132 research outputs found

    Aproximación a modelos de planeación participativa a partir de Áreas de Conservación Ambiental, caso de estudio cerro de La Popa, sector John F. Kennedy – Cartagena, Colombia /

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    La áreas de conservación ambiental urbana con presencia de asentamientos informales como una unidad de paisaje urbano restablece las relaciones territoriales y presta servicios ecosistémicos a la ciudad garantizando su conservación mediante la participación de las comunidades en procesos de planeación y gestión conjunta del territorio definiendo beneficios, responsabilidades y compensaciones donde la provisión de bienes de subsistencia se vea vulnerada debido al favorecimiento de un bien general como una alternativa a las políticas públicas que han fracasado en frenar los procesos de urbanización informal. El modelo teórico de planeación orienta el ejercicio práctico desarrollado en el cerro de La Popa, Cartagena Colombia, que utiliza la entrevista semiestructurada como herramienta de recolección de información y la observación en distintos recorridos como complemento. El análisis de datos usa tablas de cálculo y el programa Esri ArcGIS 10.1 elaborando mapas de valoración social de los servicios ecosistémicos y análisis gráficos que sintetizan una caracterización del paisaje y las aptitudes de la comunidad frente a los conflictos entre las necesidades humanas, usos del suelo, actividades económicas, proyectos prioritarios y la naturaleza. Los resultados obtenidos hacen visible en el área de conservación ambiental potencialidades para: * Creación de escenarios de desarrollo sostenibles. * Integración de la comunidad en la solución a la problemática ambiental a la vez que se benefician superando la pobreza económica. * Financiamiento mediante cooperación internacional a partir de inversión en infraestructuras verdes con base en objetivos de sostenibilidad en el escenario de la Convención Marco sobre Cambio Climático COP21 - París 2015

    Out of Thin Air: Microbial Utilization of Atmospheric Gaseous Organics in the Surface Ocean

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    8 pages, 3 figures, 2 tables, supplementary material http://dx.doi.org/10.3389/fmicb.2015.01566Volatile and semi-volatile gas-phase organic carbon (GOC) is a largely neglected component of the global carbon cycle, with poorly resolved pools and fluxes of natural and anthropogenic GOC in the biosphere. Substantial amounts of atmospheric GOC are exchanged with the surface ocean, and subsequent utilization of specific GOC compounds by surface ocean microbial communities has been demonstrated. Yet, the final fate of the bulk of the atmospheric GOC entering the surface ocean is unknown. Our data show experimental evidence of efficient use of atmospheric GOC by marine prokaryotes at different locations in the NE Subtropical Atlantic, the Arctic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. We estimate that between 2 and 27% of the prokaryotic carbon demand was supported by GOC with a major fraction of GOC inputs being consumed within the mixed layer. The role of the atmosphere as a key vector of organic carbon subsidizing marine microbial metabolism is a novel link yet to be incorporated into the microbial ecology of the surface ocean as well as into the global carbon budgetThis is a contribution to projects RODA (CTM2004-06842-CO3-02), and ATOS (POL2006-00550/CTM) projects, funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and project THRESHOLDS funded by the 6 Framework Programme of the European Union. JA was supported by a “Ramón y Cajal” research fellowship from the Spanish Government.Peer Reviewe

    Effectiveness of acute geriatric units on functional decline, living at home, and case fatality among older patients admitted to hospital for acute medical disorders: meta-analysis

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    Objective To assess the effectiveness of acute geriatric units compared with conventional care units in adults aged 65 or more admitted to hospital for acute medical disorders

    Relaxant effects of Peperomia hispidula (Sw.) A. Dietr. on isolated rat tracheal rings

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    Peperomia hispidula (Sw.) A. Dietr. is used in Mexican traditional medicine for treating respiratory illnesses such as asthma. The latter disorder results from an excessive and inappropriate constriction of airway smooth muscle. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the relaxant activity of P. hispidula on isolated rat tracheal rings contracted with carbachol. The methyleugenol was identified as the main active constituent in the dichloromethane extract. To explore the possible mechanism of action, concentration-response curves were constructed in the presence and absence of propranolol (3 μM), indomethacin (10 μM), glibenclamide (1 μM), and L-NAME (300μM), finding that neither reduced methyleugenol-induced smooth muscle relaxation. In conclusion, P. hispidula herein displayed relaxant activity on rat tracheal rings. The effect of methyleugenol, was probably not related to the activation of β2-adrenoceptors, prostaglandins, K+ATP channels or nitric oxide

    Response to Comment on >dilution limits dissolved organic carbon utilization in the deep ocean>

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    Our recent finding that dilution limits dissolved organic carbon (DOC) utilization in the deep ocean has been criticized based on the common misconception that lability equates to rapid and complete utilization. Even when considering the redefinition of recalcitrant DOC recently proposed by Jiao et al., the dilution hypothesis best explains our experimental observations.This is a contribution to the MALASPINA Expedition 2010 project, funded by the CONSOLIDER-Ingenio 2010 program of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (ref. CSD2008-00077)Peer Reviewe

    Actividad relajante de Hyptis suaveolens en anillos aislados de tráquea de cobayo

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    El asma es una enfermedad crónica cuya sintomatología incluye la dificultad respiratoria, que se debe a la restricción del flujo de aire. Esto se atribuye a la contracción del músculo liso bronquial por diversos mediadores inflamatorios.  Desafortunadamente, en la mayoría de los pacientes las terapias existentes no han logrado un control adecuado de la sintomatología, por lo que es necesaria la búsqueda de nuevas opciones.  Hyptis suaveolens es utilizada en el estado de Chiapas, México, para tratar el asma, sin embargo, esta actividad no ha sido corroborada científicamente. Por lo que el objetivo de la presente contribución fue determinar la actividad relajante de Hyptis suaveolens en el modelo de anillos aislados de tráquea de cobayo. Los extractos de hexano, diclorometano y metanol de la planta se prepararon por maceración. El extracto de mayor actividad se separó por cromatografía en columna para encontrar la fracción más activa. Se determinó la participación de los receptores β2 adrenérgicos y muscarínicos, mediante curvas concentración-respuesta a partir de los siguientes tratamientos: la subfracción activa de Hyptis suaveolens (56-177 µg/mL) e isoproterenol (3-170 µM) en ausencia y presencia de propranolol (0.3 µM), y carbacol (1x10-16-0.01 M) en ausencia y presencia de la subfracción activa (100 y 177 µg/mL) o de atropina (0.3 y 3 µM). El extracto de diclorometano fue el más activo (p<0.05), y su subfracción más activa (F4´) tuvo una CE50 de 91.19 ± 1.83 µg/mL. El efecto relajante de F4´ no fue inhibido por propranolol. F4´ se comportó como un antagonista competitivo de los receptores muscarínicos (p<0.01).  En conclusión, Hyptis suaveolens ejerce actividad relajante sobre anillos aislados de tráquea de cobayo. Una subfracción activa del extracto de diclorometano actuó como antagonista competitivo sobre los receptores muscarínicos, pero los receptores β2 adrenérgicos no participaron en su mecanismo de acción

    Presence of flower thrips Frankliniella schultzei in ornamental plants

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    Objective: to report the presence of Frankliniella schultzei in geranium (Pelargonium hortorum) and vinca (Catharanthus roseus) plants, in greenhouses in the State of Morelos, Mexico. Design/methodology/approach: geranium and vinca plants were sampled in greenhouses located in the Municipality of Jojutla, Morelos, Mexico. The collected specimens were brown to dark brown color, were processed and mounted on glass slides and identified by means of taxonomic keys and the use of a conventional microscope. Results: the specimens collected in geranium and vinca presented morphological characteristics corresponding to the species Frankliniella schultei. Limitations on study/implications: monitoring of the species is necessary now that its presence is known in at least two areas of Mexico: the west and center of the country. Findings/conclusions: in Mexico, Frankliniella schultzei had only been reported in the west, with this report it is now known that it is also located in the central part of the country.Objective: To report on the presence of Frankliniella schultzei in geranium (Pelargonium hortorum) and periwinkle (Catharanthus roseus) plants in greenhouses in the State of Morelos, Mexico. Design/Methodology/Approach: We sampled geranium and periwinkle plants in greenhouses in the municipality of Jojutla, Morelos, Mexico. The collected specimens—of light to dark brown color—were processed, mounted on glass slides to be observed through a conventional light microscope, and identified with taxonomic keys. Results: The specimens collected in the geranium and periwinkle plants presented morphological traits that conform to the species Frankliniella schultzei. Study limitations/Implications: Monitoring the species is necessary because its presence has been identified in at least two regions of Mexico: West and Center. Findings/Conclusions: Frankliniella schultzei had only been located in western Mexico. This report shows that the species is also found in the central region of the country

    Impacts of the volcanic eruption in La Palma (Canary Islands) on the nearby marine bacterioplankton communities

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    Trabajo presentado en ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting 2023, celebrado en Palma de Mallorca (España), entre el 4 y el 9 de mayo de 2023.The volcanic eruption that occurred in La Palma Island (Canary Islands, Spain) in 2021 resulted in molten lava flowing into the ocean and forming a delta in the coastline, besides the emission of large amounts of ashes being deposited in a vast area around the Canary Islands. In order to assess the effects of the eruption on seawater, two oceanographic cruises were carried out, one at the beginning of the eruption and a second one a month later. We used an oceanographic CTD rosette sampler for collecting seawater in different areas of La Palma coastline together with Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) equipped with a sampling device to collect surface samples near the delta newly formed on the coastal fringe. We sequenced the 16S rRNA gene in order to assess the response of bacterioplankton to such natural disturbance. The results show that the abundance of Thiomicrospirales, Gammaproteobacteria capable of oxidizing poly-metal sulfides, increased significantly in UAV samples collected near the lava delta. Moreover, in stations where the largest physical-chemical anomalies were recorded with the CTD, sequence data showed drastic changes in the prokaryotic community structure; cyanobacterial abundance decreased while the ammonia-oxidizing archeon Nitrosopelagicus and the bacterial SAR324 clade, with potential sulfur-based chemolithoautotrophic lifestyle, dominated the communities. The combined used of shipboard operations and UAVs provided a unique opportunity to study the prokaryotic response to a massive lava input, an event that is rarely observed and sampled in real time