11 research outputs found

    Geospatial Study of Human Development Index of Ukraine in the Light of Regional Indicators

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    The article reveals the peculiarities in the formation of comfortable life features in the regions of Ukraine based on the analysis of the components and the human development index. In particular, it reveals the essence of the human development concept as one that enables people to develop their potential, to live productively and creatively in tune with their needs and interests. Its goal is to empower each individual in the chosen environment – country, region or specific locality. Human development involves balancing the formation of human abilities to improve their conditions of life. However, the level of regional human development will depend on the potential of the designated area. Since 2012, Ukraine has updated the method of estimating regional Human Development Index by which we can calculate the regional human development index. It includes 33 indicators grouped into six blocks in accordance with the basic aspects of human development. These are reproduction, social position, comfortable life, well-being, worthy work, and education. These indicators were selected on the basis of suitability for the annual calculation of provision available to the State Statistics Service of Ukraine, reliability estimates at the regional level under the specific issues of human development in Ukraine, unambiguous interpretation of the impact on human development, lack of high correlation between individual performance and adequacy of static and dynamic variation. According to the ratings of Human Development Index in 2012, conducted by the State Statistics Service of Ukraine and the Institute of Demography and Social Studies of M.V. Puhta, regions that constantly show high indicators of human development index are Crimea, Kharkiv, Lviv, Transcarpathian and Poltava regions. The largest group consists of regions with the average index indicator of the human development (most regions of Ukraine). Finally, the third group consists of regions with the lowest human development index (Kirovograd, Donetsk, Sumy regions). The results of calculations of regional Human Development Index can serve as a basis for identifying key issues and priorities of each region

    The Analysis of the Regional Dimension of Human Development in Ukraine

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    The article is devoted to important issue of modern regional analysis of Ukraine, i.e. peculiarities of regional development formation. All provincial regions of Ukraine were chosen for this analysis. The aim of the study was to determine trends of regional indicators during the period 2012–2015. The social component of sustainability reflects the quality of life and it is focused on preserving the stability of the social and cultural systems, in particular on reducing the number of destructive conflicts between people. The basis of our study was the method of the Human Development Index rating in 2015, conducted by the State Statistics Service of Ukraine and the Institute of Demography and Social Studies named after M.V. Pukhta, but with a reduction of performance indicators to four groups (comfortable life, prosperity, decent work, education). The results of our grouping allow for developing a number of measures to respond to current trends and adjust them depending on the situation. Areas with consistently high rates of human development dimension should extend its positive experience to other regional areas of Ukraine. A significant list of areas with average dimension of human development confirms the generally known trend that these areas do not conduct systematic improvement policy and optimal use of all components that can affect the standard of living. The list of regions, which are lagging behind includes regions that theoretically exhibit a powerful economic development which is however not reflected on the general welfare of the people in these regions

    Удосконалення методики теоретичного визначення рамної та направляючої сили сучасного дизель-поїзда

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    The method for determining the directing force was improved, taking into consideration the effect of transverse creep forces and the angle of the directing force inclination to the vertical axis.It was established that when determining the directing force, it is necessary to check the gap between the wheel flange and the rail head which is difficult to realize without computer simulation.When determining the frame force on the axle of the wheel set, a comprehensive approach was adopted taking into account geometric irregularities of the track path, both in vertical and horizontal planes; longitudinal and transverse creep forces at the point of the wheel-rail contact and influence of adjacent wheel sets of the diesel train car.Dependences of the frame and directing forces on speed of the carriage movement and the value of amplitude of the horizontal irregularity of the rail track were obtained. It was established that when moving in the straight section of the track, an increase in speed from 0 m/s to 50 m/s results in a rise in the value of the frame force: up to 8.3 kN for the first wheel set and 19.37 kN for the second wheel set and the directing force up to 31.38 kN for the first wheel set and up to 46.83 kN for the second wheel set. The increase in amplitude of the horizontal irregularity of the track, which is one of the primary causes of occurrence of forced oscillations of the carriage section above the springs also leads to an increase in numerical values of the forces of interaction of the rolling stock with the rail track. All this can bring about an increased power influence of the wheel set on the track and a negative impact on the basic criteria of traffic safety.Influence of the carriage movement speed on the value of transverse creep forces was studied. It has been established that with an increase in the carriage speed from 0 m/s to 50 m/s, these forces grow from 0 to 15.75 kN for the 1st wheel set and from 0 to 29.22 kN for the 2nd wheel set. This indicates impermissibility of neglecting the transverse creep forces when determining the directing force.Comparison of numerical values of the directing force determined by different methodologies was performed. It has been established that the methodology used in conducting forensic examination of railroad accidents may result in underestimation of fulfillment of the derailing condition. At the same time, calculations according to the formula improved in this study give an opportunity to obtain the results most approximate to the real operation conditions.Comparison of the experimental and theoretical calculated values of the frame force acting on the first wheel set of the diesel train car was made and their practical coincidence was shown. Discrepancy of the compared values of the frame force was within 7.2 %Усовершенствован метод определения направляющей силы с учетом действия поперечных сил крипа и угла наклона направляющей силы к вертикальной оси.Установлено, что при определении направляющей силы нужно проверять зазор между гребнем колеса и головкой рельса, что трудно осуществить без компьютерного моделирования.При определении рамной силы на оси колесной пары применен комплексный подход, учитывающий геометрические неровности рельсового пути, как в вертикальной, так и в горизонтальной плоскости; продольные и поперечные силы крипа в точке контакта «колесо-рельс»; влияние смежных колесных пар вагона дизель-поезда.Получены зависимости рамной и направляющей силы от скорости движения экипажа и величины амплитуды горизонтальной неровности рельсового пути. Установлено, что при движении в прямом участке пути увеличение скорости движения от 0 м/с до 50 м/с приводит к росту значения рамной и направляющей силы соответственно: первая колесная пара – до 8,3 кН, вторая колесная пара – 19,37 кН; первая колесная пара – до 31,38 кН, вторая колесная пара – до 46,83 кН. Увеличение амплитуды горизонтальной неровности рельсового пути, которое является одной из первопричин появления вынужденных колебаний надрессорного строения транспортного экипажа, также приводит к росту числовых значений сил взаимодействия подвижного состава с рельсовым путем. Все это может привести к повышенному силовому воздействию колесной пары на рельсовый путь и негативному влиянию на основные критерии безопасности движения.Исследовано влияние скорости движения экипажа на величину поперечных сил крипа. Установлено, что при увеличении скорости движения экипажа от 0 м/с до 50 м/с эти силы растут в диапазоне: І колесная пара – от 0 до 15,75 кН; ІІ колесная пара – от 0 до 29,22 кН. Это говорит о невозможности пренебрежения поперечными силами крипа при определении направляющей силы.Выполнено сравнение числовых значений направляющей силы, определенных по разным методикам. Установлено, что методика, используемая при проведении судебных железнодорожно-транспортных экспертиз, позволяет проводить нижнюю оценку выполнения условия схода колеса с рельса. При этом расчеты по формуле, которая была усовершенствована в данной работе, дают возможность получать результаты, наиболее приближенные к реальным условиям эксплуатации.Проведено сравнение экспериментального и теоретического расчетного значения рамной силы на первой колесной паре вагона дизель-поезда, а также показано их практическое совпадение. Отклонение сравниваемых значений рамной силы находится в пределах 7,2 %Удосконалено метод теоретичного визначення направляючої сили з урахуванням дії поперечних сил крипа та кута нахилу направляючої сили до вертикальної осі.Встановлено, що при визначенні направляючої сили потрібно перевіряти зазор між гребенем колеса та головкою рейки, що важко здійснити без комп’ютерного моделювання.При визначенні рамної сили на осі колісної пари застосований комплексний підхід, який враховує геометричні нерівності рейкової колії як у вертикальній, так і в горизонтальній площині; поздовжні та поперечні сили крипа в точці контакту «колесо-рейка»; вплив суміжних колісних пар вагона дизель-поїзда.Отримано залежності рамної та направляючої сили від швидкості руху екіпажу та величини амплітуди горизонтальної нерівності рейкової колії. Встановлено, що під час руху в прямій ділянці колії збільшення швидкості руху від 0 м/с до 50 м/с призводить до зростання числового значення рамної та направляючої сили відповідно: 1-а колісна пара – до 8,3 кН, 2-га колісна пара – 19,37 кН; 1-а колісна пара – до 31,38 кН, 2-га колісна пара – до 46,83 кН. Збільшення амплітуди горизонтальної нерівності рейкової колії, яке є однією із першопричин появи вимушених коливань надресорної будови транспортного екіпажу, також призводить до зростання числових значень сил взаємодії рухомого складу з рейковою колією. Все це може призвести до підвищеного силового впливу колісної пари на рейкову колію та негативного впливу на основні критерії безпеки руху.Досліджено вплив швидкості руху екіпажу на величину поперечних сил крипа. Встановлено, що при збільшенні швидкості руху екіпажу від 0 м/с до 50 м/с ці сили зростають в діапазоні: І колісна пара – від 0 до 15,75 кН; ІІ колісна пара – від 0 до 29,22 кН. Це говорить про неможливість нехтуванням поперечними силами крипа при визначенні направляючої сили.Виконано порівняння числових значень направляючої сили, визначених за різними методиками. Встановлено, що методика, яка використовується при проведенні судових залізнично-транспортних експертиз, дозволяє проводити нижню оцінку виконання умови сходу колеса з рейки. При цьому розрахунки за формулою, яка була удосконалена у даній роботі, дають можливість отримувати результати, найбільш наближені до реальних умов експлуатації.Проведено порівняння експериментального та теоретичного розрахункового значення рамної сили на першій колісній парі вагона дизель-поїзда, а також показано їх практичне співпадіння. Відхилення порівнюваних значень рамної сили знаходиться у межах 7,2

    Development of an algorithm for investigation of technical state of wagons’ running gears during their derailment

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    A freight wagon is a collection of a large number of parts and assemblies that form a single structure. During wagon operation, there are gradual changes in the characteristics and parameters of its structural elements. That is, the parameters of its constituent elements change – their numerical values increase or decrease that result in a change of the unit’s technical state, and, in turn, affects the totality of its performance. Gradually accumulating, the changes in the parameters of the structural elements of a wagon reach such a level that radical, sometimes abrupt qualitative change occurs. A malfunction that has not been repaired timely may lead to a failure of a wagon structural element, which, in turn, may result in rolling stock derailment. It has been established that the loss of stability of freight wagons during their movement is most often due to their unsatisfactory dynamic properties, which can be explained by design features and technical state of running gears. In this regard, the authors of the article have developed an algorithm for investigation technical state of running gears of freight wagons and determined the effect of their parameters’ deviation on rolling stock operation with possible further derailment

    Determining the causes of rolling stock derailment from the track using modern research methods

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    The analysis of cases of rolling stock derailment from the track at PJSC «Ukrzaliznytsia» over the past 5 years has been carried out and their main types are given. It is noted that the rapid development and improvement of computer technology allows the use of computer and mathematical modelling in the study of cases of rolling stock derailment from the rail track, which makes it possible to take into account a combination of factors that have the main influence on the behavior of rolling stock when moving along the track. It has been established that the first step is the construction of a mathematical model of an object using a selected type of mathematical description: algebraic, differential, integral equations, discrete mathematics, set theory, and others. And the second step is the choice of a method for solving these models. The simulation methods are given, which, depending on the programming style, are divided into: procedural-oriented, object-oriented, logical-oriented, rule-oriented, and oriented to constraints. An object-oriented programming of a freight car has been developed, which will make it possible to evaluate its main dynamic indicators, in particular, indicators of stability from derailment. This in turn will facilitate the establishment of the main causes of rolling stock derailment from the rail track

    Research of safety indicators of diesel train movement with two-stage spring suspension

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    The problem of the interaction of rolling stock with the rail track has been analyzed in the present paper. It has been established that in the process of transport science development a number of methods for determining the causes of wheel pairs derailment are developed, which, in a varying degree, take into account the peculiarities of their interaction. The problem of choosing the most accurate method for estimating the causes of rolling stock derailment becomes more complicated because of the lack of sufficient experimental data that would allow us to verify the adequacy of the models. The indicators of stability of the wheel against derailment, which are used on the railways of Ukraine and Europe, have been examined. Their dependences on the speed of movement were derived. It has been established that the increase of the speed of motion leads to the increase of the interaction power of the rolling stock with the rail track, which may, under certain operational parameters, provoke its derailment. As a result of the calculations, it has been shown that the use of norms for car design and calculation used on Ukrainian railways can lead to an inadequate estimation of traffic safety parameters, since it does not take into account the unevenness of the railway track. It has been established that the requirements of BS EN 14363: 2005 European norms are stricter in comparison with the norms for calculation and evaluation of the bearing elements strength and dynamic qualities of motor-vehicle rolling stock used on Ukrainian railways. A comparison of the experimentally and theoretically calculated values of the stability margin coefficient against wheel derailment of the first wheel pair of the diesel train car was carried out

    Research of safety indicators of diesel train movement with two-stage spring suspension

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    The problem of the interaction of rolling stock with the rail track has been analyzed in the present paper. It has been established that in the process of transport science development a number of methods for determining the causes of wheel pairs derailment are developed, which, in a varying degree, take into account the peculiarities of their interaction. The problem of choosing the most accurate method for estimating the causes of rolling stock derailment becomes more complicated because of the lack of sufficient experimental data that would allow us to verify the adequacy of the models. The indicators of stability of the wheel against derailment, which are used on the railways of Ukraine and Europe, have been examined. Their dependences on the speed of movement were derived. It has been established that the increase of the speed of motion leads to the increase of the interaction power of the rolling stock with the rail track, which may, under certain operational parameters, provoke its derailment. As a result of the calculations, it has been shown that the use of norms for car design and calculation used on Ukrainian railways can lead to an inadequate estimation of traffic safety parameters, since it does not take into account the unevenness of the railway track. It has been established that the requirements of BS EN 14363: 2005 European norms are stricter in comparison with the norms for calculation and evaluation of the bearing elements strength and dynamic qualities of motor-vehicle rolling stock used on Ukrainian railways. A comparison of the experimentally and theoretically calculated values of the stability margin coefficient against wheel derailment of the first wheel pair of the diesel train car was carried out

    Improving a Methodology of Theoretical Determination of the Frame and Directing Forсes in Modern Diesel Trains

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    The method for determining the directing force was improved, taking into consideration the effect of transverse creep forces and the angle of the directing force inclination to the vertical axis.It was established that when determining the directing force, it is necessary to check the gap between the wheel flange and the rail head which is difficult to realize without computer simulation.When determining the frame force on the axle of the wheel set, a comprehensive approach was adopted taking into account geometric irregularities of the track path, both in vertical and horizontal planes; longitudinal and transverse creep forces at the point of the wheel-rail contact and influence of adjacent wheel sets of the diesel train car.Dependences of the frame and directing forces on speed of the carriage movement and the value of amplitude of the horizontal irregularity of the rail track were obtained. It was established that when moving in the straight section of the track, an increase in speed from 0 m/s to 50 m/s results in a rise in the value of the frame force: up to 8.3 kN for the first wheel set and 19.37 kN for the second wheel set and the directing force up to 31.38 kN for the first wheel set and up to 46.83 kN for the second wheel set. The increase in amplitude of the horizontal irregularity of the track, which is one of the primary causes of occurrence of forced oscillations of the carriage section above the springs also leads to an increase in numerical values of the forces of interaction of the rolling stock with the rail track. All this can bring about an increased power influence of the wheel set on the track and a negative impact on the basic criteria of traffic safety.Influence of the carriage movement speed on the value of transverse creep forces was studied. It has been established that with an increase in the carriage speed from 0 m/s to 50 m/s, these forces grow from 0 to 15.75 kN for the 1st wheel set and from 0 to 29.22 kN for the 2nd wheel set. This indicates impermissibility of neglecting the transverse creep forces when determining the directing force.Comparison of numerical values of the directing force determined by different methodologies was performed. It has been established that the methodology used in conducting forensic examination of railroad accidents may result in underestimation of fulfillment of the derailing condition. At the same time, calculations according to the formula improved in this study give an opportunity to obtain the results most approximate to the real operation conditions.Comparison of the experimental and theoretical calculated values of the frame force acting on the first wheel set of the diesel train car was made and their practical coincidence was shown. Discrepancy of the compared values of the frame force was within 7.2

    Stress-strain state analysis of the leading car body of DPKr-2 diesel train under action of design and operational loads

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    Purpose.Provision of strength and durability of the main structural element of DPKr-2 diesel train -the leading car body. Methodology. A spatial solid-state 3-D model of the body is built and durability calculations are carried out concerning action of loads stipulated by regulatory documents operating in Ukraine. In particular, the following main estimated modes are considered: mode 1 – a notional safety mode which takes into account the possibility of considerable longitudinal forces arising during shunting movements, transportation and accidental collision; mode 2 – an operational mode which takes into account forces acting on a train during acceleration to constructional speed, coasting or braking from this speed while passing a curve. Results. Based on the results of theoretical and experimental studies a conclusion has been made that the leading car body construction of DPKr-2 diesel train meets the requirements of regulatory documents regarding strength and durability. Practical relevance. A complex of calculation and experimental work concerning assessment of stress-strain state of the leading car body of DPKr-2 diesel train under action of design and operational loads allowed the creation of construction which meets not only operational requirements but also strength and durability ones

    Визначення впливу діаметру склопластикової труби на деформований стан транспортної споруди «насип-труба» залізничної колії

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    This paper has analyzed the use of fiberglass pipes in the body of the railroad embankment by a method of pushing them through the subgrade. A flat rod model has been improved for assessing the deformed state of the transport structure "embankment-fiberglass pipe" by a method of forces when replacing the cross-section of the pipe with a polygonal one. The analytical model accounts for the interaction between the pipe and soil of the railroad embankment. To this end, radial and tangential elastic ligaments are introduced into the estimation scheme, which make it possible to simulate elastic soil pressure, as well as friction forces that occur when the soil comes into contact with the pipe. The deformed state of the transport structure "embankment-fiberglass pipe" was calculated by the method of forces and by a finite-element method under the action of load from the railroad rolling stock, taking into consideration the different cross-sections of the pipe. It has been established that with an increase in the diameter of the fiberglass pipe, the value of deformations of the subgrade and fiberglass pipe increases. With a pipe diameter of 1.0 m, the deformation value in the vaulted pipe is 2.12 mm, and with a pipe diameter of 3.6 m – 4.16 mm. At the same time, the value of deformations of the subgrade under the sleeper is 5.2 mm and 6.0 mm, respectively. It was determined that the maximum deformations of the subgrade, which occur above the pipe, with a pipe diameter of 3.6 m, are 4.46 mm. At the same time, the maximum vertical deformations of a fiberglass pipe arise in the pipe vault and, with a pipe diameter of 3.6 m, are 4.16 mm. It has been established that the maximum horizontal deformations of the subgrade occur at points of horizontal diameter of the fiberglass pipe while the minimal horizontal deformations of the subgrade occur at points lying on the vertical diameter of the pipeПроведено аналіз застосування склопластикових труб у тілі насипу залізничної колії методом продавлювання земляного полотна. Удосконалено плоску стержневу модель для оцінки деформованого стану транспортної споруди «насип-склопластикова труба» методом сил при заміні поперечного перерізу труби полігональним. В аналітичній моделі враховано взаємодію труби з ґрунтом насипу залізничної колії. Для цього у розрахункову схему вводяться радіальні та тангенціальні пружні в’язі, які дозволяють моделювати пружний відпір ґрунту, а також сили тертя, які виникають при контакті ґрунту з трубою. Проведено розрахунок деформованого стану транспортної споруди «насип-склопластикова труба» методом сил та методом скінченних елементів при дії навантаження від залізничного рухомого складу із врахуванням різного поперечного перерізу труби. Встановлено, що із збільшенням діаметру склопластикової труби величина деформацій земляного полотна та склопластикової труби збільшується. При діаметрі труби 1,0 м величина деформації у склепінні труби становить 2,12 мм, а при діаметрі труби 3,6 м–4,16 мм. При цьому величина деформацій земляного полотна під шпалою становить 5,2 мм та 6,0 мм відповідно. Встановлено, що максимальні деформації земляного полотна, які виникають над трубою, при діаметрі труби 3,6 м становлять 4,46 мм. При цьому максимальні вертикальні деформації склопластикової труби виникають у склепінні труби і при діаметрі труби 3,6 м становлять 4,16 мм. Встановлено, що максимальні горизонтальні деформації земляного полотна виникають в точках горизонтального діаметру склопластикової  труби, а мінімальні горизонтальні деформації земляного полотна виникають в точках, що лежать на вертикальному діаметрі труб