113 research outputs found

    Proteinas inducidas en Bacillus Subtilis infectado por el bacteriofago Ø 29

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    Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias, Sección Biológicas, 1975.Fac. de Ciencias BiológicasTRUEProQuestpu

    Proteinas inducidas en Bacillus Subtilis infectado por el bacteriofago Ø 29

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    Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias, Sección Biológicas, 1975.Fac. de Ciencias BiológicasTRUEProQuestpu

    The International Wind Band Contest «City of Valencia» as historical and cultural heritage: analysis of the innovative performed repertoire from the tuba chair

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    [EN] The role that composers have granted to the tuba within their works for symphonic wind band has undergone a great evolution since the end of the last century, which is reflected in a greater presence of solos and other outstanding excerpts for this instrument. This article aims to make a first approach to the bulk of symphonic wind band repertoire from the part of the tuba, with the aim of searching, selecting and analysing the most outstanding excerpts, and presenting an innovated proposal compilation. Since this work belongs to a larger research, it establishes a beginning from the study of the composers and their most performed works in a special event which represents a milestone in the Valencian musical culture: the International Wind Band Contest «City of Valencia».Monteagudo Mañas, J.; Carrascosa López, CE.; Hernández Farinós, JP. (2022). The International Wind Band Contest «City of Valencia» as historical and cultural heritage: analysis of the innovative performed repertoire from the tuba chair. En Proceedings 3rd International Conference. Business Meets Technology. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 153-161. https://doi.org/10.4995/BMT2021.2021.1366515316

    NAPA: An algorithm to auto-tune unicast reliable communications over DDS

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    This paper proposes NAPA (Non-supervised Adaptative Publication Algorithm) a framework for a uto-tuning unicast reliable communications over DDS. We provide the NAPA design rationale, and some implementation details. After the experimental conducted evaluation, we demonstrate how using the subscriber's feedback, as NAPA does, the publisher can vary its sending rate in order to improve the overall performance in terms of end-to-end latency and throughput in DDS applications.Universidad de Granada. Departamento de Teoría de la Señal, Telemática y ComunicacionesThis research was partially founded by Spanish Ministry of Education (collaboration grant 2012-2013)

    Understanding Motivations and Segmentation in Ecotourism Destinations. Application to Natural Parks in Spanish Mediterranean Area

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    [EN] Ecotourism is one of the tourism variants with more annual growth. Motivation has become a fundamental criterion for travel behavior. Segmentation is used to identify the market niches of different tourism products and services. This study collects these three elements and is designed to examine demand segmentation and motivations in ecotourism. The analysis was carried out in the Albufera and Serrania de Cuenca Natural Parks, both located in the Mediterranean area in Spain. The analysis sample consists in 349 surveys obtained in situ. For the data analysis, a factor analysis and nonhierarchical K-media segmentation were performed. The results show eight motivational dimensions: "Interpersonal relationships", "Self-development", "Escape", "Building personal relationships", "Nature", "Ego-defensive function", "Rewards", and "Fun". According to tourists' motivations, three ecotourist segments are obtained: "Nature", "Multiple motives", and "Reward and Escape". This research can assist companies and institutions to improve tourism service offers and perform efficient marketing planning.This work has been supported by Universitat Politecnica Valencia, the fieldwork has been done during the mobility stay at the Castilla la Mancha University (Cuenca) in summer 2019. (Programa de apoyo a la carrera del profesorado).Carrascosa López, C.; Carvache-Franco, M.; Mondéjar-Jiménez, J.; Carvache-Franco, W. (2021). Understanding Motivations and Segmentation in Ecotourism Destinations. Application to Natural Parks in Spanish Mediterranean Area. Sustainability. 13(9):1-16. https://doi.org/10.3390/su13094802S11613

    Between the Classroom and the Stage: Study of the Symphonic Band Repertoire for Tuba in Spanish Higher Education Music Conservatoires and Preparedness for a Career in a Professional Band

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    [ES] La autonomía y prestigio que han ido adquiriendo las bandas de música en la sociedad actual son tan merecidos como frutos de un largo y costoso camino recorrido. Incluso el acceso a las plantillas profesionales se ha ido adaptando a la propia idiosincrasia de la banda, por ejemplo, exigiendo interpretar en las pruebas de acceso fragmentos del repertorio original para banda, algo que prácticamente no pasaba hasta 2019. No obstante, parece ser que ni la metodología ni la formación ofrecida en los centros educativos sigue el ritmo de esa realidad cambiante. Y, para comprobarlo, este trabajo analiza por un lado el acceso a una banda de música profesional en España, sobre todo, en cuanto al repertorio exigido para interpretar en la misma se refiere; y, por otro, examina el Plan de Estudio de las Enseñanzas Artísticas Superiores de Música y las Guías Docentes de los conservatorios y escuelas superiores de música, así como la acción de los catedráticos/profesores de tuba en sus aulas respecto del trabajo específico del repertorio para banda. Los resultados evidencian una escasez importante de formación en lo que a este tipo de repertorio se refiere, discordante de la realidad actual e injustificable si lo que se persigue es conseguir futuros profesionales de la música completos y versátiles, totalmente preparados para un mundo tan competitivo y exigente como el que vivimos.Monteagudo Mañas, J.; Carrascosa López, C.; Hernández Farinós, JP. (2022). Entre aula y escenario: estudio del repertorio sinfónico para banda en la especialidad de tuba de las Enseñanzas Artísticas Superiores de Música y en el acceso a las plantillas profesionales. Opus (Online). 28:1-27. https://doi.org/10.20504/opus2022.28.301272

    Spatial Quality Evaluation of Resampled Unmanned Aerial Vehicle-Imagery for Weed Mapping

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    Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) combined with different spectral range sensors are an emerging technology for providing early weed maps for optimizing herbicide applications. Considering that weeds, at very early phenological stages, are similar spectrally and in appearance, three major components are relevant: spatial resolution, type of sensor and classification algorithm. Resampling is a technique to create a new version of an image with a different width and/or height in pixels, and it has been used in satellite imagery with different spatial and temporal resolutions. In this paper, the efficiency of resampled-images (RS-images) created from real UAV-images (UAV-images; the UAVs were equipped with two types of sensors, i.e., visible and visible plus near-infrared spectra) captured at different altitudes is examined to test the quality of the RS-image output. The performance of the object-based-image-analysis (OBIA) implemented for the early weed mapping using different weed thresholds was also evaluated. Our results showed that resampling accurately extracted the spectral values from high spatial resolution UAV-images at an altitude of 30 m and the RS-image data at altitudes of 60 and 100 m, was able to provide accurate weed cover and herbicide application maps compared with UAV-images from real flights

    α,γ-Peptide nanotube templating of one-dimensional parallel fullerene arrangements

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    (Figure Presented) The formation and full characterization of single self-assembling α,γ-peptide nanotubes (α,γ-SPNs) is described. The introduction of C60 into cyclic peptides allows the preparation of supramolecular 1D fullerene arrangements induced by peptide nanotube formation under appropriate conditions. © 2009 American Chemical Society.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science and the ERDF [SAF2007-61015 and Consolider Ingenio 2010 (CSD2007-00006)] and the Xunta de Galicia (GRC2006/ 132, PGIDIT06PXIB209018PR, PGIDIT08CSA047209PR, and R2006/ 124). The work by J.M.V. and J.L.C. was supported by Grants BFU2007- 62382/BMC from the Spanish MEC (J.M.V.) and S-0505/MAT/0283 from the Madrid Regional Government (J.M.V. and J.L.C.). C.R. and R.J.B. thank the Spanish MEC for their FPU Fellowships. We also thank Dr. Carmen Serra (Nanotechnology and Surface Analysis Service at C.A.C.T.I., University of Vigo) for her help with STM. We also thank Dowpharma for their kind gift of ENZA enzymes used in the preparation of D-Boc-γ-Acp-OH.Peer reviewe