812 research outputs found

    Kosztolányi és a császárok

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    Nero Ă©s kora = Nero and his age

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    A pályázat keretében Nero korának politikai és irodalmi életét vizsgáltam részint ókori forrásokra támaszkodva, részint az újabb nemzetközi szakirodalom eredményeit felhasználva. Az előbbi egyrészt a Nero korára vonatkozó történeti források és irodalmi, de részint történeti vonatkozással is bíró művek vizsgálatát jelenti, másrészt egy olyan forrásnak a vizsgálatát, amely mindeddig nem volt tárgya olyan kutatásnak, amely a Nero-kor összefüggéseibe ágyazva is vizsgálta volna. E forrás annak a szatíraköltőnek az életrajza, aki szoros barátságot tartott fenn a korabeli szellemi és politikai életben meghatározó szerepet játszott személyekkel, mint pl. Lucanus, a költő, Servilius Nonianus, a történetíró és Thrasea Paetus, a sztoikus ellenzék egyik vezéralakja. Ez utóbbihoz - a hagyományozás történetének vizsgálatával együtt - részletes irodalmi és történeti kommentár készült, ezen túl pedig elkészült egy két nagyobb részre bontható monográfia, amely Nero uralmát a hatalmi-politikai eszközök használata felől tárgyalja, másrészt tartalmaz egy Nero-kori proszopográfiai részt is, s amelynek címe Nero politikai arcképvázlata. E két hamarosan megjelenő köteten kívül a kutatás idején számos a témához kapcsolódó számos tanulmányt és recenziót publikáltam, valamint előadásokat tartottam a kutatás témaköréhez kapcsolódó témában, amelyeket a közeljövőben szintén publikálni óhajtok. | My research project focused on the political life and literature of the Neronian Rome based on the ancient sources and the new results of the classical scholarship. The most important source of my research was the so called Vita Persii de commentario Probi Valeri sublata, what describes the personal connections of the satirist Persius with the leading political and intellectual figures of his time like Seneca, Thrasea Paetus, Lucanus or the stoic philosopher Cornutus. For example according to this source it seems to be clear that Quintilianus have been meet to Persius and the other young poets in the court of Servilius Nonianus, and his view of the literature of the age of Nero was influenced by the personal memories and by the sharp point of view of morality. In sum I have wrote a commentary on the Vita Persii. The other important part of my research project was the interpretation of the history and changes of the Neronian politics. In the first five years the politics of the princeps was governed by Burrus and Seneca, but their political mistakes gave the possibility to Nero to change the directions of the Roman politics. This changing could be seem as the turning point that caused the fall of Nero. According to my point of view the decline of the princeps was necessary, because he opposed himself to the politics of Seneca, and he learned the political scenarios rather than the art of politics. In a monography I have made a summary of the political history of Neros reign

    Mítosz két keréken : Kosztolányi Dezső: Kifelé, avagy Károly apja

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    One of Dezső Kosztolányi’s early short stories, titled Kifelé (Outward-bound), was published in 1904 in a provincial paper called Szeged és Vidéke. Kosztolányi later included this early piece of writing in a compilation of short stories. In this publication the story was given a new title, namely, Károly apja (Charles’s Father). The plot centers on two sculptors, father and son, who can be considered representatives of opposing generations. On returning home from Paris, the son realises that his father does not create sculptures any longer but has become addicted to alcohol. Károly (Charles) the younger, who is still enthusiastic about his experiences in the French capital, would do anything to revitalise his father and restore his earlier vigor. Several of Károly junior’s attempts fail until one day he manages to teach his father to ride the bicycle. He assists his father’s escape from hospital and then they cycle together at such a speed that Károly’s father loses control over the vehicle. He finally plummets into the river and drowns. Kosztolányi’s intention when writing the story was – as stated in his correspondence – to highlight the generation gap experience. He did not refer to Ovidius in his correspondence at all, or mention the fact that he was reading Ovidius’s Metamorphoses at the time, whose storyline was very similar. This paper aims to explain how Kosztolányi reshapes classical sources by merging two well-known stories of the famous Roman poet: that of Pygmalion, who gave life to a statue, and that of Daedalus, who was trying to flee with his son, Icarus, on wings. But Kosztolányi does not simply merge these stories, he transforms them instead. Károly junior is, on the one hand, a Pygmalion who is trying very hard to keep his father alive, while his father is gradually turning into a dead statue. On the other hand, he resembles Icarus, who rescues his father from a prison-like life by driving him into the freedom of death


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    Importance of Soil Quality in Environment Protection

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    Soil quality can be characterised by the harmony between it’s physical and biological state and the fertility. From the practical crop production viewpoint, some important contrasting factors of soil quality are: (1) soil looseness – compaction; (2) aggregation – clod and dust formation; friable structure – smeared or cracked structure; (3) organic material: conservation – decrease; (4) soil moisture: conservation – loss; water transmission – water-logging; (5) at least soil condition as a result of the long term ef ect of land use moderates or strengthens climatic harm. In our long-term research project practical soil quality factors were examined in arable i eld and experimental conditions. We state that prevention of the soil quality deterioration can be done by the developing and maintaining harmony between land use and environment. Elements of the soil quality conditions such as looseness, aggregation, workability, organic matter, water transport are examined and the improving methods are suggested. Tillage and production factors which can be adopted to alleviate the harmful climatic impacts are also summarised

    Experimental and Numerical Failure Analysis of Adhesive Joint of Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composite

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    The adhesive joint is the most widely used joining technique of thermoset composite structures. Analysis of the failure of adhesive joints of composite structures has a high importance due to its significance in industrial applications such as automobile or autobus bodies. In this paper we performed experimental and numerical analysis of a glass fiber reinforced, vinyl-ester matrix composite bonded with a methacrylate adhesive. The critical energy release rate in normal loading direction obtained from standard double cantilever beam test is used as input data in finite element simulations, in which the failure process is modeled by using cohesive zone material. Results of interface elements with exponential and standard contact elements with bilinear cohesive behavior are compared. The use of interface elements is numerically robust, convergence is reached faster, but identical mesh between the parts is needed. It can be a good alternative when simulating sub-models. When using standard contact elements, the robustness needs contact stabilization, however this method does not need identical mesh and it also allows the use of shell elements, therefore it can be used on a full-structure scale with high efficiency

    Data on the parasitological status of golden jackal (Canis aureus L., 1758) in Hungary

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    In Hungary, twenty Canis aureus individuals were submitted to parasitological examinations in 2010–2012. Two Coccidia: Cystoisospora canis (15%) and Toxoplasma-type oocysts (5%), one Trematoda: Alaria alata (10%), six Cestoda: Mesocestoides lineatus (20%), Echinococcus granulosus (10%), Dipylidium caninums (5%), Taenia hydatigena (15%), Taenia pisiformis (20%), Taenia crassiceps (40%), and nine Nematoda: Angiostrongylus vasorum (10%), Crenosoma vulpis (30%), Capillaria aerophila (5%), Toxocara canis (20%), Toxascaris leonina (15%), Trichuris vulpis (10%), Ancylostoma caninum (45%), Uncinaria stenocephala (40%), Capillaria plica (45%) have been identified. Angiostronglyus vasorum has been reported from carnivores in Europe, Africa, South America and North America. The helminth A. vasorum or French heartworm is a metastrongylid nematode, widely distributed in Western Europe, that infects the pulmonary arterial tree of dogs, various species of foxes, wolves, Eurasian badgers, coyotes and stoats. To our knowledge, this is the first report of natural A. vasorum infection in golden jackal
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