6 research outputs found

    Life cycle analysis of jonggol islamic city in indonesia

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    This paper develops the theory of life cycle analysis for urban areas. It aims to present the development phases of Jonggol Islamic City through Life Cycle Analysis. The undertaken research is based upon the model of Lourenço meta - analysis for urban growth areas represented by three curves of planning, action and living. This theory contributes to urban design knowledge development especially in the monitoring phase. This graphical method helps experts and city managers as well as the citizens better identify the trends for urban areas in terms of sustainable development including the three aspects of economic, social, and environment components

    Construction Method and Performance of Bugis Traditional House in Wind Disasters

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    Bugis ethnic in South Sulawesi Province, Indonesia is known as an old tribe who domiciled in the south peninsula of Sulawesi island. They have characteristics of high legacy, culture by the script called lontaraq and life in a traditional stilt house called bola ogi. This house was built in certain methods and become a research problem. The goal of this study is to reveal the construction method and the performance of the Bugis traditional house in facing of wind disaster. The research methods are field observation and in-depth interview. Field observation to reveal the old construction methods of 100 years traditional the Bugis house and its performance in collapse by wind disasters. In-depth interview to strengthen information. The research revealed that Bugis house made of wood and its built-in certain construction methods called mappasituppu. Structure system consists of the main and secondary structure which is joined together rigidly an appropriate hierarchy. The part of the structural member is setting follows natural way. The wind attack saw that building structure collapse step by step depend on its function in the structure as a whole. The lesson from Bugis in construction method is the part of the structure system best to design in the proper strength hierarchy. The strength, structure hierarchy is the maximum strength part of structure equal to the minimum strength of the structure which supports them

    Pemetaan Limbah Kerajinan dan Industri Kecil Menengah Berbasis Eco-Industrial Park Menuju Kawasan Zero Waste di Kabupaten Sukoharjo

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    This research is about Small Medium Industry (SMI) waste management which integrate SMIs in Sukoharjo. The aim of this study is to determine the potential of the SMI waste in order to improve the welfare of SMIs in Sukoharjo economically and environmentally, and to determine whether the concept of eco-industrial park (EIP) can be applied to SMIs in Sukoharjo. Results from this research is that with design the concept of zero waste from each IKM waste by recycling and / or reuse of waste produced, then mapping the SMI waste management to realistic EIP system and EIP towards the ideal system thus becoming a zero waste industrial region. SMIs waste utilization with realistic EIP system capable of obtaining savings of Rp172.176.360, - per month and an increase in profit of Rp79.705.000, - per month with BCR of 2.15. While the concept of EIP towards the ideal system capable of obtaining savings of Rp166.447.860, - per month and an increase in profit of Rp 66.409.100, - per month with an increase in investment of Rp2,289,182,500,- with BCR of 1.89. Results of analysis of the environmental impact of EIP realistic system and EIP towards the ideal system is to have a positive impact to the environment. Results of the analysis gap shows that concept of EIP can be applied to SMIs in Sukoharjo

    The effect of spatial configuration in the thermal area of Fort Oranje public space in Ternate City

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    Crowded city will be impact to the temperature of urban areas. This condition is commonly known as the urban heat island effect. It’s impact to the activity that happened in the urban space. Recently, Fort Oranje (urban space/square) that has history value has been revitalized as an urban public space that is crowd visited by Ternate’s people. Therefore, the thermal comfort becomes an important thing and that is available to the users. The research is aim to know the influence of space configuration change to the aspect of thermal comfort in the urban public space. The method that is used in this research is empirical measurement and simulation method using Envi-MET software. This method is used to simulate the condition of thermal area in Fort Oranje. The result of this research showed that space configuration that change before and after the development of Ternate waterfront city impact to the thermal conditions in Fort Oranje public space


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    The rapid development of a city caused the increasing temperature in that city. This condition usually known as the effect of Urban Heat Island. This circumstance impact to the activity in urban space (public). Street (one of urban space) Urip Sumoharjo is a commercial street which crowded to visit. Concerned with that the pleasure become an important thing and it must be available for the user. One of the pleasure is about thermal. Thermal pleasure affected to the psychological condition of user in doing activity. If the thermal pleasure was fulfilled so that it will has impact to how long the user be in the street. This research aimed to get a comfortable space order from thermal aspect. The method used is simulation method that using software Envi-MET 3.1 and empiric survey. This method used to stimulate the existing and ideal condition (variable). Then the result used as basic design guidelines at Urip Sumoharjo street. Generally result of the research explain that street of Urip Sumoharjo did not has quality of thermal which can fulfill standard of pleasure for pedestrian. Beside that the configuration of street (east-west) tend to hampered the wind movement (north-south) that create pollution. Recommendation of the result of this research is to arrange street based on the thermal pleasure without making the function disappear as urban space and the continuity of pedestrian

    The correlation of lighting and mood in the workplace: digital image-based research

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    Mood affects an individual's performance, whether relaxed/tense or alert/fatigued. This article was based on research to study a correlation between the lighting setting with relaxed-tense and alert/fatigued moods in the workplace by observing the illuminance level, the correlated color temperature (CCT), and the overhead/peripheral placement of lighting. The research was conducted with two online image-based questionnaire evaluations of 7 different lighting settings specifying their illuminance level, CCT, and placement as overhead or peripheral lighting depicted in images from the DIALux simulation. In the first questionnaire, subjects were asked to rate the difference between the two lighting displays being compared and the combination of the seven lighting settings. In the second questionnaire, subjects were also asked to rate their relaxed-tense and alert-fatigued perceptions of the lighting diplayed in the image. The results of these two questionnaires were analyzed by multidimensional scaling and correlation analysis. This image-based research concluded that a relaxed/tense perceived mood correlated negatively with the CCT, and an alert/fatigued perceived mood correlated negatively with the illuminance level and the CCT