188 research outputs found

    Software público, libre, abierto, gratuito, privativo y comercial para la innovación y mejora de la calidad en la docencia, investigación, gestión y asistencia

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    The public free software (now renamed as open software) is the basis of the open source software (OSS) project. This initiative promotes the use of open standards and platform-independent accessibility. Many OSS products are free or low cost, which allows their deployment even in the absence of large economic resources (developing countries, schools, etc.). Besides, their source code can be modified, adapted and optimized by anyone, since it is public. Nevertheless, the OSS may also have drawbacks. Thus, its development may not be as orderly and hierarchical as the privative software is, and may not have an appropriate funding. This may jeopardize the ease of use and coherence of the final product, increasing the transition, training and technical support costs. Besides, it must be taken into account that there is also commercial open software, as well as free privative software. In any case, the excellence of the software may be independent of such variables. Thus, the best strategy is the coexistence and free competition of all kinds of software. This will allow a quality improvement and an innovation enhancement, which will benefit the education, research, management and assistance at the university in particular and at the whole society in general.El software público libre es el fundamento del movimiento de software de fuente abierta (OSS). Éste puede facilitar el uso de estándares abiertos, con accesibilidad independiente de plataforma informática. El bajo coste o gratuidad de muchos productos OSS permite su implantación cuando los recursos económicos son escasos (países en desarrollo, escuelas, etc.). Además, su código se puede modificar, adaptar y mejorar por cualquiera, ya que es público. No obstante, el OSS también puede presentar inconvenientes. Así, su desarrollo puede no ser tan ordenado y jerárquico como el del software privativo y puede no tener una financiación apropiada. De este modo, puede verse comprometida la facilidad de uso y coherencia del producto final. Ello puede incrementar los costes de transición, entrenamiento y soporte técnico. Por otra parte, conviene recordar que existe software libre comercial y software privativo gratuito. En cualquier caso, la excelencia del software puede ser independiente de dichas variables. Por tanto, la mejor estrategia es la coexistencia y libre competencia de todo tipo de software. Así se puede conseguir una mejora de calidad y una potenciación de la innovación, que beneficie a la docencia, investigación, gestión y asistencia universitarias en particular, así como a la sociedad en general

    Educación y cooperación para el desarrollo mediante estándares universales de accesibilidad

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    Accesibilidad a Internet: requisitos para la calidad en la docencia e investigación

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    A good Internet platform for teaching and research must be accessible, independently of the computer platform used, language and other peculiarities (personal or external). This work analyzes the current limitations of Internet access, as well as the potentialities that would represent an access being truly independent of the computer platform, discapacities, availability and speed of access, language and legislation. Thus, the benefits for a more accesible network for lecturing and investigation, overcoming the geographic location or possible discapacity, would be immediate and would have a broad impact spectrum. A more accesible Internet would enhace not only the dissemination of the information, approaching us to the 'global village', but also others aspects like university principles and values that sould be considered: an improvement of the equality of opportunities and the access to the culture and the education, that are the basis of the progress and the individual and collective liberties.Una buena plataforma de docencia e investigación en la red debe ser accesible, independientemente del entorno informático, idioma y condicionantes( personales o externos). Es este trabajo se analizan, por una parte, las limitaciones actuales que se presentan en el acceso a Internet, y por otra las potencialidades que tendría un acceso un acceso independiente de las plataforma informáticas, discapacidades, disponibilidad y velocidad de acceso, idioma y legislación. Así, los beneficios para la docencia y la investigación de una red más accesible, por encima de la localización geográfica o posible discapacidad, serán inmediatos y redundaría en otros campos. Una Internet más accesible abriría una nueva vía no sólo para la difusión de la información, acercándonos a la 'aldea global', sino también para otros aspectos de lo que entenderemos como principios y valores universitarios y que deben ser considerados: una mejora en la igualdad de oportunidades y en el acceso a la cultura y la formación, que son las bases del progreso y de las libertades tanto individuales como colectivas

    Traffic monitoring for assuring quality of advanced services in future internet

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-21560-5_16Services based on packet switched networks are becoming dominant in telecommunication business and both operators and service providers must evolve in order to guarantee the required quality. Increasing bandwidth is no longer a viable solution because of the business erosion for network operators which cannot expect revenues due to the large investments required to satisfy new applications demand of bandwidth. This paper presents devices and a specific architecture of services monitoring platform that allows network operators and service providers to analyze the perceived quality of service and check their service level agreements. Thus, a cost-effective service management, based on direct IP traffic measuring, can be supported on integrated monitoring systems to provide network-centric mechanisms for differentiated quality of service, security and other advanced services.This work has been partially developed in the framework of the Celtic and EUREKA initiative IPNQSIS (IP Network Monitoring for Quality of Service Intelligent Support)

    Diagnostic ability of multifocal electroretinogram in early multiple sclerosis using a new signal analysis method

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    Purpose To determine if a novel analysis method will increase the diagnostic value of the multifocal electroretinogram (mfERG) in diagnosing early-stage multiple sclerosis (MS). Methods We studied the mfERG signals of OD (Oculus Dexter) eyes of fifteen patients diagnosed with early-stage MS (in all cases < 12 months) and without a history of optic neuritis (ON) (F: M = 11:4), and those of six controls (F:M = 3:3). We obtained values of amplitude and latency of N1 and P1 waves, and a method to assess normalized root-mean-square error (FNRMSE) between model signals and mfERG recordings was used. Responses of each eye were analysed at a global level, and by rings, quadrants and hemispheres. AUC (area under the ROC curve) is used as discriminant factor. Results The standard method of analysis obtains further discrimination between controls and MS in ring R3 (AUC = 0.82), analysing N1 waves amplitudes. In all of the retina analysis regions, FNRMSE value shows a greater discriminating power than the standard method. The highest AUC value (AUC = 0.91) was in the superior temporal quadrant. Conclusion By analysing mfERG recordings and contrasting them with those of healthy controls it is possible to detect early-stage MS in patients without a previous history of ON

    Biodiversidad exótica: presencia de especies marinas no-nativas introducidas por el tráfico marítimo en puertos colombianos

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    Colombia's favorable geographic location between the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific Ocean combined with the high shipping activity of its ports (nearly 30000 arrivals per year) make it susceptible to the introduction of non-native marine species. In light of this potential threat, biological port surveys were conducted in three major port areas of the Colombian Caribbean Sea (Cartagena, Santa Marta and Coveñas) as well as three adjacent reference areas (Bay of Barbacoas, near Barú, Ensenada de Gaira near Rodadero and Ciénaga de Cispatá) in March and October of 2010, with the objective to detect the presence of non-native marine species, potentially introduced by shipping. In each port, surface phytoplankton and zooplankton was collected using horizontal net tows. In Coveñas, plankton from ballast water of two oil tankers was analyzed as well. Benthic fouling communities were collected by scraping hard substrates between 0 to 3 m water depth. To date, 39 new species have been identified with no prior recorded presence in the Colombian Caribbean. These include 34 phytoplankton species (two of which were observed exclusively in ballast water), three species of copepods and two species of benthic macroinvertebrates. The number of non-native taxa was greater for the three port areas than for the corresponding reference zones, with Santa Marta having the greatest number (17)

    Biodiversidad exótica: presencia de especies marinas no-nativas introducidas por el tráfico marítimo en puertos colombianos

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    Colombia's favorable geographic location between the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific Ocean combined with the high shipping activity of its ports (nearly 30000 arrivals per year) make it susceptible to the introduction of non-native marine species. In light of this potential threat, biological port surveys were conducted in three major port areas of the Colombian Caribbean Sea (Cartagena, Santa Marta and Coveñas) as well as three adjacent reference areas (Bay of Barbacoas, near Barú, Ensenada de Gaira near Rodadero and Ciénaga de Cispatá) in March and October of 2010, with the objective to detect the presence of non-native marine species, potentially introduced by shipping. In each port, surface phytoplankton and zooplankton was collected using horizontal net tows. In Coveñas, plankton from ballast water of two oil tankers was analyzed as well. Benthic fouling communities were collected by scraping hard substrates between 0 to 3 m water depth. To date, 39 new species have been identified with no prior recorded presence in the Colombian Caribbean. These include 34 phytoplankton species (two of which were observed exclusively in ballast water), three species of copepods and two species of benthic macroinvertebrates. The number of non-native taxa was greater for the three port areas than for the corresponding reference zones, with Santa Marta having the greatest number (17).Debido a su ubicación geográfica favorable entre el Mar Caribe y el océano Pacifico y la alta actividad portuaria (casi 30.000 arribos por año), Colombia tiene elevada susceptibilidad a la introducción de especies marinas no-nativas mediadas por el tráfico marítimo. A la luz de esta amenaza potencial, en marzo y octubre de 2010 se realizaron levantamientos biológicos de línea base en tres zonas portuarias mayores del Caribe colombiano (Cartagena, Santa Marta y Coveñas) y en tres cuerpos de aguas de referencia adyacentes (Bahía de Barbacoas, cerca de Barú, ensenada de Gaira, cerca del Rodadero y Ciénaga de Cispatá), con el fin de detectar especies no-nativas, potencialmente introducidas por las embarcaciones. En cada una de las localidades se colectaron muestras de fitoplancton y zooplancton superficial mediante arrastres horizontales. En Coveñas se analizó también el plancton de muestras de agua de lastre de dos tanqueros. La comunidad bentónica epifaunal fue analizada por raspados de sustratos duros entre los 0 y 3 m de profundidad. A la fecha, se han identificado 39 especies sin registros anteriores para el Caribe colombiano que probablemente son introducidas. De éstas, 34 son fitoplancton (de cuales dos fueron observadas solamente en aguas de lastre), tres son copépodos y dos corresponden a macroinvertebrados bentónicos. El número de taxa sin registros anteriores fue mayor para los tres sectores portuarios que para las zonas de referencia, con el mayor número de especies nuevas (17) para Santa Marta

    Detailed energy analysis of a sheet-metal-forming press from electrical measurements

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    This paper presents a methodology that allows for the detection of the state of a sheet-metal-forming press, the parts being produced, their cadence, and the energy demand for each unit produced. For this purpose, only electrical measurements are used. The proposed analysis is conducted at the level of the press subsystems: main motor, transfer module, cushion, and auxiliary systems, and is intended to count, classify, and monitor the production of pressed parts. The power data are collected every 20 ms and show cyclic behavior, which is the basis for the presented methodology. A neural network (NN) based on heuristic rules is developed to estimate the press states. Then, the production period is determined from the power data using a least squares method to obtain normalized harmonic coefficients. These are the basis for a second NN dedicated to identifying the parts in production. The global error in estimating the parts being produced is under 1%. The resulting information could be handy in determining relevant information regarding the press behavior, such as energy per part, which is necessary in order to evaluate the energy performance of the press under different production conditions.Xunta de Galicia | Ref. IN854A 2020/0

    Análisis genético y molecular de propiedades fisicoquímicas del almidón y su asociación con la modificación del endospermo en maíz de calidad proteínica

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    Quality protein maize (QPM) was created converting the soft opaque-2 endosperm into a vitreous phenotype, but the mechanisms involved in this modification are not completely understood. Recombinant inbred lines (RILs) derived from K0326Y QPM and W64Ao2 were used to identify quantitative trait loci (QTL) associated with starch physicochemical properties. RILs contrasting in vitreousness were also used to evaluate the expression of starch biosynthesis genes. Mapping identified 5-6 QTLs for each trait that explained 66 % of the phenotypic variation. Three QTLs on bins 4.05, 5.04, and 9.03 were found close to the starch biosynthesis genes Brittle-2 (Bt2), Amylose extender-1 (Ae1), and Waxy-1 (Wx1), respectively. The expression of Wx1 was three-fold greater in K0326Y QPM than W64Ao2 and eight-fold higher in vitreous than opaque RILs, which corresponded with the greater accumulation of granule bound starch synthase I (GBSSI) and the higher amylose content observed in the vitreous lines. The increased synthesis of amylose may result in starch granules with more amorphous regions that favor their compaction. These results suggest that endosperm modification in QPM is associated with the synthesis of starch containing more amylose during kernel development, which may facilitate the packing of the starch granules resulting in the vitreous phenotype.El maíz de calidad proteínica (QPM) fue creado convirtiendo el endospermo suave opaco-2 en un fenotipo vítreo, pero los mecanismos involucrados en esta modificación no se conocen por completo. Se utilizaron líneas recombinantes puras derivadas de las líneas K0326Y QPM y W64Ao2 para identificar loci de características cuantitativas (QTL) asociados con propiedades fisicoquímicas del almidón. También se usaron RILs contrastantes en vitrosidad para evaluar la expresión de genes de biosíntesis de almidón. El mapeo identificó 5 o 6 QTL para cada característica que explicaron en promedio el 66 % de la variación fenotípica. Tres de los QTLs en los bins 4.05, 5.04 y 9.03 se encontraron cerca de los genes de síntesis de almidón Brittle 2 (Bt2), Amylose extender 1 (Ae1), y Waxy 1 (Wx1), respectivamente. La expresión de Wx1 fue tres veces mayor en K0326Y QPM que en W64Ao2 y ocho veces mayor en líneas vítreas en comparación con las opacas, lo que correspondió con la mayor acumulación de la enzima almidón sintasa unida al gránulo I (GBSSI) y el mayor contenido de amilosa observado en las líneas vítreas. El incremento en la síntesis de amilosa podría resultar en gránulos de almidón con más regiones amorfas que favorecen su compactación. Estos resultados sugieren que la modificación del endospermo en QPM está asociada con la síntesis de almidón conteniendo más amilosa durante el desarrollo del grano, lo cual podría facilitar el empaquetamiento de los gránulos de almidón resultando en el fenotipo vítreo