570 research outputs found

    Detection of the tagged or untagged photons in acousto-optic imaging of thick highly scattering media by photorefractive adaptive holography

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    We propose an original adaptive wavefront holographic setup based on the photorefractive effect (PR), to make real-time measurements of acousto-optic signals in thick scattering media, with a high flux collection at high rates for breast tumor detection. We describe here our present state of art and understanding on the problem of breast imaging with PR detection of the acousto-optic signal

    Phthalocyanine-based dumbbell-shaped molecule: synthesis, structure and charge transport studies

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    International audienceWe describe the synthesis of a fully conjugated donor-acceptor-donor triad (ZnPc-BTD-ZnPc) made of zinc phthalocyanine donor fragments (ZnPc) at both ends of a benzothiadiazole-based central dye (BTD). The molecule exhibits a broad absorption in the whole visible range. The introduction of sterically demanding alkoxy chains to the ZnPc fragments is found to limit the molecular organization to a short-range columnar order and the charge-carrier mobility to moderate values, but provides outstanding solubilities in organic solvents

    Near-field polarization conversion in planar chiral nanostructures

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    Enantiomeric-sensitive optical polarization conversion has been observed in the near-field above a planar chiral nanostructures consisting of an array of gammadions cut in a metal film. Formation of the far-field scattered light rotated with respect to the incident linear polarized light has been visualized

    Intermittency of velocity time increments in turbulence

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    We analyze the statistics of turbulent velocity fluctuations in the time domain. Three cases are computed numerically and compared: (i) the time traces of Lagrangian fluid particles in a (3D) turbulent flow (referred to as the "dynamic" case); (ii) the time evolution of tracers advected by a frozen turbulent field (the "static" case), and (iii) the evolution in time of the velocity recorded at a fixed location in an evolving Eulerian velocity field, as it would be measured by a local probe (referred to as the "virtual probe" case). We observe that the static case and the virtual probe cases share many properties with Eulerian velocity statistics. The dynamic (Lagrangian) case is clearly different; it bears the signature of the global dynamics of the flow.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, to appear in PR

    Determination of the Properties of Composite Materials Thanks to Digital Image Correlation Measurements

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    AbstractDesigning composite structures for civil aircrafts necessitates a better understanding of the damage and failure mechanisms occurring in these components through experimental test campaigns and associated numerical simulations. These experimental tests have been performed at Onera using different classical measurement techniques (LVDT sensor, strain gauges…) and digital image correlation (DIC). The additional information provided by DIC allows (i) to validate the boundary conditions of the tests, (ii) to cross-check the measurements with other techniques, (iii) to improve the understanding of the physical mechanisms and (iv) to validate the predictions of the finite element simulations

    The PRIMA fringe sensor unit

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    The Fringe Sensor Unit (FSU) is the central element of the Phase Referenced Imaging and Micro-arcsecond Astrometry (PRIMA) dual-feed facility and provides fringe sensing for all observation modes, comprising off-axis fringe tracking, phase referenced imaging, and high-accuracy narrow-angle astrometry. It is installed at the Very Large Telescope Interferometer (VLTI) and successfully servoed the fringe tracking loop during the initial commissioning phase. Unique among interferometric beam combiners, the FSU uses spatial phase modulation in bulk optics to retrieve real-time estimates of fringe phase after spatial filtering. A R=20 spectrometer across the K-band makes the retrieval of the group delay signal possible. The FSU was integrated and aligned at the VLTI in summer 2008. It yields phase and group delay measurements at sampling rates up to 2 kHz, which are used to drive the fringe tracking control loop. During the first commissioning runs, the FSU was used to track the fringes of stars with K-band magnitudes as faint as m_K=9.0, using two VLTI Auxiliary Telescopes (AT) and baselines of up to 96 m. Fringe tracking using two Very Large Telescope (VLT) Unit Telescopes (UT) was demonstrated. During initial commissioning and combining stellar light with two ATs, the FSU showed its ability to improve the VLTI sensitivity in K-band by more than one magnitude towards fainter objects, which is of fundamental importance to achieve the scientific objectives of PRIMA.Comment: 19 pages, 23 figures. minor changes and language editing. this version equals the published articl
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