37 research outputs found

    'The show must go on! Ich gebe alles für das Publikum – und die Quote!': Promis, Massenmedienorganisationen und Medienarrangeure: eine Untersuchung der grundlegenden Funktion des Promis als Leistungsrolle für das Funktionssystem der Massenmedien mit Hilfe der Systemtheorie Luhmanns

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    Kuzek M. 'The show must go on! Ich gebe alles für das Publikum – und die Quote!': Promis, Massenmedienorganisationen und Medienarrangeure: eine Untersuchung der grundlegenden Funktion des Promis als Leistungsrolle für das Funktionssystem der Massenmedien mit Hilfe der Systemtheorie Luhmanns. Bielefeld: Universität Bielefeld; 2017.Die vorliegende soziologische Diplomarbeit erörtert mit Hilfe der Systemtheorie und der funktionalen Methode Luhmanns sowie der Prominenzforschung die grundlegende Funktion des Promis für das Funktionssystem der Massenmedien. Luhmanns Theorie und Methodik wird hierbei vor allem als Mehrebenen-Analyse-Instrument angewendet. Dies erfolgt vor dem Kontext der aktuellen Promi-Inflation sowie einem Strukturwandel der Prominenz und der zunehmenden medialen Selbstreferenzialität der Promi-Auswahl anhand von darstellerischen Qualitäten zwecks Inszenierung. Die Untersuchung nimmt hierbei eine massenmedientheoretische Fokussierung vor und beleuchtet die besondere Verschachtelung der Interaktions-, Organisations- und Gesellschaftsebene im Kontext dieses Funktionssystems. Die drei Ebenen strukturieren den Aufbau der Arbeit und den Hergang der Argumentation. Das Funktionssystem der Massenmedien teilt sich laut Luhmann in die drei Programmbereiche der Nachrichten bzw. Berichte, Werbung und Unterhaltung auf. Die Arbeit kommt zu dem Ergebnis, dass im Kontext dieses Funktionssystems auf allen drei Ebenen und in allen drei Programmbereichen eine soziale Rolle namens Promi als regulierendes Erwartungsbündel vorliegt, um auf der Oberfläche der Massenmedien eine jeweilige Medienperson zu inszenieren. Ihre wesentliche Funktion für das System der Massenmedien liegt darin, die Aufmerksamkeit des Publikums zu binden. Auf der Gesellschaftsebene gestaltet sich, da die massenmediale Kommunikation durch eine prinzipielle Kontaktunterbrechung zwischen Sender und Empfänger gekennzeichnet ist, das Verhältnis von Leistungs- und Publikumsrolle anders als in anderen Funktionssystemen, so dass der Promi hier in einem Rollendreieck als intermediäre Rolle zwischen Medienarrangeuren und dem Massenpublikum fungiert. Beispielsweise kann der Rezipierende mit einem Promi-Individuum eine parasoziale Beziehung eingehen, welche aufgrund der prinzipiellen Interaktions-/ Kontaktunterbrechung zwangsläufig ‚träumerisch‘ bleibt. Auf der Organisationsebene der Massenmedieneinrichtungen, vor allem in der Medienproduktion, handelt es sich um eine Zweckrolle hinsichtlich der Quote und um eine abgesonderte Rolle als virtuelle Grenzstelle zum anonymen Massenpublikum. Auf der organisationalen Interaktionsebene der Medienproduktion dient die Rolle Promi zum Regulieren der Erwartungen und des Verhaltens des Rollenpaares, welches aus Medienarrangeur und Medienperson besteht. Die Arbeit reichert die schlichte Feststellung, dass der Promi hauptsächlich die Aufmerksamkeit des Publikums fangen soll, indem er/ sie als Medienperson inszeniert wird und sich inszeniert (Selbst- und Fremdinszenierung), durch die Ebenenunterscheidung und -analyse (Gesellschaft/ Massenmedien, Medienorganisationen und Interaktionen der Medienproduktion) mit einer angemessenen Komplexität an. Hierauf können weitere Analysen von konkreten Prozessen und Mechanismen der medialen Prominenz aufbauen. Die vorliegende Arbeit bestreitet dabei nicht, dass Bekanntheit unter einem klassentheoretischen Blickwinkel als zugeschriebene Personeneigenschaft für bestimmte Individuen hochrelevant ist. Vielmehr bietet sie auch diesbezüglich eine Grundlage, um in (späteren Analysen) eine systemtheoretische Verknüpfung einer massenmedien- und klassentheoretischen Verknüpfung im Rahmen einer Gesellschaftstheorie der Promis und der Prominenz zu leisten

    O nekim otvorenim problemima iz teorije brojeva

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    Teorija brojeva kompleksna je grana matematike koja krije mnogo neistraženih i nedokazanih slutnji na koje matematičari pokušavaju pronaći odgovore i dokaze već stotinama godina. U ovom radu navedene su samo neke, od velikog broja nedokazanih tvrdnji, vezane uz savršene i proste brojeve. Iako su jednostavne i lako razumljive, pa stoga zanimljive matematičarima i amaterima, jako su teško dokazive. Neki od najpoznatijih otvorenih problema u ovom radu vezani su uz beskonačnost savršenih, prostih i složenih Fermatovih, prostih i složenih Mersenneovih brojeva i parova blizanaca čiji su oblici, svojstva i najpoznatiji teoremi navedeni. Pomoću modernih računala otkriveni su vrlo veliki brojevi takvih oblika, međutim strogog matematičkog dokaza da ih postoji beskonačno mnogo još uvijek nema. Najpoznatiji i najstariji otvoreni problem je svakako slavna Goldbachova slutnja: "Svaki paran broj veći od broja 2 može se zapisati kao zbroj dva prosta broja", koja je od davne 1742. godine pravi izazov za matematičare. Postoje mnogi rezultati koji upućuju na točnost poznatih otvorenih problema te su mnogi matematičari, pokušavajući dokazati te tvrdnje, došli do drugih važnih rezultata i dokaza, koristeći rezultate iz teorije brojeva, ali i drugih područja matematike. Budući da nisu dokazani već stotinama godina, u ovom radu nećemo dobiti odgovore na poznata pitanja, ali ćemo dati neke povijesne zanimljivosti, pokazati neke pokušaje u dokazivanju te iskazati poznate teoreme i rezultate vezane uz otvorena pitanja.Number theory is a complex branch of mathematics that conceals many unexplored and unproven conjectures to which mathematicians are trying to find answers and proofs for hundreds of years. In this thesis, we give some of many unproven claims related to perfect and prime numbers. Although they are simple and easy to understand, and therefore interesting to mathematicians and amateurs, they are very difficult to prove. Some of the most famous open questions in this thesis are related to the infinity of perfect numbers, prime and complex Fermat numbers, prime and complex Mersenne numbers and twin primes whose forms, properties and most famous theorems are mentioned. With modern computers, very large numbers of those forms have been discovered, but the strict mathematical proof that there are infinitely many numbers of this form is still missing. The most famous and oldest conjecture is definitely the famous Goldbach‘s conjecture: ”Any even integer greater than 2 can be expressed as the sum of two primes”, which has been a real challenge for mathematicians since 1742. There are many results that point to the exactness of known open questions and many mathematicians, trying to prove these claims, came to other important results and proves, using the results of number theory but also other branches of mathematics. Since they have not been proved for hundreds of years, in this thesis we are not going to answer the famous questions, but we will give some interesting historical facts, show some attempts of proving them and state famous theorems and results given out of the open questions

    EPR kinetic studies of the S−1 state in spinach thylakoids

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    AbstractThe YZ decay kinetics in a formal S−1 state, regarded as a reduced state of the oxygen evolving complex, was determined using time-resolved EPR spectroscopy. This S−1 state was generated by biochemical treatment of thylakoid membranes with hydrazine. The steady-state oxygen evolution of the sample was used to optimize the biochemical procedure for performing EPR experiments. A high yield of the S−1 state was generated as judged by the two-flash delay in the first maximum of oxygen evolution in Joliot flash-type experiments. We have shown that the YZ re-reduction rate by the S−1 state is much slower than that of any other S-state transition in hydrazine-treated samples. This slow reduction rate in the S−1 to S0 transition, which is in the order of the S3 to S0 transition rate, suggests that this transition is accompanied by some structural rearrangements. Possible explanations of this unique, slow reduction rate in the S−1 to S0 transition are considered, in light of earlier observations by others on hydrazine/hydroxylamine reduced PS II samples

    The need of a digital platform for pet adoption - a student perspective

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    Razvoj informacijskih tehnologija daje ogroman doprinos povećanju efikasnosti poslovanja te povećanju produktivnosti. Vodeći se izrekom „Go digital or die“, poduzeća sve više nastoje prihvaćati i učiti nove tehnologije i tehnološka rješenja kako bi opstala na tržištu obzirom na to da su najveći konkurenti upravo ona poduzeća koja stvaraju inovativne koncepte i ideje. Cilj rada je poboljšanje dosadašnjeg načina udomljavanja životinja osnivanjem platforme za udomljavanje kućnih ljubimaca na kojoj bi korisnicima na jednom mjestu bili prikazani svi napušteni psi i mačke na prostoru Republike Hrvatske. Također, cilj je istražiti i kolika je potreba za takvom platformom i dodatnim mogućnostima koje bi platforma nudila. Nakon teorijskog upoznavanja s pojmom elektroničkog poslovanja i njegovih obilježja, objašnjena je metodologija i prikazani su rezultati istraživanja. Istraživanje se odnosilo na studentsku percepciju o potrebi platforme za udomljavanje te je istraživanje provedeno na uzorku od 305 ispitanika. Istraživanjem je uočeno da, unatoč tome što smatraju da bi ovakva platforma olakšala udomljavanje životinja, studenti ipak preferiraju tradicionalno udomljavanje. No, obzirom na nepostojanje takve platforme u Republici Hrvatskoj, otkrivena je prilika i prostor za pokretanjem takvog projekta.The development of information technology creates a huge contribution to increasing business efficiency and productivity. Guided by the saying "Go digital or die", companies are increasingly trying to embrace and learn new technologies and technological solutions in order to survive in the market, considering that the biggest competitors are those companies that create innovative concepts and ideas. The aim of this thesis is to improve the way that animals have been fostered so far by establishing a pet foster platform where all abandoned dogs and cats in the territory of the Republic of Croatia will be displayed to users in one place. It also aims to explore the need for such a platform and the additional capabilities that the platform would offer. After theoretical introduction to the concept of e-business and its characteristics, the methodology is explained and results of the research are presented. The study is focused on student's perceptions of the need for a foster care platform and was conducted on a sample of 305 respondents. The study found that, despite the belief that a platform like this would facilitate the domestication of animals, students still prefer traditional pet fostering. However, beacuse of lack of such a platform in the Republic of Croatia, there was dicovered the opportunity and space for a project like this one

    The need of a digital platform for pet adoption - a student perspective

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    Razvoj informacijskih tehnologija daje ogroman doprinos povećanju efikasnosti poslovanja te povećanju produktivnosti. Vodeći se izrekom „Go digital or die“, poduzeća sve više nastoje prihvaćati i učiti nove tehnologije i tehnološka rješenja kako bi opstala na tržištu obzirom na to da su najveći konkurenti upravo ona poduzeća koja stvaraju inovativne koncepte i ideje. Cilj rada je poboljšanje dosadašnjeg načina udomljavanja životinja osnivanjem platforme za udomljavanje kućnih ljubimaca na kojoj bi korisnicima na jednom mjestu bili prikazani svi napušteni psi i mačke na prostoru Republike Hrvatske. Također, cilj je istražiti i kolika je potreba za takvom platformom i dodatnim mogućnostima koje bi platforma nudila. Nakon teorijskog upoznavanja s pojmom elektroničkog poslovanja i njegovih obilježja, objašnjena je metodologija i prikazani su rezultati istraživanja. Istraživanje se odnosilo na studentsku percepciju o potrebi platforme za udomljavanje te je istraživanje provedeno na uzorku od 305 ispitanika. Istraživanjem je uočeno da, unatoč tome što smatraju da bi ovakva platforma olakšala udomljavanje životinja, studenti ipak preferiraju tradicionalno udomljavanje. No, obzirom na nepostojanje takve platforme u Republici Hrvatskoj, otkrivena je prilika i prostor za pokretanjem takvog projekta.The development of information technology creates a huge contribution to increasing business efficiency and productivity. Guided by the saying "Go digital or die", companies are increasingly trying to embrace and learn new technologies and technological solutions in order to survive in the market, considering that the biggest competitors are those companies that create innovative concepts and ideas. The aim of this thesis is to improve the way that animals have been fostered so far by establishing a pet foster platform where all abandoned dogs and cats in the territory of the Republic of Croatia will be displayed to users in one place. It also aims to explore the need for such a platform and the additional capabilities that the platform would offer. After theoretical introduction to the concept of e-business and its characteristics, the methodology is explained and results of the research are presented. The study is focused on student's perceptions of the need for a foster care platform and was conducted on a sample of 305 respondents. The study found that, despite the belief that a platform like this would facilitate the domestication of animals, students still prefer traditional pet fostering. However, beacuse of lack of such a platform in the Republic of Croatia, there was dicovered the opportunity and space for a project like this one

    The need of a digital platform for pet adoption - a student perspective

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    Razvoj informacijskih tehnologija daje ogroman doprinos povećanju efikasnosti poslovanja te povećanju produktivnosti. Vodeći se izrekom „Go digital or die“, poduzeća sve više nastoje prihvaćati i učiti nove tehnologije i tehnološka rješenja kako bi opstala na tržištu obzirom na to da su najveći konkurenti upravo ona poduzeća koja stvaraju inovativne koncepte i ideje. Cilj rada je poboljšanje dosadašnjeg načina udomljavanja životinja osnivanjem platforme za udomljavanje kućnih ljubimaca na kojoj bi korisnicima na jednom mjestu bili prikazani svi napušteni psi i mačke na prostoru Republike Hrvatske. Također, cilj je istražiti i kolika je potreba za takvom platformom i dodatnim mogućnostima koje bi platforma nudila. Nakon teorijskog upoznavanja s pojmom elektroničkog poslovanja i njegovih obilježja, objašnjena je metodologija i prikazani su rezultati istraživanja. Istraživanje se odnosilo na studentsku percepciju o potrebi platforme za udomljavanje te je istraživanje provedeno na uzorku od 305 ispitanika. Istraživanjem je uočeno da, unatoč tome što smatraju da bi ovakva platforma olakšala udomljavanje životinja, studenti ipak preferiraju tradicionalno udomljavanje. No, obzirom na nepostojanje takve platforme u Republici Hrvatskoj, otkrivena je prilika i prostor za pokretanjem takvog projekta.The development of information technology creates a huge contribution to increasing business efficiency and productivity. Guided by the saying "Go digital or die", companies are increasingly trying to embrace and learn new technologies and technological solutions in order to survive in the market, considering that the biggest competitors are those companies that create innovative concepts and ideas. The aim of this thesis is to improve the way that animals have been fostered so far by establishing a pet foster platform where all abandoned dogs and cats in the territory of the Republic of Croatia will be displayed to users in one place. It also aims to explore the need for such a platform and the additional capabilities that the platform would offer. After theoretical introduction to the concept of e-business and its characteristics, the methodology is explained and results of the research are presented. The study is focused on student's perceptions of the need for a foster care platform and was conducted on a sample of 305 respondents. The study found that, despite the belief that a platform like this would facilitate the domestication of animals, students still prefer traditional pet fostering. However, beacuse of lack of such a platform in the Republic of Croatia, there was dicovered the opportunity and space for a project like this one

    Comparison of AC MIG and MIG-P processes in welding of 5083 and 6082 aluminium alloys

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    Tema završnog rada obrađena je teorijski i eksperimentalno. U teorijskom dijelu naglasak je na MIG postupku zavarivanja te dvjema varijacijama postupka na temelju struje i vrste prijenosa metala, a to su AC MIG te DC MIG-P zavarivanje. Objašnjene su glavne značajke svakog te prednosti i mane svakog od njih. Također, kod aluminijskih legura EN AW 5083-H321 i EN AW 6082-T6 obrađen je problem njihove zavarljivosti te dodatnog materijala i plinova koji se koriste tijekom zavarivanja ovih legura. Naposljetku, sukladno zahtjevima norme HRN EN ISO 15614-2, opisan je fenomen pada čvrstoće u području zavarenog spoja. Eksperimentalni dio rada proveden je ispitivanjem tvrdoće metodom Vickers, opterećenjem HV5 na navedenim aluminijskim legurama te je kvantificirana širina područja zone utjecaja topline. Naposljetku, određen je relativni pad čvrstoće u području zavarenog spoja te je predložena primjena AC MIG postupka u izradi aluminijskih zavarenih konstrukcija.The topic of the final paper was treated theoretically and experimentally. In the theoretical part, the emphasis is on the MIG welding process and two variations of the process based on current and metal transfer processes that arose from it, AC MIG and DC-MIG-P welding. The main features of each and the advantages and disadvantages of each are explained. Also, in the case of aluminum alloys EN AW 5083-H321 and EN AW 6082-T6, the problem of their weldability and the additional material and gases used during welding of these alloys was addressed. Finally, in accordance with the requirements of the HRN EN ISO 15614-2 standard, the phenomenon of strength drop in the area of the welded joint is described. The experimental part of the work was carried out by testing the hardness using the Vickers method, with the HV5 load on the mentioned aluminum alloys, and the width of the area of the heat-affected zone was quantified. Finally, the relative decrease in strength in the area of the welded joint was determined, and the application of the AC MIG process in the production of aluminum welded structures was proposed