396 research outputs found

    Improved isolation of murine hepatocytes for in vitro malaria liver stage studies

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Primary hepatocyte cultures are a valuable tool for the understanding of cellular and molecular phenomena occurring during malaria liver stage. This paper describes an improved perfusion/dissociation procedure to isolate hepatocytes from mouse liver that is suitable for malaria studies and allows reproducible preparation of primary hepatocytes with consistent cell yields and controlled purity.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>This protocol is a detailed description of a technique to isolate and culture mouse hepatocytes and represents an improvement over previous descriptions of hepatocyte isolation for malaria studies, regarding three technical aspects: (1) dissociation reagents choice; (2) cell separation gradient and (3) cell purity control. Cell dissociation was optimized for a specific collagenase digestion media. The cell dissociation step was improved by using a three-layer discontinuous gradient. A cell purity check was introduced to monitor the expression of CD95 on hepatocytes using flow cytometry methods.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The procedure described allows reproducible recovery of one to three million hepatocytes per preparation with cell purity of about 90% as determined by FACS analysis. Completion of the protocol is usually achieved in about four hours per preparation and pooling is suggested for multiple preparations of larger number of cells.</p

    Relatório de estágio

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    O presente relatório de estágio pretende ser o reflexo do processo de aprendizagem profissional e pessoal decorrido no âmbito das unidades curriculares de Prática Pedagógica Supervisionada em Educação Pré-Escolar e Prática Pedagógica Supervisionada em Ensino do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico, integradas no plano curricular do curso de Mestrado Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico. A prática pedagógica em análise neste documento pretendeu-se sustentada por um quadro teórico e legal relevante e coerente, bem como pautada pela articulação entre teoria e prática, dimensões trianguladas com princípios éticos alicerçantes da qualidade da ação desenvolvida no terreno. É de relevar a importância do ciclo de investigação-ação, enquanto metodologia de investigação em educação desenvolvida ao longo da prática pedagógica, conferindo-lhe intencionalidade no quadro da caracterização de cada um dos contextos educativos em que a mesma se desenvolveu. A ação educativa em foco teve subjacente um conjunto de pressupostos teóricos e de convicções éticas coerentes com um paradigma sócio construtivista, que serviram de quadro de referência à educação como um processo holístico e contínuo ao longo da vida, preconizando uma abordagem pedagógica inclusiva e centrada na criança. Enquanto processo de formação para a docência, este trabalho relevou especialmente o seu caráter reflexivo, tendo a supervisão e os processos colaborativos desempenhado papéis primordiais no desenvolvimento de competências, consciência e estratégias profissionais. Tendo este percurso a finalidade de habilitar para um perfil profissional duplo, salienta-se nele a problematização dos processos de continuidade educativa.This report reflects the professional and personal learning process of the trainee within the curricular modules of Supervised Pedagogical Practice in Preschool and Primary School Education of the Masters Program in Preschool and Primary School Education. The pedagogical practice in analysis was supported by a sustained theoretical framework, a legal basis, and a pratical application, in simultaneous. Within such triangulation, we kept in perspective not only the quality of the educational practice, but also the development of both professional and personal skills. The action-research cycle played an important role as an educational investigation method, granting intentionality to all our educational interventions that we proceed. The set of theoretic principles and ethic convictions behind our educational actions were coherent with a constructivist perspective of education, since we conceptualized education as an holistic, continuous, inclusive, and childcentered pedagogical approach. In this teacher training process, it played an important role its reflexive character, as well as the supervision work and the collaborative processes. These dimensions were not only primary for the practice that we describe, but also allowed us to develop a dual professional profile to which underlies the problematization of educational transitions

    Integração de um sistema de monotorização ambiental urbano numa smart city

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    O objetivo principal deste artigo é apresentar um sistema de monitorização ambiental urbano e estudar a sua possível integração numa rede de smart city. As diferentes fases de desenvolvimento do sistema são abordadas, desde a sua construção, modo de operação e partilha dos dados obtidos. O projeto designado SMMART Vila Real (Sistema Municipal de Monitorização do Ar, Ruído e Tráfego) é constituído por uma unidade móvel de monitorização de parâmetros ambientais (ruído, partículas em suspensão e parâmetros meteorológicos), um centro de análise e tratamento de dados e uma plataforma web de informação ao público essencialmente sobre parâmetros de qualidade ambiental urbana. Neste projeto o município aceitou o desafio de desenvolver uma plataforma onde a população consegue obter informações sobre a qualidade ambiental urbana da sua cidade. No final, o projeto demonstrou ser capaz de cumprir os objetivos propostos e de ser bem aceite pelo município e pela população.The aim of this paper is to present a system for urban environmental monitoring and study the possibility of the integration of the system in a smart city network. The different phases of the system development are presented, from its construction, operation mode and sharing the data obtained. The project called SMMART Vila Real (in English “Municipal System for Monitoring Air, Noise and Traffic”) is constituted by a mobile unit for monitoring environmental parameters (noise, suspended particles and meteorological parameters), an analysis and treatment center of the data and a web platform essentially for public consultation about the urban environment quality. In this project the municipality accepted the challenge of developing a platform whereby the population is informed about the quality of their own city. In the end, the project has demonstrated being able to accomplish the goals proposed and was well accepted by the municipality and the population

    De dentro da escola: possibilidades dialógicas e o ensino de artes

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    Avaliação e validação de instalações interativas para museus

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    Desenhar e avaliar experiências interativas digitais para museus, são processos complexos que requerem muita atenção, sobretudo nos aspectos que contribuem para que a mesma seja uma experiência de aprendizagem rica e cativante. Por outro lado, a avaliação de instalações interativas em museus é uma tarefa muito exigente devido à interseção de múltiplos campos de pesquisa, como a interação humano computador, design e multimédia, museologia, estudo de audiências e outros. Neste projeto foi criada uma plataforma com dez parâmetros específicos que permite avaliar e guiar o desenho de instalações interativas, concebidos especificamente para museus. A conceção da plataforma foi baseada em métodos e princípios de avaliação de usabilidade atuais, bem como na literatura sobre museologia. Seguidamente foi refinada de forma iterativa e, por fim, foi validada através de um estudo de longo prazo, sobre a interatividade do em todos os museus interativos da Ilha da Madeira. Além disso, e em paralelo com a criação desta plataforma de avaliação, foi criada, desenhada e desenvolvida uma instalação interativa cujo objetivo principal seria oferecer uma experiência de visita ao museu completamente diferente do que os visitantes estão habituados, na Madeira. Foi instalada na Casa-Museu Frederico de Freitas e apresentou um feedback muito positivo por parte dos visitantes do museu, que afirmaram ter gostado da experiência e ter adquirido algum conhecimento sobre a história e cultura da Madeira. A criação desta instalação permitiu aplicar a plataforma de avaliação criada, de forma iterativa ao longo de todo o processo de design e desenvolvimento, guiando e apoiando todas as fases e tomadas de decisão. Os resultados obtidos enfatizam a importância de adotar a plataforma proposta para futuras pesquisas sobre avaliação museus interativos. Além disso, demonstram a utilidade desta plataforma no design e desenvolvimento de instalações interativas que, por sua vez, revelaram ter um impacto positivo na integração nos museus da Região.Universidade Abert


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    The aim of this work is to describe the variation in the domain of noun determination in 20th- and 21st-century Portuguese. The main focus lies on the use of bare nouns, especially in Brazilian Portuguese, that shows a series of remarkable phenomena in this regard. In opposition to the synchronic focus, as followed by Wall 2015, the intention is to bring out diachronic trends during the last century, also comparing European and Brazilian Portuguese (EP and BP). Comparisons will be made not only with European Portuguese (EP), but also with some Romance languages, such as Spanish and Italian. The development of the grammatical categories of the article within the Romance languages - which, despite a common basis, shows significant differences in use – constitutes the starting point of this doctoral dissertation. This work tries to establish a link between the “use/non-use of articles” system and the problem of the grammaticalization process as well as of the language change. Furthermore, the aspect of the language usage in different communication environments will be discussed. The attention is focused on bare nouns, called nombres escuetos in Spanish or nominais nus in Brazilian Portuguese. Nevertheless, also nouns without article accompanied by other determiners are examined. Bare nouns are not interpreted as a category, but simply as unmarked nouns. The purpose is to analyze in which contexts these nouns appear and whether the article as determiner is less and differently used in Brazilian Portuguese compared to European Portuguese. In addition, it will be shown how these developments can be reconstructed in a diachronic way and in which cases it is possible to speak about a decrease in the use of articles. Synchronic research on bare nouns in Brazilian Portuguese were the starting point of the present work. On this basis, the most important differences between the Brazilian and European variant have been elaborated. In order to clarify those particular features, the diachronic development of EP was taken into account. This way it was possible to point out the commonalities between the older stages of Romance languages and today’s BP. As a noteworthy result, it emerged that structures, which were common in older stages of Romance languages, are revived in the contemporary use of Brazilian Portuguese, and that they create a link between past and present. In this context, the paradigm of discourse traditions is very significant, as it makes possible to furnish a contribution to the comprehension of differentiated developments in the history of language. The invention of telegraphy in the United States and its worldwide diffusion as a medium of communication forced the language system - not only the Portuguese, but also the system of the other Romance languages - to face new challenges. This example can help to understand how differently each language handles the inclusion of communication technology innovations. Cultural innovations can therefore provide an impulse for change in a language system and provoke the emergence of language structures, which meet the new communication requirements. Press language, i.e. the language used in newspapers between the beginning of the 20th and the beginning of the 21st century, provided the data for this dissertation. A corpus made of Portuguese and Brazilian texts, based on examples taken from six newspapers (4 Brazilian and 2 Portuguese), was elaborated. The choice of the newspapers as macro-discourse traditions was in this respect important, as it provided the opportunity to access, by means of a unique support, different types and kinds of texts, written in different places. They belong to varied discourse traditions, enabling the analysis of the phenomenon of bare nouns. The work is divided into five chapters. The first one deals with the common origin of articles from the Latin demonstrativa and their effect on the new system of the Romance languages in terms of a positive and negative grammaticalization. In this context, phenomena such as the singular aspectual or the semantic pendulum between the categories of countability and non-countability are discussed. The sub-chapter “Semantic of the article” approaches the topic of the meaning of article’s categories and their relationship with bare nouns in a synchronic and diachronic perspective. Chapter 2 deals with the issue of genericity and analyzes both syntactic and semantic peculiarities of bare nouns with reference to the most important theories in the framework of formal-generative approaches. In addition, aspects of the conception of the discourse, with reference to the immediacy distance continuum, are briefly touched upon. It is demonstrated how specific forms belonging to older language stages can be transferred to new structures which, in turn, give rise to new kinds of texts. This involves the analogy between proverbs and expressive texts, e.g. in the framework of advertising. The interaction between new technologies and influential extra-linguistic aspects, such as text production models, i.e. editing rules in a specific environment (such as the press), is likewise taken into account. After having provided, in the first two chapters, the theoretical basis for the contemporary understanding of the phenomenon of article elision, the second part of the work (Chapter 2 to 5) is devoted to the analysis of the excerpted passages and to the tracing of diachronic developments by means of statistic assessments of the whole corpus. In chapter 3, the origin and peculiarities of the corpus are described. The criteria applied to analyze the 3.350 tokens of the corpus, using the Excel program, is also illustrated in this part. Bare nouns are examined with reference to their replaceability by means of definite and/or indefinite articles. For this reason, the nucleus of the nominal syntagm was isolated and a distinction was made between number (singular/plural), lexical-semantic criteria (including the types of substantives), syntactic description (such as the position of the nominal syntagm as far as the verb is concerned, i.e. before or after the verb), type of verb, mode and tense of the verb and type of sentence. The syntactic functions subject or object were also added in the chart. The syntactic environment of bare nouns is described by means of a chart containing seven possible combinations. Extra-grammatical peculiarities, such as the position of nominal syntagms in the support, e.g. headings, in the body of the text etc., as well as the referentiality of the nominal syntagms, are also considered. Altogether, fifteen criteria were used and applied to an Excel chart, which contain each 50 tokens from a single year of a newspaper. Each time, the first page of an issue of the six newspapers considered, dated the beginning of January, was examined (altogether 67 issues), taking into account a ten years` gap. In some cases - which are underlined in the Dissertation -, if the first page did not contain 50 tokens, further pages or issues were used. Chapter 4 is devoted to the evaluation of passages. Both textual and grammatical aspects were carefully discussed from a qualitative perspective. This way, it was possible to create a link between the presence of bare nouns and particular discourse traditions (e.g. headings), or the emergence of discourse traditions as a consequence of the use of telegraphy, in the editing of news in newspapers. Based on cases such as Notícias aqui recebidas dizem que (...) (JB 03.01.1900), it was possible to establish that, in order to disseminate news, particular structures (i.e. new discourse traditions) emerged. Interpreting the examples related to modified plural bare nouns, the importance of going into the issue of the ambiguity of nominal syntagms also became clear. Interestingly enough, grammatical aspects - such as tense, mode, adverbs, kinds of predicates – and context play and important role within the sentence, in order to ascribe to the nominal syntagm a certain reading. This is the meeting point of grammatical and semantic-pragmatic aspects within the discourse. This relationship becomes also evident when unmodified plural bare nouns are taken into account. It is remarkable that these models in the newspapers language develop as stylistic elements (estilema). Furthermore, the peculiarities of legal-administrative texts, which belong to the language of distance, as well as those of literary texts, characterized by immediacy, were dealt with. On the basis of both types of texts, it is possible to understand how specific kinds of texts outline their text constellation. In this sense, particular kinds of texts tend to establish forms of texts, which show a reduction or a stereotyped description of a similar content. The non-use or the reduction of the article lead to different interpretations: syntactical, semantical or even stylistic. In this context, also the information structure seems to be important and it is possible to find singular bare nouns within focusing construction, e.g. as subject at the beginning of a sentence. In chapter 4, moreover, some grammatical constructions, which are common in the Corpus, are therefore analyzed. In chapter 5, a diachronic statistic evaluation, based on selected examples, is carried out. The hypothetical development of non-determination, meaning the possible replaceability of a definite, indefinite, non-definite or “neutralized” article, in the considered timeframe, is portrayed. The resulting graphic descriptions offer an insight on the whole development of several linguistic combinations of relevant factors in the considered Brazilian and Portuguese newspapers and allow to draw conclusions on the development of the usage of language in both countries. The state of non-determination is analyzed from different perspectives. They are linked to the lexical classes of the noun, to the number of nomina, to syntactical positions and to extra-linguistic criteria, such as the position of the syntagm in the text media, i.e. in the heading, in the subtitle, in the body of the text, etc. All these aspects help to gain a general understanding of the development of these categories in the newspapers. This process made it possible to note specific trends in the newspapers of both countries. The graphs illustrate the relationship between the language of the press and the presence of bare nouns, e.g. in specific reading of headlines and, in general, in journalistic language, with its peculiar standardization attempts. The analysis of data and graphs brings to the assumption that, between BP and EP, there is a great difference in the usage of the “indefinite referential” category with reference to singular bare nouns, especially when the gerund is applied. However, the omission in particular constructions, e.g. in the case of its introduction by means of quantitative and intensifying adjectives as stylistic device of the language of the press, is permitted in both variants as well as in other Romance languages. Therefore, it can be stated that certain constructions can be considered discourse traditions in BP. It has to be likewise underlined that, in the corpus, in the European variant, non-modified bare nouns are barely found at the sentence beginning, both in singular and in plural. Furthermore can be observed, that bare nouns in pre-verbal subject position are more frequent in BP. The most relevant differences between BP and EP, with reference to the aforementioned corpus, emerge precisely from these perspectives. In general, in can be affirmed that the presence of bare nouns in BP is considerable as far as it applies to all types of texts. What is unusual is that number in this constellation plays an important role. While plural bare nouns at the beginning of the sentence can be associated with specialized and sophisticated written forms, singular bare nouns, in the same position, are expressions of the language of immediacy. If they appear in printed texts, they carry pragmatic motivations. Furthermore, it can be stated that the presence of the article diminishes in case of non-opposing semantic meanings between definite, indefinite and Ø article. In those cases, BP tends not to insert articles. The present dissertation makes therefore an important contribution to the comparison between BP and EP and shows diachronic developments within each variant as well as differences between the two variants based on the use or non-use of the article. By means of synchronic analysis of relevant language variants (EP or BP), the work also succeeds in identifying how articles are inserted or omitted according to the kind of text, the discourse or the context. The applied methodology, i.e. a newspapers texts based corpus linguistic, provides a research model that can be applied to similar phenomena in different languages.Die vorliegende Arbeit nimmt sich zum Ziel, die Variation im Bereich der Nominaldetermination im Portugiesischen des 20. und 21. Jahrhunderts zu beschreiben. Dabei liegt der Hauptfokus auf der Möglichkeit der Verwendung determiniererloser Nomina, insbesondere im Portugiesischen Brasiliens, welches hier eine Reihe auffallender Phänomene aufzeigt. Im Gegensatz zu dem synchronen Fokus, wie er in Wall 2015 verfolgt wurde, soll hier versucht werden, Entwicklungstendenzen im letzten Jahrhundert - auch im Kontrast zwischen europäischem und brasilianischem Portugiesisch (EP und BP) - herauszuarbeiten. Dabei werden Vergleiche nicht nur zum europäischen Portugiesisch, sondern auch zu einigen romanischen Sprachen, wie dem Spanischen und Italienischen, gezogen. Die Entwicklung der grammatischen Kategorie der Artikel innerhalb der romanischen Sprachen, die trotz einer gemeinsamen Basis erhebliche Unterschiede im Gebrauch aufweisen, stellt den Ausgangspunkt für die Dissertation dar. In der Arbeit wird versucht, das System der Verwendung/Nichtverwendung des Artikels mit der Problematik der Grammatikalisierungsprozesse und des Sprachwandels in Verbindung zu setzen. Darüber hinaus wird der Aspekt des Sprachgebrauchs in unterschiedlichen Kommunikationsbereichen diskutiert. Obwohl sich das Augenmerk auf die determiniererlosen Nomina richtet (bare nouns in englischer Terminologie, nombres escuetos auf Spanisch oder nominais nus in BP), wurden gleichfalls artikellose Nomina untersucht, die von anderen Determinanten begleitet werden. Es wird auf die nominais nus eingegangen, nicht im Sinne einer Kategorie, sondern einfach als unmarkierte Nomina. Es gilt zu untersuchen, in welchen Kontexten diese Nomina erscheinen, und es wird der Frage nachgegangen, ob im brasilianischen Portugiesisch der Artikel als Determinans anders und weniger häufig als im europäischen Portugiesisch verwendet wird. Darüber hinaus wird aufgezeigt, wie diese Entwicklungen diachronisch nachvollzogen werden können und in welchen Fällen von einer Reduktion im Artikelgebrauch zu sprechen ist. Der Ausgangspunkt in der vorliegenden Arbeit sind synchronische Untersuchungen determiniererloser Nomina im brasilianischen Portugiesisch. Auf dieser Grundlage wurden die wichtigsten Unterschiede zur europäischen Varietät ausgearbeitet. Um diese Eigenschaften zu erläutern, wurde die diachronische Entwicklung des EP herangezogen. So konnte auf die Gemeinsamkeiten zwischen älteren Sprachstufen der romanischen Sprachen und dem aktuellen BP hingewiesen werden. Dabei ergab sich als bemerkenswerte Erkenntnis, wie Strukturen, die in älteren Sprachstufen romanischer Sprachen üblich waren, im zeitgenössischen Sprachgebrauch des brasilianischen Portugiesisch wiederbelebt werden und ein Bindeglied zwischen Vergangenheit und Gegenwart bilden. In diesem Zusammenhang ist das Paradigma der Diskurstraditionen von großer Bedeutung, denn durch dieses ist es möglich, einen Beitrag zum Verständnis von differenzierten Entwicklungen in der Sprachgeschichte zu leisten. Die Erfindung der Telegrafie in den Vereinigten Staaten und deren weltweiter Gebrauch als Kommunikationsmittel brachte neue Herausforderungen für das Sprachsystem nicht nur des Portugiesischen, sondern auch anderer romanischen Sprachen mit sich. An diesem Beispiel kann nachvollzogen werden, wie unterschiedlich jede Sprache die Einbeziehung kommunikationstechnischer Innovationen in ihr Sprachsystem handhabt. Kulturelle Innovationen können daher als Ansporn zu Änderungen in einem Sprachsystem funktionieren und die Emergenz, bzw. Entstehung sprachlicher Strukturen veranlassen, die den neuen Kommunikationsanforderungen entsprechen. Die Sprache der Presse, also der Tageszeitungen aus dem Anfang des 20. bis zum Anfang des 21. Jahrhunderts, lieferte den Stoff für die Arbeit. Es wurde ein Korpus portugiesischer und brasilianischer Texte, basierend auf Beispielen aus sechs Tageszeitungen, 4 brasilianischen und 2 portugiesischen, zusammengestellt. Die Auswahl der Tageszeitung als Makro-Diskurstradition war insofern wichtig, als dies die Möglichkeit bot, aus einem einzigen Träger einen Zugriff auf differenzierte Texttypen und Textsorten zu haben, die unterschiedlichen Diskurstraditionen angehören, um das Phänomen der Nomina ohne Artikel zu untersuchen. Die Arbeit besteht aus fünf Kapiteln. Im ersten werden die gemeinsame Herkunft des Artikels aus den lateinischen Demonstrativa und die Folgen im neuen System der romanischen Sprachen im Sinne einer positiven und einer negativen Grammatikalisierung erläutert. In diesem Zusammenhang werden Phänomene, wie der aspektuelle Singular bzw. das semantische Pendel zwischen den Kategorien der Zählbarkeit und Nichtzählbarkeit behandelt. Das Unterkapitel Semantik des Artikels bietet eine Annäherung an die Bedeutung der Kategorie des Artikels und ihre Beziehung zu den Nomina ohne Artikel in synchronischer und diachronischer Perspektive. Kapitel II behandelt, ausgehend von formal-generativen Ansätzen, das Thema der Generizität und untersucht sowohl syntaktische als auch semantische Eigenschaften der determiniererlosen Nomina in Hinblick auf die Haupttheorien in diesem Bereich. Außerdem werden Aspekte der konzeption Art des Diskurses bezüglich des Nähe-Distanzskontinuums, kurz angesprochen. Es wird gezeigt, wie eigene Formen älterer Sprachstufen auf neue Strukturen übertragen werden können, die wiederum eine neue Art von Texten hervorrufen. Dabei geht es z.B. um die Analogie zwischen Sprichwörtern und expressiven Texten etwa im Bereich der Werbung. Die Interaktion zwischen neuen Technologien und einflussreichen extralinguistischen Aspekten, wie Textproduktionsmodellen, d.h. Editionsvorschriften in einem bestimmten Gebiet, wie in der Presse, wurde gleichfalls berücksichtigt. Nachdem im ersten und zweiten Kapitel die theoretischen Grundlagen zum heutigen Verständnis des Phänomens der Auslassung des Artikels geschaffen wurden, widmet sich der zweite Teil der Arbeit, Kapitel III bis V, der Analyse der exzerpierten Textstellen und der Nachzeichnung von diachronischen Entwicklungen anhand von statistischen Bewertungen des gesamten Korpus. In Kapitel III werden Entstehung und Eigenschaften des Korpus beschrieben. In diesem Teil wird auf die Kriterien eingegangen, anhand derer die gesamten Daten des Korpus, 3.350 Tokens, mit Hilfe des Programms Excel analysiert wurden. Die artikellosen Nomina wurden auf die Ersetzbarkeit durch bestimmte und/oder unbestimmte Artikel geprüft. Dafür wurde der Nukleus der Nominalsyntagmen isoliert und nach Numerus (Singular/Plural), nach lexikalisch-semantischen Kriterien, einschließlich des Typs des Substantivs, nach syntaktischen Angaben, wie die Position des Nominalsyntagmas in Bezug auf das Verb, d.h. vor oder nach dem Verb, nach Typ des Verbs, nach Modus und Tempus des Verbs und nach Typ des Satzes unterschieden. Die syntaktische Funktion Subjekt oder Objekt wurde ebenfalls in die Tabelle hinzugefügt. Das syntaktische Umfeld der Nomina ohne Artikel wurde durch sieben mögliche Kombinationen in den Tabellen dargestellt. Es wurden extragrammatische Eigenschaften wie die Position der Nominalsyntagmen im Träger, z.B. in Überschriften, im Textkorpus usw., und die Referenzialität der Nominalsyntagmen mit berücksichtigt. Es wurden insgesamt fünfzehn Kriterien für die Analyse genutzt und in eine Excel Tabelle, die jeweils 50 Tokens aus einem Jahrgang einer Tageszeitung beinhalten, angewandt. Es wurde jeweils die erste Seite einer Ausgabe von Anfang Januar von den sechs in Betracht gezogenen Tageszeitungen (insgesamt 67 Ausgaben) mit zehnjährigem Abstand untersucht. In Einzelfällen, die in der Dissertation erläutert werden, wenn die erste Seite nicht 50 Tokens beinhaltete, wurden weitere Seiten bzw. weitere Ausgaben benutzt. Kapitel IV wendet sich der Bewertung von Textstellen zu. Unter qualitativer Hinsicht wurden sowohl textuelle als auch grammatikalische Aspekte detailliert besprochen. So konnte eine Beziehung zwischen der Anwesenheit artikelloser Nomina und bestimmter Diskurstraditionen (wie z.B. Überschriften), bzw. der Entstehung von Diskurstraditionen als Konsequenz des Gebrauchs der Telegrafie, in der Redaktion der Nachrichten von Tageszeitungen, gezogen werden. Am Beispiel von Fällen wie Notícias aqui recebidas dizem que (...) (JB 03.01.1900) konnte man feststellen, dass hier eigene Strukturen, um Nachrichten zu vermitteln, d.h. neue Diskurstraditionen, entstanden sind. In der Interpretation der Beispiele modifizierter Nomina ohne Artikel in Plural in Subjektstellung zeigte sich die Notwendigkeit, sich mit verschiedenen Lesarten dieser Nominalsyntagmen auseinanderzusetzen. Interessanterweise spielen der Kontext und grammatikalische Aspekte wie Tempus, Modus, Adverbien, Typ des Prädikats, eine wichtige Rolle im Satz, um den Nominalsynt

    Educação e direitos da criança : perspectiva histórica e desafios pedagógicos

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    Dissertação de Mestrado em EducaçãoA Convenção Internacional dos Direitos da Criança, aprovada por aclamação na Assembleia Geral das Nações Unidas, a 20 de Novembro de 1989, correspondeu a um dos sinais de transformação mais emblemáticos de toda a história das representações da infância. Embora a modernização da concepção e práticas infantis tenha sido de uma extrema lentidão, sobretudo no que se refere à designação da criança enquanto sujeito de direitos, a Convenção de 1989, quase no limiar do século XXI, contempla, acima de tudo, a libertação das crianças. Até lá, e após uma longa trajectória, os dois textos declaratórios que a precederam (em 1924 e 1959) indiciavam que a afirmação dos direitos da criança correspondia mais a uma declaração de princípios de ordem proteccionista e ética. Só mediante os desígnios convencionais de 1989 é que adquirem um verdadeiro estatuto jurídico e libertador. A partir do momento em que se decide valorizar a criança como sujeito, não só de direitos-protecção mas também de direitosliberdades, é que se assume o seu estatuto de cidadão. A transposição dos princípios libertadores da infância para o espaço da educação tem-se, no entanto, revelado difícil de assegurar. Numa sociedade democrática em que o outro deve ser pensado como um igual, logo portador dos mesmos direitos que todos os seres humanos, é a alteridade da criança quem começa a gerar inquietações. A par de uma ideia fundamental não alterada (a da fragilidade inerente à infância e da protecção especial que induz), são reconhecidos ao menor diversos direitos que se assemelham com o que a teoria geral dos direitos do homem identifica como direitos-liberdades. O principal problema colocado pela contemplação destes direitos tem a ver com a forma como entram, manifestamente, em contradição com os direitos-protecção. A concepção da criança como um cidadão, embora um cidadão-criança, implicou inevitáveis transformações nos parâmetros identificativos do espaço da educação. Com base nos argumentos que possibilitaram a trajectória da subjectivação infantil, procuraremos seguir um percurso investigativo que nos possa dar conta da amplitude que os direitos da criança implementaram no seio das sociedades actuais, mormente em termos educativos, por um lado atendendo ao estatuto contemporâneo da infância como sujeito de direitos e, por outro, tendo em consideração a sua peculiar condição de ser em devir e em desenvolvimento. A hermenêutica de textos e documentos será a metodologia a privilegiar em todo este roteiro.The International Convention on Children’s Rights, approved by acclamation in the General Assembly of the United Nations, on November 20, 1998, corresponded to one of the most emblematic signs of transformation in the history of models of childhood. Modernization in the field of infantile concepts and practices has been extremely slow, above all in ascribing rights to children. Almost at threshold of the 21st century, the Convention of 1989 gave priority to the freedoms of children. The texts of the previous two declarations (in 1924 and 1959) had tented towards an affirmation of children’s rights corresponding more closely to a declaration of principles of a protectionist and ethical nature. Finally, after a long trajectory, they acquired a truly juridical and liberating status by means of the 1989 convention program. The status of citizen is only assumed from the moment in which it is decided to value the child as the subject, not only of protection-rights, but also of freedom-rights. The conveyance of liberating principles of childhood into the domain of education, however, revealed itself difficult to assure. In a democratic society, in which the other person should be considered as an equal, holding the same rights as all human beings, it is the child’s alterity which begins to generate disquiet. Given that the fundamental idea (that of the inherent fragility of childhood and of the special protection that is compels) remains unaltered, the minor is recognized as having various rights similar to those identified as freedoms-rights by the general theory of human rights. The main problem placed by the contemplation of these rights is the form in which they manifestly enter into contradiction with the aspects of protection-rights. The conception of the child as citizen, although a citizen-child, implies inevitable transformations in the identifying parameters of the educational domain. Based on the arguments that brought about the trajectory of infantile subjectivisation, we will seek to follow an investigative course that takes into account the extent to which children rights have been implemented in the heart of contemporary society, principally in terms of education, assisting the contemporary status of childhood as subject to rights, on one hand, and, on the other, taking into consideration their particular state of transition and development. The preferred methodology throughout this investigation will be the hermeneutics of texts and documents

    HGF Secreted by Activated Kupffer Cells Induces Apoptosis of Plasmodium-Infected Hepatocytes

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    This deposit is composed by the main article plus the supplementary materials of the publicationMalaria liver stage infection is an obligatory parasite development step and represents a population bottleneck in Plasmodium infections, providing an advantageous target for blocking parasite cycle progression. Parasite development inside hepatocytes implies a gross cellular insult evoking innate host responses to counteract intra-hepatocytic infection. Using primary hepatocyte cultures, we investigated the role of Kupffer cell-derived hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) in malaria liver stage infection. We found that Kupffer cells from Plasmodium-infected livers produced high levels of HGF, which trigger apoptosis of infected hepatocytes through a mitochondrial-independent apoptosis pathway. HGF action in infected hepatocyte primary cultures results in a potent reduction of parasite yield by specifically sensitizing hepatocytes carrying established parasite exo-erythrocytic forms to undergo apoptosis. This apoptosis mechanism is distinct from cell death that is spontaneously induced in infected cultures and is governed by Fas signaling modulation through a mitochondrial-dependent apoptosis pathway. This work indicates that HGF and Fas signaling pathways are part of an orchestrated host apoptosis response that occurs during malaria liver stage infection, decreasing the success of infection of individual hepatocytes. Our results raise the hypothesis that paracrine signals derived from Kupffer cell activation are implicated in directing death of hepatocytes infected with the malaria parasite.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A influência do departamento de marketing: o caso OLI

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    Mestrado em GestãoTem-se verificado alguma discussão na literatura sobre o decréscimo da importância do Marketing nas empresas. De acordo com alguns estudos, apenas 10% do tempo é dedicado ao departamento de Marketing nas suas reuniões gerais. O estudo de caso é dedicado a uma empresa portuguesa, Oliveira & Irmão, líder ibérica de produtos de instalação sanitária que atua no mercado há 60 anos. Esta empresa exporta 80% da sua produção e tornou-se reconhecida por ser uma das empresas mais inovadoras da sua àrea, contando atualmente com 40 patentes ativas. Neste estudo será analisada a influência do departamento de Marketing numa empresa com gestão familiar e onde a satisfação do cliente é o seu objetivo primário. Para compreender as alterações que se verificaram desde a implementação do Departamento de Marketing, foram realizadas quatro entrevistas aos diretores da empresa (Departamento Financeiro, Inovação, Comercial e Marketing) para compreender, através do seu ponto de vista, quais as implicações e modificações principais que sentiram. Verificou-se que apesar do departamento de Marketing ser recente na empresa este já realizou algumas alterações notórias a nível interno (comunicação interna) e a nível externo (posicionamento da marca no mercado). Contudo, um dos grandes entraves tem sido a dificuldade em participar no processo desenvolvimento de novos produtos, que até então é coordenado pelo departamento de Inovação e departamento Comercial. A autora do estudo propõe um processo em que o departamento de Marketing fornece os inputs para o desenvolvimento de novos produtos, de modo a satisfazer as necessidades dos clientes.There have been various discussions in the literature concerning the decreasing significance of marketing in companies. According to some studies, only 10% of time in general meetings is devoted to the marketing department. This case study is dedicated to a Portuguese company, Oliveira & Irmão, Iberian leading supplier of plumbing equipment that has been operating in the market for 60 years. This company exports 80% of its production and has become recognized as one of the most innovative companies in its area, with 40 active patents. This study analyses the influence of the marketing department in a family managed company where client satisfaction is the primary goal. Four interviews with company directors (Finance, Innovation, Sales, and Marketing Departments) were conducted to fully grasp the changes made since the implementation of the marketing department and in order to understand, from their point of view, the implications and major modifications they experienced. This study found that despite the fact that the Marketing department is a recent addition to the company, it has already made some notable changes internally (internal communication) and externally (brand positioning in the market). However, the major hurdle has been the difficulty in participating in the process of developing new products, which to date is coordinated by the Department of Innovation and the Sales department. The author proposes a process in which the Marketing department provides inputs for the development of new products in order to satisfy customer needs

    A circulação do azulejo e outras cerâmicas mudéjares nos territórios da expansão ibérica: breve abordagem à Macaronésia e ao Novo Mundo

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    O azulejo é considerado um elemento identitário português (e espanhol) constituindo o cartão de visita do nosso país pela quantidade e originalidade da sua utilização. Contudo, a introdução desse material de revestimento no nosso país verificouse através das importações a partir de terras andaluzas, no final do séc. XV até meados do XVI, época em que ocorreram as primeiras produções nacionais. Com a expansão territorial portuguesa e castelhana e consequente povoamento, reproduziram-se os modelos sociais, culturais e modos de vida dos territórios continentais da Península Ibérica, sendo enviados para esses locais uma infinidade de objetos e nesse âmbito, destacam-se os azulejos e as pias batismais mudéjares. No ponto de vista da difusão destas cerâmicas, tivemos em conta o seu caráter exótico, comercial e os diferentes contextos em que subsistem, realizando uma breve abordagem tecnológica e expositiva da disseminação nos arquipélagos da Macaronésia e do Novo Mundo, assim como noutras localidades continentais. O principal recurso foi a observação direta in loco, mas não tendo sido fácil dispor de meios para cobrir uma tão vasta área, recorremos à metodologia de análise documental, na qual, considerámos apropriadas as opiniões de alguns estudiosos e alguns relatórios de escavações arqueológicas que nos ajudaram a fundamentar a frequente circulação destes produtos.Currently, the tile is considered a Portuguese (and Spanish) identity element and it is recognized as one of the country's main attraction as indicated by the quantity and originality of its use. However, the introduction of the tile in Portugal took place with the first importations from Sevilla between the end of the century XV to mid-century XVI, when the first national productions happened. With the Portuguese and Castilian territorial expansion, and consequent settlement, the social, cultural and lifestyles models of the continental territories of the Iberian Peninsula were reproduced, and an infinite number of objects were sent to these places, including the Mudejar tiles and baptismal fonts. From the diffusion point of view, several aspects were taken to account, particularly the exotic and commercial singularity of the ceramics, but also the different contexts in which they subsist, conducting a brief technological and expository approach to the situation in the Macaronesian archipelagos and also the New World or other continental locations. The main resource was direct observation in loco, but it was not easy to have means to cover a wide area, we resorting to the methodology of documentary analysis, in which we considered appropriate the opinions of some investigators and some reports of Archaeological excavations that have helped us to prove the frequent circulation of these products