35 research outputs found

    Are digital twins improving urban-water systems efficiency and sustainable development goals?

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    The use of these new interaction tool implies the improvement of the awareness of the whole system and it lies in improving the sustainability and efficiency of the water systems with the integration of measurements. The research proposed a methodology, which enables improvement in the accuracy and reliability of data and it increases the performance of water systems. This study proposes a pressure-reduction strategy and the implementation of pumps as turbines (PATs), applicable in Sta Cruz, Madeira water system. The use of the developed digital twin model assures a decrease of 3.3 hm3 in water-demand volume, increasing renewable generation by micro-hydropower up to 1.2 GWh. These actions would result in savings above 1.5 M€, decreasing around 530 tons of CO2 emissions each year. The consideration of these values implies the improvement of different indicators, which allows the evaluation of different targets linked to sustainable development goals (SDGs). A digital twin is a tool, which enables a real-time simulation of the water systems and therefore, the water managers can make a decision in the management of the water system over time. The use of these new interaction tool implies the improvement of the awareness of the whole system and it lies in improving the sustainability and efficiency of the water systems with the integration of measurements. The research proposed a methodology to integrate GIS and water models, being the main goal the integration of social, economic, environmental and technical issues. This integration enables improvement in the accuracy and reliability of data and it increases the performance of water systems. This study proposes a pressure-reduction strategy and the implementation of pumps as turbines (PATs), applicable in Sta Cruz, Madeira water system. The use of the developed digital twin model assures a decrease of 3.3 hm3 in water-demand volume, increasing renewable generation by micro-hydropower up to 1.2 GWh. These actions would result in savings above 1.5 M€, decreasing around 530 tons of CO2 emissions each year. The consideration of these values implies the improvement of different indicators, which allows the evaluation of different targets linked to sustainable development goals (SDGs). © 2023 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

    Energy footprint of water depending on consumption patterns in pressurized water networks

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    [EN] The energy audits are tools which allow to analyse the state of the water distribution network where the energy consumption depends on annual flow pattern (RQ). The present research develops a methodology to compare the energy footprint of water (EWF) through an energy balance with different RQs. The aim is to determine the energy behaviour of a network based on RQ value. The study analyses four networks (two drinking and two irrigation networks), showing a lower total energy consumption (5.22, 3.21, and 4.01%) and a lower friction energy (28.57, 21.42, and 25%) those networks with RQ less variable when these networks are compared with the network with more variability RQ. As novelty, the research defines a non-dimensional EWF parameter, which allows comparing EWF between different networks. This parameter can be introduced as sustainability index in the networks sizing jointed to technical and economic criteria.[ES] Las auditorías energéticas son herramientas que permiten analizar la situación de las redes de distribución, donde el consumo energético depende del patrón de caudal anual (RQ). En este trabajo se desarrolla una metodología para poder comparar la huella energética del agua (HEA) a través de un balance energético con diferente RQs. El objetivo es determinar el comportamiento energético de una red en base a RQ. El estudio analiza cuatro redes (dos de abastecimiento y dos de riego) mostrando que aquellas que presentan un RQ menos variable tienen un menor consumo de energía total (5.22, 3.21, y 4.01%) y de fricción (28.57, 21.42 y 25%) frente a la red con un RQ más variable. Como novedad, el trabajo define el parámetro HEA adimensional, el cual permite comparar la HEA entre diferentes redes, pudiendo ser introducido como índice de sostenibilidad en el dimensionado junto a los criterios técnicos y económicos.Pérez-Sánchez, M.; Sánchez-Romero, F.; López-Jiménez, PA. (2017). Huella energética del agua en función de los patrones de consumo en redes de distribución. Ingeniería del Agua. 21(3):197-212. doi:10.4995/ia.2017.7096SWORD197212213Abadia, R., Rocamora, C., Ruíz, C., 2008. Protocolo de Auditoría Energética en Comunidades de Regantes. IDAE, Madrid, Spain.Araujo, L.S., Ramos, H., Coelho, S.T., 2006. Pressure Control for Leakage Minimisation in Water Distribution Systems Management. Water Resources Management. 20, 133-149. doi:10.1007/s11269-006-4635-3Berbel, J., Gutiérrez-Martín, C., Camacho, E., Montesinos, P., Rodriguez, 2014. "Efectos de la modernización de regadíos en el consumo de agua, energía y coste" in: Congreso de Regantes de Huelva. Universidad de Córdoba.Cabrera, E., Almandoz, J., Arregui, F., García-Serra, J., 1998. Auditoría de Redes de Distribución de Agua. Ingeniería del Agua 6(4) 387-399. doi:10.4995/ia.1999.2794Cabrera, E., Cobacho, R., Soriano, J., 2014. Towards an Energy Labelling of Pressurized Water Networks. Procedia Engineering. 70, 209-217. doi:10.1016/j.proeng.2014.02.024Cabrera, E., Pardo, M.; Cobacho, R., Cabrera Jr., E., 2010. Energy audit of water networks. Journal Water Resource Planning and Management. 136, 669-677. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)WR.1943-5452.0000077Carravetta, A., Del Giudice, G., Fecarotta, O., Ramos, H., 2013a. Pump as Turbine (PAT) Design in Water Distribution Network by System Effectiveness. Water 5, 1211-1225. doi:10.3390/w5031211Carravetta, A., Del Giudice, G., Fecarotta, O., Ramos, H., 2013b. PAT Design Strategy for Energy Recovery in Water Distribution Networks by Electrical Regulation. Energies 6, 411-424. doi:10.3390/en6010411Carravetta, A., Fecarotta, O., Del Giudice, G., Ramos, H., 2014. Energy Recovery in Water Systems by PATs: A Comparisons among the Different Installation Schemes. Procedia Engineering 70, 275-284. doi:10.1016/j.proeng.2014.02.031Corominas, J. 2010. Agua y Energía en el riego en la época de la sostenibilidad. Ingeniería del Agua, 17(3), 219-233. https://doi.org/10.4995/ia.2010.2977Gómez, E. 2016. Caracterización y mejora de la eficiencia energética del transporte de agua a presión. PhD Thesis. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/72637Granados García, A. 2013. Criterios para el dimensionamiento de redes de riego robustas frente a cambios en la alternativa de cultivos. PhD Thesis. E.T.S.I. Caminos, Canales y Puertos (UPM).Jiménez-Bello, M.A., Royuela, A., Manzano, J., Prats, A.G., Martínez-Alzamora, F., 2015. Methodology to improve water and energy use by proper irrigation scheduling in pressurised networks. Agricultural Water Management. 149, 91-101. doi:10.1016/j.agwat.2014.10.026Klein, G., Krebs, M., Hall, V., O'Brien, T., Blevins, B.B. 2005. California's Water - Energy Relationship, California Energy Comission.López-Cortijo, I., Esquiroz, J.C., Aliod, R., García, S., 2007. Determinación de los costes energéticos en el cálculo de redes a presión con bombeo directo in: XXV Congreso Nacional de Riegos. Pamplona.McNabola, A., Coughlan, P., Corcoran, L., Power, C., Prysor Williams, A., Harris, I., Gallagher, J., Styles, D., 2014. Energy recovery in the water industry using micro-hydropower: an opportunity to improve sustainability. Water Policy 16, 168. doi:10.2166/wp.2013.164Moreno, M., Córcoles, J., Tarjuelo, J., Ortega, J., 2010. Energy efficiency of pressurised irrigation networks managed on-demand and under a rotation schedule. Biosystems Engineering 107, 349-363. doi:10.1016/j.biosystemseng.2010.09.009Munizaga, E., 1976. Redes de agua potable: diseño y dimensionamiento. Instituto Eduardo Torroja. Monografía num. 335.Pardo, M.A., Manzano, J., Cabrera, E., García-Serra, J., 2013. Energy audit of irrigation networks. Biosystems Engineering. 115, 89-101. doi:10.1016/j.biosystemseng.2013.02.005Pérez-García, R., 1993. Dimensionado óptimo de redes de distribución de agua ramificadas considerando los elementos de regulación. Universitat Politècnica de Valencìa.Pérez-Sánchez, M., Sánchez-Romero, F., Ramos, H., López-Jiménez, P., 2016. Modeling Irrigation Networks for the Quantification of Potential Energy Recovering: A Case Study. Water 8, 1-26. doi:10.3390/w8060234Planells, P., Ortega, J.F., 2006. Selección de bombas en redes de riego a presión. Ingeniería del Agua 6, 47-57. https://doi.org/10.4995/ia.2006.2881Pulido-Calvo, I., Roldán, J., López-Luque, R., Gutiérrez-Estrada, J.C. 2003. Water Delivery System Planning Considering Irrigation Simultaneity. Journal Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, 129, 247-255. https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9437(2003)129:4(247)Ramos, H., Borga, A. 1999. Pumps as turbines: an unconventional solution to energy production. Urban Water, 1, 261-263. https://doi.org/10.1016/S1462-0758(00)00016-9Ramos, H., Mello, M., De, P.K. 2010. Clean power in water supply systems as a sustainable solution: from planning to practical implementation. Water Science and Technology Water Supply, 10, 39-49. https://doi.org/10.2166/ws.2010.720Vanham, D., Bidoglio, G. 2013. A review on the indicator water footprint for the EU28. Ecological Indicators, 26, 61-75. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolind.2012.10.021Walkenbach, J. 2010. Excel 2010. Programación con VBA. Editorial Anaya. Madrid. https://doi.org/10.1002/9781118257616White, F.M., 2008. Fluid Mechanics, 6th. ed. McGrau-Hill

    Modelo matemático bidimensional para el estudio del flujo de agua a través de un decantador rectangular con lamelas

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    [ES] El presente artículo describe un modelo matemático bidimensional elaborado para el estudio del flujo de agua en el interior de un decantador rectangular con lamelas. Este modelo matemático integra la ecuación de Laplace por el método de los elementos finitos, obteniéndose el campo de valores de la función potencial en el interior del decantador, del cual se deducen las componentes de velocidad en todos los puntos de estudio. Este modelo matemático se ha utilizado para estudiar el flujo en el interior de un decantador destinado a la potabilización de agua, que la empresa Aguas de Valencia, S.A. está desarrollando de cara a su construcción en futuras instalaciones. A partir de diferentes diseños básicos sugeridos por dicha empresa, se pretende estudiar el efecto de recirculación forzada del agua de entrada originado por un agitador instalado en la zona de floculación. Además, en la zona de decantación se busca que el flujo ascensional se distribuya lo más uniformemente posible en toda la zona de lamelas, a fin de conseguir un mayor aprovechamiento de éstas y por tanto, un mejor rendimiento del decantador. Para ello se ha estudiado el tipo de dispositivo de recogida del agua decantada a instalar, así como su distribución sobre la superficie del decantador, resultando como más favorable la instalación de tres canaletas almenadas que forman vertederos rectangulares en la superficie libre del agua en la zona de decantación, y un vertedero transversal al final de dicha zona.El presente artículo está basado en el Contrato para Proyecto de Investigación y Desarrollo firmado en Septiembre de 1994 entre la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia y la empresa Aguas de Valencia, S.A. con el título “Elaboración y puesta a punto de un modelo matemático bidimensional para el estudio del flujo de agua a través de un decantador rectangular con lamelas”. Agradecemos a .la empresa Aguas de Valencia, S.A. las facilidades ofrecidas para el desarrollo de este Estudio, así como la autorización concedida para la publicación de los resultados del mismo.Espert Alemany, V.; García, M.; Sancho, H.; López Jiménez, AP. (1996). Modelo matemático bidimensional para el estudio del flujo de agua a través de un decantador rectangular con lamelas. Ingeniería del Agua. 3(3):15-28. https://doi.org/10.4995/ia.1996.2701SWORD152833Andrés, M. (1994). Diseño de una Planta Potabilizadora. Las de Picassent y Manises. Curso de Abastecimiento de Agua Potable: Calidad y Tratamientos. Valencia, 22 al 25 de Marzo de 1994. U.D. Mecánica de Fluidos (Universidad Politécnica de Valencia) y EGEVASA (Excma. Diputación de Valencia). 52 pág.Chung, TJ. (977). Finite Element Analvsis in Fluid Dynamics. Ed. McGraw Hill. New York.Degremont (1979). Manual Técnico del Agua (4a ed.). S.A.E. de Depuración de Aguas Degremont.Hinton, E. y Owen, D.R.J. (1977). Finite Element Programming. Ed. Academic Press. Londres.McGhee, T.J. (1991). Water Supply and Sewerage (6th ed.). Ed. McGraw Hill. New York.Salvato, J.A. (1992). Environmental Engineering and Sanitation (4th ed.). Ed. John Wiley and Sons. New York.Sanks, R.L. (1978). Water Tratment Plant Design for the Practicing Engineer. Ed. Ann Arbor Science. Michigan.U.D. Mecánica de Fluidos (1995). Curso de Ingeniería Hidráulica Aplicada a los Sistemas de Distribución de Agua (Tomo I). U.D. Mecánica de Fluidos (Universidad Politécnica de Valencia) y Aguas de Valencia, S.A

    Nexo agua-energía: optimización energética en sistemas de distribución. Aplicación ‘Postrasvase Júcar-Vinalopó’

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    Pérez-Sánchez, M., Sánchez-Romero, F. J., & López-Jiménez, P. A. (julio-agosto, 2017). Nexo agua-energía: optimización energética en sistemas de distribución. Aplicación “Postrasvase Júcar-Vinalopó”, España. Tecnología y Ciencias del Agua, 8(4), 19-36. En ocasiones, la realización de transferencias de volúmenes de agua entre cuencas es la única solución al déficit hídrico para algunas zonas agrícolas. Tal es el caso del mediterráneo español, concretamente el sur de la provincia de Alicante.  De manera histórica, esta área ha presentado un balance hídrico deficitario entre necesidades de riego y recursos,  provocando la sobreexplotación de sus acuíferos. Para paliar este impacto medioambiental se articuló una transferencia de volúmenes entre las cuencas de los ríos Júcar y Vinalopó. Un sistema hidráulico a presión fue el encargado de trasvasar agua entre cuencas y distribuirlas a las superficies de regadío. En el presente artículo se describe la metodología utilizada para optimizar el sistema agua-energía, basado en Epanet, para que una vez calibrado se utilice como herramienta de explotación del sistema. Dicho modelo permite analizar la distribución de volúmenes y caudales en función de la demanda agrícola existente en cada balsa receptora. Unido a la distribución hidráulica se realiza un estudio profundo de las posibles relaciones hidroenergéticas en el sistema conjunto, llegando a obtener un valor máximo de energía recuperable teórica de 18 418 MWh/año. Así, se determina la viabilidad de aprovechar saltos hidráulicos para aumentar la eficiencia conjunta en la distribución

    Electrical behaviour of the pump working as turbine in off grid operation

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    [EN] The use of pumps working as turbines (PATs) connected to the electric system, in the replacement of pressure reduction valves to reduce the excessive pressure in water distribution networks, have been studied for the last years. The introduction of PATs is very important in the water-energy nexus to promote the increase of the energy savings. As consequence, the majority of the water systems does not have access to the electrical grid and, therefore, the need to study the PATS operation off-grid is necessary. In this line, the novelty of this research is the application and optimization of a PAT in water systems when the recovery solution is off-grid type. To operate correctly, the induction machine requires an external source of reactive power, which is typically provided by the electrical grid. To supply the required reactive power, a bank of capacitors is installed at the machine terminals, so-called self-excited induction generator (SEIG). The analytical model, simulation and experimental works were performed, to analyse the SEIG behaviour. The results were applied in a SEIG-PAT system obtaining the global efficiency of the system for different speeds and loads. The global efficiency decreases 47% when off-grid operation, showing the need to optimize the electrical parameters of the generator to operate as off- grid with acceptable efficiency levels. In this framework, a tuning methodology for the SEIG capacitor bank values was developed to be automatically adjusted according to the operating point of the PAT to maximize its efficiency.This research is supported by Academic program career of the faculty of the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia 2016/2017 in the project "Maximization of the global efficiency in PATs in laboratory facility" and by FCT, through IDMEC, under LAETA, project UID/EMS/50022/2013. Besides, the authors wish to thank to the project REDAWN (Reducing Energy Dependency in Atlantic Area Water Networks) EAPA_198/2016 from INTERREG ATLANTIC AREA PROGRAMME 2014-2020 and CERIS (CEHIDRO-IST), the Hydraulic Laboratory, for the support in the conceptual work and in experiments on PATs.Capelo, B.; Pérez-Sánchez, M.; Fernandes, JFP.; Ramos, HM.; López Jiménez, PA.; Costa Branco, PJ. (2017). Electrical behaviour of the pump working as turbine in off grid operation. Applied Energy. 208:302-311. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apenergy.2017.10.039S30231120

    Solution Approaches for the Management of the Water Resources in Irrigation Water Systems with Fuzzy Costs

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    [EN] Currently, the management of water networks is key to increase their sustainability. This fact implies that water managers have to develop tools that ease the decision-making process in order to improve the efficiency of irrigation networks, as well as their exploitation costs. The present research proposes a mathematical programming model to optimize the selection of the water sources and the volume over time in water networks, minimizing the operation costs as a function of the water demand and the reservoir capacity. The model, which is based on fuzzy methods, improves the evaluation performed by water managers when they have to decide about the acquisition of the water resources under uncertain costs. Different fuzzy solution approaches have been applied and assessed in terms of model complexity and computational efficiency, showing the solution accomplished for each one. A comparison between different methods was applied in a real water network, reaching a 20% total cost reduction for the best solution.Sanchis, R.; Díaz-Madroñero Boluda, FM.; López Jiménez, PA.; Pérez-Sánchez, M. (2019). Solution Approaches for the Management of the Water Resources in Irrigation Water Systems with Fuzzy Costs. Water. 11(12):1-22. https://doi.org/10.3390/w11122432S1221112Biswas, A. K. (2004). Integrated Water Resources Management: A Reassessment. Water International, 29(2), 248-256. doi:10.1080/02508060408691775Pahl-Wostl, C. (2006). Transitions towards adaptive management of water facing climate and global change. Water Resources Management, 21(1), 49-62. doi:10.1007/s11269-006-9040-4Wu, K., & Zhang, L. (2014). Progress in the Development of Environmental Risk Assessment as a Tool for the Decision-Making Process. Journal of Service Science and Management, 07(02), 131-143. doi:10.4236/jssm.2014.72011Hernández-Bedolla, J., Solera, A., Paredes-Arquiola, J., Pedro-Monzonís, M., Andreu, J., & Sánchez-Quispe, S. (2017). The Assessment of Sustainability Indexes and Climate Change Impacts on Integrated Water Resource Management. Water, 9(3), 213. doi:10.3390/w9030213Hunink, J., Simons, G., Suárez-Almiñana, S., Solera, A., Andreu, J., Giuliani, M., … Bastiaanssen, W. (2019). A Simplified Water Accounting Procedure to Assess Climate Change Impact on Water Resources for Agriculture across Different European River Basins. Water, 11(10), 1976. doi:10.3390/w11101976Pérez-Sánchez, M., Sánchez-Romero, F., Ramos, H., & López-Jiménez, P. (2016). Modeling Irrigation Networks for the Quantification of Potential Energy Recovering: A Case Study. Water, 8(6), 234. doi:10.3390/w8060234Corominas, J. (2010). Agua y energía en el riego, en la época de la sostenibilidad. Ingeniería del agua, 17(3). doi:10.4995/ia.2010.2977Romero, L., Pérez-Sánchez, M., & Amparo López-Jiménez, P. (2017). Improvement of sustainability indicators when traditional water management changes: a case study in Alicante (Spain). AIMS Environmental Science, 4(3), 502-522. doi:10.3934/environsci.2017.3.502Davies, E. G. R., & Simonovic, S. P. (2011). Global water resources modeling with an integrated model of the social–economic–environmental system. Advances in Water Resources, 34(6), 684-700. doi:10.1016/j.advwatres.2011.02.010ALCAMO, J., DÖLL, P., HENRICHS, T., KASPAR, F., LEHNER, B., RÖSCH, T., & SIEBERT, S. (2003). Development and testing of the WaterGAP 2 global model of water use and availability. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 48(3), 317-337. doi:10.1623/hysj.48.3.317.45290Sanchis, R., & Poler, R. (2019). Enterprise Resilience Assessment—A Quantitative Approach. Sustainability, 11(16), 4327. doi:10.3390/su11164327Rahaman, M. M., & Varis, O. (2005). Integrated water resources management: evolution, prospects and future challenges. Sustainability: Science, Practice and Policy, 1(1), 15-21. doi:10.1080/15487733.2005.11907961Markantonis, V., Reynaud, A., Karabulut, A., El Hajj, R., Altinbilek, D., Awad, I. M., … Bidoglio, G. (2019). Can the Implementation of the Water-Energy-Food Nexus Support Economic Growth in the Mediterranean Region? The Current Status and the Way Forward. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 7. doi:10.3389/fenvs.2019.00084Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)www.fao.orgDirective 2000/60/EC of the European Parliament and of the Councilhttps://eur-lex.europa.eu/eli/dir/2000/60/ojNamany, S., Al-Ansari, T., & Govindan, R. (2019). Sustainable energy, water and food nexus systems: A focused review of decision-making tools for efficient resource management and governance. Journal of Cleaner Production, 225, 610-626. doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2019.03.304Archibald, T. W., & Marshall, S. E. (2018). 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    Electro-Hydraulic Transient Regimes in Isolated Pumps Working as Turbines with Self-Excited Induction Generators

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    [EN] The use of pumps working as turbines (PATs) is a sustainable technical measure that contributes to the improvement of energy efficiency in water systems. However, its performance analysis in off-grid recovery systems is a complex task that must consider both hydraulic (PAT) and electrical machines (typically a self-excited induction generator-SEIG). Aside from several kinds of research that analyze the PAT-SEIG behavior under steady-state constant hydraulic and electrical conditions, this research focuses on the analysis of PAT-SEIG transient regimes, by analyzing their variation when a sudden change occurs in the hydraulic or electrical components. Analytical models were developed to represent the operation of SEIG, PAT, and the PAT-SEIG coupled system. Hydraulic and electromechanical experimental tests validated these models. An excellent fit was obtained when analytical and experimental values were compared. With these models, the impact on the operation of the PAT-SEIG system was examined when sudden change occurred in the excitation capacitances, resistive loads, or recovered head. With a sudden increase of resistive load, the hydraulic power and SEIG stator current remain almost constant. However, there is an increase of SEIG reactive power, decreasing the PAT-SEIG efficiency. Also, with a sudden increase of SEIG capacitors or PAT hydraulic head, the SEIG stator current increases once and not again, while PAT-SEIG efficiency decreases, but the induction generator can be overloaded. The development of this research is key to the advancement of future models which can analyze the coupling of micro-hydropower solutions.This research received some support from the project REDAWN (Reducing Energy Dependency in Atlantic Area Water Networks) EAPA_198/2016 from INTERREG ATLANTIC AREA.Madeira, FC.; Fernandes, JFP.; Pérez-Sánchez, M.; López Jiménez, PA.; Ramos, HM.; Costa Branco, PJ. (2020). Electro-Hydraulic Transient Regimes in Isolated Pumps Working as Turbines with Self-Excited Induction Generators. Energies. 13(17):1-23. https://doi.org/10.3390/en13174521S1231317Postacchini, M., Darvini, G., Finizio, F., Pelagalli, L., Soldini, L., & Di Giuseppe, E. (2020). Hydropower Generation Through Pump as Turbine: Experimental Study and Potential Application to Small-Scale WDN. Water, 12(4), 958. doi:10.3390/w12040958Capelo, B., Pérez-Sánchez, M., Fernandes, J. F. P., Ramos, H. M., López-Jiménez, P. A., & Branco, P. J. C. (2017). Electrical behaviour of the pump working as turbine in off grid operation. Applied Energy, 208, 302-311. doi:10.1016/j.apenergy.2017.10.039Fecarotta, O., Aricò, C., Carravetta, A., Martino, R., & Ramos, H. M. (2014). Hydropower Potential in Water Distribution Networks: Pressure Control by PATs. Water Resources Management, 29(3), 699-714. doi:10.1007/s11269-014-0836-3Ramos, H., & Borga, A. (1999). Pumps as turbines: an unconventional solution to energy production. Urban Water, 1(3), 261-263. doi:10.1016/s1462-0758(00)00016-9Fernandes, J. F. P., Pérez-Sánchez, M., da Silva, F. F., López-Jiménez, P. A., Ramos, H. M., & Branco, P. J. C. (2019). Optimal energy efficiency of isolated PAT systems by SEIG excitation tuning. Energy Conversion and Management, 183, 391-405. doi:10.1016/j.enconman.2019.01.016Yi, Y., Zhang, Z., Chen, D., Zhou, R., Patelli, E., & Tolo, S. (2017). State feedback predictive control for nonlinear hydro-turbine governing system. Journal of Vibration and Control, 107754631774001. doi:10.1177/1077546317740013Khan, M. F., & Khan, M. R. (2016). Analysis of voltage build-up and speed disturbance ride through capability of a self-excited induction generator for renewable energy application. International Journal of Power and Energy Conversion, 7(2), 157. doi:10.1504/ijpec.2016.076521Han, Y., & Tan, L. (2020). Dynamic mode decomposition and reconstruction of tip leakage vortex in a mixed flow pump as turbine at pump mode. Renewable Energy, 155, 725-734. doi:10.1016/j.renene.2020.03.142Pérez-Sánchez, M., Sánchez-Romero, F. J., López-Jiménez, P. A., & Ramos, H. M. (2018). PATs selection towards sustainability in irrigation networks: Simulated annealing as a water management tool. Renewable Energy, 116, 234-249. doi:10.1016/j.renene.2017.09.060Pérez-Sánchez, M., López-Jiménez, P., & Ramos, H. (2018). PATs Operating in Water Networks under Unsteady Flow Conditions: Control Valve Manoeuvre and Overspeed Effect. Water, 10(4), 529. doi:10.3390/w1004052

    La competencia transversal Diseño y Proyecto aplicada a los objetivos de desarrollo sostenible 7 y 10 en trabajos finales de grado y máster codirigidos entre Universidades europeas

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    [ES] La presente comunicación muestra la experiencia que está desarrollándose entre profesores del DIHMA-UPV y del DIEC-IST. Este proyecto está focalizado en el desarrollo de trabajos finales de grado y máster centrados en la mejora de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible en zonas desfavorecidas, particularizado al caso del acceso de la energía y su generación mediante sistemas híbrido renovables. El desarrollo de esta experiencia puede llevarse a cabo gracias a la incorporación de metodologías de aprendizaje asíncrono ya que los alumnos proceden de titulaciones que solo han adquirido resultados de aprendizaje básicos en hidráulica o electricidad. El desarrollo de la actividad y su coordinación entre profesores de ambas universidades está establecido mediante el uso de las estancias del profesorado en Erasmus+STA.[EN] The current communication shows the experience that is developed between DIHMA-UPV and DIEC-IST professors. This project is focused on the development of bachelor’s and master's thesis focused on improving the Sustainable Development Goals in undevoloped areas, particularly in the case of energy access and its generation through renewable hybrid systems. The development of this experience can be carried out thanks to the updating of asynchronous learning applied methodologies. It is since the students come from degrees, which have only acquired basic learning results in hydraulics or electricity. The development of the activity and its coordination between professors from both universities is established through the use of faculty stays at Erasmus + STA.Pérez-Sánchez, M.; Branco, PJ.; Fernandes, JF.; López-Jiménez, PA. (2021). La competencia transversal Diseño y Proyecto aplicada a los objetivos de desarrollo sostenible 7 y 10 en trabajos finales de grado y máster codirigidos entre Universidades europeas. En IN-RED 2020: VI Congreso de Innovación Educativa y Docencia en Red. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 722-729. https://doi.org/10.4995/INRED2020.2020.11944OCS72272

    Methodology to optimize fluid-dynamic design in a redox cell

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    [EN] The present work is aimed at the optimization of a redox cell design. The studied redox cell consists on a device designed to convert the energy of reactants into electrical energy when a liquid electrolyte reacts at the electrode in a conventional manner. In this particular sort of cells, the two electrolytes are present and separated by a proton exchange membrane. Therefore, the flow of the electrolyte and the interaction with the membrane takes a paramount importance for the general performance of the cell. A methodology for designing the inlet part of the cell based on optimizing the uniformity of the flow and the initial position of the membrane is presented in this study. This methodology, based on the definition and optimization of several parameters related to the electrolyte flow in different regions of the geometry, is depicted. The CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) model coupled with the statistical study pointed to several practical conclusions on how to improve the final geometry construction of the redox cell. A particular case study of redox cell is implemented in order to validate the proposed methodology[ES] El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo la optimización de un diseño de la batería redox. La pila redox estudiada consiste en un dispositivo diseñado para convertir la energía de los reactivos en energía eléctrica cuando un electrolito líquido reacciona en el electrodo de una manera convencional . En este tipo particular de células , los dos electrolitos están presentes y separados por una membrana de intercambio de protones . Por lo tanto , el flujo del electrolito y la interacción con la membrana tiene una importancia primordial para el rendimiento general de la célula . La metodología propuesta para el diseño de la parte de entrada de la celda en base a la optimización de la uniformidad del flujo y la inicial posición de la membrana se presenta en este estudio . Esta metodología, basada en la definición y optimización de varios parámetros relacionados con el flujo de electrolito en las diferentes regiones de la geometría , es representado . El modelo de CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics ), junto con el estudio estadístico se refirió a varias conclusiones prácticas sobre la manera de mejorar la construcción geometría final de la pila redox . El estudio de caso particular de célula redox que se describe, se implementa con el fin de validar la metodología propuestaEscudero González, J.; López Jiménez, PA. (2014). Methodology to optimize fluid-dynamic design in a redox cell. Journal of Power Sources. 251(1):243-253. doi:10.1016/j.jpowsour.2013.11.058S243253251

    Assessment of a New ROS1 Immunohistochemistry Clone (SP384) for the Identification of ROS1 Rearrangements in Patients with Non–Small Cell Lung Carcinoma: the ROSING Study

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    Introduction: The ROS1 gene rearrangement has become an important biomarker in NSCLC. The College of American Pathologists/International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer/Association for Molecular Pathology testing guidelines support the use of ROS1 immunohistochemistry (IHC) as a screening test, followed by confirmation with fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) or a molecular test in all positive results. We have evaluated a novel anti-ROS1 IHC antibody (SP384) in a large multicenter series to obtain real-world data. Methods: A total of 43 ROS1 FISH-positive and 193 ROS1 FISH-negative NSCLC samples were studied. All specimens were screened by using two antibodies (clone D4D6 from Cell Signaling Technology and clone SP384 from Ventana Medical Systems), and the different interpretation criteria were compared with break-apart FISH (Vysis). FISH-positive samples were also analyzed with next-generation sequencing (Oncomine Dx Target Test Panel, Thermo Fisher Scientific). Results: An H-score of 150 or higher or the presence of at least 70% of tumor cells with an intensity of staining of 2+ or higher by the SP384 clone was the optimal cutoff value (both with 93% sensitivity and 100% specificity). The D4D6 clone showed similar results, with an H-score of at least 100 (91% sensitivity and 100% specificity). ROS1 expression in normal lung was more frequent with use of the SP384 clone (p < 0.0001). The ezrin gene (EZR)-ROS1 variant was associated with membranous staining and an isolated green signal FISH pattern (p = 0.001 and p = 0.017, respectively). Conclusions: The new SP384 ROS1 IHC clone showed excellent sensitivity without compromising specificity, so it is another excellent analytical option for the proposed testing algorithm