391 research outputs found

    Az igazságalkotás metafizikája

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    Graph Digitalizer

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    Szükséges lehet kinyerni tudományos cikkek ábráiból, mért regisztrátumokból egy függvény grafikonjának (x, y) pontjait, de előfordulhat, hogy nincs mód megszerezni az eredeti adatokat. Pontok koordinátáit, oszlopdiagramok magasságát egyszerűen le lehet olvasni, de folytonos görbéket nem leeht szemmel digitalizálni. A program feladata beszkennelt PDF-ből kivágott grafikonok, mit képfájlok betöltése, binárissá alakítása, simitása, 1 pixelessé vékonyítása (szkelotonizálása) és kalibrálása. Tegye lehetővé az így kinyert függvénypontok fájlba mentését. A program rendelkezzen felhasználói felülettel, nyelve C++


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    INTRODUCTION: The growth of computer technology helps us to understand and analyze human movement patterns, equally important for both the biomechanist and coach. To carry out exact investigations the applied model has to use correct kinematical and kinetic characteristics of the human body. With manually performed image processing the application of the number of necessary key-points will affect the error of the measurement. The Applied Mechanics Department of the Technical University of Budapest has developed a suitable model for determining the elements of the mass moments of inertia for the different segments of the human body. The model is a refined Hanavan model representing the human body with 16 simple geometric solids determined by the spatial co-ordinates of 20 key points, and only 6 further data are used, compared with 242 data used in Hatze's model and 45 data used in Barton's model. The minimization of the necessary key points reduces the number of digitalization errors


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    In the recent ten-year period, the rapid development of chemical industry has resulted in increasing use of large cylindric or spharical pressure vessels. The geometry of the finished vessels is in most cases other than ideal. In this paper, an approximate method of suitable accuracy for practical use, describing the stress-strain conditions of the deflected shell section in a local co-ordinate system fixed on the central surface of the ideal shell is presented. The results of investigations in the environment of a local indentation of a cylindric vessel are given to illustrate the applicability of the method

    Corporate tendering opportunities as reflected by two daily newspapers

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    In most of the countries the enterprises lay solid ground for the economy. Hungary is not an exception: companies are able to contribute to the GDP and influence the unemployment rate through generating new workplaces. As new entrants come into the market, the competition becomes more and more intense, and the adaptability and the flexibility of the economy is getting better. Enterprises play an important role in the stimulation and in the utilization of technological innovations. For entrepreneurs, this makes the opportunity for individuality, development and self-actualization. In Hungary the majority of companies belong to the SME (small and medium-sized enterprises) category. It is well-known that finding the necessary financial sources in order to survive and operate is a significant problem for them. This fact not only hinders growth, but also makes the enterprises unable to continue their activity. Hungary has been a member of the European Union since May 2004. This fact means that more financial sources become available for SMEs, however, the enterprises have to be adaptable and able to react flexibly. Getting EU subsidies requires new approaches, forward planning and the ability of managing projects. Between 2004 and 2006, the results of the tenders showed that the SMEs can be divided into three groups by virtue of their attitude to the new financial sources. One part of them are regular participants of tenders (often successful), another part only rarely tries to get sources in such a way, and there is a significant group in the SME sector which is apprehensive in this respect, although there are lots of available sources for getting information about the tenders. The results of a nationwide representative survey show that the entrepreneurs get such information primarily from the Internet, at the same time, the national and local newspapers are less relevant sources of news in this respect. This article aims to analyze the validity of the above mentioned results in respect of the value judgement of entrepreneurs concerning the Internet and the press.

    Examination of structural materials’ property changes by vibration diagnostic methods

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    Az értekezésben három kísérletsorozat és a hozzájuk kapcsolódó új tudományos eredmények kerültek bemutatásra. Az első ismertetett kísérletsorozatban PVC szálakon folytatott hosszú idejű, komplex kúszás-relaxációs kísérletek szerepeltek. Ebben az anyagi viselkedés tanulmányozása mellett az azt leíró anyagi paraméterek számszerű meghatározása volt a célunk. A második kísérletsorozat során a korábbival azonos alapanyagú PVC szálakat vizsgáltunk rezgőhúrként. A szálakat a mérések során egy rezgőasztalon húrként kifeszítve megpendítettük, majd vizsgáltuk a csillapodó rezgőmozgást. A rezgés értékelése révén roncsolásmentes módon kaptunk információt a szálak öregítés hatására bekövetkező tulajdonságváltozásáról. Az értekezésben ismertetett harmadik kísérletsorozat során csövek belső átmérőjének csökkenését modelleztük, mint az egyik jellemző cső tönkremeneteli formát. A kísérletsorozat során a vizsgált csövek belső falára különböző rétegvastagságban cementeszrich réteget vittünk fel, és minden állapothoz kapcsolódóan rezgésdiagnosztikai méréseket végeztünk. Megállapítottuk, hogy a rezgésparaméterek és a sajátfrekvencia értékek változásai egyértelműen jelezték a csövek csökkenő belső átmérőjét.Three series of experiments and the related new scientific results were presented in the dissertation. In the first test series long-term tensile and relaxation tests of PVC fibers were included. The aim was to investigate and describe the behavior of the examined material with sufficient precision using the applied load at constant temperature, and to gain information about the aging process using this model. During the second series of experiments fibers of the same PVC material were examined as vibrating strings. The tests were done on a self-constructed vibrating table, where the fibers were stretched one by one for each measurement as strings by a tensional force. After the diverted and stretched fibers were twanged the motion of the string was recorded and vibration parameters were also measured. The identified parameters made it possible to evaluate the degradation level of the test material in a non-destructive way. Reduction in inner diameter of pipes, as a characteristic failure (for example limescale deposition) was modeled in the third test series. During the experiments screed concrete was applied in different thickness to the inner wall of the pipes. In the different states, vibration tests were performed to evaluate the status of the pipe section and the rate of deposition. Changes of the vibration parameters and natural frequencies clearly indicated the inner diameter decrease of the pipes

    Lewis a világok sokaságáról

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    A preliminary report on the early Oligocene (Rupelian, Kiscellian) selachians from the Kiscell Formation (Buda Mts, Hungary), with the re-discovery of Wilhelm Weiler’s shark teeth

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    An Early Oligocene (Rupelian, Kiscellian), partially published shark tooth material, unearthed from the Kiscell Clay (Budapest, Hungary) is shortly reviewed here. A few shark taxa have been published by Wilhelm Weiler in 1933 and 1938, and some of this material was re-dis- covered in the Hungarian Natural History Museum. Th e here described shark taxa are Notorynchus primigenius , Hexanchus agassizi , Heptranchias howelli , Araloselachus cuspidatus , Carcharias spp., Carcharoides catticus , Isurolamna gracilis , Otodus ( Carcharocles ) angustidens , Alopias cf. exigua , Car- charhinus sp., and Physogaleus latus . Th e results indicate a relatively diverse shark fauna with mixed ecological needs. Th e revised list of the local selachian taxa suggests that a detailed review of all Kiscell shark material (collected in the last century), placed both in public and private collections, is needed. With 73 fi gures, 1 table and 1 appendix

    Astrophysical Gravitational-Wave Echoes from Galactic Nuclei

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    Galactic nuclei (GNs) are dense stellar environments abundant in gravitational-wave (GW) sources for LIGO, VIRGO, and KAGRA. The GWs may be generated by stellar-mass black hole (BH) or neutron star mergers following gravitational bremsstrahlung, dynamical scattering encounters, Kozai-Lidov type oscillations driven by the central supermassive black hole (SMBH), or gas-assisted mergers if present. In this paper, we examine a smoking gun signature to identify sources in GNs: the GWs scattered by the central SMBH. This produces a secondary signal, an astrophysical GW echo, which has a very similar time-frequency evolution as the primary signal but arrives after a time delay. We determine the amplitude and time-delay distribution of the GW echo as a function of source distance from the SMBH. Between 10%90%\sim10\%-90\% of the detectable echoes arrive within (1100)M6sec\sim(1-100)M_6\,\mathrm{sec} after the primary GW for sources between 1010410-10^4 Schwarzschild radius, where M6=MSMBH,z/(106M)M_6=M_{\rm SMBH,z}/(10^6\,\mathrm{M}_{\odot}), and MSMBH,zM_{\rm SMBH,z} is the observer-frame SMBH mass. The echo arrival times are systematically longer for high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) primary GWs, where the GW echo rays are scattered at large deflection angles. In particular, 10%90%\sim10\%-90\% of the distribution is shifted to (51800)M6sec\sim(5-1800)M_6\,\mathrm{sec} for sources, where the lower limit of echo detection is 0.020.02 of the primary signal amplitude. We find that 5%30%\sim5\%-30\% (1%7%\sim1\%-7\%) of GW sources have an echo amplitude larger than times the amplitude of the primary signal if the source distance from the SMBH is 5050 (200200) Schwarzschild radius. Non-detections can rule out that a GW source is near an SMBH.Comment: 20 pages, 8 figures, accepted by MNRA


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    Spinal tests have been performed by an ultrasound-based movement test system at the Biomechanical Laboratory of the Department of Applied Mechanics of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics for several years. The system is suitable for rapid tests of the mobility, structure, and deformations of the spine, screening tests, and monitoring. Tests and evaluation take a short time: a complete screening test takes 20 to 25 minutes, a simplified test about 5 minutes. Besides its numerous advantages, it should be noted that the total cost of installing the system - equipment, software, hardware - is only about 8000 EUR. This article presents the structure and use of a modern ultrasound-based system as well as the results of our investigations