802 research outputs found

    Analytic solutions of the Madelung equation

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    We present analytic self-similar solutions for the one, two and three dimensional Madelung hydrodynamical equation for a free particle. There is a direct connection between the zeros of the Madelung fluid density and the magnitude of the quantum potential.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    Afrotropikus legyek (Diptera) taxonómiai kutatása = Taxonomical study of Afrotropical Diptera

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    Nyolcvan légycsaládhoz tartozó 10700 példánnyal gazdagítottuk a MTM Állattára gyűjteményét. Elvégeztem az ökológiailag legfontosabb trágyalégy génusz, a Coproica revízióját (12 új faj leírásával). A legfontosabb munka a Limosininae (Sphaeroceridae) alcsalád óvilági génuszainak revíziója (25 új génusz leírásával). Leírtam az első afrotropikus Aulacigastridae, az Aulacigaster africana Barraclough tojását, 2. és 3. stádiumú lárváját, a Diplochasma (Sauteromyia) 8, tudományra új faját, a világ legkisebb Macroceridae legyét (Micromacrocera stenobasis), illetve a fontos trágyalégy génusz, a Chaetopodella 5 új faját. Az eddig publikált cikkekben 26 új génuszt, 4 új szubgénuszt és 59 új fajt írtam le. Szemikvantitatív imágó minták gyűjtésével és identifikálásával megvizsgáltam azt a kérdést, hogy vajon az elefántok eltűnésével kipusztul-e a trágyáján élő gazdag légyközösség. A Shamwari Vadrezervátumban és környékén elefánt- és marhatrágya mintákból 4 légycsalád (Hybotidae, Sepsidae, Sphaeroceridae, Muscidae) 60 fajképviseletét találtam. A kétféle trágya légyegyüttese jelentősen átfed. Valószínűsíthetjük, hogy az elefánttrágyán élő guild nagy hányada át tud váltani marhatrágyára, legalábbis ami a legfajgazdagabb család a Sphaeroceridae fajait illeti | 10700 collection specimens of 80 dipterous families were added to the collection of the Hungarian Natural History Museum. The revision of the ecologically most important lesser dung fly genus, Coproica Rondani was made with the description of 12 new species. The most important work is the revision of the genera of the Old World Limosininae (Sphaeroceridae) with 25 new genera. I described the eggs, second and third instar larvae of the first known Afrotropical Aulacigastridae fly, Aulacigaster africana Barraclough, eight new species of Diplochasma (Sauteromyia) (Lauxaniidae), the smallest macrocerine fly (Micromacrocera stenobasis, new genus and species) as well as five new species of Chaetopodella, a significant dung inhabiting genus. In the papers published hitherto 26 new genera, four new subgenera and 59 new species have been described. I studied, whether the potential loss of African Elephants would necessarily cause the co-extinction of the species-rich assemblages currently living on elephant dung. In semi-quantitative samples total of 60 species representing four families (Hybotidae, Sepsidae, Sphaeroceridae, Muscidae) have been collected. Species composition of the fly assemblages on elephant vs. cattle dung overlap considerably. Thus it seems safe to presume that a large proportion of the dipterous guild inhabiting elephant dung can shift to cow pats, at least as far as the most species-rich group (Sphaeroceridae) is concerned

    Géza Schay (1900-1991)

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    Géza Schay (1900-1991

    Striking elevation in the incidence and prevalence of inflammatory bowel disease in a province of Western Hungary between 1977-2001

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    AIM: An investigation into inflammatory bowel disease and colorectal cancer in Veszprem Province was conducted from 1977 to 2001. METHODS: Both hospital and outpatient records were collected and reviewed comprehensively. The majority of patients were followed up regularly. RESULTS: The population of the province was decreased from 386,000 to 376,000 during the period. Five hundred sixty new cases of ulcerative colitis (UC), 212 of Crohn's disease (CD), and 40 of indeterminate colitis (IC) were diagnosed. The incidence rates increased from 1.66 to 11.01 cases per 100,000 persons for UC, from 0.41 to 4.68 for CD and from 0.26 to 0.74 for IC. The prevalence rate at the end of 2001 was 142.6 for UC and 52.9 cases per 100,000 persons for CD. The peak onset age in UC patients was between 30 and 40 years, in CD between 20 and 30 years. A family history of IBD was present in 3.4 % in UC and 9.9 % in CD patients. Smoking increased the risk for CD (OR=1.98) while it decreased the risk for UC (OR=0.25). Twelve colorectal carcinomas were observed in this cohort, the cumulative colorectal cancer risk after 10 years in UC was 2%, after 20 years 8.8%, after 30 years 13.3%. CONCLUSION: The incidence and prevalence rates of IBD have increased steadily in Veszprem Province, now equivalent to that in Western European countries. Rapid increase in incidence rates supports a probable role for environmental factors. The rate of colorectal cancers in IBD is similar to that observed in Western countries