29 research outputs found

    Remote infiltration areas as a main source of ground water for floodplain forest without floods

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    This article brings new information about phenomenon of the growth of floodplain forest without influence of floods over 50 years. Floodplain forest and its hydrogeological regime are under detail research for 10 years and detail 10 years data from hydrogeological well is used in this study. The area of interest belongs to nature reserve Plackuv les what together with brook Satava represents a unique relic of a floodplain forest in the confluence area of the rivers Svratka and Jihlava in southern Moravia (South-Moravian Region). The damming of the channel of the river Svratka has caused the end of floods. Despite the anthropogenic regulations performed, the hydrogeological conditions have remained preserved at the site. Stream channel was rised due to the regulation at the above the level of the existing ground; this eliminated its drainage functions for groundwater. The contact between the base of floodplain loams and the groundwater Tab. is not lost and the capillary rise in them remains preserved. Analysis of groundwater level confirmed multi-component refilling of the hydrogeological structure, which is drained in Plackuv les and the river Satava. All last 10 years, the maximum of the groundwater level measured is from July to September. It means, that groundwater reaches the highest level in the period, when the minimum flow rates are recorded on the surface flows. In this period, the locality displays the maximal infiltration of the precipitation from the last hydrological year from distant infiltration area. Because of the absence of floods, groundwater at this site is the most significant resource of water, and it represents a key-factor which enables the growth and thriving of the floodplain forest ecosystem.O


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    Spherical hematite concretions (0,5–2 cm) were found in soil horizon of „Lesní školka Seč“ within the period 2008–2009. The concretions occured both individually as in clusters (4–7 pieces) within a profile of 20 cm deep and quartz are principal components of concretions. Concretions seem to be a product of treatment of iron ore with relicts of original natural structure of iron ore

    Modifying effect of biochar by mixing it with digestate

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    Biochar is a carbonized organic matter formed by the pyrolysis process. This material contains a high percentage of carbon from the original biomass which provides an idea to design “a tool to reduce the impact of climate change“. The positive effect of biochar on the physical and chemical properties of soil has been demonstrated in many papers. However, the issue of the influence of carbonized matter on biological processes in soil is still unclear, and scientific results is often inconsistent. In our work, we wanted to modify the effect of biochar by adition of another organic fertilizer. Please click on the file below for full content of the abstract

    Changes in Soil Aggregate Stability Induced by Mineral Nitrogen Fertilizer Application

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    The stability of soil aggregates is one of the most important characteristics of the soil affecting the overall soil quality and its health. In locality Březová nad Svitavou, experiment to reveal the effect of nitrogen dose on the stability of soil aggregates of Rendzina soil was carried out. The aim was to detect changes in soil aggregate stability after 4 and 5 years from the beginning of the experiment. There were tested 7 variants, prepared in triplicate. The results revealed that the stability of soil aggregates decreases with increasing amounts of applied N. Effect of N application was not statistically significant in the fourth but in the fifth year of the experiment. The results also revealed a significant deterioration in the stability of soil aggregates in the fifth year compared to the fourth year of the experiment.O

    Microwave-assisted synthesis of goethite nanoparticles used for removal of Cr(VI) from aqueous solution

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    The microwave-assisted synthesis of goethite nanoparticles has been studied. The samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), differential thermal analysis (DTA) and Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) method. Goethite rod-like nanoparticles have been successfully synthesized in 10 min of microwave treating at 100 degrees C. Particle size is in the range from 30 to 60 nm in width and from 200 to 350 nm in length. BET analysis indicated that the surface area of the product is 158.31 m(2)g(-1). The feasibility of Cr(VI) removal fromaqueous solution depends on the pH of the solution and contact time. The maximum adsorptionis reached at pH 4.0 and 540 min of contact time. The adsorption kinetics was analyzedby the pseudo-first-and second-order models and the results reveal that the adsorption process obeys the pseudo-second-order model. The adsorption data were fitted well with the Langmuir adsorption isotherm


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    Famous intrusive, sub-volcanic and extrusive alkaline rocks of teschenite province in Moravian-Silesian Beskydes are newly study in detail. The set of selected alkaline rocks is characterised by the unussually high volume of apatite (5–10 %). Four types (A1–A4) of the Sr- and REE-enriched fluorapatites were distinguish in these teschenites s.s. Rare unaltered type A1 contains melt inclusions and usually slightly altered type A2 which encloses wide solid inclusions are regarded as magmatic in origin; its remobilization along fractures gave type A3, which is followed by the youngest elongated and capillaceous type A4. On the basis of trace analysis of REE by LA-ICP-MS, chondrite-normalized spectra present different shapes, with a typical enrichement of LREE in magmatic types and metasomatic type A3. Younger type A4 is relatively depleted in all LREE, while its HREE profile is close to both magmatic and metasomatic older types A1–A3. The normalized spectrum of A1 and its melt inclusions have a symmetric shape, without Eu anomaly which is obvious (negative) in younger types A3 and A4

    Determination of Ascorbic Acid by Electrochemical Techniques and other Methods

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    Ascorbic acid (AA) is a water-soluble vitamin essential in the human nutrition, an antioxidant, a scavenger of free radicals in biological systems and a cofactor of several enzymes. For the precise detection of AA concentration in biological samples there is important the option of the determination method. To the most common and exact methods for AA evaluation belong HPLC techniques with UV and electrochemical detection, and electrochemical methods (EM). EM are simple, sensitive, and moderate methods. For AA detection different types of electrodes are suitable, lately there are used especially various chemically modified electrodes with applied polymer films. Popular and profitable for accurate AA determination there are electrochemical biosensors and voltammetry that is reputable due to the low detection limits of AA.IGA MENDELU [ZF 14/2014


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    Unique calcite-barite concretions from Těšany (district Brno-country) have been found and studied in detail. These concretions and large limestone boulders are considered to represent material from the Jurassic period and present the only material and opportunity to improve knowledge about these unussual rocks in the studied area. EPMA has been used to constrain complex mineralogy. Results in this study are supplemented by LA-ICP-MS microanalysis. The increased precision is related to combination of different methods (PL, CL and BSE imaging) to distinguish compositionaly different calcites as a separate groups investigated by scans of multi-point analyses. Based on microtextural observations and chemical analyses 3 calcite groups are distinguish. This study provides new information for widespread sulphates (5–20 %) and fi ne-grained quartz (5–35 %) too

    Complexes of Silver(I) Ions and Silver Phosphate Nanoparticles with Hyaluronic Acid and/or Chitosan as Promising Antimicrobial Agents for Vascular Grafts

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    Polymers are currently widely used to replace a variety of natural materials with respect to their favourable physical and chemical properties, and due to their economic advantage. One of the most important branches of application of polymers is the production of different products for medical use. In this case, it is necessary to face a significant disadvantage of polymer products due to possible and very common colonization of the surface by various microorganisms that can pose a potential danger to the patient. One of the possible solutions is to prepare polymer with antibacterial/antimicrobial properties that is resistant to bacterial colonization. The aim of this study was to contribute to the development of antimicrobial polymeric material ideal for covering vascular implants with subsequent use in transplant surgery. Therefore, the complexes of polymeric substances (hyaluronic acid and chitosan) with silver nitrate or silver phosphate nanoparticles were created, and their effects on gram-positive bacterial culture of Staphylococcus aureus were monitored. Stages of formation of complexes of silver nitrate and silver phosphate nanoparticles with polymeric compounds were characterized using electrochemical and spectrophotometric methods. Furthermore, the antimicrobial activity of complexes was determined using the methods of determination of growth curves and zones of inhibition. The results of this study revealed that the complex of chitosan, with silver phosphate nanoparticles, was the most suitable in order to have an antibacterial effect on bacterial culture of Staphylococcus aureus. Formation of this complex was under way at low concentrations of chitosan. The results of electrochemical determination corresponded with the results of spectrophotometric methods and verified good interaction and formation of the complex. The complex has an outstanding antibacterial effect and this effect was of several orders higher compared to other investigated complexes