858 research outputs found

    Urban governance and planning for Economic growth

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    Governance in short is a shift from bureaucratic process to shared power for the people. Governance in the urban areas goes hand in hand with planning. Issues of governance cannot be dealt with completely without proper planning. However, planning in the two largest cities of Kumasi and Accra has seen some major changes over time both spatially and administratively. Spatial, urban planning system has moved from new towns and town expansion to high standards of living. Administratively there has been the frantic effort of merging all law governing land use into one legal document which was not previously the case. But planning for growth and governance are faced with the following weakness; selective restraint, institutional and geographical fragmentation, short termism and power and resources.Governance; Planning; Growth

    Globalization and its influence on Economic Growth performance

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    Globalization is described as a process by which regional economics, societies and cultures have become integrated through a global network of communication, transportation and trade. Different researchers have argued both in favour of and against globalization. Bhagwati claims that globalization has created a direct link to economic fortunes for the poor rural folks in developing countries who are often farmers. He argues that increase in information and information technology has loosened the control of exploitative middlemen whose activities reduce the returns rural farmer receive for their produce. Prystay (2005) provided evidence to this argument. Another argument comes from factor endowment. Argument against globalization is the fact that it has produced unprecedentedly high levels of inequality or hardships to the poor. Evidence from both China and India have reviled that globalization has propelled both countries economically; increase in economic growth from 6.15 to 9.37 percent in the case of China and information technology in the case of India, but the issue of inequality is still important and need to be addressed by individual government.Globalization; Inequality; Growth

    Evaluation of Controlled-Release Nitrogen and Potassium Fertilizer in Louisiana Sugarcane Production

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    Sugarcane (Saccharum spp) production is an integral part of Louisiana\u27s economy. Proper fertilizer management, particularly nitrogen (N) and potassium (K), optimizes sugarcane production. An experiment was established in 2015 at the LSU AgCenter Sugar Research Station in St. Gabriel, Louisiana to: (1) assess the effect of N and K fertilizer sources on sugarcane yield and quality parameters, and (2) monitor the changes in inorganic N and K levels in the soil at different sugarcane growth stages. The experiment was arranged in a randomized complete block design on a Sharkey clay soil and complete randomized design on a Commerce silt loam soil with four replications. Data were collected from control (0) and treated plots with 45, 90 and 135 kg N ha-1 using controlled-release fertilizer (CRF) (Agrocote Max®, 45% N) and urea ammonium nitrate (UAN, 32% N). Potassium treatments included data from the control (0) and 90 kg ha-1 applied as 100% muriate of potash (MOP, 60% K) and 50% MOP + 50% Agrocote KCl ® (61% K). Soil (0-15 and 15-30 cm depths) and leaf samples were collected (every two weeks from fertilization), dried and analyzed for N and K content. At harvest, ten stalks were collected, shredded, and analyzed for quality parameters using a SpectraCane NIR system. Plot yields were determined using a combine harvester and a weigh-wagon. Results of this study showed positive impact of CRF on sucrose, TRS, and polarity in Sharkey clay soil with a net return profit of 218ha1higherthanUAN.TheUANsolutionperformedbetteronCommercesiltsoilwithanetreturnof218 ha-1 higher than UAN. The UAN solution performed better on Commerce silt soil with a net return of 496 ha-1 higher than CRF. Also, both N sources showed higher inorganic N concentration in 0-15 cm depth on Sharkey clay soil. The MOP+ CR-K was more beneficial than 100% MOP on Sharkey clay soil, making $155 ha-1 higher than 100% MOP. Sugarcane on Sharkey clay soil had the most K response compared to Commerce silt soil. This study shows the potential of CRF as a source of N and K in certain soil types, and the effectiveness of UAN as N source in Louisiana sugarcane productio


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    The study aimed to identify leading practices to promote environmentally friendly and efficient efforts in surgical healthcare. Despite widespread enthusiasm for going green in the U.S. economy, little information is available to inform the medical community on the effort. We explore safe and efficient strategies for hospitals and healthcare providers to protect the environment while delivering high-quality care. As part of the study design, we performed a systematic review of the literature using relevant Pubmed search terms and surveyed a panel of hospital managers and CEOs of healthcare organizations pursuing green initiatives. Recommendations were itemized and reviewed with each panelist for a consensus agreement. At the end, we identified forty-three published articles and obtained interview data from the 7-member expert panel. Five green recommendations for surgical practices were identified: (1) OR Waste Reduction and Segregation; (2) Environmentally Preferable Purchasing; (3) Energy Consumption Management; (4) Pharmaceutical Waste Management; (5) Reprocessing of Single Use Medical Devices. We concluded that the medical community has a large opportunity to implement green practices in surgical units. These practices can have significant benefits to both the healthcare community and the environment


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    Forensic evidence such as deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), fingermarks, anthropological evidence, and often document-related evidence is consistently used in Ghana’s criminal jurisprudence. However, the forensic application of some impression/trace-related evidence notably lip print, ear print, and footprint in the Ghanaian criminal justice system is challenging. The recent mention of footprint evidence in the ongoing case involving the death of a Member of Parliament in Ghana, Mr. J. B. Danquah, opens a new vista for the use of such underutilized forensic evidence in Ghanaian courts. This paper discusses some selected impression-related evidence, highlights their potential application in forensic investigation and safe justice delivery, and further informs defence lawyers on what to look out for when evaluating such forensic evidence to avoid the miscarriage of justice in criminal cases


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    openResearch on ecological problems from the fashion industry and how circular economic model is a good path to transition the fashion industry to sustainability. Mafric will be used as my case study and I'll be presenting a life assessment cycle on the brand.Research on ecological problems from the fashion industry and how circular economic model is a good path to transition the fashion industry to sustainability. Mafric will be used as my case study and I'll be presenting a life assessment cycle on the brand

    Household Health Care Expenditure and Catastrophic Payments: Evidence From The Ghana Living Standards Survey V

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    Out of pocket payments are a significant component of health expenditures in Ghana. Their influence on household welfare therefore merits investigation. This study investigates the determinants of household health expenditures and the incidence of catastrophic health care payments using information from national household living standard measurement surveys. The results show poor households are more likely to spend on health care than wealthy households. Health care expenditures have a low degree of responsiveness to household income and complement food expenditures. The incidence of catastrophic health care payments has improved over time but at the expense of a higher concentration among the poor. The implication is that Ghana National Health Insurance Scheme is an appropriate policy in the right direction and must use effective household means-testing methods to identify and target vulnerable households

    Investigating the Impact of Prophages on Bacterial Fitness of Streptococcus agalactiae

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    Streptococcus agalactiae (Group B Streptococcus or GBS) is a common bacterium found in pregnant women that can cause severe infections in neonates. Although detecting maternal colonization and administering antibiotics during labor can prevent early-onset GBS disease in neonates, antibiotics negatively affect newborns\u27 microbiota, leading to complications like gastrointestinal disorders and immune system dysregulation. Therefore, alternative therapeutic measures are necessary to improve maternal and neonatal outcomes. Understanding GBS disease pathology and developing effective preventive measures and treatments is essential. GBS evolves from a commensal bacterium to an invasive disease-causing pathogen using various mechanisms, such as adapting to the host immune response, utilizing virulence factors like surface proteins, and regulating gene expression. The GBS genome contains mobile genetic components, including prophages, plasmids, insertion sequences, and transposons, that facilitate mutations and lateral gene transfer. This adaptability allows GBS to develop new virulence factors and antibiotic resistance, enhancing its ability to cause disease and evade host defenses. Prophages, viral genomes that are integrated into bacterial genomes, may play a critical role in GBS evolution, and understanding their contribution to its virulence could lead to innovative treatments. Bioinformatic analysis of 49 clinical isolates of GBS identified 42 prophages present in their genomes, which can be classified into 5 clusters based on their genomic content, indicating differences in the genetic makeup of the prophages. Further investigation of a hypervirulent GBS strain, found that the only prophage present provides a competitive advantage to the bacterium, possibly by enabling it to better compete for nutrients or resist other bacterial species. The absence of the prophage leads to a metabolic shift, indicating its significant impact on bacterial metabolism and possibly on the pathogen\u27s virulence. Overall, the findings from this dissertation highlight the importance of prophages in GBS pathogenesis and emphasize the need for further research to develop novel therapeutic approaches for the prevention and treatment of GBS infections

    Motivation and Job Performance; Perceptions of Teachers in Kpone Katamansu District in Ghana

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    Public service pay structure has received growing attention from scholars and governments because of its potential to motivate and enhance the performance of public servants. In Ghana, public service pay structure has experienced several reforms in an attempt to tackle the distortion, inequity and low salaries that have characterized it in the past. In 2010, the government of Ghana implemented a new pay reform Single Spine Pay Policy for public servants. This new pay reform seeks to address the distortion, inequity, and to improve the salaries of public servants in order to enhance the performance of public servants. This thesis employed qualitative research methods over a fieldwork period of three months to explore the effect of the introduction of SSPP on the job performance of teachers in the Kpone Katamansu District Assembly (KKDA). Further, the study explored what teachers in KKDA consider as motivation for their job. The study employed two theories of motivation; the economic incentive theory and the public service motivation theory. These theories provided a framework for analysis and discussion in this study on the link between different kinds of motivation and job performance. According to the economic incentive theory, monetary factors will induce higher job performance, nonetheless, this study found that even though the introduction of SSPP did result in increasing the salaries of teachers, it did not improve their job performance. The prediction of the public service motivation theory was found to be consistent with the study's findings. The study found that teachers' are motivated to perform more on the grounds that their profession has a positive impact on their students, community and country. Also, the norms of the profession and recognition of their efforts are seen as motivation to teachers in KKDA.Master i Master of Philosophy in Public AdministrationAORG351MASV-PUBA