18,711 research outputs found

    Foreign Direct Investment in a Process of Economic Integration: The Case of Spanish Manufacturing, 1986-1992

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    In this paper we analyze the main characteristic features of foreign direct investment (FDI) directed to Spanish manufacturing, both across industries and through time, for the years 1986- 1992. During this period, Spain was one of the most important recipients of FDI inflows in the world, coinciding with the first years of integration into the European Union and the prospects about the completion of the Single European Market by 1992. To this end, a relative FDI measure is related to several industry indicators, as well as to some macroeconomic variables, which allows us to obtain a general characterization of FDI in Spanish manufacturing over that period.Foreign direct investment, Spanish manufacturing industry, European integration

    The Environmental Attitudes and Behaviours of European Golf Tourists

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    Environmental attitudes and behaviours have received relatively little attention in golf tourism, compared to other tourism research areas. Golf tourism provides products and services based on nature, and they should focus on the environment. Golf has become increasingly important in the development of European tourism within the last decade. Moreover, golf is one of the primary motivations for European tourists in the sports tourism sector. This study is based on a sample of 431 golf tourists, from different nationalities, who visit Andalusia, Spain. This research examines the relationship between environmental attitudes and behavioural intentions for three subsamples of European nationalities: British, German, and Spanish. This relationship was corroborated in the three subsamples. However, the national citizenship of European golf tourists was not a moderator effect on the relationship between environmental attitudes and behavioural intentions

    Co-Integration between Mortgage Markets in the Monetary Union: 1995–2008

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    This study provides evidence on the level of integration within the European Monetary Union mortgage markets between 1995 and 2008. The relationships between national mortgage markets are analyzed and an assessment is made of the extent to which these co-integrate with one another and with the average. In order to achieve this, mortgage interest rate series are studied using co-integration methodology. The process reveals that there are few relationships of this kind, and those that exist are most prevalent in the period 2000–2005 and, to a lesser extent, at the end of the period analyzed.mortgage market, European Monetary Union, integration, co-integration, rolling regression

    Part-Time Work, Gender and Job Satisfaction: Evidence from a Developing Country

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    This paper investigates the relationship between part-time work and job satisfaction using a recent household survey from Honduras. In contrast to previous work for developed countries, this paper does not find a preference for part-time work among women. Instead, both women and men tend to prefer full- time work, although the preference for working longer hours is stronger for men. Consistent with an interpretation of working part-time as luxury consumption, the paper finds that partnered women with children, poor women or women working in the informal sector are more likely to prefer full-time work than single women, partnered women without children, non-poor women or women working in the formal sector. These results have important implications for the design of family and child care policies in low-income countries.job satisfaction, gender, part-time work, job flexibility

    Mechanisms of Action and Targets of Nitric Oxide in the Oculomotor System

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    Nitric oxide (NO) production by neurons in the prepositus hypoglossi (PH) nucleus is necessary for the normal performance of eye movements in alert animals. In this study, the mechanism(s) of action of NO in the oculomotor system has been investigated. Spontaneous and vestibularly induced eye movements were recorded in alert cats before and after microinjections in the PH nucleus of drugs affecting the NO–cGMP pathway. The cellular sources and targets of NO were also studied by immunohistochemical detection of neuronal NO synthase (NOS) and NO-sensitive guanylyl cyclase, respectively. Injections of NOS inhibitors produced alterations of eye velocity, but not of eye position, for both spontaneous and vestibularly induced eye movements, suggesting that NO produced by PH neurons is involved in the processing of velocity signals but not in the eye position generation. The effect of neuronal NO is probably exerted on a rich cGMP-producing neuropil dorsal to the nitrergic somas in the PH nucleus. On the other hand, local injections of NO donors or 8-Br-cGMP produced alterations of eye velocity during both spontaneous eye movements and vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR), as well as changes in eye position generation exclusively during spontaneous eye movements. The target of this additional effect of exogenous NO is probably a well defined group of NO-sensitive cGMP-producing neurons located between the PH and the medial vestibular nuclei. These cells could be involved in the generation of eye position signals during spontaneous eye movements but not during the VOR.Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria Grants 94/0388 and 97/2054Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid Grant 08.5/0019/1997Dirección General de Investigación Científica y Technológica Grant PB 93–117

    Analysing definition questions by two machine learning approaches

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    In automatic question answering, the identification of the correct target term (i.e. the term to define) in a definition question is critical since if the target term is not correctly identified, then all subsequent modules have no chance of providing relevant nuggets. In this paper, we present a method to tag a question sentence experimenting with two learning approaches: QTag and Hidden Markov Model. We tested the methods in five collections of questions, PILOT, TREC 2003, TREC 2004, CLEF 2004 and CLEF 2005. We performed ten-fold cross validation for each collection and we also tested with all questions together. The best accuracy rates for each collection were obtained using QTag, but with all questions together the best accuracy rate is obtained using HMM.IFIP International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Theory and Practice - Speech and Natural LanguageRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Tunable ring resonator filter for OFDM Transmission systems

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    A novel tunable filter is theoretically demonstrated. It is based on a ring resonator with an amplifier and a noise filter in the loop. This optoelectronic device has potential as a high-sensitivity receiver and as a tunable demultiplexer in OFDM transmission systems.Publicad

    Diseño del modelo de costes para una empresa. Caso real de una cooperativa de aceite

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    El objetivo final de este trabajo ha sido obtener una imagen clara y fiel de los costes necesarios en los que incurre una empresa real del sector agrícola durante el proceso de producción. Debido a la complejidad de algunos de los datos no hemos podido hacer una ficha de costes para cada producto, si no que se han seleccionado los productos con mayor cuota de venta ya que estos son los que más gastos tienen asociados a lo largo del periodo. Con los datos obtenidos hemos podido: - Evaluar si todos los costes son necesarios o podrían llegar a reducirse, por lo tanto ayuda a la hora de decidir la estrategia a seguir. - Analizar el margen de beneficios que se obtuvo, el cual nos sirve para poder tomar decisiones que mejoren este beneficio para próximos periodos

    La Mujer Fatal en la Ópera

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    This article studies some of the most remarkable female roles in opera repertoire: Manon, Carmen, Dalila, Mélisande, Salomé and Lulú, exploring the similarities that can be found among them at different levels, despite the disparity of their literary origin and conception. The central point is constituted by their relationship with the features of the Femme Fatale. The article takes an etymological starting point such as the interpretation of the term «fatale» which relates the attraction they provoke in men with a tragic fate that inexorably links love and death in an inexorable way. We focus only on certain important features such as the tremendous impression they cause on men, their musical presentation and their premonition or prediction of death.Este artículo estudia algunos de los personajes femeninos más destacados del repertorio operístico: Manon, Carmen, Daila, Mélisande, Salomé y Lulú, indagando el paralelismo que se establecen en diversos niveles entre ellas pese a la disparidad de sus orígenes y concepción literarios, y tomand como hilo conductor los aspectos que las relacionan con alguno de los rasgos de la femme fatale. Partiendo de un concepto etimológico del término «fatal» que relaciona la atracción que estas mujeres despiertan en los hombres con un destino fatídico en el que el amor y la muerte están irremisiblemente ligados. Nos detenemos solo en algunos aspectos importantes como son el decisivo efecto que provocan en los hombres, la presentación musical, y la premonición o el vaticinio de la muerte

    Hamás se hace fuerte actuando como una ONG

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    Depto. de Historia, Teorías y Geografías PolíticasFac. de Ciencias Políticas y SociologíaTRUEpu