199 research outputs found

    A Multi-Agent System for the Solution of Fuzzy Incidents in Telecommunications

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    This article presents a multi-agent expert system (SMAF) , that allows the input of incidents which occur in different elements of the telecommunications area. SMAF interacts with experts and general users, and each agent with all the agents? community, recording the incidents and their solutions in a knowledge base, without the analysis of their causes. The incidents are expressed using keywords taken from natural language (originally Spanish) and their main concepts are recorded with their severities as the users express them. Then, there is a search of the best solution for each incident, being helped by a human operator using a distancenotions between them

    Supporting End-User Development through a New Composition Model: An Empirical Study

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    End-user development (EUD) is much hyped, and its impact has outstripped even the most optimistic forecasts. Even so, the vision of end users programming their own solutions has not yet materialized. This will continue to be so unless we in both industry and the research community set ourselves the ambitious challenge of devising end to end an end-user application development model for developing a new age of EUD tools. We have embarked on this venture, and this paper presents the main insights and outcomes of our research and development efforts as part of a number of successful EU research projects. Our proposal not only aims to reshape software engineering to meet the needs of EUD but also to refashion its components as solution building blocks instead of programs and software developments. This way, end users will really be empowered to build solutions based on artefacts akin to their expertise and understanding of ideal solution

    Aplicación del método de densidades de carga al diseño de sistemas de generación y enfoque iónico

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    Tesis de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias Físicas, Departamento de Electricidad y Electrónica, leída en 1980.Depto. de Estructura de la Materia, Física Térmica y ElectrónicaFac. de Ciencias FísicasTRUEProQuestpu

    Implementation of end-user development success factors in mashup development environments

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    [EN] The Future Internet is expected to be composed of a mesh of interoperable web services accessed from all over the Web. This approach has been supported by many software providers who have provided a wide range of mash up tools for creating composite applications based on components prepared by the respective provider. These tools aim to achieve the end-user development (EUD) of rich internet applications (RIA); however, most, having failed to meet the needs of end users without programming knowledge, have been unsuccessful. Thus, many studies have investigated success factors in order to propose scales of success factor objectives and assess the adequacy of mashup tools for their purpose. After reviewing much of the available literature, this paper proposes a new success factor scale based on human factors, human-computer interaction (HCI) factors and the specialization-functionality relationship. It brings together all these factors, offering a general conception of EUD success factors. The proposed scale was applied in an empirical study on current EUD tools, which found that today's EUD tools have many shortcomings. In order to achieve an acceptable success rate among end users, we then designed a mashup tool architecture, called FAST-Wirecloud, which was built taking into account the proposed EUD success factor scale. The results of a new empirical study carried out using this tool have demonstrated that users are better able to successfully develop their composite applications and that FAST-Wirecloud has scored higher than all the other tools under study on all scales of measurement, and particularly on the scale proposed in this paper. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.This research was partially supported by the European Union co-funded IST projects FAST: Fast and Advanced Storyboard Tools (GA 216048), FI-WARE: Future Internet Core Platform (GA 285248) and FI-CORE: Future Internet - Core (GA 632893). The FI-WARE and FI-CORE projects are part of the European Commission's Futuree Internet Public-Private Partnership (FI-PPP) initiative.Lizcano, D.; López, G.; Soriano, J.; Lloret, J. (2016). Implementation of end-user development success factors in mashup development environments. Computer Standards & Interfaces. 47:1-18. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.csi.2016.02.006S1184

    Estrategias analógicas y sentido del humor en el aprendizaje de la competencia social de los profesionales de la educación social

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    Explorem, en aquest article, el desenvolupament i els resultats inicials d’una metodologia innovadora que, tot fent servir la metàfora i el sentit de l’humor, crea un espai narratiu en un context de formació universitària en competència social que afavoreix el procés d’aprenentatge. L’experiència consisteix a vincular un escenari metafòric a l’escenari acadèmic i al futur escenari professional. A l’article es descriuen els ingredients de la metàfora emprada (la festa d’aniversari) i els seus vincles amb les competències treballades a l’assignatura d’Habilitats socials a la Facultat d’Educació Social i Treball Social Pere Tarrés (URL). La valoració del professorat i dels estudiants l’avala com una pràctica educativa d’èxit els ingredients de la qual poden ser generalitzats a altres contextos formatius.In this article we explore the development and initial results of an innovative methodology that uses metaphor and the participants’ sense of humour to create a narrative space in the context of university training in social competence that facilitates the learning process. The experience is based on linking a metaphorical scenario to the academic scenario and the participants’ future professional scenario. The article describes the component parts of the metaphor used (a birthday party) and its links with the skills worked on in the course on Social Skills at the Pere Tarrés Faculty of Social Education and Social Work (URL). The positive evaluation by teachers and students indicates that this is a worthwhile educational practice whose contents can be exported to other learning contexts.Exploramos, en este artículo, el desarrollo y los resultados iniciales de una metodología innovadora que, usando la metáfora y el sentido del humor, crea un espacio narrativo en un contexto de formación universitaria en competencia social que favorece el proceso de aprendizaje. La experiencia consiste en vincular un escenario metafórico al escenario académico y al futuro escenario profesional. En el artículo se describen los ingredientes de la metáfora utilizada (la fiesta de cumpleaños) y sus vínculos con la competencias trabajadas en la asignatura de Habilidades sociales en la Facultad de Educación Social y Trabajo Social Pere Tarrés (URL). La valoración del profesorado y de los estudiantes la avala como una práctica educativa de éxito cuyos ingredientes pueden ser generalizados a otros contextos formativo

    La represión de periodistas durante la guerra civil española: los casos de Eduardo León y Serralvo y de Rosendo Corripio Márquez (1936-1937)

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    Esta investigación se inserta en la línea de los estudios sobre la represión política durante la guerra civil española, y conecta con los trabajos sobre el martirilogio de periodistas, que en los años setenta emprendiera el profesor José Altabella. La presente investigación ubica su estudio en la ciudad de Málaga, y tiene como finalidad reconstruir las circunstancias que llevaron a la detención y asesinato de Eduardo León y Serralvo, director del diario conservador El Cronista, en septiembre de 1936; y al arresto y posterior ejecución de Rosendo Corripio Márquez, periodista de la Unión Mercantil y también del periódico republicano Julio, en el mes de julio de 1937. En este sentido, se pretende analizar este fenómeno en dos contextos sociopolíticos diferentes, divididos por la toma de la capital malagueña por las tropas de Franco el 8 de febrero de 1937. A través del estudio de la documentación judicial y hemerográfica se pretende ofrecer nuevas aportaciones a los estudios sobre la represión a periodistas en Andalucía.UNIVERSIDAD DE MÁLAGA. CAMPUS DE EXCELENCIA INTERNACIONAL ANDALUCÍA TEC

    Automatic verification and validation wizard in web-centred end-user software engineering

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    This paper addresses one of the major web end-user software engineering (WEUSE) challenges, namely, how to verify and validate software products built using a life cycle enacted by end-user programmers. Few end-user development support tools implement an engineering life cycle adapted to the needs of end users. End users do not have the programming knowledge, training or experience to perform devel- opment tasks requiring creativity. Elsewhere we published a life cycle adapted to this challenge. With the support of a wizard, end-user programmers follow this life cycle and develop rich internet applica- tions (RIA) to meet specific end-user requirements. However, end-user programmers regard verification and validation activities as being secondary or unnecessary for opportunistic programming tasks. Hence, although the solutions that they develop may satisfy specific requirements, it is impossible to guarantee the quality or the reusability of this software either for this user or for other developments by future end-user programmers. The challenge, then, is to find means of adopting a verification and validation workflow and adding verification and validation activities to the existing WEUSE life cycle. This should not involve users having to make substantial changes to the type of work that they do or to their priori- ties. In this paper, we set out a verification and validation life cycle supported by a wizard that walks the user through test case-based component, integration and acceptance testing. This wizard is well-aligned with WEUSE’s characteristic informality, ambiguity and opportunisticity. Users applying this verification and validation process manage to find bugs and errors that they would otherwise be unable to identify. They also receive instructions for error correction. This assures that their composite applications are of better quality and can be reliably reused. We also report a user study in which users develop web soft- ware with and without a wizard to drive verification and validation. The aim of this user study is to confirm the applicability and effectiveness of our wizard in the verification and validation of a RIAEuropean Union (UE) GA FP7-216048European Union (UE) GA FP7-285248European Union (UE) GA FP7-258862Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2016-76956-C3-2-R (POLOLAS)Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2015-71938-RED

    Boletín MOMENTO ECONÓMICO, año 4, núms. 40, 41 y 42, Diciembre de 2013, Enero y Febrero de 2014.

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    Estos dos primeros meses del año se han presentado informes y pronósticos sobre la economía mundial, la de Estados Unidos (EU), de los países de la zona euro así como de otras economías avanzadas y de los países no desarrollados. De los cuales destaca una suerte de confianza en su mejoría, sustentada en lo fundamental en la recuperación que observan en las grandes potencias económicas. Así lo sostiene el Fondo Monetario Internacional en sus “Perspectivas de la economía mundial AL DÍA”, del pasado 21 de enero, en el cual se prevé una mejoría para 2014-15. Sin embargo, cuando se hace el recuento de los riesgos a la baja como resultado de fragilidades en la consolidación fiscal, a las vulnerabilidades asociadas al deterioro de la calidad del crédito y al aumento de las salidas de capitales, enfriamientos cíclicos, la posibilidad de nuevas caídas de las primas por riesgo de la deuda pública de las economías de la zona del euro, así como las dificultades financieras de los “mercados emergentes” ante los anuncios de mayo de 2013 sobre el retiro paulatino del estímulo monetario en EU, que los precios de las acciones no se recuperan del todo, que los rendimientos de muchos bonos soberanos han registrado pequeñas subidas y que algunas monedas se han visto sometidas a presiones. En fin, que ante tal enumeración, resulta absolutamente válido cuestionar el optimismo que se vislumbra, así como la capacidad del capitalismo a nivel mundial, regional y nacional de controlar estas vulnerabilidades y que esté en puerta una nueva era de crecimiento

    An Expert Systems for Homeopatic Glaucoma Treatment (SEHO)

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    In this article, an Expert System for Homeopathic Glaucoma Treatment (SEHO) is presented, the task of which is to assist ophthalmologists in selecting the most appropriate therapy for a patient diagnosed as having glaucoma. It is based on techniques proper to homeopathic medicine, a trend that is gaining more and more supporters all over the world, but in which real experts are few and far between. After a brief overview of the state of the art, the authors describe in detail on the development of the system, for which the IDEAL methodology, designed for knowledge-based system development, was used

    Strategy for Integrated Knowledge and Innovation Management in Venezuela Municipality

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    Context: In the municipality, postgraduate actions respond to the demands of society, with innovation focused on the territory. However, integrated knowledge and innovation management is insufficient locally. Aim: To socialize the design process of an integrated knowledge and innovation management strategy proposed for the municipality of Venezuela, and the impacts made after two years of implementation. Methods: Discussion groups of local actors in the government, the university center, and the productive sector, were formed. The instruments used were interviews to local actors, women, young people, and productive actors, which allowed for corroboration of the real state of the context. Results: It is possible to address major challenges considering the potentialities and weaknesses of the context through integrated and coherent actions by local actors. Conclusions: The diagnostic demonstrated social, economic-productive, and environmental potentialities to promote local development. The theoretical-methodological rationale of integrated knowledge and innovation management evidenced the necessary relationship between knowledge management-local development - actors-strategic management. The strategy designed, and the results of implementation, demonstrated that the major challenges in the territory can be coped with the potentialities and weaknesses of the context, by means of integrated and coherent action of local actors