Emlőcentrum - virtuális klinika az emlőbetegek multidiszciplináris ellátására


Breast cancer, the most prevalent female malignancy represents a major health problem. Breast cancer mortality may be halved by high quality mammography screening and care. The most efficient screening and the best treatment of patients are available at the breast centers that are equipped with special facilities, expertise and significant experience via the treatment of a high number of patients. Breast center is a virtual unit based on the collaboration of various professionals; a tight institutional frame is not a must. In these comprehensive centers, 150 breast cancer patients per year at a minimum are treated, and the most efficient special treatment methods are available. The core members of the staff are the breast pathologists, the mammographists, the breast surgeons, the oncologists/oncoradiologists, the breast nurses, the technicians and the data managers. An easy access to the service of the non-core members, the plastic surgeons, the psychologists, the psychiatrists and the clinical geneticists is necessary. An optimal collaboration of the various experts may be achieved by a training of the members, regular multidisciplinary meetings and guidelines developed and accepted by all. The requirements of a breast center have been published by the European Society of Mastology (EUSOMA), and a directory of the accredited European breast centers is maintained. The Breast Unit of the University of Szeged has been found eligible by EUSOMA to be included in the directory of the European breast units. Two mammographists do screening-mammography and clinical examination, 2 pathologists perform cytopathological, histopathological and immunohistochemical examinations. Three surgeons operate on more than 250 breast cancer patients per year, and apply wire or isotope (ROLL) localisation in case of non-palpable lesion. A plastic surgeon is available if necessary. In a half of all cases, sentinel mapping is performed with isotope- and blue dye-labelling. Two radiotherapists apply conformal radiotherapy in 250 cases per year, and 2 oncologists perform modern chemotherapies in 200 cases as a yearly average; 50 new advanced/metastatic cases per year require oncological treatments. Breast nurses, a psycho-oncologist and a mental hygienist nurse assist the team. There is access to lymphedema treatment and physiotherapy. The final goal of the program is to provide all women with high quality mammography screening and care, if necessary

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