134 research outputs found

    Health education program for people who have osteoarthritis

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    Trabajo fin de grado en EnfermeríaLa artrosis es un trastorno degenerativo de las articulaciones móviles. Produce desgaste y desgarro articular, hecho que ocasiona dolor, inflamación y rigidez. Es la enfermedad reumática más común a nivel mundial y se estima que va a tener una tendencia ascendente debido al envejecimiento y al incremento de la obesidad de la población. Todo ello la convierte en un problema sanitario de primer nivel. Un mal manejo de la enfermedad implica un aumento de los ingresos hospitalarios, de la frecuentación de las consultas de atención primaria, del número de cirugías, del uso de fármacos, de las caídas y del desarrollo de la fragilidad de la población. Asimismo, es común que las limitaciones que produce en la vida diaria conduzcan al aislamiento social. Las personas con este trastorno osteoarticular tienen un gran desconocimiento de las terapias recomendadas y dificultad para sobreponerse a las limitaciones físicas, manejar el tratamiento e incorporar los autocuidados a la vida cotidiana. Se ha demostrado que los programas de educación para la salud grupal mejoran la adherencia a los tratamientos recomendados, la sintomatología y reducen el impacto sanitario. Por ende, se considera necesario realizar y poner en práctica un programa de educación para la salud para personas diagnosticadas de artrosis en la zona del Centro de Salud Centro de Salud José María Llanos; distrito: Puente de Vallecas; barrio: Entrevías.Osteoarthritis is a degenerative and progressive disorder involving movable joints. Due to tear and wear of the joint it brings out pain, swelling and stiffness. Arthrosis is the most prevalent rheumatic disease around the world and it is estimated that it is going to have an upward tendency due to the ageing and the increase in the obesity of the population. Its global impact constitutes a major challenge for healthcare systems. It is well known that a poor management of the disease leads to an increase of hospitalisations, visits to primary healthcare system, joint replacement, pharmaceutical consumption, people falls and risk of frailty. In addition, the activity limitations lead to social isolation. People suffering from this joint disorder have a lack of awareness of the treatments and a lot of difficulties to overcome physical limitations, manage the treatment and incorporate it into their daily life. It is well demonstrated that health education programs improve health, quality of life, self-care, adherence to the recommended treatments and decrease the symptomatology and the economic burden of the disease For all this reasons it is considered necessary to carry out and put into practice a health education program for people diagnosed with osteoarthritis in the area of José María Llanos Primary Health Care Center; Puente de Vallecas district; Entrevías neighbourhoo

    Chaos controller for switching regulators aiming enhanced design-space towards miniaturization

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    This paper tackles the control of fast-scale instabilities in a buck switching power converter aiming to expand its design-space towards miniaturization. After briefly revisiting the working principle of existing chaos controllers, the paper explores an alternative approach based on amplifying the harmonic at the switching frequency. Numerical simulations show that the proposed controller can concurrently improve both fast-scale and slow-scale stability margins. Finally, the paper proposes a chaos controller combined with an output ripple reduction network and studies their interaction with the aim of achieving both low-ripple and improved stability.Preprin

    Bandwidth-Enhancement gm-C Filter with independent ¿o and Q Tuning Mechanisms in Both Topology and Control Loops

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    This paper deals with the proposal of a new topology for a gm-C continuous time filter which allows the adjustment and tuning of its characteristic parameters (ωO and Q) in an independent way (without cross-tuning), thereby extending the Q range of the filter for a particular ωO value. Additionally a comparison of three different Q-tuning algorithms is presented. It is shown that an LMS-based Q-control strategy allows to overcome the intrinsic dependence between the Q and ωO tuning loops. The combination of both the proposed filter topology and the selected control loop algorithms results in an enhanced transient performance as well as an improvement in terms of cross-detuning.Postprint (published version

    Single-Input Dual-Output (SIDO) Linear-Assisted DC/DC Converter

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    This article describes a single-input dual output (SIDO) linear-assisted DC/DC converter. Linear-assisted DC/DC converters are structures that allow to take advantages of the two classic alternatives in the design of power supply systems: voltage linear regulators and switching DC/DC converters. Thanks to the combination of a switching converter and two voltage linear regulators, the proposed SIDO converter provides two independent outputs with suitable load and line regulations. In the presented topology the SIDO linear-assisted DC/DC converter operates at the boundary of continuous conduction mode(CCM) and discontinuous conduction mode (DCM) with variable switching frequency.Postprint (published version

    Towards an on-chip boost switching power converter: a design space exploration

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    This work presents the design space exploration of a boost switching power converter focused on its monolithic implementation. An analysis in terms of the models of its main circuit elements (switching transistors, inductor, and capacitor) is described. The figure of merit is defined taking into account output voltage ripple, power efficiency, and occupied die area as performance indexes, from which a singular point that maximizes performance is obtained. Transistor-level simulation results for a particular 0.35 mm standard CMOS technology are presented to validate the approach.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Current-Steering Switching Policy for a SIDO Linear-Assisted Hysteretic DC/DC Converter

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    This paper proposes the use of linear-assisted switching power converters in the context of single-inductor dual-output (SIDO) applications. By combining a DC/DC ripplecontrolled switching power converter with the respective voltage linear regulators at each output, improved performance in terms of load and line regulations is obtained. To achieve that aim, a current-steering switching policy is proposed, together with a resource-aware circuit implementation. The ripple-based hysteretic control results in variable switching frequency to guarantee critical conduction mode (boundary of CCM and DCM).Postprint (published version

    Filtro gm-C para aplicaciones de comunicaciones con sintonía adaptativa del factor de calidad Q independiente de la sintonía de la frecuencia central

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    Este artículo muestra la propuesta de un filtro gm-C de segundo orden con control independiente total de la frecuencia central y el factor de calidad diseñado para aplicaciones inalámbricas multiestándar. Se presenta asimismo el diseño de los lazos de control adecuados para hacer la correcta sintonía del filtro tras una breve descripción de las ventajas e inconvenientes de las propuestas encontradas en la bibliografía. El trabajo se completa con una propuesta de mejora del lazo de control del factor de calidad que permite aumentar la rapidez del lazo y disminuir el error de rizado de la señal de control.Postprint (published version

    Circuito promediador para control de convertidores conmutados de potencia: implemetnación integrada cmos en mod de corriente

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    El presente artículo describe el estudio, la síntesis y la implementación microelectrónica analógica de un método para la obtención del valor medio instantáneo de una señal, en el contexto del control de convertidores conmutados de potencia. Se incluyen tanto una descripción funcional así como las condiciones analíticas que describen la validez del método propuesto. A nivel circuital, la realización de un diseño basado en la aproximación del modo de corriente conlleva un circuito de baja complejidad y elevadas prestaciones dinámicas. Los resultados de simulación para una realización microelectrónica con tecnología CMOS de 0.35 μm muestran un correcto funcionamiento hasta frecuencias de conmutación de 1MHz.Postprint (published version

    Output-Capacitorless CMOS LDO Regulator Based on High Slew-Rate Current-Mode Transconductance Amplifier

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    A low quiescent current output-capacitorless CMOS LDO regulator based on a high slew-rate current-mode transconductance amplifier (CTA) as an error amplifier is presented. Load transient characteristic of the proposed LDO is improved even at low quiescent currents, by using a local common-mode feedback (LCMFB) in the proposed CTA. This provides an increase in the order of transfer characteristic of the circuit, thereby enhancing the slew-rate at the gate of pass transistor. The proposed CTA-based LDO topology has been designed and post-layout simulated in HSPICE, in a 0.18 μm CMOS process to supply a load current between 0-100 mA. Postlayout simulation results reveal that the proposed LDO is stable without any internal compensation strategy and with on-chip output capacitor or lumped parasitic capacitances at the output node between 10-100 pF.Postprint (published version