18 research outputs found

    Opportunities and challenges in partitioning the graph measure space of real-world networks

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    Based on a large dataset containing thousands of real-world networks ranging from genetic, protein interaction, and metabolic networks to brain, language, ecology, and social networks we search for defining structural measures of the different complex network domains (CND). We calculate 208 measures for all networks and using a comprehensive and scrupulous workflow of statistical and machine learning methods we investigated the limitations and possibilities of identifying the key graph measures of CNDs. Our approach managed to identify well distinguishable groups of network domains and confer their relevant features. These features turn out to be CND specific and not unique even at the level of individual CNDs. The presented methodology may be applied to other similar scenarios involving highly unbalanced and skewed datasets

    Komplex nyaki és agyi érpatológia endovascularis kezelése | Endovascular treatment of complex vascular pathology in neck and brain region

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    Absztrakt: A szerzők bemutatják egy nőbeteg komplex, többlépcsős intervenciós neuroradiológiai ellátását, amelynek során azonos oldali intraduralisan terjedő, inoperábilis glomus jugulare tumor, arteria carotis interna szűkület és arteria cerebri media aneurysma kezelését végezték. Az irodalomban esetismertetésük az első közlemény, amelyben a három betegség együtt, azonos oldalon fordul elő és amelyet többlépcsősen, endovascularisan kezeltek. A kezelési lépések mellett bemutatásra kerül a glomus jugulare tumor tünettana, stádiumbeosztása, kezelési lehetőségei, illetve az arteria carotis interna szűkület és intracranialis agyi érzsákok kezelési irányelvei. Orv Hetil. 2017; 158(18): 706–710. | Abstract: Authors present complex multistage endovascular treatment of female patient with an intradural infiltrative, inoperable tumor of the glomus jugulare, a stenosis of the internal carotid artery and an aneurysm of middle cerebri artery. In the literature our case report is the first announcement in which three pathology coexist ipsilateral in one patient and the patient has been treated step by step by endovascular procedures. Beside the endovascular treatment steps they display glomus jugulare tumor’s symptoms, staging, treatment options and also the current treatment guidelines of internal carotid artery stenosis and intracranial aneurysms. Orv Hetil. 2017; 158(18): 706–710

    Az antibiotikumrezisztencia változása cholangitisben. Klinikai tapasztalataink = Changes in antibiotic resistance in cholangitis. Our clinical experience

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    Absztrakt: Bevezetés: Az antibiotikumok (AB) nem megfelelő alkalmazása miatt számtalan kórokozó vált multirezisztenssé. Az egyik leggyakoribb kiindulási gócot az epeutak gyulladása képezi. A fatális kimenetel megelőzésében kulcsszerepet játszik a megfelelő AB-politika. Célkitűzés: A cholangitis leggyakoribb kórokozói AB-érzékenységének és a választott empirikus AB-kezelés hatásosságának vizsgálata. Betegek és módszer: Retrospektív kutatásunk során a 2006-os és a 2016-os év folyamán a Szegedi Tudományegyetem Általános Orvostudományi Karának I. Belklinikáján cholangitis indikációval végzett endoszkópos retrográd cholangiopancreatographia (ERCP) során nyert epeminták mikrobiológiai eredményének áttekintése történt. Eredmények: 2006-ban 29, 2016-ban 111 epemintavétel történt, ezekből 22 (75%), illetve 106 (95%) volt pozitív. A betegek átlagéletkora 61 ± 14 vs. 71 ± 14 év, a nemek aránya közel azonos volt. 2006-ban 10 esetben indítottak empirikus AB-ot (ciprofloxacin és metronidazol, illetve imipenem), ezekre 9 esetben (90%) a tenyészett kórokozó érzékeny volt. 2016-ban 88 esetben indítottak AB-ot (ciprofloxacin és metronidazol mellett ceftriaxon és metronidazol, valamint imipenem és metronidazol is szerepelt). 29 esetben az empirikusan indított AB nem volt hatékony. A ciprofloxacin hatékonysága 64%-ra csökkent 2016-ra. A cholangitist okozó leggyakoribb kórokozók típusa (Escherichia coli, Enterococcus faecalis, Klebsiella pneumoniae) a két vizsgált évben nem változott, ciprofloxacinrezisztenciájuk azonban növekedett. A polimikrobás infekciók aránya rendre 73% és 64% volt. Következtetés: A pozitív epetenyésztések száma szignifikánsan emelkedett 2016-ban. A leggyakoribb kórokozók típusában nem adódott eltérés. Az empirikusan indított ciprofloxacin antibiotikum hatékonysága csökkent 2016-ban. Eredményeink a cholangitist okozó kórokozók típuseloszlásában megfelelnek a cholangitisre vonatkozó ajánlás (Tokyo Guideline) adatainak. Orv Hetil. 2019; 160(36): 1437–1442. | Abstract: Introduction: Due to the inappropriate use of antibiotics (AB), more pathogens become multiresistant. One of the most severe sources of sepsis is cholangitis. To avoid fatal outcome, an effective AB policy plays a key role. Aim: To investigate the AB resistance of bacteria causing cholangitis and the efficacy of AB treatment. Patients and method: Microbiological tests of bile samples collected during cholangitis-indicated endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatographies were analysed at the First Department of Medicine, University of Szeged, in 2006 and in 2016. Results: 29 and 111 patients had bile sample collection in 2006 and in 2016, respectively. Of that, 22 (75%) and 106 (95%) were positive. Mean age: 61 ± 14 vs. 71 ± 14 years, no difference between men/women ratio. In 2006, 10 cases empirical AB (ciprofloxacine with metronidazole or imipenem) were used. In 9 cases (90%), the AB was adequate based on the microbiological results. In 2016, in 88 cases empirical AB was applied (ciprofloxacine and metronidazole, ceftriaxone with metronidazole or imipenem with metronidazole). In 29 cases, the empirical AB was ineffective. The efficacy of ciprofloxacine decreased to 64% in 2016. The profile of the most frequent cholangitis-causing pathogens (Escherichia coli, Enterococcus faecalis, Klebsiella pneumoniae) was the same, but their resistency against ciprofloxacine increased. The rates of polymicrobal infections were 73% and 63%, respectively. Conclusion: The rates of positive bile samples were significantly higher in 2016. The profile of the most frequent pathogens was the same. The efficacy of the first-choice empirical AB ciprofloxacine decreased in 2016. The types of the most frequent cholangitis-causing bacteria are in line with the ones included in the Tokyo Guideline. Orv Hetil. 2019; 160(36): 1437–1442

    Multidisciplinary management of acute cholecystitis during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    The coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic had a major impact on most medical services. Our aim was to assess the outcome of acute cholecystitis during the nationwide lockdown period. All patients admitted to our emergency department for AC were analysed. Patient characteristics, performance status, AC severity, treatment modality and outcome of AC were assessed during the lockdown period (Period II: 1 April 2020–30 November 2021) and compared to a historical control period (Period I: 1 May 2017–31 December 2018). AC admissions increased by 72.8% in Period II. Patients were younger (70 vs. 74 years, p = 0.017) and greater in number in the CCI 1 group (20.4% vs. 11.2%, p = 0.043) in Period II. The unplanned readmission rate (6.3 vs. 0%, p = 0.004) and the gallbladder perforation (GP) rate was higher (18.0 vs. 7.3%, p = 0.006) in Period II. Percutaneous transhepatic gallbladder drainage (PTGBD) was more frequent (24.1 vs. 12.8%, p = 0.012) in Period II. In addition to a drop in patient age and CCI, a significant rise in the prevalence of acute cholecystitis, GP and unplanned readmissions was observed during the nationwide lockdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic. PTGBD was more frequent during this period, whereas successful conservative treatment was less frequent

    Vállalati jelentéskészítési folyamat fejlesztése folyamatmenedzsment eszközökkel

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    INST: Szakdolgozatok (GTK) - Szakdolgozatok (GTK)Ennek a tanulmánynak egy, a magyarországi FMCG piacon jelentős szerepet betöltő nagyvállalat Kategóriamenedzsment részlegének jelentéskészítési folyamatának bemutatása, a folyamat elemzése és továbbfejlesztésének dokumentálása. A Lean és Six Sigma módszerek bemutatása után a folyamat elemzése, kiértékelése, kritikus pontok kijelölése következik. Ezután a folyamatfejlesztés lépésről lépésre való dokumentációja, majd az eredmények összegzése és további javaslatok esetleges fejlesztésekhez

    Emlőcentrum - virtuális klinika az emlőbetegek multidiszciplináris ellátására

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    Breast cancer, the most prevalent female malignancy represents a major health problem. Breast cancer mortality may be halved by high quality mammography screening and care. The most efficient screening and the best treatment of patients are available at the breast centers that are equipped with special facilities, expertise and significant experience via the treatment of a high number of patients. Breast center is a virtual unit based on the collaboration of various professionals; a tight institutional frame is not a must. In these comprehensive centers, 150 breast cancer patients per year at a minimum are treated, and the most efficient special treatment methods are available. The core members of the staff are the breast pathologists, the mammographists, the breast surgeons, the oncologists/oncoradiologists, the breast nurses, the technicians and the data managers. An easy access to the service of the non-core members, the plastic surgeons, the psychologists, the psychiatrists and the clinical geneticists is necessary. An optimal collaboration of the various experts may be achieved by a training of the members, regular multidisciplinary meetings and guidelines developed and accepted by all. The requirements of a breast center have been published by the European Society of Mastology (EUSOMA), and a directory of the accredited European breast centers is maintained. The Breast Unit of the University of Szeged has been found eligible by EUSOMA to be included in the directory of the European breast units. Two mammographists do screening-mammography and clinical examination, 2 pathologists perform cytopathological, histopathological and immunohistochemical examinations. Three surgeons operate on more than 250 breast cancer patients per year, and apply wire or isotope (ROLL) localisation in case of non-palpable lesion. A plastic surgeon is available if necessary. In a half of all cases, sentinel mapping is performed with isotope- and blue dye-labelling. Two radiotherapists apply conformal radiotherapy in 250 cases per year, and 2 oncologists perform modern chemotherapies in 200 cases as a yearly average; 50 new advanced/metastatic cases per year require oncological treatments. Breast nurses, a psycho-oncologist and a mental hygienist nurse assist the team. There is access to lymphedema treatment and physiotherapy. The final goal of the program is to provide all women with high quality mammography screening and care, if necessary

    Environment-Friendly Catalytic Mineralization of Phenol and Chlorophenols with Cu- and Fe- Tetrakis(4-aminophenyl)-porphyrin—Silica Hybrid Aerogels

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    Fenton reactions with metal complexes of substituted porphyrins and hydrogen peroxide are useful tools for the mineralization of environmentally dangerous substances. In the homogeneous phase, autooxidation of the prophyrin ring may also occur. Covalent binding of porphyrins to a solid support may increase the lifetime of the catalysts and might change its activity. In this study, highly water-insoluble copper and iron complexes of 5,10,15,20-tetrakis(4-aminophenyl)porphyrin were synthesized and bonded covalently to a very hydrophilic silica aerogel matrix prepared by co-gelation of the propyl triethoxysilyl-functionalized porphyrin complex precursors with tetramethoxysilane, followed by a supercritical carbon dioxide drying. In contrast to the insoluble nature of the porphyrin complexes, the as-prepared aerogel catalysts were highly compatible with the aqueous phase. Their catalytic activities were tested in the mineralization reaction of phenol, 3-chlorophenol, and 2,4-dichlorophenol with hydrogen peroxide. The results show that both aerogels catalyzed the oxidation of phenol and chlorophenols to harmless short-chained carboxylic acids under neutral conditions. In batch experiments, and also in a miniature continuous-flow tubular reactor, the aerogel catalysts gradually reduced their activity, due to the slow oxidation of the porphyrin ring. However, the rate and extent of the degradation was moderate and did not exclude the possibility that the as-prepared catalysts, as well as their more stable derivatives, might find practical applications in environment protection

    Environment-Friendly Catalytic Mineralization of Phenol and Chlorophenols with Cu- and Fe- Tetrakis(4-aminophenyl)-porphyrin—Silica Hybrid Aerogels

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    Fenton reactions with metal complexes of substituted porphyrins and hydrogen peroxide are useful tools for the mineralization of environmentally dangerous substances. In the homogeneous phase, autooxidation of the prophyrin ring may also occur. Covalent binding of porphyrins to a solid support may increase the lifetime of the catalysts and might change its activity. In this study, highly water-insoluble copper and iron complexes of 5,10,15,20-tetrakis(4-aminophenyl)porphyrin were synthesized and bonded covalently to a very hydrophilic silica aerogel matrix prepared by co-gelation of the propyl triethoxysilyl-functionalized porphyrin complex precursors with tetramethoxysilane, followed by a supercritical carbon dioxide drying. In contrast to the insoluble nature of the porphyrin complexes, the as-prepared aerogel catalysts were highly compatible with the aqueous phase. Their catalytic activities were tested in the mineralization reaction of phenol, 3-chlorophenol, and 2,4-dichlorophenol with hydrogen peroxide. The results show that both aerogels catalyzed the oxidation of phenol and chlorophenols to harmless short-chained carboxylic acids under neutral conditions. In batch experiments, and also in a miniature continuous-flow tubular reactor, the aerogel catalysts gradually reduced their activity, due to the slow oxidation of the porphyrin ring. However, the rate and extent of the degradation was moderate and did not exclude the possibility that the as-prepared catalysts, as well as their more stable derivatives, might find practical applications in environment protection