32 research outputs found

    ‘Beyond my Control’: Dealing with the Existential Uncertainty of Cancer in Online Texts

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    In this paper, we explore how existential aspects of being diagnosed and living with cancer are shared in stories that are publicly communicated online. Through a narrative analysis of online texts and blogs, we explore how people deal with their cancer experiences, how cultural norms about illness are expressed in their stories and why they write and publish their stories online. We found that the writers described cancer diagnosis as a defining moment in their lives. They portrayed it as a crisis that was followed by unpredictability, doubt, grief and loss, fitting with the term ‘existential uncertainty’. Writing and sharing their stories online, connecting with others and staying positive were ways of dealing with this uncertainty. These naturally occurring data offer insights into phenomena that are not easily accessed in a clinical setting; moreover, they provide unique insights into the cultural norms in which online illness narratives are embedded

    Untold stories of living with a bariatric body: Long-term experiences of weight-loss surgery

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    This article explores patients' long‐term experiences after undergoing bariatric surgery (BS) by individual interviews and the interplay between biographical disruption and biographical flow when the body's normal physiology and anatomy are intentionally altered. Based on interpretative phenomenological analysis the findings show that the bariatric body is still prominent in daily life, positively by displacing the overweight body and negatively due to the development of unexpected health problems after surgery. Due to individual informed consent to the treatment, the negative consequences are perceived as self‐inflicted. The feelings of responsibility and shame make it difficult to seek help and to be open about undesirable long‐term effects and other health problems after surgery. The study argues that undergoing BS is a disruptive event with uncertain long‐term outcomes and living with a bariatric body as a vulnerable life continuously at the intersection of biographical disruption, flow and reinforcement. This study reinforces the importance of doing critical sociological studies of standardised medical interventions which aim to improve patients health problems. Included in these types of studies should be the patients' long‐term experiences and the awareness not to uncritically present their experiences as universal and the treatment result solely as the patients' own responsibility