5 research outputs found

    Audiovisual Translation: the Role of the Translator in the Creation of Czech Dubbing

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    The aim of the master thesis is to explore in detail a specific field of translation: translation for dubbing. The thesis focuses on the role and position of the dubbing translator on the contemporary Czech audiovisual market and it also examines the economic background of the profession. The empirical part is based on a quantitative questionnaire survey and qualitative interviews with translators. To analyse the results of the research, the descriptive analysis was used. Thanks to the interviews, the thesis also compares the theoretical requirements of translation for dubbing with the current practice of translation for dubbing in the Czech Republic. Keywords: audiovisual translation, Czech dubbing, translator, film, film market, quantitative research, qualitative researchCílem diplomové práce je podat co nejucelenější obraz překladatelské profesní specializace, a to překladu pro dabing. Hlouběji se zaměřuje na roli a postavení dabingového překladatele na současném českém audiovizuálním trhu a zjišťuje ekonomické pozadí této činnosti. Empirická část se skládá z kvantitativního dotazníkového šetření a kvalitativních rozhovorů s překladateli. Výsledky výzkumu jsou zpracovány deskriptivní analýzou. Rozhovory posloužily také pro srovnání teoretických požadavků na překlad pro dabing se současnou praxí překladu pro dabing v České republice. Klíčová slova: audiovizuální překlad, český dabing, překladatel, film, filmový trh, kvantitativní výzkum, kvalitativní výzkumInstitute of Translation StudiesÚstav translatologieFaculty of ArtsFilozofická fakult

    Global Catholicism in Seventeenth-Century Prague

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    The histories of early modern religion and trade have both benefited from the global turn in recent years. This article brings the two fields together through the study of religious objects in Prague in the seventeenth century and shows ways in which religion and religious practice were entangled with new commercial and artistic ventures that crossed regional and international borders. Amongst the possessions of seventeenth-century Prague burghers were religious objects that had come from exotic lands, such as a ‘coconut’ rosary and a ruby and diamond ‘pelican in her piety’ jewel. These objects were made in multiple locations and traded to satisfy a new demand for items that could aid and display devotion, as well as act as markers of wealth and confessional identity. Through this study of religious objects, Central Europe is revealed to be an important locale to the global history of the early modern period

    Progressive Verbal Periphrasis être en train de + INF and its Respondents in Czech

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    The thesis deals with expressing the progressive aspect in the French and Czech language. The study is based on the corpus analysis of the collocation être en train de + inf with the main focus on its possible meanings depending on various contexts and types of texts. Simultaneously, the tendencies in its Czech equivalents are observed. The theoretical part of this thesis is dedicated to the progressive aspect as a verbal property and its possible expressions in French and in Czech. It is focused more in detail on the collocation être en train de + inf. Moreover, a summary of its different meanings, based on the information from the scientific literature and dictionaries, is presented. The empiric part verifies the summary created in the theoretical part by observing the information from the paralel French-Czech corpus InterCorp. Simultaneously, this part is also oriented on the Czech equivalents of the collocation. Finally, an amended and enriched summary of the meanings of this collocation in various contexts is created. Keywords: Czech, French, progressive aspect, verbal periphrasis, corpus analysi