137 research outputs found

    Analyzing the Behavior of Cannabis Users during the COVID-19 Confinement in Spain

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    The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on our lives is unquestionable, including in the area of substance consumption. This study aimed to evaluate the changes in the pattern of cannabis use during the Spanish COVID-19 lockdown and confinement, and to analyze the variations in the reported motives for cannabis use and withdrawal symptoms. A cross-sectional retrospective study was conducted between April and May 2020, using an instrument that included two time points. Time 1 collected retrospective information on the participants’ habits (N = 89; 73% male; mean age = 29.01) prior to confinement and Time 2 collected the same information during the confinement. Sociodemographic data were collected, as well as the frequency of substance use, cannabis use patterns, sources of cannabis, perceived availability of drugs and cannabis price, and the Marijuana Motives Measure questionnaire and the Cannabis Withdrawal Scale were used. Results showed a decrease in both cannabis use and consumption due to enhancement and social motives. All reported sources of cannabis experienced a reduction except for the Internet, which experienced a significant increase. There was a positive correlation between withdrawal symptoms and coping motives before and during the lockdown. These findings will allow professionals to better develop both prevention and intervention strategies

    Sensibilidad a la ansiedad como factor de vulnerabilidad transdiagnóstico para el consumo de tabaco: implicaciones clínicas y para el tratamiento

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    El tabaquismo es la principal causa evitable de morbilidad y muerte prematura a nivel mundial (López, Pérez-Ríos, Schiaffino y Fernández, 2016; Soriano et al., 2018; Organización Mundial de la Salud [OMS], 2019). En general, hay 1,3 mil millones de fumadores adultos en el mundo y se estima una prevalencia media de 42,5 % de intentos de dejar de fumar en el último año (Ahluwalia et al., 2018; Asma et al., 2015). En España, el porcentaje de fumadores diarios mostró una tendencia al alza en 2018, alcanzando el 34 % de la población. Sin embargo, casi dos tercios de ellos (65,85 %) han informado de al menos un intento de dejar de fumar en el último año (Plan Nacional sobre Drogas, 2019)

    Psychometric properties and factor structure of the brief Wisconsin Inventory of Smoking Dependence Motives among Spanish smokers from the general population

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    Introduction: The brief version of the Wisconsin Inventory of Smoking Dependence Motives (B-WISDM) is a well-established instrument to measure the multidimensional nature of nicotine dependence. However, no previous research has assessed its psychometric properties in the Spanish context. The aim of the present study was to analyze the factor structure and measurement invariance across gender of this instrument among Spanish smokers from the general population. Methods: This cross-sectional study assessed 480 smokers through an online questionnaire including information on tobacco use and several nicotine dependence measures. Confirmatory Factor Analysis was used to assess the factorial structure of the Spanish B-WISDM, its internal consistency, measurement invariance across gender and convergent validity with the Fagerstr¨om Test for Nicotine Dependence (FTND) and the Glover-Nilsson Smoking Behavioral Questionnaire (GN-SBQ) scores. Results: Results indicate that the eleven correlated factors solution had a better fit when compared to the other tested models (two correlated factors and two second-order factors with eleven first-order correlated factors solution), remaining such structure invariant across gender. Internal consistency of the scale was high (α =0.950; dimension α values ranged between 0.657 and 0.921). Overall scores and dimensions of the scale significantly and positively correlated with other nicotine dependence measures (except for Social/Environmental Goads and FTND). Conclusions: This is the first version of the B-WISDM validated to assess nicotine dependence with a multidimensional perspective within the Spanish culture. Results show adequate psychometric properties regarding its factor structure and measurement invariance across gender, supporting its utility to evaluate the motives driving tobacco use among Spanish smokers from the general population

    Perceived Detention Environment and Mental Health of Detainees in Immigration Detention Centers in Spain

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    The increase in migratory flows worldwide has led to the creation of detention centers as a form of control of irregular migration. Recipient countries are responsible for protecting detainees’ right to mental health, but the literature suggests that immigration detention centers are environments associated with complex mental health needs among the detainees. This study aims to approach the mental health of people detained in the immigration detention centers in Spain, a southern border of Europe. Eighty-seven migrants coming from different Latin American and African countries were interviewed using an adaptation of the Measure of Quality of Life in Detention (MQLD; Bosworth & Gerlach, 2020) to measure the perceived detention environment and The Hopkins Symptom Checklist-25 (HSCL-25; Derogatis et al., 1974) to assess mental health. The results show a high prevalence of detainees with significant levels of anxiety and depression (69%) and attempts at self-harm within the detention centers (19.5%). A more positive perception of the detention environment—especially concerning institutional decency and the relationship with officers—is related to a lower degree of negative mental health symptoms. Finally, people detained for more than 2 weeks assess the detention environment more negatively than those detained for less time. Scientific contributions and social implications to ensure the mental health of detainees from a human rights-based approach are discussed.Funding for open access publishing: Universidad de Sevilla/CBUAJesuit Migrant Service of Spain as part of its CIE2022 monitoring progra

    Antiparkinsonian efficacy of guanosine in rodent models of movement disorder

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    Guanosine (GUO) is a guanine-based purine nucleoside with important trophic functions and promising neuroprotective properties. Although the neuroprotective effects of GUO have been corroborated in cellular models of Parkinson's disease (PD), its efficacy as an antiparkinsonian agent has not been fully explored in PD animal models. Accordingly, we evaluated the effectiveness of GUO in reversing motor impairments in several rodent movement disorder models, including catalepsy, tremor, and hemiparkinsonism. Our results showed that orally administered GUO antagonized reserpine-mediated catalepsy, reduced reserpine-induced tremulous jaw movements, and potentiated the number of contralateral rotations induced by L-3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine in unilaterally 6-hydroxidopamine-lesioned rats. In addition, at 5 and 7.5 mg/kg, GUO inhibited L-DOPA-induced dyskinesia in rats chronically treated with a pro-dopaminergic agent. Overall, we describe the therapeutic potential of GUO, which may be effective not only for reversing parkinsonian motor impairments but also for reducing dyskinesia induced by treatment for PD

    Transdiagnostic model of psychological factors and sex differences in depression in a large sample of Ecuador

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    Background/Objective: depression represents a leading cause of disability and a major contributor to the overall global burden of disease with women systematically reporting a higher prevalence than men. This study aimed to examine the predictive value and relation of three transdiagnostic psychological factors (perceived stress, psychological inflexibility and loneliness) on depression and its sex differences for the general population in a large sample of Ecuador. Method: a non-probabilistic and non-clinical sample of 16.074 people from across Ecuador were online surveyed using a cross-sectional design. The structural equation model was based on scores from standardized questionnaires as measures of depression, psychological perceived stress, psychological inflexibility, and loneliness. Results: women reported significantly higher levels of depression, mediated by differences in perceived stress, psychological inflexibility and loneliness. Perceived stress was the most important predictor of depression and mediated the effect of loneliness on depression. Complementarily, psychological inflexibility partially mediated the effect of perceived stress and loneliness on depression. The overall model accounted for the 78% of the total variance in depression. Conclusions: results of this study provide a novel and robust transdiagnostic model of sex differences on depression and insights on how to design effective programs for preventing depression targeting modifiable transdiagnostic risk factors.The study was funded by the Particular Technical University of Loja (Ecuador) (PROY-INV-PSI2020-2781). Additional funding to P.R. was provided by the European Union— 'NextGenerationEU' through the Grant for the Requalification of the Spanish University System for 2021-2023 at the Public University of Navarra (Resolution 1402/2021)

    Blogs as a resource for the professional future in the early childhood Education Degree

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    En la actualidad persiste un modelo de evaluación en las aulas universitarias que sigue poniendo el énfasis en el trabajo del profesorado antes que en el aprendizaje de los estudiantes. Sin embargo, estamos asistiendo a la introducción de cambios e innovaciones en los sistemas y procedimientos de evaluación que conceden un mayor protagonismo a los estudiantes. En este contexto, el objetivo de este proyecto es introducir el uso de blogs en la asignatura de “Trastornos del Comportamiento Infantil” en el Grado en Maestro de Educación Infantil de la Universidad de Oviedo, lo que favorecerá competencias relacionadas con su futuro profesional y el uso de nuevas tecnologías. En este trabajo se presentan una serie de contribuciones didácticas asociadas al uso de blogs en la educación universitaria. Tanto el profesorado como el alumnado lo valoran como un recurso útil para conformar entornos virtuales de enseñanza y aprendizaje gracias a las múltiples potencialidades que ofrece. Los alumnos informaron de una alta satisfacción con la experiencia docente y sus blogs fueron evaluados de forma muy positiva por los profesores participantes en el proyecto.Currently the evaluation framework in the University continues focusing the evaluation in the teaching staff rather than in the learning of the students. However, there are a kind of changes and innovations in the assessment systems and procedures that give a great role to students. According to this, this study aims to highlight the potential use of blogs in the active learning in the "Behavior Disorders of Childhood" subject at the University of Oviedo. This proyect will improve the students’ skills related to their professional future and the use of new technologies. This work presents some contributions associated with the use of blogs in the higher education. Both teachers and students value it as a useful resource to create virtual teaching and learning environments. Students reported high satisfaction with the innovation experience. Also, their blogs were highly positively evaluated by the teachers participating in this project. Key Words: learning, teaching and training, innovation, information and communication technologies

    Contingency management effects on delay discounting among patients receiving smoking cessation treatment

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    Antecedentes: la evidencia sugiere que el descuento por demora puede cambiar tras recibir intervenciones eficaces. No obstante, estudios previos que evaluaron el efecto del manejo de contingencias (MC) sobre el descuento por demora son escasos y presentan resultados mixtos. Se evaluó si el MC combinado con tratamiento cognitivo-conductual (TCC) para dejar de fumar se asoció con cambios en el descuento por demora al final del tratamiento y a los seis de seguimiento comparado con TCC. Método: Ciento dieciséis fumadores fueron asignados aleatoriamente a MC+TCC (n = 69) o a TCC solo (n = 47). Completaron la tarea de descuento por demora en la línea base, al final del tratamiento y a los seis meses de seguimiento. Evaluamos el efecto del MC en el descuento por demora con métodos paramétricos y no paramétricos. Resultados: Los análisis entre-grupos mostraron que ninguno de los tratamientos modificó el descuento por demora al final del tratamiento y a los seis meses de seguimiento. No obstante, algunos análisis intra-grupos mostraron que la condición de MC + TCC evidenció cierta reducción. Conclusiones: una intervención de MC no se asocia robustamente con cambios en el descuento por demora. Futuros estudios han de abordar qué tratamientos pueden modificarlo

    Antiparkinsonian Efficacy of Guanosine in Rodent Models of Movement Disorder

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    Guanosine (GUO) is a guanine-based purine nucleoside with important trophic functions and promising neuroprotective properties. Although the neuroprotective effects of GUO have been corroborated in cellular models of Parkinson’s disease (PD), its efficacy as an antiparkinsonian agent has not been fully explored in PD animal models. Accordingly, we evaluated the effectiveness of GUO in reversing motor impairments in several rodent movement disorder models, including catalepsy, tremor, and hemiparkinsonism. Our results showed that orally administered GUO antagonized reserpine-mediated catalepsy, reduced reserpine-induced tremulous jaw movements, and potentiated the number of contralateral rotations induced by L-3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine in unilaterally 6-hydroxidopamine-lesioned rats. In addition, at 5 and 7.5 mg/kg, GUO inhibited L-DOPA-induced dyskinesia in rats chronically treated with a pro-dopaminergic agent. Overall, we describe the therapeutic potential of GUO, which may be effective not only for reversing parkinsonian motor impairments but also for reducing dyskinesia induced by treatment for PD