13 research outputs found


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    In order to describe the cobalt-water interaction correctly, a new ab ibitio potential was developed consisting of pair interaction terms as well as three-body contributions. Within this approach, it was possible to correct for the well-known failures of pair potentials in describing solvation phenomena of such ions. A first-shell coordination number of 6 in agreement with experimental data were obtained from Molecular Dynamics simulations of a single ruthenium (II) ion in water. The structure of hydrated ion is discussed in terms of radial density functions and coordination number, energy and angular distributions. FMIPA, 2007 (PEND. KIMIA

    Pengaruh PAD, DAU, DAK, SILPA Dan Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Terhadap Belanja Modal Di Kabupaten/Kota Jawa Tengah Tahun 2010-2015

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    This research aims to examine the influence of PAD, DAU, DAK, SiLPA, and Economic Growth toward financial Capital Expenditure at regency or city of Central Java in 2010-2015. The research uses descriptive quantitative method by using secondary data which is received fromwebsite www.bps.go.id. The population of the research is Regency / City of Central Java. The sample number of the research is 14 regencies / cities of Central Java. The collecting sample technique is purposive sampling. Data analysis method uses multiple linear regression to examine and prove the research hypothesis. Based on data analysis can be concluded that: PAD variable gives significant influence towards finacial capital expenditure, it is showed by significant influence in amount of 0.000 <α, so H1 is received with significance degree (0,000 α, so H3 is rejected with significance degree (0,109> 0,05) it is showed by significant influencein the amount of 0,001<0,05).So H4 is received with significant degree (0,000<0,05). SiLPA variable gives significant influence toward financial capital expenditure, it is showed by significant influence in the amount of 0,001 <α, so H4 is received with significance degree (0,001 <0,05). Whereas economic growth variable does not give significant influence towards financial capital expenditure, it is showed by significant influence in the amount of 0,214> α, so H5 is rejected with the significance degree (0,214> 0,05)

    Analisis Perkembangan Tingkat Kesehatan Bank Menggunakan Metode Camel (Studi Kasus pada Bank BPR Wira Ardana Sejahtera pada Tahun 2015-2018)

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    This study aims to determine performance of PT. BPR Wira Ardana Sejahtera in 2015-2018 using CAMEL method to compare between the previous leadership with the current leadership. This type of research is qualitative research. The data were obtained from documentation and questionnaires. The data analysis technique used in this study is based on the Decree of the Board of Directors of Bank Indonesia No. 30/12/KEP/DIR 1997 based on The Health Level Assessment Method of Rural Credit Bank. Based on the result of data analysis and discussion it could be concluded that the health level of PT. BPR Wira Ardana Sejahtera in 2015-2016 has decreased and has increased in 2017-2018

    PENGARUH KEPERCAYAAN TERHADAP KEPUTUSAN PEMBELIAN ONLINE SHOP (Studi Kuantitatif di Kalangan Siswi Kelas XI IPS 3 SMA Negeri 4 Surakarta melalui online shop di Instagram)

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    This study aims to determine whether there is influence of trust class XI IPS 3 SMA Negeri 4 Surakarta on purchasing decisions through the online shop on Instagram. The results of this study showed a significant difference to the results of research Based on a simple linear regression showed that the variables of trust (X) has tcount> ttable, ie 11.082> 2.851 with a significance level of 0.000. This means that Ho refused and H1 accepted. That is, that there is a positive and significant influence between the increase in confidence (X) of the Purchase Decision Online (Y). Based on the results of the hypothesis means that Ho refused and H1 accepted. Fhitung calculation results obtained by value Fhitung 0.000 8.470 with a significance of less than 0.05 and Ftabel at 3.9082. F value of 8.470> 3.9082. The results of this study mean confidence variable (X) jointly influence on purchase decisions online (Y). The result of the calculation of the coefficient of determination (R2) to demonstrate the value of R2 = 0.738 means that confidence (X) can explain the purchase decision online (Y) 73.8 percent The remaining 26.2 percent is influenced by other variables not included in this model

    Kualitas Hidup Perempuan Hamil Selama Pandemi Covid-19

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    The Covid-19 pandemic has an impact on almost everyone in the world, one of the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic is the decline in the quality of life of the community, including pregnant women. This is thought to stem from the lack of fulfillment of physical needs and the need for security caused by current conditions. This study aims to investigate the quality of life of pregnant women during the COVID-19 pandemic. The subjects of this study were Indonesian people who were 1-9 months pregnant with a total of 135 respondents. The data collection tool is the WHOQOL-BREF (WHO Quality of Life Questionnaire) scale which is distributed through an online platform. The data analysis technique used in this research is Univariant Analysis (descriptive analysis). The results of this study indicate that 67.40% of pregnant women in Indonesia have a very good quality of life, 30.37% have a good quality of life and the remaining 2.22% have a moderate quality of life. These results show that despite the pandemic, pregnant women in Indonesia still have a good quality of life. This study is expected to provide knowledge for pregnant women in Indonesia, so that pregnant women can maintain their quality of life. This research is expected to be the basis for the development of knowledge, especially regarding the quality of life of pregnant women and become the basis for policy making for pregnant women


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    Permasalahan distribusi pendapatan semakin penting diperhatikan karena terkait dengan aspek migrasi dan aspek sosial lainnya, sehingga secara khusus perhatian pada distribusi pendapatan antar golongan rumah tangga di Indonesa perlu dilakukan. Selanjutnya adalah menentukan kebijakan sektor produksi mana yang dapat dipilih dalam rangka mengurangi kesenjangan distribusi pendapatan antara golongan kaya dan miskin, khususnya antara golongan rumah tangga bukan pertanian golongan atas di kota dengan rumah tangga buruh tani dan rumah tangga bukan angkatan kerja di desa. Terkait dengan tujuan tersebut maka digunakan beberapu tahapan analisis, pertania dengan analisis pengganda global yaitu untuk melihat golongan rumah tangga mana yang menerima manfaat terbesar dari adanya pcubahan pennintaan akhir sektor produksi. Kedua, dengan menghitung rasio kesenjangan kaya-miskin yaitu membagi pendapatan rumah tangga paling kaya (nimah tangga bukan pertanian golongan atas di kota) dengan rumah tangga paling miskin (rumah tangga buruh tani dan rumah tangga bukan angkatan kerja di desa). Interpretasinya adalah, jika terjadi kenaikan permintaan akhir terhadap salah satu sektor produksi, berapa besar manfaat yang diterima rumah tangga paling kaya dibandingkan yang diterima rumah tangga paling miskin. Rasio yang semakin besar menunjukkan ketimpangan yang semakin besar Pula. Ketisa, dengan melihat structural path analysis yaitu pengganda langsung untuk mengetahui jalur pengaruh yang dilalui oleh sektor produksi pada golongan rumah tangga, khususnya pada golongan rumah tangga miskin yaitu rumah tangga buruh tani dan nimahtangga bukan angkatan kerja di desa. Dengan menggunakan program MATS (Matrix Accounts Transformation System) pada data SAM Indonesia Tahun 2000 dapat diperoleh angka pengganda global dan hasilnya rumah tangga terkaya menerima bagian penggandaan pendapatan terbesar sedangkan rumah tangga miskin menerima bagian pendapatan terkecil untuk setiap kegiatan produksi. Selanjutnya berdasarkan analisis rasio kesenjangan kaya-miskin, diperoleh 11 sektor produksi yang mampu mengurangi kesenjangan pendapatan golongan nimah tangga kaya dengan miskin, yaitu sektor produksi yang bergerak di pertanian; pertambangan, industri makanan, minuman, dan tembakau; indusiri kayu dan barang-barang dari kayu; industri kimia, pupuk, hasil-hasil dari tanah liat semen dan industri logam dasar; dan konstruksi. Jika dari ke-11 sektor produksi tersebut masih dilakukan pemilihan, maka kebijakan pengembangan sektor produksi untuk sektor pertanian tanaman pangan; sektor industri makanan, minuman dan tembakau; sektor pertambangan dan penggalian lainnya; serta sektor konstruksi dapat diprioritaskan. Kemudian dari ke-4 sektor produksi tersebut dapat dianalisis secara mendalam bagaimana jalur strukturalnya sampai ke rumah tangga miskin


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    Permasalahan distribusi pendapatan semakin penting diperhatikan karena terkait dengan aspek migrasi dan aspek sosial lainnya, sehingga secara khusus perhatian pada distribusi pendapatan antar golongan rumah tangga di Indonesa perlu dilakukan. Selanjutnya adalah menentukan kebijakan sektor produksi mana yang dapat dipilih dalam rangka mengurangi kesenjangan distribusi pendapatan antara golongan kaya dan miskin, khususnya antara golongan rumah tangga bukan pertanian golongan atas di kota dengan rumah tangga buruh tani dan rumah tangga bukan angkatan kerja di desa. Terkait dengan tujuan tersebut maka digunakan beberapu tahapan analisis, pertania dengan analisis pengganda global yaitu untuk melihat golongan rumah tangga mana yang menerima manfaat terbesar dari adanya pcubahan pennintaan akhir sektor produksi. Kedua, dengan menghitung rasio kesenjangan kaya-miskin yaitu membagi pendapatan rumah tangga paling kaya (nimah tangga bukan pertanian golongan atas di kota) dengan rumah tangga paling miskin (rumah tangga buruh tani dan rumah tangga bukan angkatan kerja di desa). Interpretasinya adalah, jika terjadi kenaikan permintaan akhir terhadap salah satu sektor produksi, berapa besar manfaat yang diterima rumah tangga paling kaya dibandingkan yang diterima rumah tangga paling miskin. Rasio yang semakin besar menunjukkan ketimpangan yang semakin besar Pula. Ketisa, dengan melihat structural path analysis yaitu pengganda langsung untuk mengetahui jalur pengaruh yang dilalui oleh sektor produksi pada golongan rumah tangga, khususnya pada golongan rumah tangga miskin yaitu rumah tangga buruh tani dan nimahtangga bukan angkatan kerja di desa. Dengan menggunakan program MATS (Matrix Accounts Transformation System) pada data SAM Indonesia Tahun 2000 dapat diperoleh angka pengganda global dan hasilnya rumah tangga terkaya menerima bagian penggandaan pendapatan terbesar sedangkan rumah tangga miskin menerima bagian pendapatan terkecil untuk setiap kegiatan produksi. Selanjutnya berdasarkan analisis rasio kesenjangan kaya-miskin, diperoleh 11 sektor produksi yang mampu mengurangi kesenjangan pendapatan golongan nimah tangga kaya dengan miskin, yaitu sektor produksi yang bergerak di pertanian; pertambangan, industri makanan, minuman, dan tembakau; indusiri kayu dan barang-barang dari kayu; industri kimia, pupuk, hasil-hasil dari tanah liat semen dan industri logam dasar; dan konstruksi. Jika dari ke-11 sektor produksi tersebut masih dilakukan pemilihan, maka kebijakan pengembangan sektor produksi untuk sektor pertanian tanaman pangan; sektor industri makanan, minuman dan tembakau; sektor pertambangan dan penggalian lainnya; serta sektor konstruksi dapat diprioritaskan. Kemudian dari ke-4 sektor produksi tersebut dapat dianalisis secara mendalam bagaimana jalur strukturalnya sampai ke rumah tangga miskin


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    Penemuan teknologi sumber energi alternatif yang dapat diperbarui merupakan hal penting yang harus di lakukan untuk mengurangi ketergantungan terhadap energi fosiJ. Sinar matahari merupakan salah satu alternatif sumber energi yang paling menjanjikan terkait dengan ketersediaannya serta bersih dan ramah terhadap Iingkungan. Beberapa teknik sedang dikembangkan untuk meningkatkan efisiensi penggunaan energi matahari dengan memperhitungkan aspek ekonominya. Salah satu teknik yang dikembangkan antara lain teknologi sel surya (fotovoltaik) yang memiliki kemampuan secara langsung mengkonversi sinar matahari menjadi tenaga listrik. Penemuan dye-sensitized sofar cells/DSSC berbasis nanokristalin titanium dioksida (Ti02) memberikan terobosan yang sangat menjanjikan di bidang sel surya karena tingginya efisiensi konversi yang dihasilkan dan murahnya biaya produksi. i\lasalah yang sering timbul pada sistem ini berkaitan dengan kestabilan termal dan fotodegradasi dye dan elektrolit yang berbentuk cair. Oleh karena itu perlu dilakukan usaha untuk meningkatkan efisiensi dan kestabilan DSSC dengan melakukan modifikasi hybrid material organik dan anorganik. Penelitian tahun kedua ini ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari dan mengembangkan metode sintesis nanopartikel semikonduktor TiO~ yang memenuhi persyaratan yang dibutuhkan untuk aplikasi sel surya hybrid. Semikonduktor Ti02 dipreparasi dengan metode hidrotermal menggunakan Titanium Tetra Isopropoksida sebagai prekursor logam dan doclesilamin sebagai templat. Beberapa parameter sintesis untuk masing masing metode dipelajari untuk Il1cngetahui pengaruhnya terhadap porositas dan kristalinitas material semikonduktor yang dihasilkan. Parameter sintesis yang mempengaruhi kristalinitas dan porositas Ti02 hasil sintesis antara lain waktu hidrotermal pembentukan prekursor anatase, temperatur hidrotermal, kondisi keasaman dan konsentrasi surfaktan. Karaktersisasi material Ti02 hasil sintesis menunjukkan bahwa Ti02 mesopori yang disintesis dengan metode hidrotermal memiliki karakterisasi yang lebih sesuai untuk aplikasi sel surya dibandingkan hasil metodc sol gel yang dilakukan pada tahun pertama. Studi awal tentang penggunaan elektrolit gel berbasis poli-vinil-piridin (ryp) menunjukkan peningkatan etisiensi dan kestabilan sel surya


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    Titanium dioxide (TiO2) is a metal oxide semiconductor that is widely used in solar energy application because its highly thermal and chemical stability, inert, non toxic, high specific surface area and easy to prepare. However, the intrinsic wide band gap nature of TiO2 (3�3,4 eV) impairs TiO2 from playing such important role since it provides less respond to visible light. In order to increase the efficiency of solar energy utilization based on TiO2, it is a need to improve its activity in visible region mainly focusing on nitrogen doping. In this research, the synthesis of anatase type N-doped TiO2 mesopore was done through one step sol gel technique, where the pore formation process and nitrogen doping process were done in one step. Dodecylamine was used as pore template agent and nitrogen source, whereas titanium tetraisopropoxide (TTIP) as titania precursor. The improvement of TiO2 with respect to visible light response was then tested as catalyst material in methylene blue photodegradation and as semiconductor material in dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSC) system. The one step sol gel synthesis of N-doped TiO2 begins with formation of dodecylamine micelle structure before the addition of titanium precursor. The mixed precursor solution was then refluxed to facilitate the coordination between dodecylamine and TTIP. In order to control the hydrolysis rate, the acid was added to the mixed precursor solution after reflux treatment. Hydrolysis process was achieved by adding aquadest gradually to prevent particle agglomeration and fast formation of TiO2. Calcination treatment was done to eliminate the template from the resulted solid to form the pore and crystal structure of TiO2. The result showed that acidic condition, mole ratio of N/Ti precursor, H2O content in hydrolysis process influenced the crystal structure and porosity of resulting N- doped TiO2. Acidic condition influenced the N-doped TiO2, where the low acidic condition lead to raise rutile type crystalline formation. The acidic condition also influenced the porosity of N-doped TiO2, where the high acid condition did not support the mesostructural formation. The pH range of 5 � 7 provided the optimum formation of N-doped TiO2 mesostructure. The mole ratio of N/Ti precursor showed a significant effect on the porosity of the N-doped TiO2 and nitrogen content but only a little influence on the crystal structure. H2O content on hydrolysis process affects both the porosity and the crystallinity of N-doped TiO2 because the content of H + ions regulates the interaction between TTIP and dodecylamine. While the variation of the calcination temperature affects the phase and crystal size and also the amount of nitrogen doped. The presence of nitrogen doped in TiO2 provides a response to visible light. Application of N-TiO2 as a photocatalyst on methylene blue degradation reactions is influenced by the physicochemical and adsorption characters of N- doped TiO2. The reaction rate constant of methylene blue degradation using N- doped TiO2 catalysts is related to the specific surface area, pore volume, amount of nitrogen doped, maximum adsorption capacity and adsorption equilibrium constants. The adsorption characters of N-doped TiO2 are also strongly influenced by its physical character, i.e. the specific surface area and amount of nitrogen doped. N-doped TiO2 has higher adsorption equilibrium constant and maximum adsorption capacity values than pure TiO


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    Background: Health services will continue to change (Siegler & Whitney, 2000). The demands on the quality of health care are also increasing. So it is important to increase the awareness of quality of patient care (Ateah, 2010). To achieve the maximum quality of health services required collaboration among health professionals. WHO provides an innovative strategy of increasing collaboration, namely Interprofessional Education (IPE). Some literatures suggest that IPE should be done at the early stages of professional education and is best done in clinical and academic practice. However, implementation is still hampered due to the stereotypes of the profession among students (Ateah, 2010). IPE concept is very possible to be developed at the Medicine Faculty of UGM because it uses the block system. Structure learning with block system is similar to IPE concept (Curran, 2007). To be a professional health care, it is important for students to participate early in implementing IPE in order to achieve a good collaboration. Therefore, this study aimed to determine the relationship of stereotypes about the profession with readiness of Interprofessional Education in students of Medicine Faculty of UGM. Objective: To determine the relationship of stereotypes about the profession with readiness of Interprofessional Education in students of Medicine Faculty of UGM. Methods: The study was non-experimental with the correlation analytical descriptive approach. The research design was cross-sectional. The research was conducted in December and January 2013. Research�s location is in Dr. Sardjito Hospital Yogyakarta. The sample size in this study was determined by Quota sampling. Total participants in this study there are 76 people, consisting of 63 students of doctoral education and 13 students of nursing science program. This study uses an instrument Student Stereotype Rating Questionare (SSRQ) and The Readiness for Interprofessional Learning Scale (RIPLS). This study uses parametric test Pearson and Spearman. Results: Spearman correlation test results obtained correlation coefficient of 0.230 towards the positive with a significance level of p = 0.045. Since p <0.05, it can be said that there is a relationship between heterostereotip about professions with readiness to IPE. Conclusion: There is a relationship between heterostereotip about professions with readiness for IPE, but there is no relationship between autostereotip about profession with readiness of the IPE