933 research outputs found

    Networked Heritage Management in the Lower Guadalquivir (Spain)

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    This paper describes the operations carried out to generate a georeferenced heritage inventory at a supra-municipal scale. The tool establishes links between its heritage elements based on the features and characteristics of the territory. The work has been carried out on the fluvial zone of the Lower Guadalquivir, an area of approximately 8500 km2 located in Andalusia in the south of Spain. The method used is based on the digital inventory of the Andalusian immovable historical heritage generated by the Andalusian Institute of Historical Heritage, in which more than 500 heritage assets in the study area are indexed. The work begins with the expansion and processing of these assets with the aim of reorganizing them and establishing new parameters in their classification schemes. Subsequently, a spatial analysis developed in a GIS environment detects relationships between heritage assets determined by the physical characteristics of the territory. These relationships are contrasted by historical research, and eight heritage networks in the territory are defined as a result. Finally, one of the networks is used to show how, from the graph theory, it is possible to investigate the detected links. Ultimately, it is discussed how this study allows us to move toward new models of the heritage management of territorial dimension and relational vocation

    Classes i grups socials a la Regió Metropolitana de Barcelona

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    Background of INCASI Project H2020-MSCA-RISE-2015 GA 691004. WP1: CompilationL'article analitza els grups que formen el teixit social de la Regió Metropolitana de Barcelona. Partint de la convicció que la societat no està formada només per individus sinó per grups que actuen en funció dels seus recursos, formes de vida i interessos, els autors identifiquen les principals agrupacions que coexisteixen en la societat metropolitana i que es defineixen fonamentalment per la posició de les persones en l'àmbit de la producció

    SAQ: semi-algebraic quartet reconstruction method

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    We present the phylogenetic quartet reconstruction method SAQ (Semi-algebraic quartet reconstruction). SAQ is consistent with the most general Markov model of nucleotide substitution and, in particular, it allows for rate heterogeneity across lineages. Based on the algebraic and semi-algebraic description of distributions that arise from the general Markov model on a quartet, the method outputs normalized weights for the three trivalent quartets (which can be used as input of quartet-base methods). We show that SAQ is a highly competitive method that outperforms most of the well known reconstruction methods on data simulated under the general Markov model on 4-taxon trees. Moreover, it also achieves a high performance on data that violates the underlying assumptions

    GIS-based Architectural Design in Heritage Landscapes: towards a Knowledge-based Definition of Touristic Routes

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    Network-based spatial analysis tools are useful for solving complex routing problems. However, the search for the most optimal route in terms of distance and time does not always guarantee the most convenient design solution, as occurs in heritage landscapes. A landscape architecture project aimed at designing touristic routes that connect heritage resources requires additional variables as in these cases it is not only a matter of achieving the most efficient connection between the heritage assets, but of detecting the paths that allow a better interpretation of the cultural meaning of the landscape. This text presents a GIS-based analysis protocol that combines least-cost path network analysis with weighted overlay analysis in order to introduce the time depth, the visibility and the level of visual and noise pollution of the paths as variables of influence in the selection of the touristic routes. The proposed method has been applied in the metropolitan area of the city of Seville (Andalusia, Spain), where there are relevant heritage resources that remain unconnected and could benefit each other through integrative touristic formulas. The aim of the method is advancing a protocol for a computer aided advanced architectural design in territorial scales

    The inertia of the symmetric approximation for low-rank matrices

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    © 2017 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group In many areas of applied linear algebra, it is necessary to work with matrix approximations. A usual situation occurs when a matrix obtained from experimental or simulated data is needed to be approximated by a matrix that lies in a corresponding statistical model and satisfies some specific properties. In this short note, we focus on symmetric and positive-semidefinite approximations and we show that the positive and negative indices of inertia of the symmetric approximation and the rank of the positive-semidefinite approximation are always bounded from above by the rank of the original matrix.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    SAQ: semi-algebraic quartet reconstruction

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    © 2021 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes,creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.We present the phylogenetic quartet reconstruction method SAQ (Semi-Algebraic Quartet reconstruction). SAQ is consistent with the most general Markov model of nucleotide substitution and, in particular, it allows for rate heterogeneity across lineages. Based on the algebraic and semi-algebraic description of distributions that arise from the general Markov model on a quartet, the method outputs normalized weights for the three trivalent quartets (which can be used as input of quartet-based methods). We show that SAQ is a highly competitive method that outperforms most of the well known reconstruction methods on data simulated under the general Markov model on 4-taxon trees. Moreover, it also achieves a high performance on data that violates the underlying assumptions.The authors were partially supported by Spanish government Secretar´ıa de Estado de Investigaci´on, Desarrollo e Innovaci´on [MTM2015-69135-P (MINECO/FEDER)] and [PID2019- 103849GB-I00 (MINECO)]; Generalitat de Catalunya [2014 SGR-634]. M. Garrote-L´opez was also funded by Spanish government, Ministerio de Econom´ıa y Competitividad research project Maria de Maeztu [MDM-2014-0445].Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Análisis de técnicas de visualización escalar 1 D Y 2D

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    La definición técnica de Visualización se refiere a la representación del comportamiento de la/s variable/s del modelo en estudio, y particularmente, a hacer comprensible estados complejos de ese comportamiento alojo humano. La aplicación práctica de estas técnicas en problemas de análisis requiere generalmente adaptarse a campos geométricos discretos, irregulares. Este trabajo explora las técnicas más comunes para iD y 2D que también son importantes para los dominios 3D.Eje: Computación gráfica. VisualizaciónRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Análisis de técnicas de visualización escalar 1 D Y 2D

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    La definición técnica de Visualización se refiere a la representación del comportamiento de la/s variable/s del modelo en estudio, y particularmente, a hacer comprensible estados complejos de ese comportamiento alojo humano. La aplicación práctica de estas técnicas en problemas de análisis requiere generalmente adaptarse a campos geométricos discretos, irregulares. Este trabajo explora las técnicas más comunes para iD y 2D que también son importantes para los dominios 3D.Eje: Computación gráfica. VisualizaciónRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Architecture and geographic information systems: towards an informed landscape design

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    El trabajo con sistemas de información geográfica en el proyecto de paisaje se ha orientado en las últimas décadas hacia una ampliación del campo de análisis habitual del arquitecto. El empleo de tecnologías geoespaciales ha permitido profundi - zar en una lectura avanzada del territorio desde la que detectar patrones, recursos y significados hasta entonces invisibles. Líneas de investigación emergentes plantean, sin embargo, aspiraciones más ambiciosas para esta tecnología en un contexto de intensas fluctuaciones provocadas por la globalización y la emergencia climática. Este texto reflexiona sobre las condiciones que han favore - cido el empleo de sistemas de información geográfica en el proyecto de arquitectura y el planeamiento, acerca del entendimiento contemporáneo del paisaje y cómo sus argumentos pueden ser trasladados al ejercicio proyectual, y en torno a la renovada relación que sugiere esta lógica de proyecto con los sistemas de información geográfica. En un nuevo marco de acción sustentado sobre la noción de paisaje como realidad integradora, expresión sensible de la interacción entre la sociedad y el medio que habita, el empleo de estos sistemas avanza en la línea de constituirse en una herramienta de referencia en la generación de las transversalidades que son necesarias para la lectura holística que requiere el paisaje desde su formulación contemporánea.In the last few decades, work with geographic information systems in landscape design has been oriented towards an extension of the architect’s usual field of analysis. The use of geospatial technologies has brought about an advanced reading of the landscape, which allows to detect previously invisible patterns, resources and meanings. Emerging lines of research, however, present more ambitious aspirations for this technology in a context of intense fluctuations caused by globalisation and climate emergencies. This text reflects on the conditions that favoured the use of geographic information systems in architectural design and planning, on the contemporary understanding of landscape and how its ideas can be transferred to the design process and upon the renewed relationship that this design logic suggests with respect to geographic information systems. In a new framework for action based on the notion of landscape as an integrating reality, a tangible expression of the interaction between society and the environment it inhabits, the use of these systems advances along the line of becoming a reference tool to generate the cross-cutting elements necessary for the holistic reading required by the landscape from a contemporary formulation