60 research outputs found

    Latent Microsporidial Infection in Immunocompetent Individuals – A Longitudinal Study

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    Microsporidia are a group of obligate intracellular parasitic fungi that have risen over the past two decades from obscure organisms to well recognized human pathogens. Out of 14 species reported to infect humans and causing more severe symptoms in immunocompromised individuals, microsporidia of the species Encephalitozoon and Enterocytozoon bieneusi are the most frequent causes of life-threatening chronic diarrhea and systemic disease in HIV patients and acute, self-limited diarrhea in immunocompetent persons. Although the diagnosis and clinical management of microsporidiosis cases have improved significantly recently, the epidemiology of human microsporidiosis is still unclear. To identify the occurrence of latent microsporidia infections in apparently healthy people, the authors tested sera, urine and stool originating from fifteen persons within a three month period. They found specific antibodies against microsporidia in sera originating from fourteen individuals, and using molecular tools, they detected microsporidial infection intermittently in all tested people. The presence of detectable amounts of microsporidial spores demonstrated that exposure to microsporidia is more common than previously believed and microsporidiosis is not linked to any clinical manifestations in healthy people. This finding should make the clinician more aware of the risk of this unapparent infection, its potential reactivation after immunosupression and consequences leading to life-threatening disease

    The First Evidence of Cryptosporidium meleagridis Infection in a Colon Adenocarcinoma From an Immunocompetent Patient

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    Objectives: The potential linkage between Cryptosporidium spp. infection and colorectal human cancer was suggested by limited reports showing higher prevalence of C. parvum and C. hominis in patients with colon cancer. Here we conducted research concerning presence of Cryptosporidium spp. in malignant tissue collected from patients with colorectal cancer.Methods: Cancerous colon tissue samples collected from 145 non-HIV infected patients with colorectal cancer were screened for Cryptosporidium spp. by immunofluorescence antibody test and genus-specific nested polymerase chain reaction followed by sequencing.Results: Screened pathogen was found in cancerous tissue originating from immunocompetent man with colon adenocarcinoma. Genotyping revealed presence of Cryptosporidium meleagridis. The presence of Cryptosporidium life cycle stages (oocysts and endogenous stages) in colon carcinoma tissue was confirmed by genus-specific FITC-labeling.Conclusions: Herein, we report on a C. meleagridis infection of a colon adenocarcinoma in an immunocompetent patient. This is the first report of C. meleagridis infection in the human colon and first evidence of active development of this species in cancer tissue

    Zajednički utjecaj pasmine, rednog broja i mjeseca laktacije te utjecaja jedinke na sastav masnih kiselina mliječne masti

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    The aim of the study was to explain the effects of four animal factors - breed, parity, cow individuality (within breed phenotypic variation) and month of lactation on the composition of bovine milk fatty acids (FA) in a local dual-purpose Czech Fleckvieh breed as compared to the worldwide dairy Holstein breed. In total, 357 milk samples were analysed from 25 dairy cows of each breed during year-round testing. The variation in the individual FA was affected mainly by cows´ individuality (16-48) and month of lactation (3-18 %). The effects of breed and parity were limited (each about 2%). The animal related factors appeared significant also for FA groups. Greater differences in the explained variation of all factors were observed in the groups classified by the number of FA carbons (35.8, 54.4 and 44.8 % for C4 to C14, C16 and C18 to C24, respectively) and by the number of double bounds (45.4 % and 39.2 % for monounsaturated and polyunsaturated FA, respectively) as well. No differences in the explained variation were observed between the groups of saturated and unsaturated FA (46.8% and 45.9 %, respectively). In conclusion, from the viewpoint of nutrition it would be more convenient to classify FA by the number of carbons than by the usual grouping to saturated/unsaturated FA.Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je objasniti utjecaj četiri čimbenika - pasmine, broja laktacije, utjecaja jedinke (fenotipska varijacija unutar pasmine) i mjeseca laktacije na sastav masnih kiselina (MK) u mliječnoj masti kravljeg mlijeka. Lokalna češka pasmina Fleckvieh uspoređivana je sa svjetski poznatom pasminom holstein. Ukupno je analizirano 357 uzoraka mlijeka prikupljenih tijekom jedne godine od 25 mliječnih krava svake pasmine. Varijacije sastava masnih kiselina uglavnom su bile pod utjecajem jedinke (16-48 %) i mjeseca laktacije (3-18 %), dok je utjecaj pasmine bio ograničen (oko 2 %). Faktori vezani za životinje također su se pokazali statistički značajnim za sastav MK. Značajnije razlike u varijaciji svih čimbenika utvrđene su u odnosu na broj ugljikovih atoma u MK (35,8, 54,4 i 44,8 % za C4 do C14, C16, C18 i C24) te u odnosu na broj dvostrukih veza (45,4 % jednostruko nezasićene i 39,2 % višestruko nezasićene MK). Pri tom nisu utvrđene značajnije razlike u sastavu zasićenih i nezasićenih MK (46,8 %, odnosno 45,9 %) između ispitivanih pasmina krava. Zaključno, s nutritivne točke gledišta bilo bi prikladnije MK klasificirati prema broju ugljikovih atoma, a ne prema dosad uvriježenoj podjeli prema zasićenosti/nezasićenosti

    Efekt Bisfenolu S a Bisfenolu A na morfometrické parametry štítné žlázy, změny hormonů a koncentrace jodu v moči potkanů Wistar

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    Bisphenol S (BPS) is the major substitute of the endocrine disruptor bisphenol A (BPA). Due to the presence of strong double bonds, BPS is more resistant to biodegradation and therefore more BPS remains in the environment. Numerous studies show that BPS disrupts the reproductive, nervous, and cardiovascular systems and could have an impact on thyroid hormones. The study aimed to analyze the effects of a 10-week exposition of BPS and BPA on lipid markers, morphometric parameters of the rat thyroid gland, the thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) levels and the influence of BPS on urine iodine concentration. Male Wistar rats received BPS in sunflower oil daily by gavage. The control group (GI) received only the vehicle. The BPS experimental group two (GII) received 4 ug/kg/day, group three (GIII) received 50 ug/kg/day, and group four (GIV) received 100 mg BPS/kg/day. Group five (GV) received 100 mg BPA/kg/day. Groups four and five were made to compare the influence of high concentration between BPS and BPA. Results show the influence of BPS and BPA on body weight, triacylglycerols, cholesterol and total protein concentration. Morphometric changes in the size of thyroid gland follicles show a bigger influence of BPS than BPA. Results show also increasing in TSH concentrations in all groups with bisphenols up to physiology standards of Wistar rats (GI 3.14 ± 1.28 ng/ml, GII 5.12 ± 1.16 ng/ml, GIII 5.55 ± 2.39 ng/ml, GIV 5.56 ± 1.98 ng/ml, GV 4.47 ± 1.09 ng/ml) and influence of BPA and BPS on higher iodine concentrations in urine.Bisfenol S (BPS) je hlavní náhradou endokrinního disruptoru bisfenolu A (BPA). Díky přítomnosti silných dvojných vazeb je BPS odolnější vůči biologickému rozkladu, a proto zůstává více v prostředí. Četné studie ukazují, že BPS narušuje reprodukční, nervový a kardiovaskulární systém a může mít vliv na hormony štítné žlázy. Cílem studie bylo analyzovat účinky 10 týdenní expozice BPS a BPA na lipidové markery, morfometrické parametry štítné žlázy potkana, hladiny tyreoidálního stimulačního hormonu (TSH) a vliv BPS na koncentraci jódu v moči. Samci potkanů Wistar dostávali BPS ve slunečnicovém oleji denně jícnovou sondou. Kontrolní skupina (GI) obdržela pouze nosič. Experimentální skupina dvě (GII) dostávala 4 ug BPS/kg/den, skupina tři (GIII) dostávala 50 ug BPS/kg/den, skupina čtyři (GIV) dostávala 100 mg BPS/kg/den. Skupina pět (GV) dostávala 100 mg BPA/kg/den. Čtvrtá a pátá skupina byly vytvořeny pro porovnání vlivu vysoké koncentrace BPS a BPA. Výsledky ukazují vliv BPS a BPA na tělesnou hmotnost, triacylglyceroly, cholesterol a celkovou koncentraci bílkoviny. Morfometrické změny velikosti folikulů štítné žlázy vykazují větší vliv BPS než BPA. Výsledky také ukazují zvýšení koncentrací TSH ve všech skupinách s bisfenoly nad fyziologické standardy potkanů Wistar (GI 3,14 ± 1,28 ng/ml, GII 5,12 ± 1,16 ng/ml, GIII 5,55 ± 2 ,39 ng/ml, GIV 5,56 ± 1,98 ng/ml, GV 4,47 ± 1,09 ng/ml) a vliv BPA a BPS na zvýšené koncentrace jódu v moči

    Update on Cryptosporidium spp.: highlights from the Seventh International Giardia and Cryptosporidium Conference

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    While cryptosporidiosis is recognized as being among the most common causes of human parasitic diarrhea in the world, there is currently limited knowledge on Cryptosporidium infection mechanisms, incomplete codification of diagnostic methods, and a need for additional therapeutic options. In response, the Seventh International Giardia and Cryptosporidium Conference (IGCC 2019) was hosted from 23 to 26 June 2019, at the Rouen Normandy University, France. This trusted event brought together an international delegation of researchers to synthesize recent advances and identify key research questions and knowledge gaps. The program of the interdisciplinary conference included all aspects of host-parasite relationships from basic research to applications to human and veterinary medicine, and environmental issues associated with waterborne parasites and their epidemiological consequences. In relation to Cryptosporidium and cryptosporidiosis, the primary research areas for which novel findings and the most impressive communications were presented and discussed included: Cryptosporidium in environmental waters, seafood, and fresh produce; Animal epidemiology; Human cryptosporidiosis and epidemiology; Genomes and genomic evolution encompassing: Comparative genomics of Cryptosporidium spp., Genomic insights into biology, Acquiring and utilizing genome sequences, Genetic manipulation; Host-parasite interaction (immunology, microbiome); and Diagnosis and treatment. High quality presentations discussed at the conference reflected decisive progress and identified new opportunities that will engage investigators and funding agencies to spur future research in a “one health” approach to improve basic knowledge and the clinical and public health management of zoonotic cryptosporidiosis

    High Occurrence of Zoonotic Subtypes of Cryptosporidiumparvum in Cypriot Dairy Farms

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    Cryptosporidium parvum is one of the major causes of neonatal calf diarrhoea resulting in reduced farm productivity and compromised animal welfare worldwide. Livestock act as a major reservoir of this parasite, which can be transmitted to humans directly and/or indirectly, posing a public health risk. Research reports on the prevalence of Cryptosporidium in ruminants from east Mediterranean countries, including Cyprus, are limited. This study is the first to explore the occurrence of Cryptosporidium spp. in cattle up to 24 months old on the island of Cyprus. A total of 242 faecal samples were collected from 10 dairy cattle farms in Cyprus, all of which were screened for Cryptosporidium spp. using nested-PCR amplification targeting the small subunit of the ribosomal RNA (18S rRNA) gene. The 60 kDa glycoprotein (gp60) gene was also sequenced for the samples identified as Cryptosporidium parvum-positive to determine the subtypes present. The occurrence of Cryptosporidium was 43.8% (106/242) with at least one positive isolate in each farm sampled. Cryptosporidium bovis, Cryptosporidium ryanae and C. parvum were the only species identified, while the prevalence per farm ranged from 20–64%. Amongst these, the latter was the predominant species, representing 51.8% of all positive samples, followed by C. bovis (21.7%) and C. ryanae (31.1%). Five C. parvum subtypes were identified, four of which are zoonotic—IIaA14G1R1, IIaA15G1R1, IIaA15G2R1 and IIaA18G2R1. IIaA14G1R1 was the most abundant, representing 48.2% of all C. parvum positive samples, and was also the most widespread. This is the first report of zoonotic subtypes of C. parvum circulating in Cyprus. These results highlight the need for further research into the parasite focusing on its diversity, prevalence, host range and transmission dynamics on the islan

    More than a rabbit's tale – Encephalitozoon spp. in wild mammals and birds

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    Within the microsporidian genus Encephalitozoon, three species, Encephalitozoon cuniculi, Encephalitozoon hellem and Encephalitozoon intestinalis have been described. Several orders of the Class Aves (Passeriformes, Psittaciformes, Apodiformes, Ciconiiformis, Gruiformes, Columbiformes, Suliformes, Podicipediformes, Anseriformes, Struthioniformes, Falconiformes) and of the Class Mammalia (Rodentia, Lagomorpha, Primates, Artyodactyla, Soricomorpha, Chiroptera, Carnivora) can become infected. Especially E. cuniculi has a very broad host range while E. hellem is mainly distributed amongst birds. E. intestinalis has so far been detected only sporadically in wild animals. Although genotyping allows the identification of strains with a certain host preference, recent studies have demonstrated that they have no strict host specificity. Accordingly, humans can become infected with any of the four strains of E. cuniculi as well as with E. hellem or E. intestinalis, the latter being the most common. Especially, but not exclusively, immunocompromised people are at risk. Environmental contamination with as well as direct transmission of Encephalitozoon is therefore highly relevant for public health. Moreover, endangered species might be threatened by the spread of pathogens into their habitats. In captivity, clinically overt and often fatal disease seems to occur frequently. In conclusion, Encephalitozoon appears to be common in wild warm-blooded animals and these hosts may present important reservoirs for environmental contamination and maintenance of the pathogens. Similar to domestic animals, asymptomatic infections seem to occur frequently but in captive wild animals severe disease has also been reported. Detailed investigations into the epidemiology and clinical relevance of these microsporidia will permit a full appraisal of their role as pathogens