36,052 research outputs found

    Influence of oxygen pressure on the fs laserinduced oxidation of molybdenum thin films

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    We present a study of femtosecond (1028 nm, 230 fs, 54.7 MHz) laser processing on molybdenum (Mo) thin films. Irradiations were done under ambient air as well as pure oxygen (O2) at various gauge pressures (4, 8, 12 and 16 psi). Our results indicate that the high heating rates associated with laser processing allow the production of different molybdenum oxides. Raman spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy are used to characterize the molybdenum oxidation for the different irradiation and oxygen pressures parameters chosen showing a high correlation between well-defined oxidation zones and the oxygen pressure surrounding the samples during the irradiation of the Mo thin films

    Lithium in the Hyades L5 brown dwarf 2MASS J04183483+2131275

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    Aims. From the luminosity, effective temperature and age of the Hyades brown dwarf 2MASS J04183483+2131275 (2M0418), substellar evolutionary models predict a mass in the range 39−55 Jupiter masses (MJup) which is insufficient to produce any substantial lithium burning except for the very upper range >53 MJup. Our goal is to measure the abundance of lithium in this object, test the consistency between models and observations and refine constraints on the mass and age of the object. Methods. We used the 10.4-m Gran Telescopio Canarias (GTC) with its low-dispersion optical spectrograph to obtain ten spectra of 2277 s each covering the range 6300–10 300 Å with a resolving power of R ~ 500. Results. In the individual spectra, which span several months, we detect persistent unresolved Hα in emission with pseudo equivalent widths (pEW) in the range 45–150 Å and absorption lines of various alkalis with the typical strengths found in objects of L5 spectral type. The lithium resonance line at 6707.8 Å is detected with pEW of 18 ± 4 Å in 2M0418 (L5). Conclusions. We determine a lithium abundance of log N(Li) = 3.0 ± 0.4 dex consistent with a minimum preservation of 90% of this element which confirms 2M0418 as a brown dwarf with a maximum mass of 52 MJup. We infer a maximum age for the Hyades of 775 Myr from a comparison with the BHAC15 models. Combining recent results from the literature with our study, we constrain the mass of 2M0418 to 45–52 MJup and the age of the cluster to 580–775 Myr (1σ) based on the lithium depletion boundary method.We thank the referee for a detailed report that improved the quality of this manuscript. This research has been supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) under the grants AYA2015- 69350-C3-2-P and AYA2015-69350-C3-3-P. We thank Yakiv Pavlenko for his calculations of equivalent widths at different temperatures, Isabelle Baraffe for her models, and Eduardo Martín for sharing his results prior to publication. This work is based on observations made with the Gran Telescopio Canarias (GTC), operated on the island of La Palma in the Spanish Observatorio del Roque de los Muchachos of the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (programme GTC77- 16B led by Pérez Garrido). This research has made use of the Simbad and Vizier databases, operated at the Centre de Données Astronomiques de Strasbourg (CDS), and of NASA’s Astrophysics Data System Bibliographic Services (ADS). We thank John Stauffer for kindly providing the optical spectra of the K and M Hyades members published in 1997 (Stauffer et al. 1997a)

    Equilibrium currents in a Corbino graphene ring

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    We address the description of a graphene Corbino disk in the context of a tight binding approach that includes both kinetic and Rashba spin-orbit coupling due to an external out-of-plane electric field. Persistent equilibrium currents are induced by an external magnetic field breaking time reversal symmetry. By direct diagonalization, we compute the spectrum and focus on the dispersion near the KK points at the Fermi level. The dispersion keenly reproduces that of a continuum model in spite of the complexity of the boundary conditions. We validate the assumptions of the continuum model in terms of predominant zig-zag boundaries conditions and weak sub-band coupling. The wave functions displaying the lowest transverse modes are obtained, showing the predominance of edge states with charge density at the zig-zag edges. The persistent charge currents, nevertheless, do not follow the traditional argument of current cancellation from levels below the Fermi level, and thus they depart in the tight-binding from those found in the continuum model.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    Theoretical Description of the Role of Halides, Silver, and Surfactants on the Structure of Gold Nanorods

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    Density functional theory simulations including dispersion provide an atomistic description of the role of different compounds in the synthesis of gold-nanorods. Anisotropy is caused by the formation of a complex between the surfactant, bromine, and silver that preferentially adsorbs on some facets of the seeds, blocking them from further growth. In turn, the nanorod structure is driven by the perferential adsorption of the surfactant, which induces the appearance of open {520} lateral facets

    Generating Black Strings in Higher Dimensions

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    Starting with a Zipoy-Voorhees line element we construct and study the three parameter family of solutions describing a deformed black string with arbitrary tension.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in J. Mod. Phys. Lett.