1,120 research outputs found

    Estereotipos de género en universitarios españoles sobre el riesgo psicosocial en la infancia

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    Recent studies have shown that gender stereotypes are not sensitive to social changes. There is a gap in how gender is treated in college. This study is part of an innovation project to improve teaching quality in university. We aim to analyze the presence of gender stereotypes related to at-risk childhood in a sample of 113 university students. Most students considered that some circumstances, like substance consumption, are more likely in boys. On the contrary, they think that looking after siblings or anxiety are more common in girls. Results show the need to incorporate the gender perspective into universities. The special needs of the at-risk girls require further research and specialized training.Estudios recientes han mostrado que los estereotipos de género no son sensibles a los cambios sociales. Hay un vacío sobre cómo el género es tratado en la educación universitaria. Este estudio se enmarca en un proyecto de innovación para la mejora de la calidad docente en la universidad. Pretendemos analizar la presencia de estereotipos de género relacionados con menores en riesgo en una muestra de 113 universitarios. La mayoría de los estudiantes considera que algunas circunstancias, como el uso de sustancias, son más probables en chicos. Por el contrario, piensan que el tener que cuidar de los hermanos o la ansiedad son más comunes en chicas. Los resultados muestran la necesidad de incorporar la perspectiva de género en las universidades. Las necesidades de las chicas en riesgo requieren más investigación y formación especializada

    Desarrollo de entorno de programación online dentro de app Angular

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    Plan de cuidados de enfermería en pacientes sometidos a la amputación de un miembro

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    Introducción: una amputación es la exéresis de una extremidad o parte de ella. Se realiza para controlar el dolor o un proceso causado por una enfermedad en la extremidad afectada con el fin de mejorar la función del miembro y aliviar los síntomas. Se estima que en España hay alrededor de 59.000 personas amputadas. La etiología es variada y la causa más frecuente son los problemas vasculares. Tras la cirugía aparecen complicaciones, que originan una disminución en la autonomía del paciente y cambios tanto en su imagen corporal como en su estilo de vida, que se acompañan de sentimientos de ansiedad y depresión. Incorporar unos cuidados holísticos de calidad puede ayudar a mejorar la calidad de vida de estos pacientes.Objetivo: elaborar un plan de cuidados de enfermería que garantice una atención integral al paciente que ha sufrido la amputación de un miembro. Metodología: se ha realizado una búsqueda bibliográfica en diferentes bases de datos, libros, protocolos de actuación y páginas web, aplicando los conocimientos adquiridos durante el estudio de Grado de Enfermería de la Universidad de Zaragoza.Desarrollo: el plan de cuidados se ha centrado en la atención integral del paciente, incidiendo en diferentes áreas de actuación. Por un lado el ámbito físico, dirigido a los cuidados del muñón y a la ayuda al paciente para lograr la movilidad física tras la amputación. Por otro lado se trabajan los aspectos psicológicos y sociales, para conseguir una rehabilitación total del paciente. Conclusiones: la elaboración de un plan de cuidados de enfermería para el paciente que ha sido amputado constituye un modelo adecuado para garantizar unos cuidados individualizados de calidad desde una perspectiva integral, promoviendo la autonomía, autocuidado y adaptación del paciente. Palabras clave: "amputación", "miembro fantasma", "miembro amputado", "cuidados de enfermería".<br /

    (Butane-1,4-diyl)(trimethylphosphane-κP)[tris(3,5-dimethylpyrazol-1- yl-κN 2)hydroborato]iridium(III)

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    In the mononuclear title iridium(III) complex, [Ir(C4H8)- (C15H22BN6)(C3H9P)], which is based on the [tris(3,5- dimethylpyrazol-1-yl)hydroborato]iridium moiety, Ir[TpMe2], the IrIII atom is coordinated by a chelating butane-1,4-diyl fragment and a trimethylphosphane ligand in a modestly distorted octahedral coordination environment formed by three facial N, two C and one P atom. The iridium–butane-1,4- diyl ring has an envelope conformation. This ring is disordered because alternately the second or the third C atom of the butane-1,4-diyl fragment function as an envelope flap atom (the occupancy ratio is 1:1). In the crystal, molecules are organized into densely packed columns extending along [101]. Coherence between the molecules is essentially based on van der Waals interactionsFEDER CTQ2010–17476Consolider-Ingenio 2010 CSD2007–00006Junta de Andalucía FQM-119 P09-FQM-483

    (Butane-1,4-diyl)(trimethylphosphane-κP)[tris(3,5-dimethylpyrazol-1- yl-κN 2)hydroborato]iridium(III)

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    In the mononuclear title iridium(III) complex, [Ir(C4H8)- (C15H22BN6)(C3H9P)], which is based on the [tris(3,5- dimethylpyrazol-1-yl)hydroborato]iridium moiety, Ir[TpMe2], the IrIII atom is coordinated by a chelating butane-1,4-diyl fragment and a trimethylphosphane ligand in a modestly distorted octahedral coordination environment formed by three facial N, two C and one P atom. The iridium–butane-1,4- diyl ring has an envelope conformation. This ring is disordered because alternately the second or the third C atom of the butane-1,4-diyl fragment function as an envelope flap atom (the occupancy ratio is 1:1). In the crystal, molecules are organized into densely packed columns extending along [101]. Coherence between the molecules is essentially based on van der Waals interactionsFEDER CTQ2010–17476Consolider-Ingenio 2010 CSD2007–00006Junta de Andalucía FQM-119 P09-FQM-483

    Analysis of the Real Energy Consumption of Energy Saving Lamps

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    [Abstract] Light emitting diode (LED) and compact fluorescent light (CFL) lamps are widely used because they are associated with low energy consumption and a reduced environmental impact. In the present paper, a study of the real consumption of these devices has been carried out. To do this, the active, reactive, distortion and apparent power and electrical efficiency for various lamps have been measured and calculated. The distortions produced in the network provoke the consumed energy to be in the order of 50–75% higher than that which appears in the commercial characteristics. This situation means that for its operation, it is necessary to generate and distribute an amount of energy much higher than that which is declared as the consumption of these lamps, and so far, this amount of energy is neither quantified nor invoiced. Additionally, groups of lamps have also been studied to check whether, when working together on the same network, there is a compensation phenomenon that reduces the negative effects of individual lamps. We have found that this compensation effect does not occur for the type of devices evaluated

    Diseño funcional y ambiental de diques exentos de baja cota de coronación

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    La costa constituye una estrecha y fuertemente presionada franja, sometida a grandes desequilibrios como consecuencia de múltiples y variadas causas: oleaje, mareas y corrientes, construcción de obras marítimas que interrumpen las corrientes litorales y el transporte de sedimentos, subida del nivel medio del mar, desarrollo de áreas costeras y urbanismo masivo en la zona activa de las playas, etc. Todo ello provoca la erosión de un gran número de playas, así como su degradación ambiental y paisajística. Esta situación precaria del litoral constituye, hoy en día, un serio y preocupante problema, al que los Ingenieros de Costas dedican su actividad, en busca de soluciones que garanticen su estabilidad. Con este fin, se han venido utilizando, a lo largo del tiempo, diferentes métodos de protección, basados la mayoría de ellos en la construcción de obras marítimas, de entre las que hay que destacar los diques exentos. La investigación llevada a cabo y que se presenta en este artículo se centra precisamente en este tipo de obras costeras. Plantea como objetivo principal el desarrollo de un método de diseño funcional y ambiental (no estructural) que permita definir las características fundamentales de un dique exento en función del efecto que se quiera inducir en la costa, satisfaciendo las demandas sociales y preservando o mejorando la calidad del medio ambiente litoral. Además, se busca la aplicabilidad general del método mediante la consideración de relaciones entre variables de distinta naturaleza (climáticas, geomorfológicas y geométricas) que influyen en los cambios experimentados en la costa tras la construcción del dique exento. El estudio de las relaciones entre las distintas variables se realiza sobre los datos de una base de diecinueve diques exentos reales, existentes en el litoral mediterráneo español, y siguiendo una metodología basada en el planteamiento de monomios adimensionales y en la búsqueda de relaciones de dependencia entre ellos. Finalmente, la discusión de los resultados obtenidos conduce a la propuesta de un método de diseño de diques exentos, que considera algunas de las relaciones gráficas encontradas entre las variables estudiadas y con el que se consigue el objetivo principal anteriormente expuesto

    Coastal erosion. Geometric detached breakwaters indicators for preventing the shoreline erosion. Fringe session

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    The coastline today is undoubtedly in a precarious situation. Many beaches are suffering from erosion and the obvious environmental and landscape degradation of many coastal stretches are problems. Coastal Engineers are spending time in solving. With this in mind, different protection methods have been used over time, most based on the artificial nourishment of beaches and on building structures such as groynes and detached breakwaters. Detached breakwaters are artificial structures, generally parallel to the coastline, inspired on the working of natural formations, protecting a certain stretch from wave action and being able to create accretion areas. This is why these structures have been in general use with different results, since the 1970s, in countries such as Japan, the USA, Israel, Spain, Italy and Australia. The study undertaken for this research centres precisely on this type of structure, with the purpose of providing an overall view of the state-of-the-art in this field and a conceptual model for preventing the coastal erosion. In addition, the effects of a detached breakwater on the shoreline for a series of prototypes on the Spanish coastline and whether the empirical relations given by different researchers for classifying the shoreline’s type of response were fulfilled for them all or not, were researched. There sult of this work showed how sensitive the shore’s response is in relation to the non-dimensional B/X monomial (where B is the length of the detached breakwater and X its distance to the initial coastline) and the range of figures proposed for classifying the shore’s response based on that monomial

    Graphene‐Based Materials Functionalization with Natural Polymeric Biomolecules

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    The use of 2D nanocarbon materials as scaffolds for the functionalization with different molecules has been rising as a result of their outstanding properties. This chapter describes the synthesis of graphene and its derivatives, particularly graphene oxide (GO) and reduced graphene oxide (rGO). Both GO and rGO represent a tunable alternative for applications with biomolecules due to the oxygenated moieties, which allow interactions in a either covalent or non‐covalent way. From here, other discussed topics are the biofunctionalization with keratin (KE) and chitosan (CS). The non‐covalent functionalization is based primarily on secondary interactions such as van der Waals forces, electrostatics interactions, or π–π stacking formed between KE or CS with graphenic materials. On the other hand, covalent functionalization with KE and CS is mainly based on the reaction among the functional groups present in those biomolecules and the graphenic materials. As a result of the functionalization, different applications have been proposed for these novel materials, which are reviewed in order to offer an overview about the possible fields of application of 2D nanocarbon materials. In a nutshell, the objective of this work is as follows: first, overhaul different aspects about the synthesis of graphene chemically obtained, and second, make a review of different approaches in the functionalization of 2D carbon materials with specific biomolecules

    Exalted dual-scale surface roughening in laser ablated aluminum capped with a transparent thin film: Wetting and anti-icing behavior

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    Near infrared laser ablation of metals, specifically aluminum, has been systematically applied to generate surface roughness. Very high laser fluences may even lead to a so called “explosive” ablation regime where roughness becomes dramatically enhanced. In the present work we have developed an alternative methodology that, utilizing milder laser irradiation conditions (i.e. laser fluences from 0.37 to 0.72 J/cm²), renders aluminum surfaces with a dual-scale roughness character and Sp parameter values twice or even trice the value found in reference samples. This has been possible for aluminum substrates coated with a highly transparent aluminum oxynitride capping layer. The resulting surfaces, consisting of very rough partially oxidized aluminum with negligible amounts of nitrogen species, resulted highly hydrophobic and depicted long icing delay times as required for anti-icing applications. A correlation has been found between the wetting and anti-icing behaviors, the use of a capping layer and the laser irradiation conditions. To account for this exalted roughening phenomenon, we propose that the transparent capping layer confines the laser energy within the aluminum shallow zones, delays the formation of the plasma plume and produces an enhancement in the aluminum ablation, even at relatively low laser fluences.University of Seville through the VI PPIT-USMCIN/AEI/10.13039/50110001103