42 research outputs found
Immunoassay performance: recognition elements, equilibrium and mass transfer considerations
This dissertation explores the importance of mass transfer, equilibrium, and recognition elements on performance of immunoassay platforms. Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) and Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS) are employed as readout methods. AFM was utilized to evaluate the effectiveness of monoclonal antibodies used in a heterogeneous immunoassay for porcine parvovirus (PPV) and feline calicivirus (FCV). These results were employed to develop immunoassay protocols for PPV and FCV, and to assess the effect of elevated temperatures on the rate of mass transfer, and therefore the accumulation of PPV and FCV. Theoretical accumulation rates were compared to experimental observations as monitored by AFM. The effect of sample volume and capture area on limits of detection was examined for PPV utilizing SERS as a readout method. A model of the equilibrium for heterogeneous immunoassays revealed that the use of small capture substrate areas and large sample volumes would prevent depletion of the analyte solution, and would provide the highest surface concentration of analyte. Experimental findings for the detection of PPV upheld this prediction. Finally, the use of aptamers as alternatives to antibodies in a SERS-based detection platform for thrombin was examined. The conditions for aptamer immobilization and thrombin extraction were evaluated, the limit of detection for the aptamer-based assay was compared to that for an antibody-based assay, and possible underpinnings for the differences in performance discussed
PEMBERIAN IZIN USAHA PEMANFAATAN HASIL HUTAN KAYU PADA KAWASAN HUTAN PRODUKSI DI KABUPATEN AGAM (Agiel Kwarta Anwar, 07140235, Fakultas Hukum Universitas Andalas Program Kekhususan Hukum Administrasi Negara (VIII), 62 Halaman, 2013) ABSTRAK Banyak aktivitas manusia yang sangat mempengaruhi keberadaan sumberdaya dan lingkungan di sekitarnya. Kerusakan sumberdaya alam banyak ditentukan oleh aktivitas manusia. Salah satu kegiatan manusia yang sangat merusak lingkungan adalah penebangan hutan secara liar. Agar kepentingan manusia dan kepentingan lingkungan khususnya hutan, dapat berjalan seimbang perlu diadakan peraturan yang mengatur tentang tindakan manusia terhadap hutan khususnya dalam hal izin usaha pemanfaatan hasil hutan kayu, salah satu aturan tersebut adalah aturan tentang izin usaha pemanfaatan hasil hutan kayu pada hutan produksi. Namun pada kenyataannya pada saat ini bnayak masyarakat tidak menyadari akan pentingnya izin untuk pemanfaatan hasil hutan, sebagaimana yang telah ditetapkan Undang-Undang dan Pemerintah sehingga menimbulkan penebangan secara liar yang dapat menyebabkan ketidakseimbangan ekosistem. Saat ini Kabupaten Agam merupakan salah satu daerah yang memiliki kawasan hutan produksi namun pada kenyataan nya masyarakat masih banyak yang belum memahami mekanisme dari pemberian izin usaha pemanfaatan hasil hutan kayu ini. Berdasarkan latar belakang tersebut, maka penulis ingin meneliti lebih lanjut tentang pemberian izin usaha pemmanfaatan hasil hutan kayu ini dengan rumusan masalah sebagai berikut : 1. Bagaimana proses pemberian izin usaha pemanfaatan hasil hutan kayu pada kawasan hutan produksi di Kabupaten Agam, 2. Apa sajakah faktor penghambat dalam pemberian izin usaha pemanfaatan hasil hutan kayu, 3. Apa sajakah upaya yang dilakukan untuk mengatasi kendala pemberian izin usaha pemanfaatan hasil hutan kayu. Metode penelitian yang penulis pakai adalah yuridis empiris yaitu pendekatan masalah dengan melihat norma hukum yang dihubungkan dengan fakta di lapangan.Pada proses pemberian Izin Usaha Pemanfaatan Hasil Hutan Kayu hal yang ditemukan seperti : 1. Proses pemberian izin terdiri dari 5 tahap,permohonan, cek lokasi, pengolahan, cek fisik kayu, permintaan blanko, 2. Faktor penghambat dari kegitan tersebut meliputi jumlah personil dan wawasan aparat maupun masyarakat, 3. Upaya yang mungkin akan dilakukan untuk mengatasinya dengan menambah personil dan memberikan penyuluhan tentang proses Izin Usaha Pemanfaatan Hasil Hutan Kayu. Dengan demikian jika masalah ini dapat ditanggulangi maka akan sedikit kemungkinan untuk terjadi nya tindak penyelewengan pada usaha pemanfaatan hasil hutan kayu
Hyaluronic Acid (HA)-Polyethylene glycol (PEG) as injectable hydrogel for intervertebral disc degeneration patients therapy
Chronic Low Back Pain (CLBP) is one health problem that is often encountered in a community. Inject-able hydrogels are the newest way to restore the disc thickness and hydration caused by disc degeneration by means of minimally invasive surgery. Thus, polymers can be combined to improve the characteristic properties of inject-able hydrogels, leading to use of Hyaluronic Acid (a natural polymer) and Polyethylene glycol (PEG) with Horse Radish Peroxide (HRP) cross linker enzymes. The swelling test results, which approaches were the ideal disc values, were sampled with variation of enzyme concentrations of 0.25 µmol/min/mL. The enzyme concentrations were 33.95%. The degradation test proved that the sample degradation increased along with the decrease of the HRP enzyme concentration. The results of the cytotoxicity assay with MTT assay method showed that all samples resulted in the 90% of living cells are not toxic. In vitro injection, models demonstrated that higher concentration of the enzymes was less state of gel which would rupture when released from the agarose gel. The functional group characterization shows the cross linking bonding in sample with enzyme adding. The conclusion of this study is PEG-HAHRP enzyme are safe polymer composites which have a potential to be applied as an injectable hydrogel for intervertebral disc degeneration
Injectable Hydrogel Asam Hyaluronan (HA)-Polyethylene Glycol (PEG) Dengan Metode Crosslinking Enzimatik Untuk Terapi Penderita Degenerasi Diskus Intervertebralis
Chronic Low Back Pain (CLBP) atau nyeri punggung bawah merupakan salah satu masalah kesehatan yang sering dijumpai di masyarakat yang dapat mengenai siapa saja. Sekitar 60-80% dari seluruh penduduk dunia pernah mengalami nyeri pungung bawah, khususnya degenerasi diskus intervertebralis. Injectable hydrogel adalah cara terbaru untuk mengembalikan ketebalan diskus dan hidrasi yang ditimbulkan degenerasi diskus dengan minimal invasive surgery. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui karakteristik injectable hydrogel berbasis Asam Hyaluronan (HA) dan Polyethylene Glycol (PEG), dengan crosslinker Enzim Horse Radish Peroxide Type I (HRP) dan mendapatkan komposisi enzim optimal pada injectable hydrogel sebagai terapi penderita degenerasi diskus intervertebralis. Karakterisasi dari penelitian ini yakni uji FTIR, uji swelling, uji degradasi, uji sitotoksisitas, dan uji in vitro injection model. Dari uji FTIR hidrogel menunjukkan adanya ikatan crosslinking pada sampel dengan penambahan enzim. Kemudian, hasil uji swelling menggunakan Phosphat Buffer Saline (PBS) yang mendekati nilai ideal untuk diskus intervertebralis adalah sampel dengan variasi konsentrasi enzim 0.25 μmol/menit/mL, yakni 33%. Uji degradasi membuktikan bahwa degradasi sampel akan semakin meningkat seiring dengan penurunan konsentrasi enzim HRP. Hasil dari uji sitotoksisitas melalui metode MTT Assay menunjukkan bahwa sampel menghasilkan prosentase sel hidup 90% dan bersifat tidak toksik. Pada uji in vitro injection model dibuktikan bahwa semakin tinggi konsentrasi enzim, keadaan gel ketika dilepas dari agarose akan semakin tidak rupture. HA-PEG-enzim HRP merupakan komposit polimer aman dan berpotensi diaplikasikan sebagai injectable hydrogel untuk degenerasi diskus intervertebralis berdasarkan gugus fungsi, derajat swelling, laju degradasi, sitotoksisitas, dan in vitro injection model.
Kata Kunci : Injectable Hydrogel, HA, PEG, Enzim HR
Conceptual design of a two stage to orbit spacecraft
This project, undertaken through the Advanced Space Design Program, developed a 'Conceptual Design of a Two Stage To Orbit Spacecraft (TSTO).' The design developed utilizes a combination of air breathing and rocket propulsion systems and is fully reusable, with horizontal takeoff and landing capability. The orbiter is carried in an aerodynamically designed bay in the aft section of the booster vehicle to the staging altitude. This TSTO Spacecraft design meets the requirements of replacing the aging Space Shuttle system with a more easily maintained vehicle with more flexible mission capability
Interleukin-13, Interleukin-10, Interferon-gamma and IDO Production in Response to Home Dust Mites in Allergic Asthma
BACKGROUND: Allergic asthma is a degenerative atopic disease caused by allergic or hypersensitivity type-1. More than 50% of people with allergic asthma are caused by the presence of house dust mites (HDMs) allergens.METHODS: The cellular immunity response was evaluated through a peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) culture isolated from blood, using the ficoll gradient technique. Subjects were atopic asthma groups and non-atopic asthma groups. PBMC from each subject cultured was stimulated with HDMs allergen, then incubated in a CO2 5% incubator, 37o C for 72 hours. With the multiplex assay method, interferon (IFN)-γ, interleukin (IL)-13 and IL-10 were measured, meanwhile indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase level (IDO) was measured by the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) sandwich methods.RESULTS: The IFN-γ production in the supernatant of PBMC cultures was stimulated by phytohemagglutinin (PHA), Roswell Park Memorial Institute (RPMI) medium and allergens. The IFN-γ production in allergen-stimulated supernatants showed higher level of IFN-γ in the nonatopic group (4,681,455±3,434,851) than atopic group (4,363,300±2,067,941) even though it was not statistically significant (p=0.078). There were no differences between the mean of IL-13 production in atopic asthma group and non-atopic group. The IL-10 production in allergenstimulated supernatants was shown to be higher in nonatopic group and were statistically significantly different (p=0.015). The IDO production in allergen-stimulated supernatants was shown to be higher in the non-atopic group (272,231±269,564) than in the actopic group (13,273±400), and it was significantly different (p=0.007).CONCLUSION: Cellular immune profile of subjects with allergic asthma to Dermatophagoides pterronyssinus (Der p) is characterized by a type-2 inflammatory response that is dominant compared to type-1 inflammation (higher IL-13 ratio compared to IFN-γ) and to the role of anti-inflammation (higher IL-13 ratio compared to IL-10). The decline in IDO production in allergic asthma subjects to Der p is thought to be related to the low cellular immune response in expressing IFN-γ compared to IL-13.KEYWORDS: interleukin-13, interleukin-10, IDO, PBMC, asthm
Artistic Aspects of the Polish Journeys to England in the 2nd half of the 18th Century
W pracy rozważane jest zjawisko podróży Polaków do Anglii w drugiej połowie XVIII wieku, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem tych jego aspektów, które związane są ze sztuką. Po krótkim wstępie historycznym podróże – w oparciu o źródła z epoki - zanalizowane zostają z dwóch różnych perspektyw. Pierwszym zadaniem jest wskazanie ich cech wspólnych. Zauważa się, że podróże te podejmowane były głównie przez osoby pochodzenia szlacheckiego, blisko związane z dworem Stanisława Augusta Poniatowskiego, oraz że ich trasy były do siebie zwykle bardzo zbliżone, obejmując Londyn, Oksford, pałac Blenheim, ogrody w Stowe i Bath. Podjęta zostaje próba zrekonstruowania, które zabytki cieszyły się największym zainteresowaniem i jak były odbierane przez turystów. W następnym rozdziale uwaga skupia się z kolei na tych cechach, które były indywidualne dla poszczególnych podróżujących. Pięć najważniejszych źródeł (dzienniki Michała Bohusza, Antoniego Tyzenhauza, Franciszka Bohusza i Izabeli Czartoryskiej oraz listy Stanisława Kostki Potockiego) zostaje przeanalizowanych w celu zrozumienia podejścia do sztuki i estetycznych preferencji ich autorów. Pracę kończy krótki przegląd potencjalnych wpływów podróży do Anglii na sztukę polską tego okresu.The dissertation explores the phenomenon of the Polish journeys to England in the second half of the 18th century, focusing on those of their aspects that regard art. After a brief historical introduction the journeys are analysed from two different perspectives, both based on the sources from that period. The first aim is to point out the common features of those journeys. It is stated that they were undertaken mainly by the nobleman closely related to the court of the king Stanisław August Poniatowski, and their itineraries were usually very similar, including London, Oxford, Blenheim Palace, Stowe Gardens and Bath. The attempt is made to reconstruct which monuments gained the most attention and how were they percepted by tourists. On the contrary, in the next chapter the focus is on what was individual in the particular journeys. Five major sources (the diaries of Michał Mniszech, Antoni Tyzenhauz, Franciszek Bohusz, Izabela Czartoryska and the letters of Stanisław Kostka Potocki) are analysed to understand what was their authors' approach towards art and aesthetic preferences. The paper finishes with a brief review of the potential influences of the journes to England on Polish art of that period
Konfigurasi Cicso ASA Firewall Menggunakan ASDM
Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance (ASA) adalah perangkat keamanan jaringan tingkat lanjut yang mengintegrasikan firewall stateful, VPN, dan kemampuan lainnya. ASA digunakan untuk membuat firewall dan melindungi jaringan internal perusahaan dari penyusup eksternal sambil mengizinkan host internal mengakses Internet. ASA menciptakan tiga antarmuka keamanan: Luar, Dalam, dan DMZ. Ini memberi pengguna luar akses terbatas ke DMZ dan tidak ada akses ke sumber daya internal. Pengguna dalam dapat mengakses DMZ dan sumber daya luar. Metode yang digunakan pada artikel ini adalah Adaptive Security Device Manager (ASDM). Hasil dari simulasi Firewall di atas yaitu bahwa PC-B dapat mengakses DMZ server. DMZ server tidak dapat mengakses PC-B
Immunoassay performance: recognition elements, equilibrium and mass transfer considerations
This dissertation explores the importance of mass transfer, equilibrium, and recognition elements on performance of immunoassay platforms. Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) and Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS) are employed as readout methods. AFM was utilized to evaluate the effectiveness of monoclonal antibodies used in a heterogeneous immunoassay for porcine parvovirus (PPV) and feline calicivirus (FCV). These results were employed to develop immunoassay protocols for PPV and FCV, and to assess the effect of elevated temperatures on the rate of mass transfer, and therefore the accumulation of PPV and FCV. Theoretical accumulation rates were compared to experimental observations as monitored by AFM. The effect of sample volume and capture area on limits of detection was examined for PPV utilizing SERS as a readout method. A model of the equilibrium for heterogeneous immunoassays revealed that the use of small capture substrate areas and large sample volumes would prevent depletion of the analyte solution, and would provide the highest surface concentration of analyte. Experimental findings for the detection of PPV upheld this prediction. Finally, the use of aptamers as alternatives to antibodies in a SERS-based detection platform for thrombin was examined. The conditions for aptamer immobilization and thrombin extraction were evaluated, the limit of detection for the aptamer-based assay was compared to that for an antibody-based assay, and possible underpinnings for the differences in performance discussed.</p