19 research outputs found

    Regionale Afghanistan-Politik reloaded: Bestehende Kooperation zwischen Afghanistan und seinen nördlichen Nachbarn Tadschikistan, Turkmenistan und Usbekistan und ihre Zukunftspotentiale

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    Die neue amerikanische Afghanistan-Strategie sieht nicht nur eine Aufstockung des Truppenkontingents vor, sondern sie setzt auch - von Beobachtern wenig beachtet - auf einen regionalen Ansatz. Der vorliegende Beitrag untersucht, wie es um die regionalen Verbindungen zwischen Afghanistan und seinen zentralasiatischen Nachbarstaaten bestellt ist und wo Ansätze für notwendige Verbesserungen liegen - mit einem nur wenig optimistischen Ausblick

    Bertelsmann Transformation Index 2009: Political Management in International Comparison

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    Gradual processes of democratic and economic change are just as important as momentous events in the history of states and their citizens. Few events in international politics evoke as much euphoria and hopes for the future as the fall of an authoritarian regime or the sudden move to reform

    An Optimization Model for Technology Adoption of Marginalized Smallholders: Theoretical Support for Matching Technological and Institutional Innovations

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    Methodological Review and Revision of the Global Hunger Index

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    Institutional Environments for Enabling Agricultural Technology Innovations: The Role of Land Rights in Ethiopia, Ghana, India and Bangladesh

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    Between Hope and Hype: Traditional Knowledge(s) Held by Marginal Communities

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    Harvesting Solar Power in India

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    Social Safety Nets for Food and Nutritional Security in India

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    This paper brings together existing literature on the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNRGEA) and the Public Distribution System (PDS) in India, offering a narrative review of the evidence on impacts on food security, health and nutrition of beneficiaries. Both programs operate on a large scale and have the capacity to impact the factors leading to undernutrition. It is evident that despite the deficiencies in implementation, both the MGNREGA and the PDS are inclusive and reach the poor and the marginalized who are likely to also experience greater undernutrition and poor health. Data challenges have however prevented researchers from conducting studies that assess the ultimate impact of these two large-scale programs on health and nutrition. The evidence that exists suggests largely positive impacts indicating a clear potential to make these programs more nutrition sensitive not just by incorporating elements that would explicitly address nutritional concerns but also by directing specific attention to innovations that strengthen critical complementarities and synergies that exist between the two programs

    Food and Nutrition Security Indicators: A Review

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