114 research outputs found

    Una aproximación crítica a la educación intercultural y el aprendizaje y enseñanza de lenguas extranjeras: las ideologías de género neoliberales en los libros de texto de E/LE

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    In line with the understanding of the role of critical pedagogy in intercultural language education, in this paper we focus on critical discourse and sociolinguistic analysis of contemporary textbooks of Spanish as a Foreign Language (SFL). We search for neoliberal gender ideologies in educational discourses targeting international audience of students of SFL. Even though new textbooks are said to promote the “feminization” of educational contexts (Gray 2010), we interpret them as sources of latent hegemonic influences favoring highly regulated and standardized neoliberal capitalist worldviews toward gender. Based on previous research of textbooks of SFL (Bori 2018; Kuzmanović Jovanović 2016), we herein present results of an instrumental qualitative case study (emancipatory focus group research) taking a critical stand toward neoliberal gender ideologies among predominantly female university students of Spanish at the Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade who are exposed to the above outlined teaching and learning materials. Our objective is to create a new educational space in our SFL classrooms in which contextualized knowledge construction takes place leading to the maturation of SFL users and teachers, who are “capable of changing their reality in ways related to formal and informal educational settings” (Filipović 2015: 105).En línea con el entendimiento del papel de la pedagogía crítica en la educación intercultural de lenguas, en este trabajo nos centramos en el análisis del discurso crítico y sociolingüístico de los libros de texto contemporáneos del español como lengua extranjera (ELE). Buscamos ideologías de género capitalistas neoliberales en discursos educativos dirigidos a la audiencia internacional de estudiantes de ELE. Aunque se ha dicho que dichos textos promueven la “feminización” de los contextos educativos (Gray 2010), en esta investigación los interpretamos como fuentes de influencias hegemónicas latentes que favorecen los puntos de vista neoliberales capitalistas altamente reguladas y estandarizadas hacia el género. Basándonos en las investigaciones previas de libros de texto de ELE (Bori 2018; Kuzmanović Jovanović 2016), en este trabajo llevamos a cabo un estudio de caso instrumental cualitativo (en forma de un grupo focal emancipatorio), con el objetivo de desarrollar una visión crítica de las ideologías neoliberales de género entre estudiantes universitarias de ELE en la Facultad de Filología de la Universidad de Belgrado, que están expuestas a los materiales de enseñanza y aprendizaje descritos. Nuestro objetivo es crear un nuevo espacio educativo en nuestras aulas de ELE en el que tenga lugar una construcción del conocimiento contextualizada que conduzca a la maduración de las usuarias y maestras de ELE, “capacitadas para cambiar la realidad didáctica en contextos educativos formales e informales” (Filipović 2015, p. 105)

    Critical approach to intercultural education and foreign language learning and teaching: neoliberal gender ideologies in textbooks of Spanish as a foreign language

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    In line with the understanding of the role of critical pedagogy in intercultural language education, in this paper we focus on critical discourse and sociolinguistic analysis of contemporary textbooks of Spanish as a Foreign Language (SFL). We search for neoliberal gender ideologies in educational discourses targeting international audience of students of SFL. Even though new textbooks are said to promote the “feminization” of educational contexts (Gray 2010), we interpret them as sources of latent hegemonic influences favoring highly regulated and standardized neoliberal capitalist worldviews toward gender. Based on previous research of textbooks of SFL (Bori 2018; Kuzmanović Jovanović 2016), we herein present results of an instrumental qualitative case study (emancipatory focus group research) taking a critical stand toward neoliberal gender ideologies among predominantly female university students of Spanish at the Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade who are exposed to the above outlined teaching and learning materials. Our objective is to create a new educational space in our SFL classrooms in which contextualized knowledge construction takes place leading to the maturation of SFL users and teachers, who are “capable of changing their reality in ways related to formal and informal educational settings” (Filipović 2015: 105).En línea con el entendimiento del papel de la pedagogía crítica en la educación intercultural de lenguas, en este trabajo nos centramos en el análisis del discurso crítico y sociolingü.stico de los libros de texto contemporáneos del español como lengua extranjera (ELE). Buscamos ideologías de género capitalistas neoliberales en discursos educativos dirigidos a la audiencia internacional de estudiantes de ELE. Aunque se ha dicho que dichos textos promueven la “feminización” de los contextos educativos (Gray 2010), en esta investigación los interpretamos como fuentes de influencias hegemónicas latentes que favorecen los puntos de vista neoliberales capitalistas altamente reguladas y estandarizadas hacia el género. Basándonos en las investigaciones previas de libros de texto de ELE (Bori 2018; Kuzmanović Jovanović 2016), en este trabajo llevamos a cabo un estudio de caso instrumental cualitativo (en forma de un grupo focal emancipatorio), con el objetivo de desarrollar una visión crítica de las ideologías neoliberales de género entre estudiantes universitarias de ELE en la Facultad de Filología de la Universidad de Belgrado, que están expuestas a los materiales de enseñanza y aprendizaje descritos. Nuestro objetivo es crear un nuevo espacio educativo en nuestras aulas de ELE en el que tenga lugar una construcción del conocimiento contextualizada que conduzca a la maduración de las usuarias y maestras de ELE, “capacitadas para cambiar la realidad didáctica en contextos educativos formales e informales” (Filipović 2015, p. 105)

    The study of important factors in the growth of different Listeria monocytogenes strains in cold smoked trout fillets

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    Osnovni princip pakovanja hrane je sledeći – izbegavanje kontaminacije, odlaganje kvara, pojedine enzimske reakcije koje pospešuju mekoću proizvoda, smanjenje gubitka na masi i osiguranje zadržavanja organoleptičkih svojstava namirnice. Savremen potrošač traži hranu visokog kvaliteta koja je zadržala senzorske karakteristike sirovine od koje je proizvedena, i da je u isto vreme bezbedna po zdravlje. Sposobnost listerija da rastu pri temperaturi hlađenja, da su rasprostranjene u prirodi i da preživljavaju dugo vremena u nepovoljnim uslovima doprineli su saznanju da je ova bakterija sve značajniji patogen koji se prenosi hranom na ljude. Osnovni cilj u okviru ove doktorske disertacije je bio da se ispita uticaj pakovanja i uslova čuvanja na rast različitih serotipova Listeria monocytogenes (različitog porekla) u laboratorijski kontaminiranim uzorcima dimljene pastrmke. Jedan od ciljeva ovog istraživanja je da se ispita uticaj pakovanja dimljene ribe (pastrmke) u vakuum i modifikovanoj atmosferi na održivost i odabrane parametre kvaliteta. Pored toga, ispitivano je i prisustvo drugih patogena (Salmonella spp., koagulaza pozitivne stafilokoke, sulfitoredukujuće klostridije) kod hladno dimljene pakovane pastrmke. Izvršeno je ispitivanje promene ukupnog broja bakterija, promene broja mlečno-kiselinskih bakterija, kao i broja Listeria monocytogenes u uzorcima hladno dimljene pastrmke pakovane u vakuum i modifikovanoj atmosferi i skladištene pri temperaturi 3°C, odnosno pri 8°C. U toku 35 dana skladištenja pri 3°C, odnosno 8°C, ukupan broj aerobnih mezofilnih bakterija rastao je u zavisnosti od ispitivane grupe do 14. odnosno 28. dana, da bi 35.dana bio na nivou broja bakterija nultog dana ispitivanja ili manji. Prosečan ukupan broj bakterija u uzorcima hladno dimljene pastrmke pakovane u vakuum, odnosno u modifikovanoj atmosferi bio je tokom ispitivanja manji u uzorcima koji su skladišteni pri nižim temperaturama. Način pakovanja (vakuum, modifikovana atmosfera) i skladištenje pri istim temperaturnim uslovima (3°C ili 8°C) u većini slučajeva ne utiče značajno na razlike u ukupnom broju aerobnih mezofilnih bakterija...The main principle for food packing is the following: avoiding contamination, staleness delay, some enzyme reactions that increase softness of the product, reduce loss of mass, and to ensure the preservation of organoleptic aspects of food. The modern consumer is searching for the high quality food, which retains the sensory features and nutritional value of the raw material it was made of and also to be health safe. The ability of listeria to grow at cooler temperatures, to be wide-spread in nature and to survive for a long time in unfavorable conditions, have all contributed to the knowledge that this bacterium is becoming an increasingly significant pathogen that is transferable to people from food. The main objective of this PhD thesis is to explore the impact of packaging and storage conditions on the growth of various serotypes of Listeria monocytogenes (of different origin) in laboratory contaminated samples of smoked trout. One of the objectives of this research is to examine the impact of vacuum packing of smoked fish (trout) and modified atmosphere on maintainability and protection of quality parameters. The presence of other pathogens (Salmonella spp., coagulase positive Staphylococci, sulphite-reducing Clostridia) in cold smoked packed trout was also investigated. The research was conducted regarding the change of the total number of bacteria, and the change of the number of lactic acid bacteria, as well as the number of Listeria monocytogenes in samples of cold smoked trout vacuum packed, under modified atmosphere and stored at the temperatures of 3°C and 8°C, respectively. During 35 days of storage at the temperatures of 3°C and 8°C, respectively, the total number of bacteria was increasing until day 14 and day 28 subject to a group, only to be at the level of number of bacteria on day 0 or less. The average total number of bacteria in samples of cold vacuumed smoked trout, or at modified atmosphere was less during the research in samples that were stored at lower temperatures..

    Leberova hereditarna optikoneuropatija - Prikaz slučaja

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    LHON is characterized by bilateral asynchronous visual loss in young adults. This type of neuropathy is related to mitochondrial DNA mutation and therefore is maternally inherited. Males are predominantly affected but they do not transmit the disease to their offspring. Clinical picture - although characteristic - is not impressive. At the beginning of the disease, there is a large discrepancy between the symptoms and signs. In contrast to marked central visual loss, the only visible sign is retinal teleangiectatic microangiopathy in the peripapillary region. Fluorescein angiography shows intact capillary network without leakage disproving its inflammatory nature.Leberova hereditarna optikoneuropatija je karakterizirana bilateralnim asinkronim gubitkom vida kod mladih osoba. Ovaj je tip neuropatije povezan sa mutacijom mitohondrijske DNA i stoga se nasljeđuje s majčine strane. Bolest prvenstveno zahvaća muškarce, ali oni je ne prenose na potomstvo. Klinička slika, premda karakteristična, nije impresivna. Na početku bolesti velika je razlika između simptoma i znakova. Unatoč značajnom gubitku vidne oštrine, jedini vidljivi znak je retinalna teleangietatska mikroangiopatija u peripapilarnom području. Fluorescinska angiografija pokazuje netaknutu kapilarnu mrežu bez curenja kontrasta čime se isključuje upalna geneza poremećaja

    Diagnostics of laser-induced plasma from a thin film of oil on a silica wafer

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    In this study, plasma induced by a nanosecond Nd:YAG laser on thin oil films deposited on a silica wafer was characterized by evaluating the main plasma parameters. Spatially and temporally integrated spectral measurements were performed under experimental conditions optimized for elemental analysis of trace metals in oil. Time-resolved values of the spectral line intensities, electron number density, and plasma temperature were obtained from time-integrated measurements by subtracting averaged spectra recorded at different time delays. The electron number density was estimated using the Stark broadened profile of the hydrogen Balmer alpha line. Ionization temperatures were derived from Mg ionic to atomic line intensity ratios. The obtained apparent values of time-resolved plasma parameters were in the range of 1.1×1017 cm-3 (1.5 μs) to 1.5×1016 cm-3 (4 μs) and 9400 K (3 μs) to 7200 K (5 μs), depending on the delay time. Emission spectra of C2 and CN molecules were used to evaluate the rotational and vibrational temperature

    A spectroscopic investigation of stabilized dc argon arc by power modulation technique

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    Spatial distribution of delayed responses of argon and hydrogen spectral line and continuum intensity to square power modulation was investigated in order to get better insight into the processes occurring in argon dc arc plasma. The power was abruptly changed between stationary values, 9 and 3.5 A. For these currents steady state radial distributions of electron number density, temperature and emission intensity were measured. On part of the discharge, radial profiles the power drop and the power jump are both accompanied by intensity peaks which may be explained by displacement of the arc core axis and change in the arc core diameter during the power modulation.Physical chemistry 2008 : 9th international conference on fundamental and applied aspects of physical chemistry; Belgrade (Serbia); 24-28 September 200

    Determination of nickel, cobalt and chromium in a soda-lime glass by using LIBS based on pulses IR laser

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    This work presents a study of the applicability of laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS), based on Infrared Transversally Excited Atmospheric CO2 pulsed laser (TEA CO2), to determine nickel, cobalt, and chromium in a window glass samples. Estimated limits of detection (LODs) for Ni, Co, and Cr, were 2.1, 3.2, and 0.4 ppm, respectively. In addition, two main plasma parameters, electron number density and temperature, were determined to characterize the laser-induced plasma. The electron number density (Ne) was determined from the measured Stark width of the Al I 396.15 nm line, and the intensity ratio of two atomic iron lines (342.71 nm and 344.06 nm) was used to determine the excitation temperature (Texc). The obtained values were Ne= 8.3·1016 cm-3 and Texc= 7700 K.The book of abstracts available at: [http://www.socphyschemserb.org/media/physical-chemistry-2022/abstracts.pdf

    Study of a long term processes in d.c. argon arc plasma by square power modulation with variable low current period

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    U-shaped d.c. argon stabilized arc with aerosol supply was investigated by current modulation between 9 and 3 A level and low current period lasting from 0.05 to 40 ms. The variable low current period has great influence on delayed line intensity response that provides information about a recombination and transport processes in plasma. The obtained results indicate that plasma slowly reaches stationary state and that processes related to changes in atom concentration play important role. Character of temporal responses strongly depends on first ionization energy of analyte.Physical chemistry 2004 : 7th international conference on fundamental and applied aspects of physical chemistry; Belgrade (Serbia); 21-23 September 200

    Hemophilia in the newborn without family history: Pattern of clinical presentation of three patients

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    Introduction. Hemophilia is the most frequently diagnosed inborn clotting factor deficiency in the newborn. In about half of the cases diagnosis is made during neonatal period. However, due to different clinical presentation comparing to older children, hemophilia in the newborn could be misdiagnosed, especially in the setting of negative family history. Case report. Clinical features of three newborns with negative family history for hemophilia are described. All three newborns were the first born children with uneventful perinatal history, and they were referred for investigation of convulsions, soft tissue tumorous mass and sepsis, respectively. Prompt diagnosis of underlying bleeding disorder and adequate substitution therapy lead to the good outcome in all three boys. Conclusion. Symptoms and signs of hemophilia in the newborn could be at time misleading and contribute to delayed treatment. High index of suspicion on inherited bleeding disorder is warranted in every neonate with intracranial bleeding

    An experimental study of radial symmetry deviation in dc argon arc plasma by current modulation technique

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    A current square modulation technique is used to investigate radial asymmetry of plasma column of argon stabilized direct current U-shaped arc. By monitoring the temporal behavior of spectral line intensities (in a millisecond domain) for various elements, it was observed that nonhomogeneous emission was much more pronounced for current modulated arc plasma compared to the stationary regime plasma. The reason for such behavior, for this as well as for other arc sources, lies in a mode the stream of argon with aerosol is introduced into the arc plasma.Physical chemistry 2006 : 8th international conference on fundamental and applied aspects of physical chemistry; Belgrade (Serbia); 26-29 September 200