119 research outputs found

    An Ethical Indicator in the Decision-Making Process. Transcendent Motives

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    The conceptualization of transcendent motives - together with the extrinsic and intrinsic motives - opens a channel to unite theory and practice in the realm of moral education. The conceptual axis of the analysis is the decision-making process framed in a context where there are "others" that receive the impact of our actions. Transcendent motives clarify the real value we assign to those others, if we treat them like persons, or rather "in function of, or "as a means to" further our personal interests. Rational motivation based on these motives makes us prudent and develops in us the valuative knowledge that serves us to discover in an experiential (rather than theoretical) manner personal realities. Via the case method students are taught the three types of criteria needed to learn how to internalize persons as a value in and of themselves

    Derechos humanos, familia y educación

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    El ser humano tiene un condicionamiento muy profundo: el de ser reconocido por alguien como otro ‘alguien’, es decir, el de ser amado. De ahí la necesidad imperiosa de nacer en el ámbito familiar capaz de llevar a cabo las funciones que la vida social necesita. Por razón de solidaridad –valoración del otro como otro yo de cuyo bien soy responsable en la medida en que puedo influirle–, los propios derechos y obligaciones están limitados por análogos derechos y obligaciones ajenos, y, por supuesto, por la propia naturaleza de derecho u obligación

    A mesoscale index to describe the regional ocean circulation around the Balearic Islands

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    Historical oceanographic surveys carried out around the Balearic Islands (western Mediterranean) suggest two different scenarios for the regional ocean circulation. In one scenario, occurring during cold winters, cool water is formed at intermediate layers (100–300 m) in the Gulf of Lions. This Western Mediterranean Intermediate Water (WIW) usually moves southward reaching the Balearic Channels, deflecting the warmer Levantine Intermediate Water (LIW) coming from the Eastern Mediterranean, and even blocking the Ibiza Channel. On the other hand, during mild winters, less WIW is formed and then LIW flows through the channels, appearing at their characteristic depths. The oceanographic surveys around the Balearic Islands (1985–2004) have provided a qualitative index, indicating the presence or not of WIW in the Ibiza Channel, based on the analyses of θS diagrams. A quantitative index based on mean water temperature between 100 and 300 m depth in the channels may also be defined. Both indexes, the qualitative and the quantitative, give consistent information on WIW presence for the period 1985–2004, however, both are short in time and have gaps in the series. In order to obtain a longer and continuous index for WIW presence and then for regional circulation, air–sea heat fluxes at the Gulf of Lions during winter months were obtained from the meteorological NCEP/NCAR reanalysis dataset and compared with other meteorological data such as surface air temperature. The standardized air temperature anomalies at 1000 hPa in the Gulf of Lions during winter (December–March) has been shown to be the simplest and best indicator of absence/presence of WIW in the Balearic Islands channels in late spring. Values above 1.0 of the standardized temperature anomaly would indicate absence of WIW in the Ibiza Channel. The high correlation obtained with available in-situ oceanographic data allows the use of this index as an indicator of presence of WIW and then of different regional circulation scenarios backwards in time and in those years for which the oceanographic data are missing or scarc

    Elegir enseñar: propuesta del modelo antropológico de la motivación de Pérez López aplicada al ámbito de la educación

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    La importancia de tener buenos profesores para garantizar la calidad del sistema educativo depende, en parte, de la motivación de quién opta por una carrera docente. Tras una revisión de los modelos de motivación y de estudios sobre motivación de futuros profesores realizados en el ámbito nacional e internacional, constatamos la necesidad de clarificar los conceptos y establecer un marco conceptual completo. El modelo propuesto asume y clarifica los motivos de elección de estudios de Educación al mismo tiempo que da un marco conceptual antropológico acorde a la identidad humana, aportando una dimensión ética a la teoría de la motivación

    Temporal variability of hydrographic conditions around the Balearic Islands from two mooring lines

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    Póster presentado en la General Assembly 2011 de la European Geosciences Union (EGU), celebrada del 3 al 8 de abril de 2011 en Viena (Austria)Peer Reviewe

    A mesoscale index to describe the regional ocean circulation around the Balearic Islands

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    The formation of Western Mediterranean Intermediate Water (WIW) in the Gulf of Lions and its later presence in the Balearic Channels play a significant role in the regional circulation. The presence of WIW, given by the intermediate water temperatures in the Ibiza Channel, has been related to air temperture in the Gulf of Lions, providing a continuous and long index of regional circulatio

    Un estudio interuniversitario sobre la importancia de la redefinición del problema en un contexto de intervención familiar

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    ABSTRACTThis article describes the results and conclusions of a study developed by the Institute of Family Sciences of Los Andes University (Santiago de Chile), and Education Faculty of the National University of Distance Education (Spain), on the “Redefinition” technique used in conflict-resolution mediation as the basis to achieve agreement. This study analyzes the problem definition sequence unfolded by the parties involved in mediation, the problem redefinitions articulated by mediators, and how this affects the process. The sample analysis indicates that it is the definitions of objectives done by the party and the redefinition of these done by the mediator that are more important than definition and redefinition of the problems. Focusing the mediation process on the objectives to be achieved rather than on the problems that caused the conflict would help to diminish an adverse climate, and strengthen the central role of the parties involved. Additionally, the research offers other possibilities in the use of techniques such as the incorporation of empowering, legitimation and recognition elements in the redefinitions, once they have been accepted by the parties involved. In this manner, a new field of research on mediation is opened as the study recognises a new technique of intervention used in the research process. This technique has been provisionally named “recognition anchorage”, when the mediator repeats back verbatim to one participant what the other has just recognised or acknowledged.RESUMENEn el presente articulo se exponen los resultados y conclusiones de un estudio interuniversitario realizado por el Instituto de Ciencias de la Familia de la Universidad de los Andes (Santiago de Chile), junto con la Facultad de Educación de la Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (España), sobre la técnica de la “Redefinición” del problema en mediación, como base para lograr el acuerdo. Este estudio analiza la secuencia de definición de problemas desplegados por las partes en la mediación, las redefiniciones que de éstos hace el mediador y el efecto que esto produce en el proceso. El análisis de la muestra señalaría que tanto o más importante que la definición y redefinición de los problemas, es la definición de objetivos que hace la parte, y la redefinición de los mismos que hacen los mediadores. Centrar las intervenciones de la mediación más en los objetivos que en los problemas, ayudaría a disminuir el clima adverso y fortalecería el protagonismo de las partes. El resultado del trabajo de investigación aporta, además, otras posibilidades en el uso de técnicas como la incorporación de “empowerments”, legitimaciones y reconocimientos, en las redefiniciones, cuando aquellos han sido aceptados por las partes. De igual manera, se abre una nueva vía de investigación al reconocerse una nueva técnica o intervención utilizada en el proceso de la investigación; a dicha técnica se le ha denominado provisionalmente “anclaje de reconocimiento”, que consiste en la repetición textual realizada por los mediadores, del reconocimiento realizado por uno de los participantes al otro.ABSTRACTThis article describes the results and conclusions of a study developed by the Institute of Family Sciences of Los Andes University (Santiago de Chile), and Education Faculty of the National University of Distance Education (Spain), on the “Redefinition” technique used inconflict-resolution mediation as the basis to achieve agreement. This study analyzes the problem definition sequence unfolded by the parties involved in mediation, the problem redefinitions articulated by mediators, and how this affects the process. The sample analysis indicates that it is the definitions of objectives done by the party and the redefinition of these done by the mediator that are more important than definition and redefinition of the problems. Focusing the mediation process on the objectives to be achieved rather than on the problems that caused the conflict would help to diminish an adverse climate, and strengthen the central role of the parties involved. Additionally, the research offers other possibilities in the use of techniques such as the incorporation of empowering, legitimation and recognition elements in the redefinitions, once they have been accepted by the parties involved. In this manner, a new field of research on mediation is opened as the study recognises a new technique of intervention used in the research process. This technique has been provisionally named “recognition anchorage”, when the mediator repeats back verbatim to one participant what the other has just recognised or acknowledged

    The influence of oceanographic scenarios on the population dynamics of demersal resources in the Western Mediterranean: Hypotesis for hake and red shrimp off Balearic Islands

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    We analysed the relationships between climatic indices, population parameters (abundance, recruitment and spawning stock) and catchability of hake and red shrimp in the trawl fishery off Balearic Islands (western Mediterranean