154 research outputs found

    Resveratrol and vascular health: evidence from clinical studies and mechanisms of actions related to its metabolites produced by gut microbiota

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    Cardiovascular diseases are among the leading causes of mortality worldwide, with dietary factors being the main risk contributors. Diets rich in bioactive compounds, such as (poly)phenols, have been shown to potentially exert positive effects on vascular health. Among them, resveratrol has gained particular attention due to its potential antioxidant and anti-inflammatory action. Nevertheless, the results in humans are conflicting possibly due to interindividual different responses. The gut microbiota, a complex microbial community that inhabits the gastrointestinal tract, has been called out as potentially responsible for modulating the biological activities of phenolic metabolites in humans. The present review aims to summarize the main findings from clinical trials on the effects of resveratrol interventions on endothelial and vascular outcomes and review potential mechanisms interesting the role of gut microbiota on the metabolism of this molecule and its cardioprotective metabolites. The findings from randomized controlled trials show contrasting results on the effects of resveratrol supplementation and vascular biomarkers without dose-dependent effect. In particular, studies in which resveratrol was integrated using food sources, i.e., red wine, reported significant effects although the resveratrol content was, on average, much lower compared to tablet supplementation, while other studies with often extreme resveratrol supplementation resulted in null findings. The results from experimental studies suggest that resveratrol exerts cardioprotective effects through the modulation of various antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-hypertensive pathways, and microbiota composition. Recent studies on resveratrol-derived metabolites, such as piceatannol, have demonstrated its effects on biomarkers of vascular health. Moreover, resveratrol itself has been shown to improve the gut microbiota composition toward an anti-inflammatory profile. Considering the contrasting findings from clinical studies, future research exploring the bidirectional link between resveratrol metabolism and gut microbiota as well as the mediating effect of gut microbiota in resveratrol effect on cardiovascular health is warranted

    Propuesta Económica para México

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    El documento presenta las bases de una estrategia de desarrollo incluyente, sustentable y con equidad social para México. Los integrantes del Seminario de Teoría del Desarrollo (STD) del Instituto de Investigaciones Económicas, contribuyen a la discusión actual sobre el desarrollo en nuestro país, ofreciendo reflexiones y lineamientos que aportan conocimiento para construir una estrategia de desarrollo encaminada a lograr transformaciones sociales y económicas que conduzcan al bienestar de la población mexicana

    Caracterização química sanguínea da Síndrome Metabólica em estudantes pré-universitários

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    Introduction: the styles of modern life and the modification of the habits food, they have converted the syndrome metabolic in a problem of public health. The incident of the disorders metabolic in the childhood and the adolescence has experienced an important it blunt needing a bigger study and evaluation, allowing to establish strategies of prevention and investigation, for so avoid or limit the damage in the grown life.Objective: to make the characterization sanguine chemical of the syndrome metabolic in students of the Micaela Riera Oquendo preuniversity of the Manzanillo municipality, Granma county in the year 2018.Methods: 50 students were studied in the Micaela Riera Oquendo preuniversity of the Manzanillo municipality, Granma county in the year 2018, starting from a descriptive prospective study in the that they evaluated variables like: age, sex, complementary text, taking of the arterial pressure, determination of the IMC and the types of obesity. Results:  most they of the patterns of taken blood gave positive to the hyperglycemia, students' prevalence existed with on peso, prevailed the type of severe obesity. They existed 14 obese students, 20 with HTA and 30 with hyper glycaemia, being this the factor decisive of the SM.Conclusion:  a prevalence of the hyper glycaemia, like factor existed decisive of the SM.Introducción: los estilos de vida modernos y la modificación de los hábitos alimentarios han convertido al síndrome metabólico en un problema de salud pública. La incidencia de los trastornos metabólicos en la infancia y la adolescencia han experimentado un importante despunte que amerita mayor estudio y evaluación, y permite establecer estrategias de prevención y pesquisa, para así evitar o limitar el daño en la vida adulta.Objetivo: realizar la caracterización químico sanguíneo del síndrome metabólico en estudiantes del preuniversitario Micaela Riera Oquendo del municipio Manzanillo, provincia Granma en el año 2018.Métodos: se estudiaron 50 estudiantes del preuniversitario Micaela Riera Oquendo del municipio Manzanillo, provincia Granma en el año 2018, a partir de un estudio descriptivo prospectivo en el que evaluaron variables como: edad, sexo, exámenes complementarios, toma de la presión arterial, determinación del índice de masa corporal y los tipos de obesidad.Resultados: la mayor parte de las muestras de sangre tomadas dieron positivas a la hiperglicemia, existió un predominio de estudiantes con sobre peso, prevaleció el tipo de obesidad severa. Existieron 14 estudiantes obesos, 20 con hipertensión arterial y 30 con hiperglicemia, factor determinante del síndrome metabólico.Conclusión: existió un predominio de la hiperglicemia como factor determinante del síndrome metabólico. Introdução: estilos de vida modernos e mudanças nos hábitos alimentares tornaram a síndrome metabólica um problema de saúde pública. A incidência de distúrbios metabólicos na infância e na adolescência tem experimentado um aumento significativo que merece um estudo e avaliação mais aprofundados, e permite estabelecer estratégias de prevenção e pesquisa, a fim de evitar ou limitar os danos na vida adulta.Objetivo: realizar a caracterização química sanguínea da síndrome metabólica em alunos da pré-universidade Micaela Riera Oquendo do município de Manzanillo, província de Granma em 2018. Métodos: 50 alunos da pré-universidade Micaela Riera Oquendo, do município de Manzanillo, província de Granma, em 2018, foram estudados a partir de um estudo descritivo prospectivo no qual avaliaram variáveis como: idade, sexo, exames complementares, ingestão de pressão arterial, determinação do índice de massa corporal e tipos de obesidade. Resultados: a maioria das amostras de sangue colhidas deram positivo para hiperglicemia, houve predominância de estudantes com sobrepeso, prevaleceu o tipo de obesidade grave. Havia 14 estudantes obesos, 20 com pressão alta e 30 com hiperglicemia, determinante da síndrome metabólica.Conclusão: houve predomínio da hiperglicemia como fator determinante na síndrome metabólica

    Bifurcaria bifurcata extract exerts antioxidant effects on human Caco-2 cells

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    The present research study investigated the potential protective effect of Bifurcaria bifurcata extract on cell viability and antioxidant defences of cultured human Caco-2 cells submitted to oxidative stress induced by tert-butylhydroperoxide (tert-BOOH). Aqueous extracts were firstly characterized in terms of total phenolic contents. Concentrations of reduced glutathione (GSH) and malondialdehyde (MDA), generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS), nitric oxide (NO) production, antioxidant enzymes activities [NADPH quinone dehydrogenase 1 (NQO1) and glutathione S-transferase (GST)], caspase 3/7 activity and gene expression linked to apoptosis, proinflammation and oxidative stress signaling pathways were used as markers of cellular oxidative status. B. bifurcata extract prevented the cytotoxicity, the decrease of GSH, the increase of MDA levels and the ROS generation induced by tert-BOOH. B. bifurcata extract prevented the significant decrease of NQO1 and GST activities, and the significant increase of caspase 3/7 activity induced by tert-BOOH. B. bifurcata extract also caused an over-expression of GSTM2, Nrf2 and AKT1 transcriptors, as well as reduced ERK1, JNK1, Bax, BNIP3, NFκB1, IL-6 and HO-1 gene expressions induced by tert-BOOH suggesting an increase in cellular resistance against oxidative stress. The results of the biomarkers analyzed show that treatment of Caco-2 cells with B. bifurcata extract enhance antioxidant defences, which imply an improved cell response to an oxidative challenge. B. bifurcata extract possesses strong antioxidant properties and may be a potential effective alternative to oxidant agents in the functional food industry.This work was supported by the Project Ref. PID 2020-15979RR-C33 from the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Spain.Peer reviewe

    Sequential Nucleation Growth of ZnO Nanoflowers

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    The morphological characteristics of ZnO nanostructures were systematically studied from dense rods to flower-like shapes. The ZnO flower-like samples were prepared by direct decomposition of a Zn(OH)4 2– precursor and by the sequential nucleation and growth method consisted of a multistep synthesis of complex nanostructured films. Condition-dependent experiments systematically were compared as to reveal the formation and detailed growth process of ZnO nanosized crystallites and aggregates. X-ray diffraction, transmission and scanning electron microscopy indicated that the precursor, solution basicity, reaction temperature and pressure as well as reaction time, were responsible for the variations of the morphologies. ZnO flower-like and large nanorods of exceptional uniformity, orientation alignment, and optical properties have been produced in this work. Several synthesis steps are needed to produce oriented nanostructures that are more complex than simple nanorod architectures. These structures have potential applications in building functional electronics devices and optoelectronic properties

    Boletín MOMENTO ECONÓMICO, año 2, núms. 23-24, Julio-Agosto 2012.

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    Las campañas realizadas para las elecciones federales del pasado 1 de julio, pusieron en evidencia la necesidad de un amplio debate sobre cuál debe ser la estrategia a seguir para construir en México un proceso económico de desarrollo incluyente, sustentable y con equidad social. Fueron diversas variables las que pusieron de manifiesto la urgencia de avanzar en esta dirección: la ausencia de reflexión sobre el tema, la parcialidad de los enfoques y la falta de objetividad en la evaluación de los resultados del modelo aplicado en las tres últimas décadas, entre otras. Culminado el proceso electoral, a dos semanas de que el Tribunal Electoral del Poder Judicial de la Federación lo califique y a escasos tres meses de que dé inicio un nuevo mandato presidencial, el entorno económico nacional y mundial nos exigen, una vez más, reflexionar sobre la validez de la estrategia económica aplicada para promover el desarrollo y enfrentar la profunda crisis por la que atraviesa el sistema económico en su conjunto

    Saturated fatty acid-enriched small extracellular vesicles mediate a crosstalk inducing liver inflammation and hepatocyte insulin resistance

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    [Background & Aims]: Lipotoxicity triggers non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) progression owing to the accumulation of toxic lipids in hepatocytes including saturated fatty acids (SFAs), which activate pro-inflammatory pathways. We investigated the impact of hepatocyte- or circulating-derived small extracellular vesicles (sEV) secreted under NAFLD conditions on liver inflammation and hepatocyte insulin signalling. [Methods]: sEV released by primary mouse hepatocytes, characterised and analysed by lipidomics, were added to mouse macrophages/Kupffer cells (KC) to monitor internalisation and inflammatory responses. Insulin signalling was analysed in hepatocytes exposed to conditioned media from sEV-loaded macrophages/KC. Mice were i.v. injected sEV to study liver inflammation and insulin signalling. Circulating sEV from mice and humans with NAFLD were used to evaluate macrophage–hepatocyte crosstalk. [Results]: Numbers of sEV released by hepatocytes increased under NAFLD conditions. Lipotoxic sEV were internalised by macrophages through the endosomal pathway and induced pro-inflammatory responses that were ameliorated by pharmacological inhibition or deletion of Toll-like receptor-4 (TLR4). Hepatocyte insulin signalling was impaired upon treatment with conditioned media from macrophages/KC loaded with lipotoxic sEV. Both hepatocyte-released lipotoxic sEV and the recipient macrophages/KC were enriched in palmitic (C16:0) and stearic (C18:0) SFAs, well-known TLR4 activators. Upon injection, lipotoxic sEV rapidly reached KC, triggering a pro-inflammatory response in the liver monitored by Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) phosphorylation, NF-κB nuclear translocation, pro-inflammatory cytokine expression, and infiltration of immune cells into the liver parenchyma. sEV-mediated liver inflammation was attenuated by pharmacological inhibition or deletion of TLR4 in myeloid cells. Macrophage inflammation and subsequent hepatocyte insulin resistance were also induced by circulating sEV from mice and humans with NAFLD. [Conclusions]: We identified hepatocyte-derived sEV as SFA transporters targeting macrophages/KC and activating a TLR4-mediated pro-inflammatory response enough to induce hepatocyte insulin resistance.This work was supported by grants PID2021-122766OB-I00 (AMV), PID2019-105989RB-I00 (JB), PID2020-113238RB-I00 (LB), PID2019-106581RB-I00 (MAM), PID2020-114148RB-I00 (MI), PID2019-107036RB-I00 (RF), and RD21/0006/0001 (ISCIII) (IL) funded by Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación/Agencia Estatal de Investigación/10.13039/501100011033 and ERDF ‘A way of making Europe’ by the European Union (MICINN/AEI/FEDER, EU), grant EFSD/Boehringer Ingelheim European Research Programme on ‘Multi-System Challenges in Diabetes’ from the European Foundation for the Study of Diabetes (AMV), P2022/BMD-7227 (Comunidad de Madrid, Spain) (AMV), Fundación Ramón Areces (Spain) (AMV), CIBERdem (AMV and JB), CIBERhed (RF), and CIBERcv (LB) (ISCIII, Spain). LB and AMV belong to the Spanish National Research Council’s (CSIC’s) Cancer Hub. We also acknowledge the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) postdoctoral contract IJCI-2015-24758 to IGM and the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport (MECD) FPU17/02786 grant to RA