24 research outputs found

    Hemberedskap och vardagens praktiker : Urbana och rurala perspektiv

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    Den hĂ€r populĂ€rvetenskapliga rapporten presenterar resultaten frĂ„n forskningsprojektet ”HushĂ„llsberedskap i samhĂ€llssĂ€kerhetsdiskurser och vardagens praktiker”. Resultaten visar bland annat att mĂ€nniskor stĂ€ller sig positiva till att ta ansvar för den egna krisberedskapen, men att denna positiva instĂ€llning inte nödvĂ€ndigtvis avspeglar sig ifaktisk krisberedskap. Rapporten avslutas med ett antal rĂ„d och rekommendationer för hur projektets forskningsresultat kan anvĂ€ndas för att stĂ€rka samhĂ€llets motstĂ„ndskraft och samlade beredskap.HushĂ„llsberedskap i samhĂ€llssĂ€kerhetsdiskurser och vardagens praktike

    Emergens i Meads sociologi : Process, interaktion och det sociala livets villkor

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    Emergence in the sociology of Mead: Process, interaction and the conditions ofsocial life. Within sociology, and especially in the symbolic interaction genre thereof, emergence have been used in order to analyze the process between different dichotomies such as structure and agency, individual and collective, improvisation and the pre-determined as well as the relationship between a now, a past and a present. The aim of this article is to, based on mentioned dichotomies, discuss the possibilities and the limitations of emergence. In terms of possibilities emergence can be used as an analytical and theoretical tool for analyzing the process between different social phenomena. In terms of limitations, emergence could (and have been) criticized for not acknowledging the pre-conditioned aspects of social life. Hence, this article is concluded in a discussion on how to integrate pre-conditioned aspects of social life, such as power, dominance and subordination in the analysis of the emergent and dynamic social life.Sociologisk Forsknings digitala arkiv</p

    Hur kan vi förstÄ hemberedskap? : En orientering i hemberedskap som politiskt och empiriskt fenomen

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    Hemberedskap, i betydelsen privatpersoners krisberedskap i hemmet, Ă€r ett kunskapsomrĂ„de som har utvecklats kraftigt de senaste Ă„ren, bĂ„de vad gĂ€ller forskningoch olika former av utredningar och statistiska undersökningar. SĂ„dana studier motiveras ofta mot bakgrund av att den övervĂ€gande andelen av alla olyckor i Sverige intrĂ€ffar i hem och fritidsmiljöer. PĂ„ sĂ„ vis kan det förstĂ„s som ett empiriskt fenomen, dĂ€r privatpersoners beredskap mĂ€ts och studeras genom olika undersökningar. Men, vilket flera samhĂ€llsvetenskapliga forskare har framhĂ„llit, hemberedskap kan ocksĂ„ förstĂ„s som ett politiskt fenomen: som ett uttryck för den ansvarsförskjutning och individualisering som har prĂ€glat svensk krishantering sedan början av 2000-talet. Som en konsekvens av denna samhĂ€llsutveckling sĂ„ har krisberedskap allt mer kommit att placeras i den privata sfĂ€ren:i allas vĂ„ra hem. Under senare hĂ€lften av 2010-talet har antalet informationskampanjer om sĂ€kerhet och krisberedskap riktade till svenska folket ökat kraftigt. Behovet av dessa informationskampanjer har motiverats utifrĂ„n skĂ€l som extremvĂ€der och dess konsekvenser, nedmonterat totalförsvar samt ett allt skörare sĂ€kerhetspolitiskt lĂ€ge. Oavsett bakomliggande skĂ€l sĂ„ syftar informationskampanjerna till att stĂ€rka mĂ€nniskors förmĂ„ga att klara sig sjĂ€lva i hĂ€ndelse av kris, krig eller samhĂ€llsstörning. 2010-talet har ocksĂ„ bjudit pĂ„ flera situationer som aktualiserat behovet av hemberedskap. Omfattande stormar med lĂ€ngre efterföljande elavbrott, översvĂ€mningar, skogsbrĂ€nder dĂ€r mĂ€nniskortvingat lĂ€mna sina hem och den pĂ„gĂ„ende Coronapandemin har alla aktualiserat behovetav en god krisberedskap i hemmet. Forskning om krisberedskap har pĂ„gĂ„tt i mĂ„nga Ă„r, sĂ„ vĂ€l nationellt som internationellt,och kan idag sĂ€gas utgöra ett relativt omfattande forskningsfĂ€lt. Det Ă€r dock ettforskningsfĂ€lt som domineras av organisatoriska studier och analyser av samhĂ€lletskrisberedskap. Forskningen kring privatpersoners krisberedskap i hemmet utgör inte allspĂ„ samma sĂ€tt ett samlat forskningsfĂ€lt. MĂ„nga gĂ„nger behandlas privatpersonerskrisberedskap som en mindre del av mer omfattande studier om samhĂ€llets krisberedskap. Det Ă€r dessutom ett kunskapsomrĂ„de som Ă€r relativt ”spretigt” till sin karaktĂ€r genom attomfatta alltifrĂ„n attityder till och praktiserande av krisberedskap till kritiska granskningar av statlig styrning mot individers krisberedskap. I den hĂ€r kunskapsöversikten försöker jag ta ett samlat grepp kring forskning om privatpersoners krisberedskap i hemmet utifrĂ„n ett nationellt perspektiv. Syftet med den hĂ€r rapporten Ă€r att diskutera hemberedskap som empiriskt och politisktfenomen utifrĂ„n befintlig forskning. Det Ă€r dock en genomgĂ„ng av tidigare forskning som Ă€r tematisk snarare Ă€n systematisk till sin karaktĂ€r. Det innebĂ€r att jag pĂ„ förhand har valt nĂ„gra specifika teman som Ă€r av central relevans för att diskutera hemberedskap som empiriskt och politiskt fenomen, för att sedan söka litteratur och tidigare forskning inom just dessa teman. De teman som jag har valt att fokusera vid i rapporten Ă€r följande: historiska perspektiv pĂ„ hemberedskap, ansvar och hemberedskap, allmĂ€nhetens attityder till och praktiserande av hemberedskap samt offentliga aktörers perspektiv pĂ„ allmĂ€nhetens hemberedskap. Hemberedskap Ă€r ett kunskapsomrĂ„de starkt fĂ€rgat av sin historiska, politiska och sociogeografiska kontext. För att göra en fördjupande snarare Ă€n en jĂ€mförande studie sĂ„ har jag dĂ€rför valt att avgrĂ€nsa mig till ett nationellt perspektiv pĂ„ allmĂ€nhetens krisberedskap. Rapporten inkluderar sĂ„ledes framförallt undersökningar, rapporter och vetenskapligapublikationer som utgĂ„r ifrĂ„n det svenska krishanteringssystemet

    Emergence in the sociology of Mead : Process, interaction and the conditions of social life

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    Within sociology, and especially in the symbolic interaction genre thereof, emergence have been used in order to analyze the process between different dichotomies such as structure and agency, individual and collective, improvisation and the pre-determined as well as the relationship between a now, a past and a present. The aim of this article is to, based on mentioned dichotomies, discuss the possibilities and the limitations of emergence. In terms of possibilities emergence can be used as an analytical and theoretical tool for analyzing the process between different social phenomena. In terms of limitations, emergence could (and have been) criticized for not acknowledging the pre-conditioned aspects of social life. Hence, this article is concluded in a discussion on how to integrate pre-conditioned aspects of social life, such as power, dominance and subordination in the analysis of the emergent and dynamic social life

    ”Bara framtiden kan visa om vi gör det hĂ€r rĂ€tt” : Att göra vardag av den svenska strategin

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    ”Only the future will tell us if we’re doing this right”. Doing everyday life of the Swedish strategy The purpose of this article is to study how people make sense of the ”Swedish strategy” in dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic as well as how they implement this strategy in their everyday life. The article is based on an interview study with eight people living in Stockholm and the interviews were all performed during the initial phase of the pandemic (April–May 2020). Theoretically, this article takes its point of departure in a sociological interest for how people make sense of uncertainty, here exemplified by everyday life during the Covid-19 pandemic. The results show that the interviewees support the Swedish strategy and its scientific ground at the same time as they experience uncertainty in how this strategy should be transformed into everyday practices. This ambivalence can be understood in relation to Beck’s ”risk society” and his thesis about human’s paradoxical approach to science and risk experts as well as in relation to Tulloch and Lupton’s sociocultural perspective on risk and everyday life.Sociologisk Forsknings digitala arkiv</p

    Först pÄ plats : GrÀnsdragningar, positioneringar och emergens i berÀttelser frÄn olycksplatsen

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    When accidents occur, citizens often are the real first responders. This has been acknowledged and studied from an international perspective, particularly in relation to large crises and disasters, but remains relatively unstudied from a Swedish perspective. This thesis takes its point of departure from people who have been emergency callers or witnesses to traffic accidents, studying their actions and interactions at the scene of an accident in terms of boundaries, positioning and emergence. The aim of this thesis is to study how people’s actions in a specific situation are affected by their interactions with both real and imagined others and how their actions are affected by the spatial context. The thesis consists of four individual studies that relate differently to the main aim of the thesis. The first study focuses on first responders’ options to act in a place that simultaneously is the workplace of emergency personnel: the incident site. This study shows how first responders’ options to act are governed in large part by their interaction with emergency personnel and their boundary practices at the incident site. In this study, we apply theories of boundary practices from Nippert-Eng and the concept of boundary work from Gieryn to explain how emergency personnel control their place of work through boundary practices and through that process control those first responders who are present at the site. In other words, people’s actions at the incident site are affected by both the social and the spatial context. The second study focuses on a limited selection of first responders: those who have placed emergency calls. Through interviews with callers and transcriptions of their emergency calls, this study explores how the callers frame their decision to stop and place the call through different presentations of self. These presentations are constructed through moral positioning, in which the callers position themselves and their actions in relation to both real and imagined others. Thus, the callers also construct normative accounts of what is considered a “preferable” and “non-preferable” way to act at the scene of an accident. The third study takes its point of departure from theories and previous research on emergence because they have been used by disaster sociologists to explain how citizens are the real first responders to crises and disasters. Through the concepts of emergent behavior and emergent norms, papers in this research field have argued that people in these situations act according to “new and not-yet-institutionalized behavior guidelines”. In this study, I argue that emergence, in other words, citizens as the real first responders, is also present in everyday emergencies. Through the narratives of citizen first responders, I explore how they frame their actions through different normative narratives. These normative narratives are not necessarily emergent, however. Rather, the interviewees use past experience and presentations of self to justify their actions at the scene of an accident. The fourth study is an ethnographic reflection of the researcher’s place-bounded identity in a field study that revolves around several different places. Rather than focusing on a story of first responders, this study focuses on the researcher’s, i.e., my own, story from the scene of an accident, the fire truck and the fire station. What I have been able to study through these different studies are stories of actions rather than “actual” actions or behaviors. In these stories, it becomes clear that first responders relate to both a social and spatial context as they provide accounts of their actions at the scene of an accident. They relate to a social context because they frame their actions through their interactions with different actors and position themselves in relation to those actors—and in relation to a spatial context. That is, they perform their actions in a place that is someone else’s place of work, with jurisdictional claims of both legitimacy and control. In summary, this thesis contributes a deeper knowledge of how citizen first responders interpret, understand and tell the story of their actions at the scene of an accident. The contribution considers the fact that citizen first responders are something of a “blind spot”, not only in the field of emergency research but also for emergency personnel who do not always acknowledge the experience of first responders at the scene of accidents

    Riskfyllt vatten : Hur individen skapar sig en förstÄelse av ovÀntad parasitförekomst i dricksvattnet

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    Risky water How the individual makes sense of unexpected parasites in the drinking water This quick response study was carried out with the aim to study how individuals made sense of the outbreak of the parasite Cryptosporidium in the drinking water in Ostersund. In total 24 interviews were made with people in Ostersund. The result shows that the interviewees related to social as well as spatial dimensions when they made sense of this risky situation, which can be understood in relation to the concept of sensemaking of risk. Six groups among the interviewees emerged in the analysis, illustrating how different aspects of the risk where focused in the process of sensemaking. Further, the study shows that the process of sensemaking was built upon direct as well as indirect social relations, where the interviewees made sense of the risk by relating to people who were close to them as well as to people to whom they had no personal relation. These indirect social relations were defined as: elderly, children and people in other countries, which also points at the fact that the interviewees made sense of the risk in a global context. Finally, the results suggest that social relations could be further explored in future studies in sensemaking of risk.Sociologisk Forsknings digitala arkiv</p


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    Följande artikel utgÄr frÄn intervjuer med frivilliga och evakuerade frÄn de skogsbrÀnder som drabbade GÀvleborgs och JÀmtlands lÀn under sommaren 2018. Artikelns syfte Àr att utforska om och hur mÀnniskor knyter sina upplevelser av en klimatrelaterad kris till den mer omfattande och stÀndigt pÄgÄende klimatkrisen. Genom artikeln utvecklas begreppet krisbiografi, teoretiskt och metodologiskt, för att belysa hur mÀnniskors erfarenheter av kriser kan förstÄs mot bakgrund av deras personliga biografier. Resultaten visar att klimatkrisen, och dess utstrÀckning i tid och rum, Àr av central betydelse för sÄvÀl mÀnniskors meningsskapande av skogsbrÀnderna som för deras personliga krisbiografier

    Coping with blackouts. A practice theory approach to household preparedness

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    This article focuses on how rural households cope with blackouts caused by winter storms. We approach the concept of household preparedness using a practice theory perspective, and argue that household preparedness is mundanely preformed as part of already existing everyday practices. Thus, this is a retrospective study of how household preparedness was performed in actual crises. The data material consists of at home interviews with 14 households and 26 interviewees from Norway and Sweden. The results demonstrate that households cope with blackouts by activating and mobilising competences, meanings and materials belonging to different practices, and that they do so in an interwoven ongoing process that ensures continuation of everyday life during disruption. The article concludes by arguing for the need to bring forward studies on informal preparedness activities, in a research field where household preparedness tends to be framed using a top-down and formalized perspective on crisis preparedness and management

    Boundary practices at incident sites: Making distinctions between emergency personnel and the public

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    Purpose – Incident sites can be described as the joint work site of the emergency services, where one of their challenges is to interact with the public. The purpose of this paper is to study how this interaction is structured by the emergency personnel's jurisdictional claims. Design/methodology/approach – This paper rests upon qualitative method and in-depth interviews. In total, 28 people have been interviewed, out of which 13 are emergency personnel and 15 are unaffiliated volunteers. The interview material has been analysed qualitatively and thematically by the authors. Findings – The findings show that the interaction between emergency personnel and unaffiliated volunteers can be described in terms of three different boundary practices: cordoning off, division of labour and conversation, varying in degrees of inclusion and exclusion. The result shows that the emergency personnel's relationship to volunteers is ambivalent, as they are both seen as an uncertain element at the incident site in need of control and as a valuable source of information. Originality/value – While most other studies have been focusing on the interaction between emergency organizations, the authors have investigated the interaction between emergency organizations and a group previously unstudied: unaffiliated volunteers. While sociologists in the field of boundary work normally describe boundary practices in terms of negotiation, sympathizing with the concept of negotiated order, the results point to the fact that boundaries are not necessarily a subject for negotiation.Samverkan under rĂ€ddningsinsatser: ett komplext möte mellan olika aktöre