5 research outputs found
Sähköisen moniammatillisen kotiutuslistan kehittäminen sairaalasta kotiutuksen tueksi
To promote effective and safe patient discharge, it is necessary to harmonize discharge practices and improve the content of the electronic nursing discharge summary. The use of a discharge checklist can improve the continuity and quality of patient’s care. It helps to remind of the essential things that are relevant to the continuity of care during the care period and can used in, for example, the compilation of an electronic nursing discharge summary.
In this article we describe the development of the content of a multiprofessional discharge checklist into the nursing documentation system in order to harmonize the recording of the patient’s admission and care period as a result of co-operation between literature and professionals (n = 82) working in specialized health care, primary care and social work.
The discharge checklist included some of the key issues for safe patient discharge that emerged from the literature, the available paper discharge checking list examples and multiprofessional workgroups. The discharge checklist was piloted at Satakunta Hospital District. Piloting was carried out in three central hospital wards (lung diseases, internal medicine, neurology) and at the elderly psychiatry and rehabilitation wards in paper format, after which the information content was transferred into an electronic form into Efficais nursing documentation system as part of the patient’s clinical care plan.Potilaan sujuvan ja turvallisen kotiutumisen edistämiseksi tarvitaan kotiutuskäytäntöjen yhtenäistämistä ja sähköisen hoitotyön yhteenvedon tietosisällön parantamista. Kotiutuslistan käytöllä voidaan parantaa potilaan hoidon jatkuvuutta ja laatua. Se auttaa muistuttamaan hoidon jatkuvuuden kannalta oleellisista asioista hoitojakson aikana, ja sitä voidaan hyödyntää esimerkiksi sähköisen hoitotyön yhteenvedon laatimisessa.
Kuvaamme tässä artikkelissa moniammatillisen kotiutuslistan tietosisällön kehittämistä hoitokertomukseen potilaan tulotilanteen ja hoitojakson aikaisen kirjaamisen yhtenäistämiseksi kirjallisuuden sekä erikoissairaanhoidossa, perusterveydenhuollossa ja sosiaalipalveluissa työskentelevien ammattilaisten (n = 82) yhteistyön tuloksena.
Kotiutuslistaan sisällytettiin aikaisemman kirjallisuuden, käytössä olleiden paperisten kotiutuslistaesimerkkien ja moniammatillisten työryhmien tuotoksena syntyneitä potilaan turvallisen kotiutuksen kannalta keskeisiä tarkasteltavia asioita. Kotiutuslista pilotoitiin Satakunnan sairaanhoitopiirissä. Pilotointi toteutettiin kolmella keskussairaalan vuodeosastolla, keuhkosairauksilla, sisätaudeilla ja neurologialla, sekä vanhuspsykiatrian ja kuntoutuksen vuodeosastoilla paperimuodossa. Pilotoitu tietosisältö siirrettiin sähköiseen muotoon Effican hoitokertomukseen (hokeen) osaksi potilaan kliinistä hoitosuunnitelmaa.
Moniammatillinen kotiutuslista otettiin pilotin jälkeen käyttöön Satakunnan erikoissairaanhoidon palveluissa. Kotiutuslistan keskeisimmät jatkokehittämistarpeet kohdistuvat asiakas- ja potilasnäkökulman esille saamiseen sekä sen tekniseen toimivuuteen potilastietojärjestelmässä
Safety of alemtuzumab in a nationwide cohort of Finnish multiple sclerosis patients
Background Alemtuzumab is an effective disease-modifying therapy (DMT) for highly active multiple sclerosis (MS). However, safety concerns limit its use in clinical practice. Objectives To evaluate the safety of alemtuzumab in a nationwide cohort of Finnish MS patients. Methods In this retrospective case series study, we analyzed the data of all but two MS patients who had received alemtuzumab in Finland until 2019. Data were systematically collected from patient files. Results Altogether 121 patients were identified, most of whom had received previous DMTs (82.6%). Median follow-up time after treatment initiation was 30.3 months and exceeded 24 months in 78 patients. Infusion-associated reactions (IARs) were observed in 84.3%, 57.3%, and 57.1% of patients during alemtuzumab courses 1-3, respectively. Serious adverse events (SAEs) were observed in 32.2% of patients, serious IARs in 12.4% of patients, and SAEs other than IARs in 23.1% of patients. Autoimmune adverse events were observed in 30.6% of patients. One patient died of hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis, and one patient died of pneumonia. A previously unreported case of thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura was documented. Conclusions SAEs were more frequent in the present cohort than in previous studies. Even though alemtuzumab is a highly effective therapy for MS, vigorous monitoring with a long enough follow-up time is advised.Peer reviewe
Safety of alemtuzumab in a nationwide cohort of Finnish multiple sclerosis patients
Background Alemtuzumab is an effective disease-modifying therapy (DMT) for highly active multiple sclerosis (MS). However, safety concerns limit its use in clinical practice. Objectives To evaluate the safety of alemtuzumab in a nationwide cohort of Finnish MS patients. Methods In this retrospective case series study, we analyzed the data of all but two MS patients who had received alemtuzumab in Finland until 2019. Data were systematically collected from patient files. Results Altogether 121 patients were identified, most of whom had received previous DMTs (82.6%). Median follow-up time after treatment initiation was 30.3 months and exceeded 24 months in 78 patients. Infusion-associated reactions (IARs) were observed in 84.3%, 57.3%, and 57.1% of patients during alemtuzumab courses 1-3, respectively. Serious adverse events (SAEs) were observed in 32.2% of patients, serious IARs in 12.4% of patients, and SAEs other than IARs in 23.1% of patients. Autoimmune adverse events were observed in 30.6% of patients. One patient died of hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis, and one patient died of pneumonia. A previously unreported case of thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura was documented. Conclusions SAEs were more frequent in the present cohort than in previous studies. Even though alemtuzumab is a highly effective therapy for MS, vigorous monitoring with a long enough follow-up time is advised.</p
Safety of alemtuzumab in a nationwide cohort of Finnish multiple sclerosis patients
Background:Alemtuzumab is an effective disease-modifying therapy (DMT) for highly active multiple sclerosis (MS). However, safety concerns limit its use in clinical practice.
Objectives:To evaluate the safety of alemtuzumab in a nationwide cohort of Finnish MS patients.
Methods:In this retrospective case series study, we analyzed the data of all but two MS patients who had received alemtuzumab in Finland until 2019. Data were systematically collected from patient files.
Results:Altogether 121 patients were identified, most of whom had received previous DMTs (82.6%). Median follow-up time after treatment initiation was 30.3 months and exceeded 24 months in 78 patients. Infusion-associated reactions (IARs) were observed in 84.3%, 57.3%, and 57.1% of patients during alemtuzumab courses 1–3, respectively. Serious adverse events (SAEs) were observed in 32.2% of patients, serious IARs in 12.4% of patients, and SAEs other than IARs in 23.1% of patients. Autoimmune adverse events were observed in 30.6% of patients. One patient died of hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis, and one patient died of pneumonia. A previously unreported case of thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura was documented.
Conclusions:SAEs were more frequent in the present cohort than in previous studies. Even though alemtuzumab is a highly effective therapy for MS, vigorous monitoring with a long enough follow-up time is advised