78 research outputs found

    Learning French in Western Australia: A hedonistic journey

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    When learning a language, motivation and emotions are central to the learning process and have considerable importance in learning. In Australia, despite the growing economic impact of its Asian neighbours and the great physical distance to France, French remains one of the most taught languages in various educational settings at different levels, and it appeals to many Australians. This review focuses on the motivations of West Australian adult learners of French. The aim of this paper is to explore students’ motivation and emotions towards their learning of French in Western Australia, teachers’ perceptions of these feelings, and how they are reflected in their teaching practice. Applying a qualitative approach, fifty students and six teachers from two universities in Perth as well as the Alliance Française de Perth, completed questionnaires and participated in semi-structured interviews. This study shows that French is mostly learned for enjoyment, personal gratification and cultural appreciation, rather than for necessity or professional reasons. The analysis of the survey results clearly portrayed the intrinsic value most students perceived in learning French. Teachers are well aware of these positive emotions, and need to establish how best to harness this passion in their teaching practices in order to maximize learning outcomes

    Akalkuloosne koletsüstiit – süsteemse erütematoosluupuse haruldane haigusilming

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    Süsteemne erütematoosluupus (SEL) on süsteemne autoimmuunhaigus, mis tabab enamasti noores eas inimesi, eelistatult naisi. Haiguse kulg võib olla healoomuline ja aastaid kulgeda väheste organite haaratuse ning vaevustega, kuid on võimalik ka fulminantne, paljude elundite kahjustusega eluohtlik haiguse areng

    Modern and traditional methods of dental training

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    Introduction: Learning methods change with the times and advances in technology. But with the change of teaching methods, the choice of training forms is increasing. It becomes very difficult for students to understand which teaching method is more effective and improves their skills. Many authors argue that e-learning is much better than traditional learning, while others believe that traditional learning is better.Aim: This study examines which training method is better to help learners, teachers and institutions adopt the best method.Materials and Methods: In order to investigate the problem, we compare both the advantages of the individual methods and the need for changes related to market trends.Results: From all the analyses, the literature review and interview responses proved that e-learning is a better method than traditional learning and produces much better results for students. The results reveal that e-learning offers various benefits, such as convenience, the learner can learn from any place at any time, the level of student engagement is also high, the cost is low, flexibility is high, new skills for effective management  of their professional and personal life are offered. They are provided with access to content updates, lessons, consistency, scalability. There is less environmental impact, and a positive impact on the profitability of an organization because of its effectiveness. All these benefits are not available in traditional training and reduce its effectiveness in this global aspect. For all these benefits, its acceptance among students and organizations around the world is increasing compared to traditional training

    The Pandemic Made Librarians Step Out of Frames

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    The library of Tallinn Health Care College is a professional library, which collects, maintains, and makes the health care literature and databases available for users. Major changes in the world have brought new services to the library of Tallinn Health Care College, as well as to all other libraries. The situation has made librarians think about the ways to further support teaching and research in the College. In addition, the requirements of the College present challenges for librarians resulting in us to step out of the frames and test ourselves in a new role

    Development perspectives of enterprises operating in the beekeeping industry based on beekeepers of Jõgeva County

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    Bakalaureusetöö Maamajandusliku ettevõtluse ja finantsjuhtimise õppekavalMesilasperede ja mesilate arv Eestis on aastate jooksul valdavalt kasvanud, kuid mee tarbimine ületab tootmist ja suurenenud on Eestisse imporditava mee kogus. Oluline on välja selgitada kodumaiste tootjate tegevust soodustavad ja takistavad tegurid, et mesindusettevõtted saaksid areneda, rahuldada kodumaist turunõudlust ja olla konkurentsivõimelised. Käesoleva bakalaureusetöö eesmärgiks oli välja selgitada Jõgevamaal mesindussektoris tegutsevate hobimesinike ja mesindusettevõtete võimalikud arenguperspektiivid. Empiirilises osas käsitleti mee tootmist Eestis ja Jõgevamaal, teostati küsitlus Jõgevamaa mesinikega ja koostati SWOT-analüüs. SWOT-analüüsi meetodit kasutades selgitati välja Jõgevamaal tegutsevate mesindusettevõtete tugevused, nõrkused, võimalused ja ohud ning nende põhjal toodi välja võimalikud arenguperspektiivid. Statistilised andmed koguti Eesti Statistikaameti andmebaasist, Eesti mesindussektori struktuuri uuringutest, Mesindusprogrammist ja selle raames läbi viidud uuringutest, Eesti mesinduse arengueesmärkidest ning Põllumajandus Registrite ja Informatsiooni Ametist. Töö tulemusena jõuti järeldusele, et mesindus põllumajandusharuna Jõgevamaal on perspektiivne ja heade arengueeldustega. Küsitluse tulemusena on peamisteks arengu võimalusteks piirkondlike õpitubade ja koolituste mahu suurendamine, ekspordile suunatud organisatsiooni loomine, toodangumahu suurendamine ja saaduste laialdane turustamine Eestis ja välismaal. Mesinike kõrgemast vanusest ja madalast noorte juurdekasvust tulenevalt on vajalik populariseerida ala noorte seas. Tuleviku seisukohalt on oluline jätkata mesinike ja mesindusettevõtete toetamist, piirata mesilasperede suremust ning parandada koostööd kaubandusettevõtetega, et kodumaistel tootjatel oleks võimalus oma tooteid turustada ja ettevõtlust arendada.Although the amount of bees and hives in Estonia has in the recent years seen overall growth, honey consumption still exceeds local production. Thus, the imported amount of honey has been also been increasing to satisfy consumer demand. In order to help local producers develop, satisfy the demand for honey and be competitive in the market, it is important to figure out which factors are hindering and which are supporting the bussinesses. The purpose of this thesis is to assess the future prospects of different suppliers in the honey industry of Jõgeva County. The empirical research consisted of honey production in Estonia and Jõgeva County, a survey with beekeepers in Jõgevamaa and a SWOT analysis. Using the SWOT analysis we were able to evaluate the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the honey producing companies in Jõgeva County, based on which we also recommended developmental opportunities. Statistical data was obtained from the database of Statistics Estonia, studies on the structure of the Estonian honey industry, Mesindusprogramm and related studies, developmental goals of the Estonian honey industry and Agricultural Registers and Information Board. All things considered, as branch of the agricultural sector in Jõgeva County, beekeeping has good opportunities for growth. Taking into account of survey, the best opportunities include increasing the capacities of local workshops and training, creating an organisation that focuses on export, increasing the volume of production and marketing of the produce in Estonia and abroad. As a result of the old age of beekeepers and a lack of youth, the occupation would also have to be popularized among the latter. In terms of the future, it is important to keep supporting beekeepers and companies in the honey industry, limit the death-rate of hives, improve communication and cooperation with trade companies so that local producers can better market their produce and develop their enterprises

    IgG4H – mitme näoga immuunhaigus

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    Immuunglobuliin G4 haigus ehk IgG4-haigus (IgG4H) on süsteemne fibroospõletikuline haigusseisund, mis võib haarata peaaegu kõiki elundeid. Haigusele on iseloomulik salakaval algus, järkjärguline progressioon ning kroonilisus. Iseloomulikeks tunnusteks on immuunglobuliin G4 (IgG4) kõrge tase seerumis, tuumorisarnased (tumefactive) kolded piltdiagnostikal, keerisekujuline fibroos (storiform fibrosis), oblitereeriv flebiit ja polükloonsete IgG4-positiivsete rakkude rikkad lümfoplasmaatilised infiltraadid – kas ühes elundis või erinevates elundites samal ajal. Sagedamini on haaratud pankreas, hepatobiliaarne süsteem, silmad, süljenäärmed ja pisaranäärmed koos pisarakanaliga. Haigus on progresseeruva iseloomuga, teisi infiltratiivseid haigusi jäljendav ning seetõttu võib diagnoos hilineda. Suurem teadlikkus haiguse olemusest tagab õige diagnoosi varasemas faasis, mil saab veel ennetada fibroosi teket, seega rasket elundikahjustust

    Application of modern technologies in the teaching of dental students

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    Introduction: In today's society, technology is an increasing part of processes and activities, including the education of dental students. In recent years, the use of technology has expanded in educational institutions, especially in the field of healthcare, which covers dental medicine and dental technology and allows for the inclusion of new educational tools. In order to make this technology feasible, better conditions and greater resources for the learning process are sought.Aim: This article is a comprehensive overview on the use of information and communication technology (ICT) for teaching dental and dental students.Materials and Methods: The following research databases were used for the study: MEDLINE, Scopus, EMBASE, and PubMed from January 2001 to August 2019, focused on studies specifically evaluating the application of technology to students' dental training and dentistry.Results: In relation to the curriculum structures of the course, the application of modern technologies in the preparation of dental students will enhance their knowledge and skills.Conclusion: Modern technologies, applied in the process of teaching dental students, are seen as tools that act in building the connections between theory and practice, which have a constant influence on the development of professional skills

    Lasteaiaõpetajate arvamused oma kompetentsidest õpetades mitmekultuurilises rühmas Tartu linna lasteaedade näitel

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    Klientide puhkusereiside ostuotsuste mõjutegurid Eesti näitel

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