2,183 research outputs found

    Detection of DNA-RNA hybrids in vivo

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    DNA-RNA hybrids form naturally during essential cellular functions such as transcription and replication. However, they may be an important source of genome instability, a hallmark of cancer and genetic diseases. Detection of DNA-RNA hybrids in cells is becoming crucial to understand an increasing number of molecular biology processes in genome dynamics and function and to identify new factors and mechanisms responsible for disease in biomedical research. Here, we describe two different procedures for the reliable detection of DNA-RNA hybrids in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae and in human cells: DNA-RNA Immunoprecipitation (DRIP) and Immunofluorescence

    Detection of DNA Double-Strand Breaks byγ-H2AX Immunodetection

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    DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) are the most deleterious type of DNA damage and a cause of geneticinstability as they can lead to mutations, genome rearrangements, or loss of genetic material when notproperly repaired. Eukaryotes from budding yeast to mammalian cells respond to the formation of DSBswith the immediate phosphorylation of a histone H2A isoform. The modified histone, phosphorylated inserine 139 in mammals (S129 in yeast), is namedγ-H2AX. Detection of DSBs is of high relevance inresearch on DNA repair, aging, tumorigenesis, and cancer drug development, given the tight association ofDSBs with different diseases and its potential to kill cells. DSB levels can be obtained by measuring levels ofγ-H2AX in extracts of cell populations or by counting foci in individual nuclei. In this chapter sometechniques to detectγ-H2AX are described

    Pseudocomplemented Semilattices, Boolean Algebras, and Compatible Products

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    AbstractPseudocomplemented semilattices are studied here from an algebraic point of view, stressing the pivotal role played by the pseudocomplements and the relationship between pseudocomplemented semilattices and Boolean algebras. Following the pattern of semiprime ring theory, a notion of Goldie dimension is introduced for complete pseudocomplemented lattices and calculated in terms of maximal uniform elements if they exist in abundance. Products in lattices with 0-element are studied and questions about the existence and uniqueness of compatible products in pseudocomplemented lattices, as well as about the abundance of prime elements in lattices with a compatible product, are discussed. Finally, a Yood decomposition theorem for topological rings is extended to complete pseudocomplemented lattices

    La ética periodística en los 27 países de la Unión Europea

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    Esta investigación se propone indagar la situación de la ética periodística en los 27 países que ahora conforman la Unión Europea. Se ha diseñado una metodología consistente en recopilar los códigos de ética periodística de los 27 países de la Unión Europea para, en primer lugar, hacer un análisis de contenido y, después una comparación de todos los conceptos o principios de ética que aparecen en estos códigos. Una limitación de este estudio se encuentra en los idiomas originales de cada una de estas 27 naciones, problema resuelto reduciéndolos todos al común denominador de la lengua inglesa.This research pretends to inquire the situation of the journalistic ethics in the 27 countries that now confine the European Union. A methodology has been designed that consist in compiling codes of journalistic ethics in the 27 countries of the European Union, firstly, for doing a content analysis, and then a comparison with all the concepts or journalistic principles that appear in these codes. One restriction of this study lies in the original languages from each one of these 27 nations, a problem resolved by confining them to the common denominator of the English language

    Aphasia with anatomical isolation of the language area: A reanalysis on the light of modern neuroimaging techniques

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    Introduction : Goldstein (1948) and Geschwind (1968), based in data derived from anatomical post-mortem studies, postulated that the disconnection of the perisylvian language areas (PSLA) from other cortical areas was responsible for impairments in spontaneous speech and language comprehension with preservation of verbal repetition and echolalia (isolation of speech area). Nevertheless, other mechanisms (right hemisphere or bilateral hypotheses) underlying echolalic repetition have been proposed. Herein, we examined the structure and function of the PSLAs in two cases of aphasia with echolalic repetition and isolation of the left PSLA. Methods : Two patients with chronic post-stroke aphasia associated to isolation of the left PSLA were studied. Both patients underwent cognitive-language assessment and multimodal imaging. In patient 1 (p1), structural MRI, diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), functional MRI (fMRI) during repetition of words and non-words, resting state fMRI (rsfMRI) were acquired, whereas only structural MRI was performed in patient 2 (p2). The Tractotron software was used to examine the severity of disconnection in each language-related white matter tract in both patients. We quantified the severity of the disconnection by measuring the proportion of each tract that was affected. 18FDG-PET was also acquired in both patients. Results : P1 had a mixed transcortical aphasia and p2 had a transcortical sensory/anomic aphasia. In both, the MRI showed separate left anterior and posterior lesions with relative preservation of the PSLA. In both, 18FDG-PET revealed significant decrements of metabolic activity in areas of the left PSLA, although some parts showed normal metabolic activity. In p1 the left arcuate fasciculus (AF) and the inferior fronto-occipital fasciculi (IFOF) could not be reconstructed. fMRI showed perilesional activity in the left hemisphere and increased activity in the right during word repetition. rsfMRI showed compensatory activity in both hemispheres (right greater than left). Analysis with the Tractotron software revealed disconnection of both the AF and the IFOF in the left hemisphere of both patients. Discussion : Although some parts of the left PSLA had preserved metabolic activity in both patients, our neuroimaging data revealed that preserved repetition ability did not rely exclusively on the residual activity of the left PSLA. In support, the connectivity between different components of the left PSLA was severely affected. This coupled with the increased metabolic activity of the right PSLA supports the bilateral hypothesis of residual repetition in transcortical aphasias. References : Goldstein, K. (1948). Language and Language Disturbances. Geschwind, et al. (1968). Neuropsychologia 6, 327–340.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    Neurobehavioral changes in people with post-stroke aphasia

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    At present, research on neurobehavioral disorders in people with post-stroke aphasia is scarce, especially in Spanish. The objective of this study is to design a new scale on neurobehavioral change, the Scale of Neurobehavioral Affectation in Aphasia (EANA, in Spanish) and to evaluate 14 people affected by chronic post-stroke aphasia (mean age: 51/ DT: 7.2) together with their main informants. At the same time, psychiatric (Neuropsychiatric Inventory, Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, Stroke Aphasic Depression Questionnaire), cognitive (Mini Mental State examination, Informer Test) and functional instruments (Stroke and Aphaisa Quality of Life Scale and Barthel Index) have been used to provide a multidimensional description of the affected persons. The results show statistically significant neurobehavioral changes in multiple domains. According to the EANA, those affected with post-stroke aphasia communicate with less frequently, show more introversion, shyness, dependence and apathy, behave in a more infantile manner ("makes me grimaces"), in addition to showing heightened anxiety and impulsivity. Finally, the informants report more aggressive acts, both verbal (insults) and physical (throwing objects, hitting both objects as persons), that did not occur before the stroke. According to the psychiatric instruments, many of the affected cope with anxiety, agitation and apathy, as well as mild depression. At a cognitive level, affected individuals show mild to moderate deficits, especially in working memory and temporal orientation. Functionally most individuals maintain a medium-high level of functional independence in daily activities. These findings support the inclusion of recommendations for the routine assessment and management of neurobehavioral changes to help optimize long-term recovery in people with stroke and aphasia.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Crisis y empleo en las ciudades españolas

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    Este artículo se propone analizar los desiguales efectos que la crisis está generando en el empleo de las ciudades españolas y los cambios territoriales de ello derivados. Tras un primer epígrafe introductorio, se dedica el siguiente al análisis de la evolución experimentada por el empleo en el periodo previo a la crisis y desde que se iniciara esta. A continuación se considera el comportamiento evolutivo de los grandes sectores de actividad, diferenciando dos etapas, la comprendida entre los años 2006-2009 y la que transcurre entre 2009-2012. Se centra después la atención en el sector de la construcción, corresponsable de la crisis, y en aquellas actividades de servicios que están siendo más duramente afectadas por las políticas de austeridad. Por último, se analizan las tasas de empleo urbanas relacionándolas con las del conjunto de España y se propone una clasificación de las ciudades, terminando con algunas conclusiones y reflexiones generales.This paper discusses the uneven impacts that the crisis is generating in the employment in Spanish cities and the consequential territorial effects. After an initial introductory section, the article focuses on the analysis of the evolution of employment in the pre-crisis period, since it began. Then the study analyzes the evolutionary behavior of the main activity sectors, differentiating two stages between the years 2006-2009 and 2009-2012. Afterwards, the focus is placed on the construction sector—which is partly responsible for the crisis—and on those service activities that have been hit the hardest by the country’s austerity policies. Lastly, urban employment rates are analyzed relating them to those of all Spain and a classification of cities is proposed, along with final conclusions and reflections

    The crisis and territorial development in andalusian cities

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    Este artículo pretende contribuir al conocimiento de los impactos roducidos por la crisis en el proceso de desarrollo territorial de Andalucía, centrando la atención en los efectos que está generando en las ciudades que conforman su sistema urbano. Dado que las fuentes estadísticas disponibles sólo ofrecen datos a escala municipal, se recogen los referidos a los municipios considerados urbanos (> 10.000 habitantes). Los indicadores utilizados, tanto económicos como sociales y ambientales, resultan significativos y contribuyen a mostrar las alteraciones producidas por la crisis en el modelo territorial, así como su distinta incidencia en las ciudades que lo componen.Plan Nacional de I+D+

    Crisis, employment and urban imbalance in Spain

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    Entre los múltiples impactos que la crisis económica está provocando destacan los que afectan al empleo. Resulta de especial interés lo que está ocurriendo en los espacios urbanos, al ser en ellos donde se concentran las actividades económicas y la población. En este contexto, el objetivo de este artículo es analizar la evolución experimentada por el empleo en las ciudades españolas con más de 20.000 habitantes, diferenciando entre dos fases: la comprendida entre los años 2006 y 2009, en la que se inicia la crisis, y la que trascurre entre 2009 y 2012, cuando empiezan a detectarse los efectos de las políticas de austeridad, que están contribuyendo a generar un fuerte crecimiento de las desigualdades.Among the many impacts of the economic crisis is reducing stresses experienced by employment. This evolution can be seen more clearly in urban areas, where they highlight the uneven spatial effects of the crisis. In this context, the aim of this paper is to analyze the evolution of employment in the Spanish towns and cities with over 20,000 inhabitants, differentiating between two phases: between 2006 and 2009, where the crisis began, and which elapses between 2009 and 2012, when the effects of the austerity policies that are contributing to a strong growth of inequality begin to be detected

    Páginas escogidas de autores malagueños con notas bio-bibliográficas

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    Copia Digital : Diputación de Málaga. Biblioteca Cánovas del Castillo, 201