484 research outputs found

    Reaffirming the connection between the Galactic stellar warp and the Canis Major overdensity

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    We perform a critical re-analysis and discussion of recent results presented in the literature which interpret the CMa overdensity as the signature of an accreting dwarf galaxy or a new substructure within the Galaxy. Several issues are addressed. We show that arguments against the ``warp'' interpretation are based on an erroneous perception of the Milky Way. There is nothing anomalous with colour--magnitude diagrams on opposite sides of the average warp mid-plane being different. We witnessed the rise and fall of the blue plume population, first attributed to young stars in a disrupting dwarf galaxy and now discarded as a normal disc population. Similarly, there is nothing anomalous in the outer thin+thick disc metallicities being low (-1<[Fe/H]<-0.5), and spiral arms (as part of the thin disc) should, and do, warp. Most importantly, we show unambiguously that, contrary to previous claims, the warp produces a stellar overdensity that is distance-compatible with that observed in CMa.The CMa over-density remains fully accounted for in a first order approach by Galactic models without new substructures. Given the intrinsic uncertainties (concerning the properties of the warp, flare and disc cutoff, the role of extinction and degeneracy), minor deviations with respect to these models are not enough to support the hypothesis of an accreted dwarf galaxy or new substructure within the Milky Way disc.Comment: A&A Letter, accepted, 4 pages, 3 figure

    Manufactura y uso de instrumentos de hueso en sitios prehistóricos del este de Uruguay

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    En este trabajo analizamos, desde un punto de vista tecno-funcional, un conjunto de herramientas recuperadas en dos yacimientos prehist&oacute;ricos en las tierras bajas del Este de Uruguay. Estas herramientas son objeto de an&aacute;lisis tecnol&oacute;gicos y funcionales, obteni&eacute;ndose interesantes resultados sobre todo a nivel funcional, que muestran los diferentes usos que se le dieron a estas herramientas a la vez que las ubican dentro del esquema productivo general. &nbsp; &nbsp

    Analysis of the Calls Received during the COVID-19 Lockdown by the Mental Health Crisis Helpline Operated by the Professional College of Psychology of Aragon

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    COVID-19 has had a direct impact on the physical and mental health of millions of people worldwide. Therefore, a Mental Health Crisis Helpline (MHCH) was set up and offered free of charge by the Professional College of Psychology of Aragon (COPPA) during the lockdown period. This research aims to study the reasons for the calls, to describe the population segments that used it, and to analyse the possible relationships between the variables studied. A total of 1411 calls were answered and 598 were registered. The main reasons for the calls were: anxiety symptoms, concern for a relative, previous mental health problems, conflicts, and depressive symptoms. Significantly more men called for anxiety symptoms (60.8% vs. 49.5%) versus more women calling regarding a chronic physical illness (3.5% vs. 0.7%), concern about a relative (22.7% vs. 12.4%), care guidelines (6% vs. 1.3%), and bereavement (6.2% vs. 2%). Calls regarding conflict increased slightly as the lockdown period progressed (p < 0.001; r = 0.15), in contrast with calls regarding previous psychological conditions and anxiety symptoms (p = 0.035; r = -0.09; p = 0.005; r = -0.12). These results highlight the intensive use of the MHCH, confirming the need for the implementation of specific psychological care resources in times of crisis. © 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    Degradación de hidrocarburos de petróleo por bacterias aisladas de manglares

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    The petroleum hydrocarbon contamination represents a worldwide problem, since its accumulation promotes a serious environmental impact. Thereby, the use of microorganisms, such as those from mangrove micro biota, as degrading agents of various carbon sources is poorly exploited in environmental remediation processes. Thus, this in vitro study evaluated the degrading potential of isolated bacteria from mangrove sediments in the degradation of petroleum hydrocarbons. Analysis of the genetic diversity using the 16S rRNA marker revealed closely related (99%) sequences with Proteobacterium, Pseudomonas and Exiguobacterium. Results showed the bacterial growth in the mineral saline medium (MSM) containing 1% petroleum or diesel, as carbon sources. This growth was determinated by optical density at 595 nm for 15 days, with sample withdrawal every 48 h. Bacterial growth indicated the hydrocarbon metabolization. However, bacteria were more efficient at degrading petroleum. Overall, experimental data displayed the potential application of these bacteria in bioremediation processes, due to their metabolic and adaptive capacities to grow in a rich hydrocarbon medium.Los hidrocarburos de petróleo representan un problema mundial, pues su acumulación promueve un serio impacto ambiental. Así, el uso de microorganismos, por ejemplo los de la microbiota de manglares, como agentes degradadores de diversas fuentes de carbono, es poco explotado en procesos de remediación ambiental. Así, este estudio evaluó in vitro el potencial degradador de bacterias aisladas de sedimento de manglar en la degradación de hidrocarburos. El análisis genético usando el marcador 16S rRNA reveló secuencias íntimamente relacionadas (99%) con Proteobacterium, Pseudomonas y Exiguobacterium. Los resultados mostraron el crecimiento de bacterias en medio salino mineral (MSM) conteniendo petróleo o diesel al 1%, como fuentes de carbono. Este crecimiento, determinado por densidad óptica (DO) a 595 nm durante 15 días, con toma de muestras a cada 48 h, indicó la matabolización de hidrocarburos. Sin embargo, las bacterias fueron más eficientes en degradarlos. Por lo tanto, los resultados muestran la potencial aplicación de las bacterias en procesos de biorremediación por su capacidad metabólica y adaptativa de crecimiento usando hidrocarburos

    Readiness Potential in Parkinson's Disease: Effects of L-Dopa Therapy and Brain Transplants

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    Accurate local positioning systems usually use a network of anchor nodes at known locations to track mobile nodes based on the measurement of the time of arrival (TOA) at anchor nodes of beacon signals transmitted by the mobile nodes. To localize the mobile node either TOA processing, where the unknown transmit time is estimated along with the node location, or time difference of arrival (TDOA) processing, where the transmit time is eliminated before estimating the node location, can be used. We show that the position error bound of both these formulations are the same by analyzing the Cramér-Rao lower bound. When processing data collected in field trials, however, we observed that the TOA processing yields better localization accuracy, and explain this behavior using differential geometry-based curvature measures that show that the TDOA cost function has greater degree of non-linearity.T. Sathyan, M. Hedley, M. Mallic

    Gene Prioritization through Consensus Strategy, Enrichment Methodologies Analysis, and Networking for Osteosarcoma Pathogenesis

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    [Abstract] Osteosarcoma is the most common subtype of primary bone cancer, affecting mostly adolescents. In recent years, several studies have focused on elucidating the molecular mechanisms of this sarcoma; however, its molecular etiology has still not been determined with precision. Therefore, we applied a consensus strategy with the use of several bioinformatics tools to prioritize genes involved in its pathogenesis. Subsequently, we assessed the physical interactions of the previously selected genes and applied a communality analysis to this protein–protein interaction network. The consensus strategy prioritized a total list of 553 genes. Our enrichment analysis validates several studies that describe the signaling pathways PI3K/AKT and MAPK/ERK as pathogenic. The gene ontology described TP53 as a principal signal transducer that chiefly mediates processes associated with cell cycle and DNA damage response It is interesting to note that the communality analysis clusters several members involved in metastasis events, such as MMP2 and MMP9, and genes associated with DNA repair complexes, like ATM, ATR, CHEK1, and RAD51. In this study, we have identified well-known pathogenic genes for osteosarcoma and prioritized genes that need to be further explored.Instituto Carlos III; PI17/01826Xunta de Galicia; ED431C 2018/49Xunta de Galicia; ED431G/0

    Fascioliasis en caballos de valles andinos de Lujan de Cuyo, Mendoza: prevalencia y parámetros hematológicos

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    La fascioliasis es una enfermedad parasitaria cuyo agente etiológico en el Nuevo Mundo es el tremátodo Fasciola hepatica y afecta a numerosas especies de mamíferos y al ser humano. A pesar de que en Argentina el rol de los rumiantes como reservorios ha sido bastante estudiado, a la fecha es muy poca la información disponible sobre fascioliasis en equinos, tanto a nivel internacional como nacional. Su importancia como reservorio se ve incrementada dado que estos animales son trasladados frecuentemente a eventos deportivos o utilizados como animales de carga y transporte, particularmente en zonas andinas. En lo concerniente al efecto que puede tener este parásito sobre los parámetros hematológicos del caballo, la información a nivel mundial es sumamente escasa. Su objetivo es describir prevalencia de fascioliasis en caballos de valles andinos de Luján de Cuyo. Describir pará- metros hematológicos en caballos naturalmente parasitados con Fasciola hepatica

    Impacto clínico de parasitosis digestivas prevalentes en equinos de zonas andinas de la provincia de Mendoza

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    Los equinos, principalmente los caballos y los mulares, juegan un importante rol en las zonas andinas como animales de transporte y carga, como así también en actividades deportivas y recreativas. Las enfermedades parasitarias pueden afectar su salud, bienestar y capacidad para el trabajo y el deporte. Algunas de ellas, como la fascioliasis, tienen relevancia en salud pública, pues afectan al ser humano. Según estudios llevados a cabo por nuestro equipo de investigación del Centro de Investigación en Parasitología Regional (CIPAR), la epidemiología de las parasitosis que afectan los animales domésticos en la provincia de Mendoza, dadas sus características climáticas y ecológicas, difiere sustancialmente del resto del país. En equinos hemos descrito una situación similar, pues, a diferencia de lo establecido por la literatura, la fascioliasis, enfermedad producida en América por el trematodo zoonótico Fasciola hepática, es una parasitosis con altas prevalencias en equinos de zonas andinas. La estrongilosis equina se encuentra también presente, pero con cargas parasitarias relativamente bajas. Se desconoce el impacto real de esta parasitosis sobre la salud de los equinos en la región. Hemos realizado relevamientos coprológicos en toda la provincia y se describieron casos equinos asociados a un nuevo lymnaeido vector, Lymnaea neotropica, el cual hemos descripto por primera vez para Argentin