gómez Moreno. Albayzín. Granada)

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    At CEIP Gomez Moreno Infant and Primary School –a recognised state school in Granada’s Albayzin neighbourhood–, a group of parents, strongly committed to a Universal and Public education system as a tool to correct social inequalities, has taken on the direct management of complementary and extracurricular school services, in order to give back to society applying the specific skills and qualifications of the school community from a democratic and civic participation perspective. Among the services comprehensively and voluntarily managed by the parents’ association (AMPA in Spanish), the most successful one having the highest impact on the educational community is the school’s dining hall service, which includes the use of local and organic produce, as opposed to a general process currently taking place in Andalusia by which catering services subsidiary to large business groups are being widely implemented, leading to the indirect privatization of this public service. The results: the forceful assertion of public education, both inside and outside the community context, by means of a daily dining service with an on site kitchen serving locally sourced and organic meals; high levels of satisfaction from its users; the achievement of parents’ empowerment, as co-responsible citizens for the proper functioning of the public education service in the path towards excellence; and the contribution to the consolidation of sustainable social models.En el Centro de Educación Infantil y Primaria (CEIP) Gómez Moreno, colegio público de referencia para el barrio del Albayzín de Granada, un grupo de madres y padres, en claro compromiso por la Escuela Pública y Universal, correctora de las desigualdades sociales, asumen la gestión directa de los servicios complementarios y extraescolares del centro, como forma de revertir a la sociedad la cualificación específica de los componentes de la comunidad educativa en su entorno vivencial desde criterios de participación ciudadana y democrática. Entre los servicios gestionados de forma integral y voluntaria desde la asociación de madres y padres del alumnado (AMPA), el de mayor éxito y repercusión ante la comunidad educativa es el del comedor escolar, en el que se incorpora el consumo de alimentos locales y de producción ecológica, eludiendo el proceso generalizado en la comunidad autónoma andaluza de implantación de servicios de restauración filiales de grandes grupos empresariales que posibilitan la privatización indirecta del servicio público. Como resultado, la contundente acreditación de la Escuela Pública, dentro y fuera de su contexto comunitario, con un servicio de comedor con cocina diaria, elaborada con productos ecológicos y de cercanía, con altos niveles de satisfacción de sus usuarios, logrando el empoderamiento de madres y padres, como ciudadanía, en la co-responsabilización del funcionamiento del servicio público educativo, hacia su excelencia, incidiendo en la consolidación de modelos sociales sostenibles

    Creencias del profesorado universitario sobre evaluación

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    El estudio realizado se centra en el conocimiento de las creencias del profesorado y su concreción a la práctica de la evaluación en el ámbito universitario desde una doble vertiente, lo que el profesorado afirmar hacer y lo que indica en los programas de las asignaturas. Se realiza durante los cursos 1999-2000/2000-2001 en la Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación de la Universidad de Granada. Se buscan las pautas evaluativas de dicho profesorado partiendo de los datos recabados mediante dos procedimientos distintos: el cuestionario de creencias y los programas de las asignaturas. En el primer caso se hace un análisis descriptivo de los datos y un estudio inferencial a partir de variables como el género, la experiencia docente, la formación recibida en el segundo se realiza un análisis de contenido de los apartados referidos a la evaluación en los programas de las asignaturas. Finalmente se lleva cabo una síntesis comparativa de los resultados obtenidos mediante ambos procedimientos.Tesis Univ. de Granada. Departamento de Métodos de Investigación y Diagnóstico en Educación. Leída el 28 de noviembre de 200

    Using transparent WDM metro rings to provide an out-of-band control network for OpenFlow in MAN

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    OpenFlow is a protocol that enables networks to evolve and change flexibly, by giving a remote controller the capability of modifying the behavior of network devices. In an OpenFlow network, each device needs to maintain a dedicated and separated connection with a remote controller. All these connections can be described as the OpenFlow control network, that is the data network which transports control plane information, and can be deployed together with the data infrastructure plane (in-band) or separated (out-of-band), with advantages and disadvantages in both cases. The control network is a critical subsystem since the communication with the controller must be reliable and ideally should be protected against failures. This paper proposes a novel ring architecture to efficiently transport both the data plane and an out-of-band control network.The authors would like to acknowledge the support of the Spanish projects CRAMnet (grant no. TEC2012-38362-C03-01) and FIERRO (grant no. TEC2010-12250-E) to the development of this work

    Troubleshooting PON networks effectively with carrier-grade ethernet and WDM-PON

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    WDM-PONs have recently emerged to provide dedicated and separated point-to-point wavelengths to individual optical network units. In addition, the recently standardized Ethernet OAM capabilities under the IEEE 802.1ag standard and ITU-T Recommendation Y.1731, together with state-of-the-art optical timedomain reflectometry provide new link-layer and physical tools for the effective troubleshooting of WDM-PONs. This article proposes an integrated troubleshooting box (ITB) for the effective combination of both physical and link-layer information into an effective and efficient set of management procedures for WDM-PONs. We show its applicability in a number of realistic troubleshooting scenarios, including failure situations involving either the feeder fiber, one of its branches, or even Ethernet links after the ONU.The authors would like to acknowledge the support of the CRAMnet project, funded by the Spanish government under grant no. TEC2012-38362-C03-01, to the development of this work. Also, the authors would like to thank Mr. Russ Jones from Ericsson-LG for his valuable support, especially concerning the laboratory trial setup of an earlier section

    Network Planning for Dual Residential-Business Exploitation of Next-Generation Passive Optical Networks to Provide Symmetrical 1 Gb/s Services

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    Demand for high-speed access for business and residential subscribers has grown rapidly in recent years; thus, service providers need to offer cost-effective solutions to cover this demand. Convergence within the same infrastructure for clients requiring different service levels may have benefits in terms of cost, but their respective service-level specifications need to be guaranteed. This article compares different flavors of next-generation passive optical networks (PONs), namely, gigabit PON (GPON), 10-gigabit PON (XG-PON), time and wavelength division multiplexing PON (TWDM-PON), and wavelength division multiplexing PON (WDM-PON), and evaluates which one can provide 1 Gb/s symmetrical service at the more affordable cost when there is a mix of residential and business subscribers. Results show that the recommended technology depends on the percentage of business subscribers in the scenario.The authors would like to acknowledge the support of the Spanish projects CRAMnet (grant no. TEC2012-38362-C03-01), Elastic Networks (grant no. TEC2015-71932-REDT), TIGRE-5CM (grant no. S2013/ICE-2919), and Fed4FIRE EU Project 318389 for the development of this work. The views expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not reflect the opinion of the authors’ employers, specifically in terms of architectural and engineering design or experience.European Community's Seventh Framework Progra

    Políticas públicas contra la violencia de género: diagnóstico y estudio comparado entre Nuevo León y México

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    El capítulo aborda la violencia que es ejercida contra las mujeres como grupo vulnerable, considerando que se requiere un abordaje integral para su tratamiento, para lo cual, se realiza un análisis desde las políticas públicas en un estudio comparado entre Nuevo León y México

    The Potential Role of Short Food Supply Chains in Strengthening Periurban Agriculture in Spain: The Cases of Madrid and Barcelona

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    Periurban agriculture is being hit by the effects of the globalized food system, as well as by concrete aspects of urban sprawl. Nonetheless, proximity to the main markets provides an opportunity to sustain agriculture in highly urbanized areas. In this sense, an increasing number of local initiatives is arising within the context of Short Food Supply Chains (SFSCs). The economic impact of these initiatives, however, is limited by problems and inefficiencies that hinder their capacity to scale up. The present paper sets forth the results of a research project developed in Madrid and Cataluña. The study is based upon documentary and empirical research addressing the main problems periurban farmers are facing in relation to local food distribution. Among other factors, these refer to regulatory barriers, logistics, competition and dealing with consumers’ preferences. We conducted a questionnaire with a representative group of farmers from each region in three towns presenting different demographic sizes along with another questionnaire extended to the owners of small grocery stores, who play a vital role in the supply of fresh food in these municipalities. Our research demonstrates that most of the problems arising when dealing with SFSCS can be solved by introducing new forms of cooperation among the different agents of the food chain.This research was funded by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) and Ministerio de Agricultura y Pesca, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Foodstuffs and the Environment), grant number 72,228.18 Euros, funded 100% by the European Union, in the “Convocatoria 2018 y submedida 16.1 en el marco del Programa Nacional de Desarrollo Rural 2014–2020 (2018 call and sub-measure 16.1 within the framework of National Rural Development Programme 2014–2020)”

    Heuristics for PON-Based 5G Backhaul Design

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    Small radio cells have been acknowledged as the only technically viable way to provide the individual 100 Mb/s - 1 Gb/s access rates promised by the future 5G* cellular networks. This small-cell approach faces a number of technological challenges when it comes to the design of an appropriate backhaul network. However, not less importantly, it also poses a financial challenge for operators, given the high cost of deployment and maintenance of a large amount of active devices connected at gigabit speeds scattered over a metropolitan area. *In this paper 5G refers to the next generation of cellular networks intended to succeed 3GPP’s LTE advanced.The authors would like to acknowledge the support of projects CRAMnet (MINECO research grant TEC2012-38362-C03-01) and MEDIANET (Community of Madrid research grant S-2009/TIC-1468)