4,243 research outputs found

    Chlamydial Infection in Urologic Diseases

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    Cytotoxic T-lymphocyte Antigen-4 Binding to SHP2 Interacting Transmembrane Adapter Protein by Phosphorylation in T-Cell

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    Purpose: To investigate potential cytotoxic T-lymphocyte antigen-4 (CTLA-4) binding partners and assess whether potential binding partners affect the full function of CTLA-4. .Methods: The down-regulation effects of CTLA-4 and SIT were assessed by culturing CD3 stimulated T-cells. CTLA-4 and SIT proteins were measured by immunoblot analysis and production of interlukin-2 transcription activity evaluated by luciferase assay.Results: CTLA-4 inhibited the interlukin-2 production capacity of CD3-stimulated T cells. CTLA-4 interaction with SHP2 interacting transmembrane adapter protein (SIT) in the down-regulation of the transcription of Interulin-2 required CTLA-4 binding to SIT tyrosine motifs. The SIT tyrosine mutants were significantly lower (25 – 75 %) after phosphorylation compared with WT-SIT (transfected cells, p < 0.05) and untreated control. The remaining 90 % phosphorylation in the F188ANS mutant can be explained by phosphorylation of other tyrosines in the sequence of SIT (p < 0.05). For interukin-2 transcription, F188ANS single mutant and double F148SEV mutant, increased NF-AT activity by 35 % compared with the wild type (p < 0.05).Conclusion: The findings imply that SIT transmembrane adaptor (SIT) protein, binds to CTLA-4 and thus potentiates the inhibitory role of this co-receptor. This phenomenon may lead to the development of new treatment strategies for autoimmune diseases and graft rejection.Keywords: Cytotoxic T-lymphocyte antigen-4, Interleukin-2, Nuclear factor of activated T-cells/Activator protein-1, SHP2 interacting transmembrane adapter protein, Autoimmune diseases, Graft rejectio

    Lymphangiography to treat postoperative lymphatic leakage: a technical review.

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    In addition to imaging the lymphatics and detecting various types of lymphatic leakage, lymphangiography is a therapeutic option for patients with chylothorax, chylous ascites, and lymphatic fistula. Percutaneous thoracic duct embolization, transabdominal catheterization of the cisterna chyli or thoracic duct, and subsequent embolization of the thoracic duct is an alternative to surgical ligation of the thoracic duct. In this pictorial review, we present the detailed technique, clinical applications, and complications of lymphangiography and thoracic duct embolization

    Robotic Sacrocolpopexy for Treatment of Prolapse of the Apical Segment of the Vagina

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    Abdominal sacrocolpopexy for apical prolapse repair is the gold standard treatment and is more effective and durable than the transvaginal approach. The increase in minimally invasive surgery has led to attempts at laparoscopic sacrocolpopexy, but this technique has not gained popularity due to complex procedures and a steep learning curve. Robotic sacrocolpopexy overcomes these issues and has yielded good results for more than 15 years, with equivalent outcomes and safety to open and laparoscopic sacrocolpopexy (LSC). LSC is still a useful procedure for experienced surgeons, but it is expected that robot-assisted sacrocolpopexy (RSC) will have better results overall due to the advantages of the robotic instrument. The most important advantage is that surgeons who are inexperienced with minimally invasive approaches can more readily master RSC compared to overcoming the steep learning curve of LSC

    The Korean Financial Crisis of 1997: Onset, Turnaround, and Thereafter

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    IT Korea

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    Optimalne potrebe juvenilnih morskih grgeča sebastes schlegeli u proteinima i lipidima

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    U ovom istraživanju su analizirane optimalne potrebe juvenilnih morskih grgeča Sebastes schlegeli u proteinima i lipidima. 810 juvenilnih riba je izabrano po principu slučajnosti i distribuirano u 27 tankova od po 50 L sa protočnih sistemom. Pripremljeno je 9 eksperimentalnih smeša u vidu 3x3 faktorijalne eksperimentalne postavke: tri nivoa proteina (45, 50 i 55%) x tri nivoa lipida (11, 15 i 19%). Nivo proteina je imao uticaj na prirast riba, dok nivo lipida nije. Prirast riba hranjenih smešom u odnosu 50P-15L (50% proteina i 15% lipida) je bio veći nego prirast riba hranjenih smešama sa 45% proteina, bez obzira na nivo lipida, ali je bio isti kao kod riba hranjenih sa smešama 50P-11L, 50P-19L, 55P-11L, 55P-15L i 55P-19L. Stopa efikasnosti hrane (FER) riba je bila pod uticajem proteina u hrani ali ne i nivoa lipida. Stopa efikasnosti proteina (PER) riba je takođe bila pod uticajem proteina u hrani ali ne i nivoa lipida. Može se zaključiti da je za juvenilne Sebastes schlegeli optimalan nivo proteina i lipida za dobar prirast i iskoristljivost hrane (PER and NRE) 50% i 15% odnosno 45% i 19%, dok je optimalan odnos proteina i energije 27.4 i 23.9 mg protein/kJ

    Chlamydial Infection in Urologic Diseases

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