53 research outputs found

    Health Support Provided by Yogo Teachers for Adolescent Female Students with a Thin Body Type

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    Purpose: To clarify the realities and challenges involved in health support provided by yogo teachers to adolescent girls who have a thin body type. Methods: A semi-structured interview survey was conducted with yogo teachers at a Japanese high school with experience of providing health support to thin adolescent female students and the results of the survey were subjected to qualitative analysis. Results: With regard to health support provided by yogo teachers, the results of analysis found that the actual situation consisted of the five categories of 【sharing information throughout the school organization to investigate methods of support】,【 realizing studentsʼ situations through the provision of individual support】, 【referring students and parents to specialist agencies】,【investigating collaborations with parents with students ʼ consent】, and 【carrying out prevention and awareness-raising activities about thin physiques】.  However, the analysis also found that the practical challenges for providing such health support consisted of the six categories of 【working with parents to liaise with medical institutions】,【continuous support in collaboration with specialist agencies】,【 educational health support that enables all students to manage their own health】,【 yogo teachersʼ professional knowledge and assessment of eating disorders】,【 support methods that students can engage with on their own initiative, according to their situation】, and 【creating a counseling- friendly environment to facilitate early detection】.Discussion: While yogo teachers had an overall grasp of studentsʼ situations through their organizational engagements in cooperation with faculty and school physicians, as well as individual support activities, it was clear that they faced difficulties and challenges in relation to working together with parents and specialist agencies. In the future, improving collaboration with parents will require that they, too, be encouraged to recognize that being excessively thin represents a health problem for adolescent female students. In addition, it will also be necessary to work towards building daily collaboration systems, such as by having yogo teachers keep track of potential partner medical institutions as a matter of routine. It was further suggested that yogo teachers will need to provide educational and preventive health support oriented toward helping female students acquire the ability to manage their own health

    Mental and physical effects of the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake on School Children, and Health Support initiatives by YogoTeachers: Findings from a survey of high school yogo teachers 5 years after the disaster

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    Objective: To clarify the current mental and physical state of students 5 years after experiencing the Great East Japan earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear accident, and to shed light on the practical initiatives and issues faced by yogo teachers in supporting students’ health. Method: In May 2016, we conducted a mail-based questionnaire of yogo teachers at 15 prefectural high schools in Soma District and Futaba District (collectively, “Soso”) in Fukushima Prefecture, one of the areas most heavily affected by the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident. The questionnaire focused on (1) health and school life of students; and (2) current initiatives and issues faced by yogo teachers in supporting student health. Results: We received responses from 8 of the 15 high school yogo teachers surveyed (response rate: 53.3%).Six yogo teachers (75%) responded that the “students are calm.” However, 6 yogo teachers (75%) recognized a tendency among students towards weight gain and obesity, as well as reduced physical stamina and sporting ability, while 4 yogo teachers (50%) indicated that some students were anxious about their future and career path, and were receiving personal support from the school counselor. The yogo teachers provided support to students while attempting to ascertain their mental and physical well-being through greater health monitoring and questionnaires, and while coordinating with the school physician and counselor. Conclusion: Five years after the earthquake, high school students in the Soso district are now leading a more relaxed school life, but still feel anxious about their future health and career path due to lingering concerns about radiation, highlighting the need for long-term support by yogo teachers


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    本研究の目的は,小学校養護教諭を対象に児童虐待に関する校内組織体制について調査し,児童虐待を疑ったり 気づいたりする経験との関連,校外機関との連携の現状を明らかにすることにより,今後の小学校養護教諭が行う 児童虐待対応の在り方について検討することである.A 県内の全公立小学校(344校)に勤務する全養護教諭を対 象とし,児童虐待に関する校内組織及び校外機関との連携について自記式質問紙調査を実施し,146人から回答を 得た.結果,児童虐待に関する校内組織体制の設置の有無が,児童虐待の早期発見に影響を与えていることが示唆 された.また,校内で児童虐待に気づいたり疑ったりした場合においても,児童相談所などの校外機関と連携をし なかった理由は,「児童虐待の確証がもてなかったり,相談又は通告後のことを不安に思ったりしている」などが 明らかとなり,児童虐待の対応や校外機関に関する知識や情報の不足が原因の一因であることも示唆された.今後 は,児童虐待の発見の遅れを防ぐために,校内組織体制の確立を難しくしている要因について明らかにするととも に,関係職種や校外機関が互いの役割を理解し,具体的にどのように連携を図ることが有効であるかを検討するこ とが必要である.With the aim of determining appropriate ways for elementary school yogo teachers to respond to child abuse, this study examined school organizational systems for child abuse with regard to their influence on how yogo teachers suspect and identify cases of child abuse and collaborate with external parties or organizations. Self-report questionnaires on school organizational system for child abuse and collaboration with external parties were distributed to every yogo teacher in all 344 elementary schools in Prefecture A. Questionnaires were collected from 146 yogo teachers (response rate 42.2%). Findings suggested that the existence of a school organizational system to handle child abuse was related to early detection of child abuse. The reason for not collaborating with external parties even when child abuse was suspected or identified was that the teachers either did not feel certain the abuse was happening or were concerned about the outcome of consulting or reporting the situation to external parties. This suggests yogo teachers lack of knowledge and information about the external parties involved in handling child abuse. To prevent delay in detecting abuse, future studies should explore factors related to difficulties in establishing necessary organizational systems, and examine how each discipline and involved party can better understand each other's roles and specifically how they can effectively collaborate with each other

    発達障害学生の支援の現状と課題に関する学生相談カウンセラーへの調査研究 ―所属機関の設立形態(国公立・私立)間の比較を中心に―

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    This article reports the results of the questionnaire survey conducted to reveal the present issues on the support for students with developmental disorders by student counselors in 136 academies. Especially in this paper, we reported the results focusing on the comparison between public and private academies. Results showed that the most of student counselors in academies had experiences of cooperation with faculties and parents to support students with developmental disorders, they considered to need not only individual counseling but also various group programs and workshops, and considered the difficulties in regard to job finding. And then, counselors in private academies offered frequently than in public academies, group programs for communication activity, consultation with parents and buck up after student’s graduation. In addition, they need to adjust support systems about reasonable accommodation for students with developmental disorders

    学生相談機関における発達障害学生への支援に関する研究 ―甲南大学学生相談室2013年度・2014年度の実態調査より―

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    This study analyzed the quantitative data and some cases based on the results of the survey conducted at Konan University. This study was originally a part of an extensive survey funded by the scientific research fund and its aim was to investigate the actual state of the support for the students with developmental disorders that are offered by campus counseling services in four different universities. The results were as follows: in academic year of 2013 and 2014, 50 students with developmental disorders received specific supports from Konan University Student Counseling Room. The results of following items showed almost the same tendency in four universities; timing of starting the support, temporary or permanent leave from university, diagnosis and the time of diagnosis, subject of counseling or consultation, content of support, process of support . The support of Konan University were characteristic in following points; 1.A number of cooperative supports were offered. 2. According to the student's individual characteristics individual and group supports that aim to foster self-understanding were offered sensitively. However, the tendency of not encouraging the students to be diagnosed in early stage might be a certain risk of delay in offering supports to them. It can be said that this is an important issue to consider the future direction of support for students with developmental disorders

    発達障害及び発達障害の傾向のある学生への支援の現状と合理的配慮に関する教員の意識についての研究 ―甲南大学専任教員・非常勤講師へのアンケート調査から―

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    This article reports the results of the questionnaire survey conducted in Konan University to reveal teachers’ current consciousness about reasonable accommodation and offering support for students with developmental disorders. 86 full-time teachers and 131 part-time teachers responded, and the valid response rate was 32.0% and 20.3%. Compared with the survey results from three other national universities, it was found that, even though various individualized care for aforesaid students has already been practiced by our full-time teachers, support system for teachers is required hereafter, since they have certain fear of making personal decisions on carrying out the reasonable accommodation. From the comparison between the full-time teachers and part-time teachers, there seems to be no remarkable differences on the consciousness about reasonable accommodations. However it is also suggested that part-time teachers tend to find it a larger burden due to their limited position. To solve these problems, we also discuss the need to build a support system including experts on students with developmental disorders


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    本研究の目的は,保育所看護職者を対象に保育保健活動の担当状況を調査し,保育所での配置形態による関連を 明らかにし,今後の保育所看護職者の配置に関する課題を検討することである.A 県内の保育所に勤務する看護職 者71名のうちA 県保育協議会の研修会に参加した保育所看護職者41名を対象とし,自作の質問紙調査を行った. 保育保健活動30項目の担当状況を『子どもへの支援』『家族への支援』『多職種・関連機関との連携・協働』の3つ のカテゴリーに分類し,「クラス担当配置」と「フリー配置」の配置形態による差異を比較した.結果,3つのカテ ゴリーのいずれも,「フリー配置」の方が保育保健活動の担当状況の平均値が高かった.保育所看護職者が,その 専門性を発揮し保育保健活動を遂行するためには,配置形態の改善が必要であることが示唆された.The aims of this study were to examine the current responsibilities of nurses in child healthcare activities conducted at day care centers, clarify the relationship between their work responsibilities and style of work allocation at these centers, and discuss the issues relating to the work allocation of nurses at these centers for the future. Research was carried out with 41 nurses who participated in a workshop run by the childcare council in Prefecture A, out of a total of 71 nurses working in day care centers in the prefecture. The nurses responded to a questionnaire created by the authors. The 30 questionnaire items concerning the allocation of healthcare activities in the day care centers were divided into three aspects: support for children, support for families, and cooperation with various professionals and related agencies. Differences in the three aspects were compared between nurses responsible for particular classes and nurses not tied to responsibilities for particular classes. The results revealed that mean scores were higher for the nurses not tied to responsibilities of particular classes in all three aspects examined. This indicates that in order for nurses at day care centers to make best use of their specialized skills and knowledge, and carry out child healthcare activities, the styles of work allocation must be improved

    Leptin to high-molecular-weight adiponectin ratio is independently correlated with carotid intima-media thickness in men, but not in women.

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    BACKGROUND: The leptin:adiponectin ratio (L:A ratio) is an independent predictor of carotid intima-media thickness (CIMT). OBJECTIVE: To evaluate whether the leptin:high-molecular-weight adiponectin ratio (L:HA ratio) is associated with CIMT in the general population. METHODS: We investigated the relationship between the L:HA ratio and CIMT in 233 Japanese study participants (106 men and 127 women). RESULTS: After adjustment for confounding factors, CIMT was significantly correlated with the log L:HA ratio (beta = 0.11, p = 0.014) in men, whereas no correlation was observed in women (beta = 0.01, p = 0.50). Conclusion: The L:HA ratio is closely correlated with CIMT in men, but not in women