369 research outputs found

    Phonon switching and combined Fano-Rice effect in optical spectra of bilayer graphene

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    Recent infrared measurements of phonon peaks in gated bilayer graphene reveal two striking signatures of electron-phonon interaction: an asymmetric Fano lineshape and a giant variation of the peak intensity as a function of the applied gate voltage. In this Letter we provide a unified theoretical framework which accounts for both these effects and unveils the occurrence of a switching mechanism between the symmetric (EgE_g) and anti-symmetric (EuE_u) phonon mode as dominant channel in the optical response. A complete phase diagram of the optical phonon response is also presented, as a function of both the charge density and the bandgap.Comment: final versio

    Mega-clusters as a tool of interregional cooperation in tourists field

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    In order to diversify the Russian economy, it is necessary to pay great attention to the emerging sectors of the economy; with a systemic approach they are able to reveal their accumulated potential. Authors consider one of such industries to be the sphere of tourism. Russia has its own unique natural-recreational and cultural-historical potential, which is not fully utilized, and it is confirmed with the relevant statistics. The authors propose to accelerate the development of tourism by raising the level of interregional cooperation from the position of using coexisting competition and competitive coexistence in tourist mega-clusters. Due to the lack of financial resources for separate regions for the tourism development, the implementation of this approach is effective, as it allows achieving savings of money due to economies of scale. The phenomena of coexisting competition and competitive coexistence in the tourism sphere presuppose the unification of the different regions authorities’ efforts for the joint implementation of projects. Regions joining forces on the basis of coexisting competition and competitive coexistence within the mega-clusters will allow each administrative-territorial unit to develop and improve its competitive advantage by asking a stimulus to the development of the other participants. This approach makes it possible to obtain other positive effects noted in the study. Thus, findings broaden the knowledge about the phenomena of coexisting competition and competitive coexistence in the regional economy, about mega-clusters as tools for interregional interactions in the tourism sphere

    Infrared phonon activity in pristine graphite

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    We study experimentally and theoretically the Fano-shaped phonon peak at 1590 cm1^{-1} (0.2 eV) in the in-plane optical conductivity of pristine graphite. We show that the anomalously large spectral weight and the Fano asymmetry of the peak can be qualitatively accounted for by a charged-phonon theory. A crucial role in this context is played by the particle-hole asymmetry of the electronic π\pi-bands.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, 1 tabl

    Charged-phonon theory and Fano effect in the optical spectroscopy of bilayer graphene

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    Since their discovery, graphene-based systems represent an exceptional playground to explore the emergence of peculiar quantum effects. The present paper focuses on the anomalous appearence of strong infrared phonon resonances in the optical spectroscopy of bilayer graphene and on their pronounced Fano-like asymmetry, both tunable in gated devices. By developing a full microscopic many-body approach for the optical phonon response we explain how both effects can be quantitatively accounted for by the quantum interference of electronic and phononic excitations. We show that the phonon modes borrow a large dipole intensity from the electronic background, the so-called charged-phonon effect, and at the same time interfer with it, leading to a typical Fano response. Our approach allows one to disentangle the correct selection rules that control the relative importance of the two (symmetric and antisymmetric) relevant phonon modes for different values of the doping and/or of the gap in bilayer graphene. Finally, we discuss the extension of the same theoretical scheme to the Raman spectroscopy, to explain the lack of the same features on the Raman phononic spectra. Besides its remarkable success in explaining the existing experimental data in graphene-based systems, the present theoretical approach offers a general scheme for the microscopic understanding of Fano-like features in a wide variety of other systems.Comment: 16 pages, 11 eps figures, PR

    Kramers-Kronig constrained variational analysis of optical spectra

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    A universal method of extraction of the complex dielectric function ϵ(ω)=ϵ1(ω)+iϵ2(ω)\epsilon(\omega)=\epsilon_{1}(\omega)+i\epsilon_{2}(\omega) from experimentally accessible optical quantities is developed. The central idea is that ϵ2(ω)\epsilon_{2}(\omega) is parameterized independently at each node of a properly chosen anchor frequency mesh, while ϵ1(ω)\epsilon_{1}(\omega) is dynamically coupled to ϵ2(ω)\epsilon_{2}(\omega) by the Kramers-Kronig (KK) transformation. This approach can be regarded as a limiting case of the multi-oscillator fitting of spectra, when the number of oscillators is of the order of the number of experimental points. In the case of the normal-incidence reflectivity from a semi-infinite isotropic sample the new method gives essentially the same result as the conventional KK transformation of reflectivity. In contrast to the conventional approaches, the proposed technique is applicable, without readaptation, to virtually all types of linear-response optical measurements, or arbitrary combinations of measurements, such as reflectivity, transmission, ellipsometry {\it etc.}, done on different types of samples, including thin films and anisotropic crystals.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure

    Anisotropy of graphite optical conductivity

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    The graphite conductivity is evaluated for frequencies between 0.1 eV, the energy of the order of the electron-hole overlap, and 1.5 eV, the electron nearest hopping energy. The in-plane conductivity per single atomic sheet is close to the universal graphene conductivity e2/4e^2/4\hbar and, however, contains a singularity conditioned by peculiarities of the electron dispersion. The conductivity is less in the cc-direction by the factor of the order of 0.01 governed by electron hopping in this direction.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figure

    Kinetic Characteristics, Phase and Structural Changes in Electrical Materials and Devices

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    Electron-microscopic and X-ray studies have revealed that the ability of lead-acid storage batteries to adopt charge due to physico-chemical processes occurring in the lead paste and on the border of the “shunt-paste” depends dramatically on both the initial moisture content in the lead paste and keeping enhanced humidity in the exposure chamber for plates. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3365

    Infrared spectroscopy of hole doped ABA-stacked trilayer graphene

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    Using infrared spectroscopy, we investigate bottom gated ABA-stacked trilayer graphene subject to an additional environment-induced p-type doping. We find that the Slonczewski-Weiss-McClure tight-binding model and the Kubo formula reproduce the gate voltage-modulated reflectivity spectra very accurately. This allows us to determine the charge densities and the potentials of the {\pi}-band electrons on all graphene layers separately and to extract the interlayer permittivity due to higher energy bands.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures Corrected sign of fig 3 and visibilty of fig

    Optical determination of the relation between the electron-boson coupling function and the critical temperature in high Tc_c cuprates

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    We take advantage of the connection between the free carrier optical conductivity and the glue function in the normal state, to reconstruct from the infrared optical conductivity the glue-spectrum of ten different high-Tc cuprates revealing a robust peak in the 50-60 meV range and a broad con- tinuum at higher energies for all measured charge carrier concentrations and temperatures up to 290 K. We observe that the strong coupling formalism accounts fully for the known strong temperature dependence of the optical spectra of the high Tc cuprates, except for strongly underdoped samples. We observe a correlation between the doping trend of the experimental glue spectra and the critical temperature. The data obtained on the overdoped side of the phase diagram conclusively excludes the electron-phonon coupling as the main source of superconducting pairing.Comment: Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Mathematical simulation of water and methanol segregation processes at field preparation of gas condensate

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    Calculation modulus for water and methanol segregation processes from gas condensate has been developed. Applying the developed technological system the influence of process variables on segregation processes of water and methanol is studied. Modes of operation of liquid separators at which the most efficient segregation of water-methanol solution from unstable condensate occurs are recommende