9 research outputs found

    Культурное наследие саков и великих тюрков в восточном Казахстане: Вопросы комплексного изучения, сохранения и музеефикации

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    В мае – августе 2019 года экспедицией продолжены широкомасштабные и комплексные работы на памятнике Елеке сазы (расположенного в горах Тарбагатая, на высоте от 1442 до 1550 м над уровнем моря), по теме: «Алтай - Тарбагатай от эпохи бронзы до средневековья» в рамках реализации задач второго этапа «Программы развития научно-исследовательских работ в сфере археологии в ВКО на 2019-2021 годы» Акимата Восточно-Казахстанской области Республики Казахстан (руководитель программы Д. К. Ахметов, темы – Самашев З.). Кроме археологических раскопок разновременных и разнотипных памятников археологии, проводились мероприятия по изучению и консервации элементов ряда погребально-поминальных объектов Елеке сазы для последующей их музеефикации

    Doppler waveforms and blood flow parameters of the superior and inferior mesenteric arteries in patients having Behcet disease with and without gastrointestinal symptoms -: Preliminary data

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    Objective. To evaluate hemodynamic changes in mesenteric arteries in patients with Behcet disease with and without gastrointestinal symptoms. Methods. Doppler sonography of mesenteric arteries was performed in 25 symptomatic and 15 asymptomatic patients having Behcet disease and in 25 healthy control subjects. The peak systolic, minimal, and mean velocities, resistive and pulsatility indexes, inner diameter, cross-sectional area, and blood flow volume of mesenteric arteries were evaluated. The results were compared between patient groups and controls. Results. The mesenteric artery flow was significantly greater in patients in the symptomatic group than in those in the asymptomatic group or in controls. In the superior mesenteric artery, mean velocity and mean blood flow volume (0.35+/-0.18 m/s and 711+/-404 mL/min, respectively; P<.0001) in the symptomatic group were significantly higher than in the asymptomatic group (0.16±0.07 m/s and 305±168 mL/min, respectively) or in controls (0.15±0.07 m/s and 290±123 mL/min, respectively). The mean peak systolic velocity (1.23±0.47 m/s; P<.005) in the symptomatic group was significantly higher than in controls (0.93+/-0.23 m/s). In the inferior mesenteric artery, mean velocity and mean blood flow volume (0.25+/-0.10 m/s and 139+/-79 mL/min) in the symptomatic group were significantly higher than in the asymptomatic group (0.16+/-0.07 m/s; P<.006; and 78±26 mL/min; P<.007) or in controls (0.17+/-0.07 m/s; P<.0031; 83±48 mL/min; P<.004). Conclusions. In this study, symptomatic patients with gastrointestinal Behcet disease were associated with a significant increase in mesenteric artery flow that could be evaluated easily on spectral patterns of arteries during Doppler sonography. The Doppler sonographic findings also revealed that intestinal involvement in patients with Behcet disease without gastrointestinal symptoms is not significantly different from that of healthy controls

    Endocan is markedly overexpressed in severe erectile dysfunction

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    This study aimed to measure the serum endocan level of patients with erectile dysfunction (ED) and to investigate the possible association between this and vasculogenic severe ED. We performed a prospective analysis of 86 consecutive patients affected by ED. Patients were divided into severe ED (IIEF-5 score7). A strong negative correlation was found between serum endocan levels and peak systolic velocity (p<.001 and r=-.665) in men with severe ED. Univariate logistic regression analysis demonstrated that tobacco consumption (p<.05), serum total 25-hydroxyvitamin D (p<.01), serum endocan levels (p<.01), peak systolic velocity (p<.01), hypertension (p<.001), dyslipidaemia (p<.001), metabolic syndrome (p=.026) and a history of a cardiovascular event (p<.001) significantly increase the risk of severe ED. In the multivariate logistic regression model, we also found that age, hypertension, metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular events and higher serum endocan levels were independently associated with severe ED. Circulating endocan may be used in daily practice as a new marker that correlates with cardiovascular risks and the severity of ED disease

    Poster presentations.

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    Disappearance of Biodiversity and Future of Our Foods

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    “I. Uluslararası Organik Tarım ve Biyoçeşitlilik Sempozyumu 27-29 Eylül Bayburt

    Proceedings Of The 23Rd Paediatric Rheumatology European Society Congress: Part Two

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