2,105 research outputs found

    Tube Model for the Elasticity of Entangled Nematic Rubbers

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    Dense rubbery networks are highly entangled polymer systems, with significant topological restrictions for the mobility of neighbouring chains and crosslinks preventing the reptation constraint release. In a mean field approach, entanglements are treated within the famous reptation approach, since they effectively confine each individual chain in a tube-like geometry. We apply the classical ideas of reptation dynamics to calculate the effective rubber-elastic free energy of anisotropic networks, nematic liquid crystal elastomers, and present the first theory of entanglements for such a material.Comment: amended version (typos corrected, appendix extended

    Interplay between shear loading and structural aging in a physical gel

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    We show that the aging of the mechanical relaxation of a gelatin gel exhibits the same scaling phenomenology as polymer and colloidal glasses. Besides, gelatin is known to exhibit logarithmic structural aging (stiffening). We find that stress accelerates this process. However, this effect is definitely irreducible to a mere age shift with respect to natural aging. We suggest that it is interpretable in terms of elastically-aided elementary (coil\tohelix) local events whose dynamics gradually slows down as aging increases geometric frustration

    The boundary layer of VW Hyi in quiescence

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    In this letter, we suggest that the missing boundary layer luminosity of dwarf novae in quiescence is released mainly in the ultraviolet (UV) as the second component commonly identified in the far ultraviolet (FUV) as the "accretion belt". We present the well-studied SU UMa-type system VW Hyi in detail as a prototype for such a scenario. We consider detailed multiwavelength observations and in particular the recent FUSE observations of VW Hyi which confirm the presence of a second component (the "accretion belt") in the FUV spectrum of VW Hyi in quiescence. The temperature (50,000K) and rotational velocity (> 3,000km/s) of this second FUV component are entirely consistent with the optically thick region (tau = 1) located just at the outer edge of optically thin boundary layer in the simulations of Popham (1999). This second component contributes 20% of the FUV flux, therefore implying a boundary layer luminosity: LBL=2×(0.2×LUV+LXray)=0.6×LdiscL_{BL} = 2 \times (0.2 \times L_{UV} + L_{X-ray}) = 0.6 \times L_{disc}, while the theory (Klu\'zniak 1987) predicts, for the rotation rate of VW Hyi's WD, LBL0.77LdiscL_{BL} \approx 0.77 L_{disc}. The remaining accretion energy (<0.1Lacc<0.1 L_{acc}) is apparently advected into the star as expected for optically thin advection dominated boundary layers. This scenario is consistent with the recent simultaneous X-ray and UV observations of VW Hyi by (Pandel, C\'ordova & Howell 2003), from which we deduced here that the alpha viscosity parameter in the boundary layer region must be as small as α0.004\alpha \approx 0.004.Comment: 4 page

    Cryogenic Orbital Testbed (CRYOTE) Ground Test Article, Final Report

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    Liquid propulsion has been used since Robert Goddard started developing a liquid oxygen (LO2) and gasoline powered rocket and fired it in 1923 (Ref. 1). In the following decades engineers settled on the combination of liquid hydrogen (LH2) and LO2 as the most efficient propellant combination for in-space travel. Due to their low temperatures (LH2 at 20 K and LO2 at 90 K), they require special handling and procedures. General Dynamics began developing LO2 and LH2 upper stages in 1956 in the form of Centaur, these efforts were soon funded by the Department of Defense in conjunction with NASA (beginning in 1958) (Ref. 2). Meanwhile NASA also worked with McDonnell Douglas to develop the SIV-B stage for the Saturn V rocket. In the subsequent years, the engineers were able to push the Centaur to up to 9 hr of orbital lifetime and the SIV-B to up to 6 hr. Due to venting the resultant boil-off from the high heat loads through the foam insulation on the upper stages, both vehicles remained in a settled configuration throughout the flights, thus the two phases of propellant (liquid and vapor) were separated at a known location. The one exception to this were the Titan/Centaur missions, which thanks to the lower boil-off using three layers of multilayer insulation (MLI), were able to coast unsettled for up to 5.25 hr during direct geosynchronous orbit insertion missions. In the years since there has been a continuous effort to extend the life of these upper stages from hours to days or even months

    Evaluation of the Effect of Storage Time on ROTEM S® Parameters in Healthy and Ill Dogs.

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    Viscoelastic testing as a bedside test to assess global haemostasis has gained popularity in the past decade, with rotational thromboelastometry (ROTEM) and thromboelastography (TEG) being the two commonly used devices. TEG studies suggest analysis 30 min after blood sampling. However, the reproducibility of results over time for ROTEM analysis using lyophilized samples in dogs has not been established. In this study, we investigated the influence of time on viscoelastic testing, using 33 healthy staff-/client-owned dogs for blood sampling and repeated measurements of ROTEM tracings at three different time points after blood collection. Additionally, a group of 21 hospitalized patients with suspected coagulation disorders were included to investigate whether stability over time was comparable between healthy and ill dogs. We demonstrated a significant difference of ROTEM tracings over time, with a tendency towards hypocoagulability over time. These changes do have a clinical relevance as they exceed reference intervals and could therefore lead to erroneous conclusions about a patient's coagulation status. Therefore, time-specific reference intervals are proposed and presented in this publication