234 research outputs found

    Interactive software tools for teaching copmuter-aided typesetting

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    V tejto bakalárskej práci sa budeme venovať popisom sadzobného obrazca a jeho parametrov. Vysvetlíme si jeho konštrukciu, a popis jeho rôznych pravidiel. Cieľom bakalárskej práce je vytvorenie inteaktivných Java appletov, zobrazujúcich sadozbné obrazce a zobrazenie optického stredu stránky. Applety sú pomôckou na pochopenie problematiky sadzby a návrhu dokumentu.This bachelor thesis will deal with the description of canon of page and its parameters. It will explain its construction and speci?cation of its di?erent rules. The goal of the bachelor thesis is to create interactive Java applets displaying canons of page and to display the optical centre of page. Applets provide a tool to understand problem areas of typesetting and design of document.

    Application of plasmonics in organic photovoltaics

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    Tato diplomová práce se zabývá studiem plasmonicky navýšené absorpce vedoucí ke zlepšení účinnosti organických solárních článků. K navýšení absorpce světla ve fotoaktivní vrstvě jsou použity koloidní nanočástice stříbra. Rozptyl světla z nanočástic střibra do fotoaktivní vrstvy představuje jedno z možných řešení, jak navýšit celkovou účinnost fotovoltaických zařízení. Simulace elektromagnetických jevů jsou pro statické podmínky prováděny v softwaru Lumerical (Lumerical Solutions, Inc.). Je zkoumána absorpce ve fotoaktivní vrstvě v závislosti na konfiguraci stříbrných nanočástic. Simulace potvrzují, že ve fotoaktivní vrstvě, která je modifikovaná nanočásticemi stříbra, dochází k navýšení absorpce. Abychom potvrdili výsledky simulací, bylo vyrobeno několik stříbrem modifikovaných vzorků. Vzorky byly pro tento druh experimentu připravené z poly(3-hexyltiofenu):[6,6]-fenyl-C61-butyric-acid-metyl esteru. U některých, nanočásticemi stříbra modifikovaných, vzorků dochází k navýšení tvorby excitonů, v důsledku čehož je pozorován nárůst fotoproudu. V této práci je zahrnut teoretický i experimentální přístup k dané problematice.The diploma thesis deals with the study of the plasmon-enhanced absorption leading to an improvement of the power conversion efficiency in organic solar cells. To increase the light absorption in the photoactive layer, colloidal silver nanoparticles are used. The scattering of the light from silver nanoparticles into the photoactive layer represents one of possible solutions how to increase the power conversion efficiency of photovoltaic devices. To perform electromagnetic simulations in the steady-state regime, the software Lumerical (Lumerical Solutions, Inc.), is used. For different geometrical arrangements of silver nanoparticles, the absorption in photoactive layer is observed. Simulations prove the enhancement of the absorption in the photoactive layer while incorporating silver nanoparticles. To confirm results from simulations, a couple of samples modified with silver nanoparticles, is produced. Samples produced for this kind of experiments are based on Poly(3-hexylthiophene):[6,6]-Phenyl-C61-butyric-acid-methyl ester. For some samples modified with silver nanoparticles, an exciton creation is improved. As the result, the enhancement in the short-circuit current is observable. Here, the theoretical and experimental approach to this topic is reviewed.

    Physics of Metamaterials

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    Tato bakalářská práce je věnována elektrodynamice metamateriálů, které mají současně zápornou permitivitu a permeabilitu. Je ukázáno, že takové prostředí je popsáno záporným indexem lomu, což má výrazné důsledky v oblasti optiky. Mezi ně patří zejména „opačný“ lom, který je demonstrován simulací interakce gaussovského monochromatického svazku s prostředím s indexem lomu v programu COMSOL Multiphysics. Dále je studováno šíření elektromagnetické energie v tomto prostředí: nejprve je ukázáno, že rychlost šíření elektromagnetické energie je rovna grupové rychlosti, která má opačný směr než rychlost fázová. Poté jsou zformulovány Fresnelovy vztahy ve tvaru, který je platný pro kladný i záporný index lomu.The bachelor work deals with electrodynamics of metamaterials for which both the electric permittivity and magnetic permeability are simultaneously negative. It is shown that the double negative media are described by a negative refraction index which has an important impact on optics laws. In particular, the negative refraction is demonstrated by simulation of interaction of the Gauss monochromatic beam impinging on a negative refractive material. Next, the electromagnetic energy propagation in the negative refractive materials is studied. It is shown that the energy propagation velocity equals the group velocity, which has the opposite sign than the phase velocity. Finally, Fresnel formulas valid both for positive and negative refraction index are given.

    Impact of the selected boundary layer schemes and enhanced horizontal resolution on the Weather Research and Forecasting model performance on James Ross Island, Antarctic Peninsula

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    The output of the various Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model configurations was compared with ground-based observations in the northern part of James Ross Island, Antarctic Peninsula. In this region, a network of automatic weather stations deployed at ice-free sites (as well as small glaciers) is operated by the Czech Antarctic Research Programme. Data from these stations provide a unique opportunity to evaluate the WRF model in a complex terrain of James Ross Island. The model was forced by the ERA5 reanalysis data and the University of Bremen sea ice data. The model configurations include a novel Three-Dimensional Scale-Adaptive Turbulent Kinetic Energy (3D TKE) planetary boundary layer scheme and a more traditional Quasi-Normal Scale Elimination (QNSE) scheme. Impact of model horizontal resolution was evaluated by running simulations in both 700 m and 300 m. The validation period, 25 May 2019 to 12 June 2019, was selected to cover different stratification regimes of air temperature and a significant snowfall event. Air temperature was simulated well except for strong low-level inversions. These inversions occurred in 44% of all cases and contributed to a higher mean bias (2.0–2.9°C) at low-elevation sites than at high altitude sites (0.2–0.6°C). The selection of the 3D TKE scheme led to improvement at low-elevation sites; at high altitude sites, the differences between model configurations were rather small. The best performance in wind speed simulation was achieved with the combination of the 3D TKE scheme and 300 m model resolution. The most important improvement was decrease of bias at a coastal Mendel Station from 3.5 m·s‑1 with the QNSE scheme on the 700 m grid to 1.2 m·s‑1 with the 3D TKE scheme on the 300 m grid. The WRF model was also proven to simulate a large snowfall event with a good correspondence with the observed snow height

    Segmentation of microscopic brain structures

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    Táto práca za zaoberá spracovaním obrazových medicínskych dát za pomoci programovacieho jazyka Java. Hlavný prínos práce je vytvorenie algoritmov pre extrakciu príznakov z 3D dát a následné overenie výsledkov pre problematiku zobrazovania mikroskopických 3D dát mozgu a vo vytvorení obrazových filtrov, ktoré sú vytvorené vo forme operátorov pre program RapidMiner. Následne je vytvorený segmentačný proces na úrovni 2D a 3D, ktorého výstupom sú 3D štruktúry nasegmentovaných buniek mozgu. Ďalej boli porovnané segmentačné algoritmy na základe výslednej formy segmentovaných štruktúr a porovnanie tohoto prístupu s inými prácami.This thesis is involved in image processing of medical data and its implementation using Java programming language. The main contribution of this thesis is creation of algorithms for feature extraction from 3D data and subsequent verification of the results for the issue of imagining 3D brain data, and creation of image filters and their implementation in the program RapidMiner. Consequently, the segmentation process is created at the 2D and 3D level, and output of 3D level segmentation are segmented brain structures. Furthermore, segmentation algorithms were compared on the basis of the final form of segmented structures and this approach was compared with other works.

    Cloudiness and weather variation in central Svalbard in July 2013 as related to atmospheric circulation

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    The paper describes synoptic situations and associated weather conditions in the central part of the Svalbard Arctic archipelago (Petuniabukta, Billefjorden) during two weeks of the summer 2013. The circulation types in July 2013 were compared with the long-term average circulation pattern in the period 1961–2010. Cloudiness and weather conditions in different atmospheric circulation types were described. Atmospheric pressure, 2-m air temperature, precipitation, 6-m wind speed and wind direction data from an automatic weather station located on the coastal glacier-free zone of Petuniabukta were used for further analysis. From July 5 to 19, 2013, radiation and advection weather types, heavy precipitation, rapid change of wind speed, 2-m air temperature and high cloudiness variation were described in detail within of the five most frequent synoptic situations. Foehn and halo phenomena were also reported in the study period

    Dance floor as a safe space: interviews with women of Czech club culture

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    Praktická bakalářská práce Taneční parket jako bezpečný prostor: rozhovory s ženami české klubové kultury vznikla jako reakce na pokračující debatu o bezpečném prostoru v klubových kulturách, v nichž ale málokdy dostává místo k místo k vyjádření ta část společnosti, které se diskuze nejvíce týká, tedy ženy, queer komunita a další marginalizované skupiny. Problematika je v kontextu klubových kultur a převážně specifické kultury rave závažnější, protože se tyto kultury prezentují jako rovnostářské kultury bez jakékoliv marginalizace na základě pohlaví, genderu, rasy, národa či náboženství. Kromě genderové diverzity se práce zabývá také tématem bezpečného prostoru v rámci klubových kultur, tyto dvě problematiky spolu úzce a neoddělitelně souvisejí. Teoretická část práce představí pojmy, které se k tématu vztahují z historického i současného kontextu, zabývá se teorií žánru publicistického rozhovoru, genderu a genderové stereotypizace, bezpečného prostoru a v neposlední řadě i klubovými kulturami a specifickou klubovou kulturou rave. Vymezí také fungování a rozdíly mezi scénami obou měst, Prahy a Brna. Praktická část práce představí sérii deseti rozhovorů s ženami a nebinárními osoby klubových kultur Prahy a Brna, které se na jejich tvorbě významně podílejí. V každém z nich konkrétně představují...The practical bachelor's thesis Dance Floor as a Safe Space: interviews with women in Czech club culture was written as a response to the ongoing debate about safe spaces in club cultures, in which the part of society most affected by the discussion, i.e. women, the queer community and other marginalized groups, rarely get a place to express themselves. The issue is more serious in the context of club cultures and the predominantly specific rave culture because these cultures present themselves as egalitarian cultures without any marginalization based on gender, sex, race, nation, or religion. In addition to gender diversity, the thesis also deals with the issue of safe spaces within club cultures; these two issues are closely and inextricably linked. The theoretical part of the thesis introduces the concepts that relate to the topic from a historical and contemporary context, it deals with the theory of the genre of the journalistic interview, gender and gender stereotyping, safe space, and last but not least club cultures and the rave culture under study. It will also delineate the functioning and differences between the scenes of both cities, Prague and Brno. The practical part of the thesis will present a series of ten interviews with women and non-binary people from the club cultures of Prague...Katedra žurnalistikyDepartment of JournalismFakulta sociálních vědFaculty of Social Science

    Microclimate variability of Antarctic terrestrial ecosystems manipulated by open top chambers: Comparison of selected austral summer seasons within a decade

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    Open top chambers (OTCs) were established in the northern part of the James Ross Island, Antarctic Peninsula, as a part of long-term program in January 2007. They were installed in two typical locations differing in vegetation cover. First group was set in a seashore ecosystem dominated by moss carpet supplemented with few lichen species. The other group was located on the top of a volcanic mesa (350 m a.s.l.) with irregular cover of lichens Usnea antarctica and Umbilicaria decussata. Temperature regimes inside and outside OTCs were continuously measured and related to year-round reference meteorological data. For majority of OTC installations, temperature increase caused by OTC was apparent in the period of September-March. Detailed analysis of chamber effect on the increase in air, surface, vegetation, and ground temperatures was done for late austral summer seasons of 2007 and 2008, and 10 years later, the seasons of 2017 and 2018. The OTC-induced temperature increase was more pronounced for mesa than seashore plot. For both locations, OTC-induced increase in temperature was highest for warm days with full sunshine and limited wind speed. On stormy days with overcast sky and high wind speed, the shift in temperature was smaller. Consequences of a long-term manipulation of Antarctic terrestrial ecosystems by OTCs for moss and lichen ecophysiology are discussed