13 research outputs found

    Czech Adaptation Of The Brunel Mood States For Adolescent Athletes

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    The Brunel Mood States is a 24-item long questionnaire (formerly referred to as the Profile of Mood States for Adolescents POMS-A) used to capture the emotional profile of an individual. It has been used in various settings including sport psychology, where it is considered a valid indicator for overtraining syndrome. The aim of this study was to develop the Czech adaptation of BRUMS and verify its psychometric properties in adolescent athletes. The data was collected from a sample of 246 participant (50.8% females; age range 14-19 years). Confirmatory factor analysis was used to evaluate original six-dimensional structure (with factors of Depression, Tension, Confusion, Anger, Fatigue, and Vigor). Even though this model shows an acceptable fit to the data, Depression and Tension factors were empirically indistinguishable. Therefore, we proposed and verified alternative five-factor model with these two factors collapsed. Measurement invariance across gender was assessed using the Multiple Indicators Multiple Causes (MIMIC) model. Although three items showed signs of differential item functioning, the Czech adaptation of the instrument can in general be considered a measurement invariant

    Questionnaire adaptation

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    There are three options when using a questionnaire in a research study: a) to adopt it, i.e. use a questionnaire with good psychometrical qualities developed by other experts, b) to adapt a questionnaire to a new target population and conditions, e.g. a questionnaire from abroad, c) or to develop a new questionnaire. The first option is preferably recommended as the psychometrical properties of the instrument are known, which saves time and work, and most importantly it enables the comparison of one´s results with other studies. The adaptation of a questionnaire requires (back) translation, items adaptation, experts’ evaluation of items fitting to theory, conditions, and population; cognitive interviews, piloting, confirmatory and exploratory factor analysis, item analysis, internal consistency analysis, and other procedures. A brief step-by-step guide to help with necessary decisions during the process of adapting a questionnaire will be demonstrated.Přednáška se zabývala adaptací dotazníků, včetně statistické analýzy dat (CFA, EFA)

    Adaptace škály managementu chování a výuky na české podmínky

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    Management třídy lze nahlížet jako systém strategií, které používá učitel s cílem ovlivnit sociální prostředí třídy tak, aby byly posíleny učební podmínky. Efektivní management třídy vede k lepším vzdělávacím výsledkům žáků a přispívá u učitelů k setrvání v profesi. Rozlišovány bývají dvě oblasti managementu třídy: (a) management chování, který se týká jak prevence nevhodného chování stanovením pravidel apod., tak reakcí na nevhodné chování; (b) management výuky, který je zaměřen na plánování hodin, stanovování výukových cílů, používání výukových metod či podporu samostatné práce žáků. Tyto dvě oblasti managementu třídy lze měřit dvanáctipoložkovou Škálou managementu chování a výuky (Behavior and Instructional Management Scale – BIMS) (Martin & Sass, 2010), jejíž adaptaci do českého prostředí popisuje prezentovaná studie. Rozšířená sada 24 položek BIMS (publikovaná autory BIMS jako základ pro tvorbu dotazníku) byla administrována 123 učitelům z druhého stupně základního vzdělávání v Brně a okolí. Na dvanácti položkách vybraných pro finální verzi původní anglické verze BIMS byla provedena konfirmační faktorová analýza, přičemž dvoufaktorový model managementu chování a výuky odpovídal datům přibližně stejně jako u autorů originální metody. Na rozšířené sadě položek byla provedena explorační faktorová analýza a navržena modifikovaná sada dvanácti položek vhodnějších pro české prostředí. Pro obě verze byla z jištěna vnitřní konzistence na přijatelné úrovni. Originální verzi BIMS lze doporučit pro výzkumné použití v případech, kdy je cílem mezinárodní srovnávání. Námi navržená modifikovaná verze vyžaduje následné potvrzení v navazujících studiích, což je v příspěvku dále diskutováno, včetně možných aplikací pro výzkum.Classroom management can be viewed as a system of strategies employed by a teacher to influence the social space of the classroom to foster an environment where learning can occur. Teachers' effective classroom management leads to high student achievement and contributes to teachers remaining in the profession. Two basic dimensions of classroom management can be distinguished: (a) behaviour management, which is directed at both preventing misbehaviour by setting rules and so on and reacting to misbehaviour; and (b) instructional management, which is aimed at well-planned lessons and includes aspects of classroom life such as establishing teaching goals, using instructional methods, and monitoring independent student work. These two dimensions of classroom management can be measured by 12 items on the Behavior and Instructional Management Scale (BIMS; Martin & Sass, 2010), the adaptation to Czech conditions of which we describe in this study. The longer 24-item Czech version of the BIMS (published by the BIMS authors as the basis for questionnaire development) was administered to 123 teachers in lower secondary schools in the city of Brno and its surroundings. Confirmatory factor analysis was conducted for the 12-item scale selected from the final version of the original English BIMS version. The two-factor model of behaviour and instructional management fitted to the data in approximately a similar degree as was the case for the authors of the original method. Exploratory factor analysis was conducted for the longer item set. The modified set of 12 items was suggested as a more suitable version for Czech conditions. For both instrument versions, the internal consistency was found to be of an acceptable level. The original version of the BIMS can be recommended for research purposes if the aim is an international comparison. The modified version suggested by us requires further validation in follow-up studies, as we discuss in this study along with further possible research applications

    Řízení třídy: studenti učitelství a jejich provázející učitelé

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    Title in English: Classroom Management: Student Teachers and Mentor Teachers. Classroom management is one of the decisive factors in the case of beginning teachers regarding whether they remain in the profession and in the case of experienced teachers regarding their satisfaction in the profession. For beginning teachers, it is an area that they seldom learnt at their faculties and that they learn first in their teaching practice. Yet when teachers are not able to manage their class, they are not able to teach their pupils something either. The monograph presents findings about student teachers in their teaching practice and their mentor teachers at lower secondary schools. Our research is based on classroom observation, interviews, and questionnaires. We study behavioural and instructional management and describe their relation to need for closure

    Řízení třídy: studenti učitelství a jejich provázející učitelé

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    Úspěšnost v řízení třídy je jedním z faktorů, které u začínajících učitelů rozhodují o tom, zda setrvají v profesi, a u zkušenějších učitelů o jejich spokojenosti s profesí. Začínající učitelé se často cítí na řízení třídy studiem nepřipraveni, a to i přes to, že absolvují praxe na školách. Není-li však učitel s to řídit úspěšně třídu, nevytváří podmínky pro efektivní učení žáků. Cílem monografie je přispět k poznání řízení třídy u studentů učitelství a u jejich provázejících učitelů při výuce na druhém stupni základní školy. Řízení třídy jsme zkoumali pomocí pozorování, rozhovorů a dotazníků a sledovali jej z hlediska chování žáků, vedení výuky, reaktivních i proaktivních strategií. Výsledky ukazují také vztah mezi osobnostní charakteristikou potřeby kognitivního uzavření a řízením třídy.Classroom management is one of the decisive factors in the case of beginning teachers regarding whether they remain in the profession and in the case of experienced teachers regarding their satisfaction in the profession. For beginning teachers, it is an area that they seldom learnt at their faculties and that they learn first in their teaching practice. Yet when teachers are not able to manage their class, they are not able to teach their pupils something either. The monograph presents findings about student teachers in their teaching practice and their mentor teachers at lower secondary schools. Our research is based on classroom observation, interviews, and questionnaires. We study behavioural and instructional management and describe their relation to need for closure

    Psychometric Equivalency of the Computer and Paper-and-pencil Versions of the Bourdon Cancellation Test

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    In our paper we present our findings from the empirical study of psychometric equivalence of paper-and-pencil and computer version of Bourdon´s Cancellation Test. Further we tried to investigate to what extend and how is the performance influenced by differently arranged visual scheme of the test on computer

    The impact of shared video game experience on the quality of transgenerational relationships

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    Objectives. Playing video games is a significant phenomenon in the lives of today's children and adolescents. The quality of intergenerational relationships is influenced by the sharing of specific experience. This study focuses on the impact of shared experiences with video game playing on the quality of relationships between grandparents and their grandchildren. Subjects and setting. The research sample consisted of 113 students of the University of the Third Age of Masaryk University (101 women) aged 59 to 80 (M = 66.3, SD = 4.1). Using the electronically distributed questionnaire, the level of video game experience, the sharing of video games with grandchildren, and the quality of transgenerational relationships were assessed. Results. Using the mediation model, it has been found that video game experience indirectly affects the quality of intergenerational relationships through mutual sharing of this experience. Limitations. The limiting factor for the generalizability of results is the involvement of a specific group of seniors (U3A participants), which is different from the general population of seniors

    Smoking of cigarettes in adolescence and its relations

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    In the presented study, 3 types of respondents were identified according to the frequency of smoking cigarettes: smokers, non smokers, and occasional smokers. It was found that they differ in the type of attended school and also in school motivation, but not in proportion of males and females. When considering parental styles, smokers were characterized by low consistency, warmness, and involvement. Parental control was not found to be important. Smoking of cigarettes is related to alcohol, marijuana, and other substances use. Interestingly enough, most of the cigarettes smokers (81%) were found to be also repetitive users of marijuan

    Psychological Context of Overtraining Syndrome in Elite Athletes in Adolescence: Literature Review

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    The article presents an overview of important findings concerning the overtraining syndrome (OTS) in elite athletes. Although the scientific community agrees that OTS is a multifactorially determined and individually variable phenomenon, which can have a serious impact on the individual, there are still some inconsistencies. Therefore, in our study we focused on the terminology of the phenomenon, its prevalence, etiology and symptomatology. We paid specific attention to psychological instruments of detecting OTS indicators. Given that in the period of adolescence the training process in the majority of sport disciplines intensifies significantly, the context of developmental changes during this period in relation to OTS is discussed. The final part of the study summarizes the basic principles of prevention of this pathological phenomenon