102 research outputs found

    The evolution of views on the audit

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    The authors show the stages of the evolution of views on audit. The article also deals with terminology, classification, technology audits. Analysis of audits on the stage of preparation for licensing and accreditation of educational programs in higher education (residency) was conducted.Освещены этапы эволюции взглядов на аудит, терминология, классификация, технология аудитов. Проведен анализ аудитов на этапе подготовки к лицензированию и аккредитации образовательных программ высшего образования (ординатуры)


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    We investigated the shelf-life of vacuum cooked foods through microbial experiments and sensory evaluation with the aim of effective mass cooking in practice of service management.The foods that were heated before and after of vacuum cooking could be kept for 7days in the refrigerator. The food that was heated after of vacuum cooking with raw food soaked in strong electrolyzed water could be kept for 3days. The foods that were no heated before and after of vacuum cooking with fresh food soaked in strong electrolyzed water could be kept for 3days.We examined effective methods of washing to decrease bacterial counts in fresh vegetable

    Micrometeorites in lake sediments of volga-ural region of Russia

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    © SGEM2017 All Rights Reserved. During summer field trips were collected several cores from Lake Rubskoe. Cores length is about 6 m and maximum age approximately 13 Ka according radiocarbon dating. For investigation chosen core №4 (56.72545° N, 40.60657° E), were sediment sequence not destructed. Core was divided into 2 cm samples. Thermomagnetic curves measured for every fifth sample. The rate of heating was 100°C/min. The measurements made in a constant magnetic field – 200 and 400 mT. We have got thermomagnetic curves of the first and second heating up to 800°C. According obtained data samples were chosen for magnetic separation. The selection criterion was the presence of Curie temperatures above 700°C, which corresponds to the presence of iron-nickel alloys in the sample and Curie temperature 570°C which corresponds to magnetite presence. Magnetic separate was studied using electron microscope Merlin (Carl Zeiss). In samples showed presence of detrital material, magnetite spherules of extraterrestrial origin and iron with impurities and also variability of material concentration in time

    Diagnostics of the level of development of small students team of USMU

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    The article presents the results of questionnaire of 1-6 year students of different faculties of USMU for diagnostics of the level of development of a small team.в статье представлены результаты анкетирования обучающихся 1-6 курсов факультетов УГМУ на предмет диагностики уровня развития малой команд

    Оценка эффективности развития социо-экономической системы природопользования (на примере предприятий железнодорожной отрасли)

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    Purpose: purpose of the scientific article is assessment of social and ecological and economic efficiency of an environmental system development on the example of railway transport. This purpose suggests the following objectives implementation: 1) to identify social and economic components of the environmental system on the basis of the developed model and to describe their features; 2) to develop assessment indicators of managerial decision effect and efficiency on the basis of the identified components of the environmental system; 3) to develop indicators of environmental and economic assessment of the effect and effectiveness of management decisions based on identified components of the system; 4) to suggest an algorithm for implementation environmentally safe and cost-effective management decisions based on the developed assessment indicators.Methods: methodological base of the research is based on the following scientific methods: mathematical modeling, statistical analysis method, formalization.Results: the authors develop the simulation game model which allows identifying social and economic components of environmental system and to develop ecological and economic indicators of efficiency assessment on the basis of previous periods. Upon the model the authors of the article have developed the algorithm of efficient social oriented managerial decisions-making.Conclusions and Relevance: the developed game model allows assessing development efficiency of social and economic environmental system. In the development of the model the authors apply the concept of games with nature, also criterions of maximax, Laplace, Wald, Hurwitz. In addition, the model allows identifying components which influence managerial decisions, namely, environmental damages before and after implementation of a managerial decision, capital and operational costs indicators. On the basis of it the indicator and the criterion of managerial decisions risk-adjusted ecological and economic effect and efficiency assessment indicators have been developed. The algorithm of implementation of the environmentally friendly, socially oriented and cost-effective management decisions.Цель: Целью научной статьи является оценка социо-эколого-экономической эффективности развития системы природопользования на примере предприятий железнодорожного транспорта. Данная цель предполагает выполнение следующих задач: 1) разработать сценарную модель поведения системы «предприятие – общественная безопасность» на основе игр с природой; 2) на основе разработанной модели выделить социо-экономические компоненты системы природопользования и описать их особенности; 3) разработать показатели оценки эффекта и эффективности управленческих решений на основе выделенных социо-экономических компонентов системы природопользования; 4) предложить алгоритм принятия экологически безопасного и экономически эффективного управленческого решения на основе разработанных показателей оценки.Методология проведения работы: Методологическая база исследования основана на следующих методах: математическое моделирование, метод статистического анализа, метод формализации.Результаты работы: Построена имитационная игровая модель, позволяющая выделить социо-экономические компоненты системы природопользования и разработать эколого-экономические показатели оценки эффективности с учетом тенденций предыдущих периодов. На основе модели разработан алгоритм принятия природоохранных экономически эффективных социально ориентированных управленческих решений.Выводы: Разработанная игровая модель позволяет оценить эффективность развития социо-экономической системы природопользования. При разработке модели использовалась концепция игр с природой, в качестве теоретико-игровых критериев использованы критерии максимакса, Лапласа, Вальда, Гурвица, простой и обобщенный. Выделены эколого-экономические составляющие, которые влияют на отдельное управленческое решение предприятия, а именно, значения ущербов окружающей среде до и после реализации управленческого решения, показатели капитальных и эксплуатационных затрат. На их основе разработаны показатель и критерий оценки эколого-экономического эффекта и эколого-экономической эффективности решений с учетом риска. Был предложен алгоритм принятия экологически безопасных, социально ориентированных и экономически эффективных управленческих решений

    Kids football coach`s type as a determining factor of child-footballer`s development

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    this article provides an author`s classification of basic types of kids football coaches and the conclusion about suitability of certain types of coaches to certain age groups of childrenВ данной статье приведена авторская классификация базовых типов детских футбольных тренеров и сделан вывод о предпочитаемом соответствии данных типов возрастной группе занимающихся дете

    The satisfaction of graduates of specialty of clinical psychology educational process

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    The article describes and presents the results of monitoring of satisfaction with the educational process of graduate students studying at the faculty of psychological and social work and higher nursing education in the direction of Clinical psychology of the Ural state medical university (Yekaterinburg).В статье рассмотрены и представлены результаты мониторинга удовлетворенности образовательным процессом студентов-выпускников, обучающихся на факультете психолого-социальной работы и высшего сестринского образования по направлению «Клиническая психология» Уральского государственного медицинского университета (г. Екатеринбург)

    Consumer credit in comparative perspective

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    We review the literature in sociology and related fields on the fast global growth of consumer credit and debt and the possible explanations for this expansion. We describe the ways people interact with the strongly segmented consumer credit system around the world—more specifically, the way they access credit and the way they are held accountable for their debt. We then report on research on two areas in which consumer credit is consequential: its effects on social relations and on physical and mental health. Throughout the article, we point out national variations and discuss explanations for these differences. We conclude with a brief discussion of the future tasks and challenges of comparative research on consumer credit.Accepted manuscrip