324 research outputs found

    Cre-loxP mediated genoinic targeting to develop rapid and reproducible expression of recombinant proteins in mammalian cells.

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    PhDExpression levels of transgenes in mammalian cells show extreme variability between individual clones isolated from a single transfection. This is due to differing number of copies integrated into the genome and also from chromosomal "position effects". Therefore extensive screening is required to isolate a suitable cell line for high level expression of a recombinant protein. In this work, the Cre-loxP site-specific recombination system was investigated to eliminate such problems by directing the rapid targeting of any input DNA to a single pre-selected site in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cell line. Cre is a 38 kDa recombinase encoded by the bacteriophage P1 which mediates recombination between a pair of specific 34 bp target sequencesc alled loxP sites. The recombination reaction was first investigated in vitro to establish which kinetic parameters could be relevant for efficient gene targeting: a recombinant baculovirus was constructed with a hexa-histidine-cre fusion gene. The activity of Cre protein purified (by single step, hexa-histidine/nickel-bindinga, ffinity chromatography) from infected insect cells was verified by: (i) Cre-loxP interaction in gel retardation assays and (ii) Cre-mediated intramolecular excision between two loxP sites flanking a lacZ gene in a plasmid DNA. To investigate Cre-mediated targeting of an exogenous DNA to a chromosomal loxP site, three CHO cell lines were constructed, each carrying a loxP site between a ß-actin promoter and a secreted alkaline phosphatase (SAP) gene as a reporter. To demonstrate the targeting event, a promoterless lacZ/neor gene was cotransfected with either a cre plasmid or the purified Cre protein from the baculovirus/insect system. Proper targeting should activate expression of f 3- galactosidase from the chromosomal 0-actin promoter and give loss or reduction of SAP expression in G418 resistant transformants. Southern blot analysis showed targeted events mediated by both cre plasmid and recombinant Cre protein. This work should allow the development of a generic mammalian cell line by incorporating the Cre-loxP system for rapid and reproducible large scale production of recombinant proteins.Medical Research Council The Wellcome Foundation Limited post-graduate CASE studentship

    Relationship between Tumor DNA Methylation Status and Patient Characteristics in African-American and European-American Women with Breast Cancer

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    Aberrant DNA methylation is critical for development and progression of breast cancer. We investigated the association of CpG island methylation in candidate genes and clinicopathological features in 65 African-American (AA) and European-American (EA) breast cancer patients. Quantitative methylation analysis was carried out on bisulfite modified genomic DNA and sequencing (pyrosequencing) for promoter CpG islands of p16, ESR1, RASSF1A, RARβ2, CDH13, HIN1, SFRP1 genes and the LINE1 repetitive element using matched paired non-cancerous and breast tumor specimen (32 AA and 33 EA women). Five of the genes, all known tumor suppressor genes (RASSF1A, RARβ2, CDH13, HIN1 and SFRP1), were found to be frequently hypermethylated in breast tumor tissues but not in the adjacent non-cancerous tissues. Significant differences in the CDH13 methylation status were observed by comparing DNA methylation between AA and EA patients, with more obvious CDH13 methylation differences between the two patient groups in the ER- disease and among young patients (age<50). In addition, we observed associations between CDH13, SFRP1, and RASSF1A methylation and breast cancer subtypes and between SFRP1 methylation and patient's age. Furthermore, tumors that received neoadjuvant therapy tended to have reduced RASSF1A methylation when compared with chemotherapy naïve tumors. Finally, Kaplan Meier survival analysis showed a significant association between methylation at 3 loci (RASSF1A, RARβ2 and CDH13) and reduced overall disease survival. In conclusion, the DNA methylation status of breast tumors was found to be significantly associated with clinicopathological features and race/ethnicity of the patients

    Astrocyte inactivation of the pRb pathway predisposes mice to malignant astrocytoma development that is accelerated by PTEN mutation

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    We have inactivated pRb, p107, and p130 in astrocytes by transgenic expression of T (a truncated SV40 T antigen) under the GFAP promoter. Founder mice died perinatally with extensive expansion of neural precursor and anaplastic astrocyte populations. In astrocytes, aberrant proliferation and extensive apoptosis were induced. Using a conditional allele of T, early lethality was circumvented, and adult mice developed high-grade astrocytoma, in which regions of decreased apoptosis expressed activated Akt. Indeed, astrocytoma development was accelerated in a , but not , background. These studies establish a highly penetrant preclinical model for astrocytoma based on events observed in the human disease and further provide insight into the role of PTEN mutation in astrocytoma progression

    FGF8 isoform b expression in human prostate cancer.

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    Overexpression of fibroblast growth factor 8 (FGF8) mRNA has been previously described in prostate cancer. Of its four isoforms, FGF8b is thought to be the most important in carcinogenesis. We hypothesised that immunodetection of FGF8b in archival prostate cancer specimens is of potential prognostic value. Using a selected cohort of prostate tumours from transurethral (n=30) and radical prostatectomies (n=59), an optimised protocol for FGF8b immunoreactivity was used to corroborate expression with clinical parameters. No expression was observed in benign prostates (n=10). In prostate cancer, immunoreactivity was localised to the malignant epithelium with weak signals in the adjacent stroma. Expression of FGF8b in stage T1 and T2 cancers were 40 and 67%, respectively. In contrast, FGF8b expression was present in 94% of T3 and 100% of T4 cancers. By histological grade, FGF8b was found in 41% of low-grade cancers (Gleason score 4-6), 60% of intermediate-grade cancers (Gleason score 7 and 92% of high-grade cancers (Gleason score 8-10). The intensity of expression was significantly associated with stage (P=0.0004) and grade (P<0.0001) of disease. We further hypothesised that FGF8b overexpression resulted from enhanced transcription and translation rather than from abnormalities involving the FGF8 gene locus. This was tested by means of fluorescent in situ hybridisation in 20 cancer specimens to map the FGF8 gene locus. FGF8 gene copy number in benign and malignant nuclei was found to be similar (2.33+/-0.57 and 2.0+/-0.81, respectively P=0.51). Based on these findings, we propose a multicentre study on cohorts of patients to further evaluate FGF8b as a potential prognostic marker in prostate cancer

    Similar expression to FGF (Sef) inhibits fibroblast growth factor-induced tumourigenic behaviour in prostate cancer cells and is downregulated in aggressive clinical disease.

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    BACKGROUND: The fibroblast growth factor (FGF) axis is an important mitogenic stimulus in prostate carcinogenesis. We have previously reported that transcript level of human similar expression to FGF (hSef), a key regulator of this pathway, is downregulated in clinical prostate cancer. In this study we further analysed the role of hSef in prostate cancer. METHODS: hSef function was studied in in vitro and in vivo prostate cancer models using stable over-expression clones. Protein expression of hSef was studied in a comprehensive tissue microarray. RESULTS: Stable over-expression of hSef resulted in reduced in vitro cancer cell proliferation, migration and invasive potential. In an in vivo xenograft model, the expression of hSef significantly retarded prostate tumour growth as compared with empty vector (P=0.03) and non-transfected (P=0.0001) controls. Histological examination further showed a less invasive tumour phenotype and reduced numbers of proliferating cells (P=0.0002). In signalling studies, hSef inhibited FGF-induced ERK phosphorylation, migration to the nucleus and activation of a reporter gene. Constitutively active Ras, however, was able to reverse these effects, suggesting that hSef exerts an effect either above or at the level of Ras in prostate cancer cells. In a large tissue microarray, we observed a significant loss of hSef protein in high-grade (P<0.0001) and metastatic (P<0.0001) prostate cancer. CONCLUSIONS: Considered together, the role of hSef in attenuating FGF signalling and evidence of downregulation in advanced tumours argue strongly for a tumour suppressor function in human prostate cancer

    Pathway-based expression profiling of benign prostatic hyperplasia and prostate cancer delineates an immunophilin molecule associated with cancer progression

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    Aberrant restoration of AR activity is linked with prostate tumor growth, therapeutic failures and development of castrate-resistant prostate cancer. Understanding the processes leading to ARreactivation should provide the foundation for novel avenues of drug discovery. A differential gene expression study was conducted using biopsies from CaP and BPH patients to identify the components putatively responsible for reinstating AR activity in CaP. From the set of genes upregulated in CaP, FKBP52, an AR co-chaperone, was selected for further analysis. Expression of FKBP52 was positively correlated with that of c-Myc. The functional cross-talk between c-Myc and FKBP52 was established using c-Myc specific-siRNA to LNCaP cells that resulted in reduction of FKBP52. A non-canonical E-box sequence housing a putative c-Myc binding site was detected on the FKBP4 promoter using in silico search. LNCaP cells transfected with the FKBP52 promoter cloned in pGL3 basic showed increased luciferase activity which declined considerably when the promoter-construct was co-transfected with c-Myc specific-siRNA. ChIP-PCR confirmed the binding of c-Myc with the conserved E-box located in the FKBP52 promoter. c-Myc downregulation concomitantly affected expression of FGF8. Since expression of FGF8 is controlled by AR, our study unveiled a novel functional axis between c-Myc, AR and FGF8 operating through FKBP52

    Discovery of Novel Hypermethylated Genes in Prostate Cancer Using Genomic CpG Island Microarrays

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    BACKGROUND: Promoter and 5' end methylation regulation of tumour suppressor genes is a common feature of many cancers. Such occurrences often lead to the silencing of these key genes and thus they may contribute to the development of cancer, including prostate cancer. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: In order to identify methylation changes in prostate cancer, we performed a genome-wide analysis of DNA methylation using Agilent human CpG island arrays. Using computational and gene-specific validation approaches we have identified a large number of potential epigenetic biomarkers of prostate cancer. Further validation of candidate genes on a separate cohort of low and high grade prostate cancers by quantitative MethyLight analysis has allowed us to confirm DNA hypermethylation of HOXD3 and BMP7, two genes that may play a role in the development of high grade tumours. We also show that promoter hypermethylation is responsible for downregulated expression of these genes in the DU-145 PCa cell line. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: This study identifies novel epigenetic biomarkers of prostate cancer and prostate cancer progression, and provides a global assessment of DNA methylation in prostate cancer

    Molecular profiling of cervical cancer progression

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    Most cancer patients die of metastatic or recurrent disease, hence the importance to identify target genes upregulated in these lesions. Although a variety of gene signatures associated with metastasis or poor prognosis have been identified in various cancer types, it remains a critical problem to identify key genes as candidate therapeutic targets in metastatic or recurrent cancer. The aim of our study was to identify genes consistently upregulated in both lymph node micrometastases and recurrent tumours compared to matched primary tumours in human cervical cancer. Taqman Low-Density Arrays were used to analyse matched tumour samples, obtained after laser-capture microdissection of tumour cell islands for the expression of 96 genes known to be involved in tumour progression. Immunohistochemistry was performed for a panel of up- and downregulated genes. In lymph node micrometastases, most genes were downregulated or showed expressions equal to the levels found in primary tumours. In more than 50% of lymph node micrometastases studied, eight genes (AKT, BCL2, CSFR1, EGFR1, FGF1, MMP3, MMP9 and TGF-β) were upregulated at least two-fold. Some of these genes (AKT and MMP3) are key regulators of epithelial–mesenchymal transition in cancer. In recurrent tumours, almost all genes were upregulated when compared to the expression profiles of the matched primary tumours, possibly reflecting their aggressive biological behaviour. The two genes showing a consistent downregulated expression in almost all lymph node metastases and recurrent tumours were BAX and APC. As treatment strategies are very limited for metastatic and recurrent cervical cancer, the upregulated genes identified in this study are potential targets for new molecular treatment strategies in metastatic or recurrent cervical cancer