58 research outputs found

    Correlation between Precolonization of Trigeminal Ganglia by Attenuated Strains of Pseudorabies Virus and Resistance to Wild-Type Virus Latency

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    We compared the levels of latent pseudorabies virus (PRV) DNA in trigeminal ganglia (TG) of pigs after intranasal inoculation of different PRV strains by using quantitative DNA PCR. The extent of colonization attained in each case varied significantly according to the type of strain and inoculum dose, wild-type (WT) PRV being the most efficient strain in colonizing TG. When groups of pigs representing different levels of precolonization of TG with an attenuated PRV strain were challenged with WT PRV, it became evident that there is a statistically significant inverse correlation between the extent of precolonization attained by an attenuated PRV strain in TG and the level of establishment of latency by superinfecting WT PRV. The protection against WT PRV latency did not correlate with the extent of WE PRV replication at the portal of entry

    A Study of the Economics of Land Use and Livestock Production in Greece

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    [Table of Contents:] Summary --- Introduction --- Land Use Capability --- Livestock and Dairy Trends --- Demand for Livestock and Dairy Products (The Demand for Meat - The Demand for Dairy Products) --- Costs and Returns from Livestock Production (Feed Costs - Costs and Returns from Fattening Cattle - Beef Production - Sheep Production - Dairy Production - Hog Production - Broiler Production - Egg Production) --- Marketing (Meat Marketing - Basic Requirements - Full Utilization of Byproducts - Price Structure - Selling Live Cattle - Dairy Marketing - Broiler Marking) --- Conclusions --- Suggested Actions (Land Use - Crop Management - Livestock and Poultry Marketing - Dairy Marketing - Livestock and Dairy Production - Land Consolidation - Research) --- Possible Livestock Development in Greece (Objectives - Form of Organization -Source of Financing - Authorized Operation

    A Study of the Economics of Land Use and Livestock Production in Greece

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    [Table of Contents:] Summary --- Introduction --- Land Use Capability --- Livestock and Dairy Trends --- Demand for Livestock and Dairy Products (The Demand for Meat - The Demand for Dairy Products) --- Costs and Returns from Livestock Production (Feed Costs - Costs and Returns from Fattening Cattle - Beef Production - Sheep Production - Dairy Production - Hog Production - Broiler Production - Egg Production) --- Marketing (Meat Marketing - Basic Requirements - Full Utilization of Byproducts - Price Structure - Selling Live Cattle - Dairy Marketing - Broiler Marking) --- Conclusions --- Suggested Actions (Land Use - Crop Management - Livestock and Poultry Marketing - Dairy Marketing - Livestock and Dairy Production - Land Consolidation - Research) --- Possible Livestock Development in Greece (Objectives - Form of Organization -Source of Financing - Authorized Operation

    Analysis of the transcriptional promoter which regulates the latency-related transcript of bovine herpesvirus 1.

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    As a transcriptional promoter in primary cultures of sensory ganglionic neurons, DNA sequences near the 5' terminus of the latency-related (LR) gene of bovine herpesvirus 1 were at least 10 times more efficient than the simian virus 40 early promoter-enhancer. In contrast, as a promoter in bovine, rodent, or monkey cells, the LR promoter was approximately six times less efficient than the simian virus 40 early promoter-enhancer. The LR promoter had strict orientation preferences in neurons and all other mammalian cell lines tested. Removal of a 146-base-pair XhoI fragment from the LR promoter resulted in stimulation of LR promoter activity in bovine cells but not rabbit neurons, monkey fibroblasts, or rodent cells. LR promoter activity in bovine cells is stimulated by bovine herpesvirus 1 lytic infection, suggesting that viral gene products or virus-induced factors positively regulate the expression of the LR gene. A synthetic glucocorticoid, dexamethasone, repressed LR promoter activity in bovine cells. These results imply that a variety of factors can influence the expression of the LR gene during latent infections of neurons as well as during the lytic infection cycle

    Novel Gammaherpesvirus Functions 1 Encoded by Bovine herpesvirus (Bovine Lymphotropic virus)

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    The genus Macavirus of the subfamily Gammaherpesvirinae includes viruses that infect lymphoid cells of domestic and wild ruminants and swine, causing asymptomatic latent infections in reservoir hosts. Here, we describe the genome of bovine herpesvirus 6 (BoHV-6), a macavirus ubiquitous in healthy cattle populations. The BoHV-6 genome exhibited architecture conserved in macaviruses, including a repetitive H-DNA region and unique, 141 kilobase pair L DNA region predicted to encode 77 genes. BoHV-6 encoded in variable genomic regions a novel complement of genes relative to other characterized macaviruses, likely contributing to distinctive aspects of BoHV-6 infection biology and host range. Most notably, BoHV-6 encoded the first herpesviral protein (Bov2.b2) similar to cellular ornithine decarboxylase, an enzyme that catalyzes the first and rate-limiting step in the biosynthesis of polyamines. Bov2.b2 conceivably mediates a novel mechanism by which BoHV-6 promotes cell cycle-dependent viral replication
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